require 'autobuild/logging' def subcommand(target, type, *command) # Filter nil and empty? in command command = command.reject { |o| o.nil? || (o.respond_to?(:empty?) && o.empty?) } command.collect! { |o| o.to_s } logname = "#{$LOGDIR}/#{target}-#{type}.log" puts "#{target}: running #{command.join(" ")}\n (output goes to #{logname})" status =, "a") { |logfile| pid = fork { if $VERBOSE $stderr.dup.reopen(logfile.dup) $stdout.dup.reopen(logfile.dup) else $stderr.reopen(logfile.dup) $stdout.reopen(logfile.dup) end if !exec(*command) raise "Error running command" end } childpid, childstatus = Process.wait2(pid) childstatus } if status.exitstatus > 0 raise, command.join(" "), logname, status.exitstatus) return false else return true end end