# Copyright 2020 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # # # module JSS # A collection of useful utility methods. Mostly for # converting values between formats, parsing data, and # user interaction. # Converts an OS Version into an Array of higher OS versions. # # It's unlikely that this library will still be in use as-is by the release of OS X 10.19.15. # Hopefully well before then JAMF will implement a "minimum OS" in the JSS itself. # # @param min_os [String] the mimimum OS version to expand, e.g. ">=10.6.7" or "10.6.7" # # @return [Array] Nearly all potential OS versions from the minimum to 10.19.x. # # @example # JSS.expand_min_os ">=10.6.7" # => returns this array # # ["10.6.7", # # "10.6.8", # # "10.6.9", # # "10.6.10", # # "10.6.11", # # "10.6.12", # # "10.6.13", # # "10.6.14", # # "10.6.15", # # "10.7.x", # # "10.8.x", # # "10.9.x", # # "10.10.x", # # "10.11.x", # # "10.12.x", # # "10.13.x", # # "10.14.x", # # "10.15.x", # # "10.16.x", # # "10.17.x", # # "10.18.x", # # "10.19.x"] # # def self.expand_min_os(min_os) min_os = min_os.delete '>=' # split the version into major, minor and maintenance release numbers (maj, min, maint) = min_os.split('.') maint = 'x' if maint.nil? || maint == '0' # if the maint release number is an "x" just start the list of OK OS's with it if maint == 'x' ok_oses = [maj + '.' + min.to_s + '.x'] # otherwise, start with it and explicitly add all maint releases up to 15 # (and hope apple doesn't do more than 15 maint releases for an OS) else ok_oses = [] (maint.to_i..15).each do |m| ok_oses << maj + '.' + min + '.' + m.to_s end # each m end # now account for all OS X versions starting with 10. # up to at least 10.19.x ((min.to_i + 1)..19).each do |v| ok_oses << maj + '.' + v.to_s + '.x' end # each v ok_oses end # Scripts and packages can have processor limitations. # This method tests a given processor, against a requirement # to see if the requirement is met. # # @param requirement[String] The processor requirement. # either 'ppc', 'x86', or some variation on "none", nil, or empty # # @param processor[String] the processor to check, defaults to # the processor of the current machine. Any flavor of intel ## is (i486, i386, x86-64, etc) is treated as "x86" # # @return [Boolean] can this pkg be installed with the processor # given? # def self.processor_ok?(requirement, processor = nil) return true if requirement.to_s.empty? || requirement =~ /none/i processor ||= `/usr/bin/uname -p` requirement == (processor.to_s.include?('86') ? 'x86' : 'ppc') end # Scripts and packages can have OS limitations. # This method tests a given OS, against a requirement list # to see if the requirement is met. # # @param requirement[String,Array] The os requirement list, a comma-seprated string # or array of strings of allows OSes. e.g. 10.7, 10.8.5 or 10.9.x # # @param processor[String] the os to check, defaults to # the os of the current machine. # # @return [Boolean] can this pkg be installed with the processor # given? # def self.os_ok?(requirement, os_to_check = nil) return true if requirement.to_s =~ /none/i return true if requirement.to_s == 'n' requirement = JSS.to_s_and_a(requirement)[:arrayform] return true if requirement.empty? os_to_check ||= `/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp # convert the requirement array into an array of regexps. # examples: # "10.8.5" becomes /^10\.8\.5$/ # "10.8" becomes /^10.8(.0)?$/ # "10.8.x" /^10\.8\.?\d*$/ req_regexps = requirement.map do |r| if r.end_with?('.x') /^#{r.chomp('.x').gsub('.', '\.')}\.?\d*$/ elsif r =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/ /^#{r.gsub('.', '\.')}(.0)?$/ else /^#{r.gsub('.', '\.')}$/ end end req_regexps.each { |re| return true if os_to_check =~ re } false end # Given a list of data as a comma-separated string, or an Array of strings, # return a Hash with both versions. # # Some parts of the JSS require lists as comma-separated strings, while # often those data are easier work with as arrays. This method is a handy way # to get either form when given either form. # # @param somedata [String, Array] the data to parse, of either class, # # @return [Hash{:stringform => String, :arrayform => Array}] the data as both comma-separated String and Array # # @example # JSS.to_s_and_a "foo, bar, baz" # Hash => {:stringform => "foo, bar, baz", :arrayform => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]} # # JSS.to_s_and_a ["foo", "bar", "baz"] # Hash => {:stringform => "foo, bar, baz", :arrayform => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]} # def self.to_s_and_a(somedata) case somedata when nil valstr = '' valarr = [] when String valstr = somedata valarr = somedata.split(/,\s*/) when Array valstr = somedata.join ', ' valarr = somedata else raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'Input