require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/migration' module Blacklight class ModelsGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :model_name, :type => :string , :default => "user" class_option :devise , :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => "-d", :desc => "Use Devise as authentication logic (this is default)." desc """ This generator makes the following changes to your application: 1. Creates several database migrations if they do not exist in /db/migrate 2. Creates config/solr.yml with a default solr configuration 3. Injects behavior into your user model 4. Creates a blacklight document in your /app/models directory """ def check_arguments if File.exists?("app/models/#{model_name}.rb") and options[:devise] puts "Because you have selected \"#{model_name}\", which is an existing class, you will need to install devise manually and then run this generator without the Devise option. You can find additional information here: \n Please be sure to include a to_s method in #{model_name} that returns the users name or email, as this will be used by Blacklight to provide a link to user specific information." exit end end # Install Devise? def generate_devise_assets if options[:devise] gem "devise" gem "devise-guests", "~> 0.3" Bundler.with_clean_env do run "bundle install" end generate "devise:install" generate "devise", model_name.classify generate "devise_guests", model_name.classify # add the #to_s to the model. insert_into_file("app/models/#{model_name}.rb", :before => /end(\n| )*$/) do %{ # Method added by Blacklight; Blacklight uses #to_s on your # user class to get a user-displayable login/identifier for # the account. def to_s email end } end gsub_file("config/initializers/devise.rb", "config.sign_out_via = :delete", "config.sign_out_via = :get") end end # Copy all files in templates/config directory to host config def create_configuration_files copy_file "config/solr.yml", "config/solr.yml" copy_file "config/jetty.yml", "config/jetty.yml" end # Setup the database migrations def copy_migrations rake "blacklight:install:migrations" end # Add Blacklight to the user model def inject_blacklight_user_behavior file_path = "app/models/#{model_name.underscore}.rb" if File.exists?(file_path) inject_into_class file_path, model_name.classify do "\n attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 4\n" + "# Connects this user object to Blacklights Bookmarks. " + "\n include Blacklight::User\n" end else say_status("warning", "Blacklight authenticated user functionality not installed, as a user model could not be found at /app/models/user.rb. If you used a different name, please re-run the migration and provide that name as an argument. Such as `rails -g blacklight client`", :yellow) end end def create_solr_document copy_file "solr_document.rb", "app/models/solr_document.rb" end end end