=begin Copyright (C) 2005 Jeff Rose This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the ruby language itself, see the file COPYING for details. =end module Icalendar class Calendar < Component ical_component :events, :todos, :journals, :freebusys, :timezones ical_property :calscale, :calendar_scale ical_property :prodid, :product_id ical_property :version ical_property :ip_method def initialize() super("VCALENDAR") # Set some defaults self.calscale = "GREGORIAN" # Who knows, but this is the only one in the spec. self.prodid = "iCalendar-Ruby" # Current product... Should be overwritten by apps that use the library self.version = "2.0" # Version of the specification end def print_component "BEGIN:#{@name.upcase}\r\n" + "VERSION:#{version}\r\n" + # Then the properties print_properties(@properties.select { |k,v| k != 'version' }) + # sub components yield + # End of this component "END:#{@name.upcase}\r\n" end def event(&block) e = Event.new # Note: I'm not sure this is the best way to pass this down, but it works e.tzid = self.timezones[0].tzid if self.timezones.length > 0 self.add_component e if block e.instance_eval(&block) if e.tzid e.dtstart.ical_params = { "TZID" => e.tzid } e.dtend.ical_params = { "TZID" => e.tzid } end end e end def find_event(uid) self.events.find {|e| e.uid == uid} end def todo(&block) e = Todo.new self.add_component e e.instance_eval(&block) if block e end def find_todo(uid) self.todos.find {|t| t.uid == uid} end def journal(&block) e = Journal.new self.add_component e e.instance_eval(&block) if block e end def find_journal(uid) self.journals.find {|j| j.uid == uid} end def freebusy(&block) e = Freebusy.new self.add_component e e.instance_eval(&block) if block e end def find_freebusy(uid) self.freebusys.find {|f| f.uid == uid} end def timezone(&block) e = Timezone.new self.add_component e e.instance_eval(&block) if block e end # The "PUBLISH" method in a "VEVENT" calendar component is an # unsolicited posting of an iCalendar object. Any CU may add published # components to their calendar. The "Organizer" MUST be present in a # published iCalendar component. "Attendees" MUST NOT be present. Its # expected usage is for encapsulating an arbitrary event as an # iCalendar object. The "Organizer" may subsequently update (with # another "PUBLISH" method), add instances to (with an "ADD" method), # or cancel (with a "CANCEL" method) a previously published "VEVENT" # calendar component. def publish self.ip_method = "PUBLISH" end end # class Calendar end # module Icalendar