must be a comma-separated String or an Array of Strings' end # case { stringform: valstr, arrayform: valarr } end # to_s_and_a # Parse a plist into a Ruby data structure. # This enhances Plist::parse_xml taking file paths, as well as XML Strings # and reading the files regardless of binary/XML format. # # @param plist[Pathname, String] the plist XML, or the path to a plist file # # @return [Object] the parsed plist as a ruby hash,array, etc. # def self.parse_plist(plist) # did we get a string of xml, or a string pathname? case plist when String return Plist.parse_xml plist if plist.include? '' plist = Pathname.new plist when Pathname true else raise ArgumentError, 'Argument must be a path (as a Pathname or String) or a String of XML' end # case plist # if we're here, its a Pathname raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No such file: #{plist}" unless plist.file? Plist.parse_xml `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c print #{Shellwords.escape(plist.to_s)}`.force_encoding('UTF-8') end # parse_plist # Converts anything that responds to #to_s to a Time, or nil # # Return nil if the item is nil, 0 or an empty String. # # Otherwise the item converted to a string, and parsed with DateTime.parse. # It is then examined to see if it has a UTC offset. If not, the local offset # is applied, then the DateTime is converted to a Time. # # @param a_datetime [#to_s] The thing to convert to a time. # # @return [Time, nil] nil is returned if a_datetime is nil, 0 or an empty String. # def self.parse_time(a_datetime) return nil if NIL_DATES.include? a_datetime the_dt = DateTime.parse(a_datetime.to_s) # The microseconds in DateTimes are stored as a fraction of a day. # Convert them to an integer of microseconds usec = (the_dt.sec_fraction * 60 * 60 * 24 * (10**6)).to_i # if the UTC offset of the datetime is zero, make a new one with the correct local offset # (which might also be zero if we happen to be in GMT) if the_dt.offset.zero? the_dt = DateTime.new(the_dt.year, the_dt.month, the_dt.day, the_dt.hour, the_dt.min, the_dt.sec, JSS::TIME_ZONE_OFFSET) end # now convert it to a Time and return it Time.at the_dt.strftime('%s').to_i, usec end # parse_time # Deprecated - to be eventually removed in favor of # the more-appropriately named JSS::parse_time # # @see JSS::parse_time # def self.parse_datetime(a_datetime) parse_time(a_datetime) end # Converts JSS epoch (unix epoch + milliseconds) to a Ruby Time object # # @param epoch[String, Integer, nil] # # @return [Time, nil] nil is returned if epoch is nil, 0 or an empty String. # def self.epoch_to_time(epoch) return nil if NIL_DATES.include? epoch Time.at(epoch.to_i / 1000.0) end # parse_date # Given a name, singular or plural, of a JSS::APIObject subclass as a String # or Symbol (e.g. :computer/'computers'), return the class itself # (e.g. JSS::Computer) # The available names are the RSRC_LIST_KEY # and RSRC_OBJECT_KEY values for each APIObject subclass. # # @seealso JSS.api_object_names # # @param name[String,Symbol] The name of a JSS::APIObject subclass, singluar # or plural # # @return [Class] The class # def self.api_object_class(name) klass = api_object_names[name.downcase.to_sym] raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Unknown API Object Class: #{name}" unless klass klass end # APIObject subclasses have singular names, and are, of course # capitalized, e.g. 'Computer' # But we often want to refer to them in the plural, or lowercase, # e.g. 'computers' # This method returns a Hash of the RSRC_LIST_KEY (a plural symbol) # and the RSRC_OBJECT_KEY (a singular symbol) of each APIObject # subclass, keyed to the class itself, such that both :computer # and :computers are keys for JSS::Computer and both :policy and # :policies are keys for JSS::Policy, and so on. # # @return [Hash] APIObject subclass names to Classes # def self.api_object_names return @api_object_names if @api_object_names @api_object_names ||= {} JSS.constants.each do |const| klass = JSS.const_get const next unless klass.is_a? Class next unless klass.ancestors.include? JSS::APIObject @api_object_names[klass.const_get(:RSRC_LIST_KEY).to_sym] = klass if klass.constants.include? :RSRC_LIST_KEY @api_object_names[klass.const_get(:RSRC_OBJECT_KEY).to_sym] = klass if klass.constants.include? :RSRC_OBJECT_KEY end @api_object_names end # Given a string of xml element text, escape any characters that would make XML unhappy. # * & => & # * " => " # * < => < # * > => > # * ' => ' # # @param string [String] the string to make xml-compliant. # # @return [String] the xml-compliant string # def self.escape_xml(string) string.gsub(/&/, '&').gsub(/\"/, '"').gsub(/>/, '>').gsub(/bar # morefoo # # @param element [#to_s] an element_name like :foo # # @param list [Array<#to_s>] an Array of element