# Auto Ria Api This gem provides integration with [https://auto.ria.com/](https://auto.ria.com/) #### Please NOTE that this is very early version and not all endpoints are implemented. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'auto_ria_api' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install auto_ria_api ## Usage First of all you need an api_key which you can get at [https://developers.ria.com](https://developers.ria.com) ```ruby # create an instance @client = AutoRiaApi::Base.new(api_key: ENV['AUTO_RIA_API_KEY']) # Methods: @client.types @client.carcasses(type:, grouped: false, all: false) @client.marks(carcasse:) @client.models(carcasse:, mark, grouped: false, all: false) @client.regions @client.cities(region:) @client.gearboxes(carcasse:) @client.fuels @client.colors @client.options(type:) @client.info(car_id:) # all method arguments assuming ID (Integer) ``` For more detailed documentation follows: [https://github.com/ria-com/auto-ria-rest-api/tree/master/AUTO_RIA_API](https://github.com/ria-com/auto-ria-rest-api/tree/master/AUTO_RIA_API) [https://api-docs-v2.readthedocs.io/ru/latest/auto_ria/index.html](https://api-docs-v2.readthedocs.io/ru/latest/auto_ria/index.html) ## TODO: 1. Get rid of ::Base namespace. I.e instance should be created directly with `AutoRiaApi.new` 1. Implement `search` 1. Implement `average_price` 1. Implement `info` endpoints ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/drkmen/auto_ria_api. Help is appreciated Feel free to fork and make a difference! ## Tests Provide `ENV['AUTO_RIA_API_KEY']` in your `.env` file or add it to system env: `export AUTO_RIA_API_KEY=your_key` and run `rspec` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).