content such as ["bar", :morefoo] # # @return [Array] # def self.array_to_rexml_array(element, list) raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'Arg. must be an Array.' unless list.is_a? Array element = element.to_s list.map do |v| e = REXML::Element.new(element) e.text = v e end end # Given a simple Hash, convert it to an array of REXML Elements such that each # key becomes an element, and its value becomes the text content of # that element # # @example # my_hash = {:foo => "bar", :baz => :morefoo} # xml = JSS.hash_to_rexml_array(my_hash) # xml.each{|x| puts x } # # bar # morefoo # # @param hash [Hash{#to_s => #to_s}] the Hash to convert # # @return [Array] the Array of REXML elements. # def self.hash_to_rexml_array(hash) raise InvalidDataError, 'Arg. must be a Hash.' unless hash.is_a? Hash ary = [] hash.each_pair do |k, v| el = REXML::Element.new k.to_s el.text = v ary << el end ary end # Given an Array of Hashes with :id and/or :name keys, return # a single REXML element with a sub-element for each item, # each of which contains a :name or :id element. # # @param list_element [#to_s] the name of the XML element that contains the list. # e.g. :computers # # @param item_element [#to_s] the name of each XML element in the list, # e.g. :computer # # @param item_list [Array] an Array of Hashes each with a :name or :id key. # # @param content [Symbol] which hash key should be used as the content of if list item? Defaults to :name # # @return [REXML::Element] the item list as REXML # # @example # comps = [{:id=>2,:name=>'kimchi'},{:id=>5,:name=>'mantis'}] # xml = JSS.item_list_to_rexml_list(:computers, :computer , comps, :name) # puts xml # # output manually formatted for clarity. No newlines in the real xml string # # # kimchi # # # mantis # # # # # if content is :id, then, eg. kimchi would be 2 # def self.item_list_to_rexml_list(list_element, item_element, item_list, content = :name) xml_list = REXML::Element.new list_element.to_s item_list.each do |i| xml_list.add_element(item_element.to_s).add_element(content.to_s).text = i[content] end xml_list end # Parse a JSS Version number into something comparable. # # This method returns a Hash with these keys: # * :major => the major version, Integer # * :minor => the minor version, Integor # * :maint => the revision, Integer (also available as :patch and :revision) # * :build => the revision, String # * :version => a Gem::Version object built from :major, :minor, :revision # which can be easily compared with other Gem::Version objects. # # NOTE: the :version value ignores build numbers, so comparisons # only compare major.minor.maint # # @param version[String] a JSS version number from the API # # @return [Hash{Symbol => String, Gem::Version}] the parsed version data. # def self.parse_jss_version(version) major, second_part, *_rest = version.split('.') raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'JSS Versions must start with "x.x" where x is one or more digits' unless major =~ /\d$/ && second_part =~ /^\d/ release, build = version.split(/-/) major, minor, revision = release.split '.' minor ||= 0 revision ||= 0 { major: major.to_i, minor: minor.to_i, revision: revision.to_i, maint: revision.to_i, patch: revision.to_i, build: build, version: Gem::Version.new("#{major}.#{minor}.#{revision}") } end # @return [Boolean] is this code running as root? # def self.superuser? Process.euid.zero? end # Retrive one or all lines from whatever was piped to standard input. # # Standard input is read completely the first time this method is called # and the lines are stored as an Array in the module var @stdin_lines # # @param line[Integer] which line of stdin is being retrieved. # The default is zero (0) which returns all of stdin as a single string. # # @return [String, nil] the requested ling of stdin, or nil if it doesn't exist. # def self.stdin(line = 0) @stdin_lines ||= ($stdin.tty? ? [] : $stdin.read.lines.map { |l| l.chomp("\n") }) return @stdin_lines.join("\n") if line <= 0 idx = line - 1 @stdin_lines[idx] end # Prompt for a password in a terminal. # # @param message [String] the prompt message to display # # @return [String] the text typed by the user # def self.prompt_for_password(message) begin $stdin.reopen '/dev/tty' unless $stdin.tty? $stderr.print "#{message} " system '/bin/stty -echo' pw = $stdin.gets.chomp("\n") puts ensure system '/bin/stty echo' end # begin pw end # un/set devmode mode. # Useful when coding - methods can call JSS.devmode? and then # e.g. spit out something instead of performing some action. # # @param [Symbol] Set devmode :on or :off # # @return [Boolean] The new state of devmode # def self.devmode(setting) @devmode = setting == :on ? true : false end # is devmode currently on? # # @return [Boolean] # def self.devmode? @devmode end end # module