# Provides a nice DSL for interacting with the standard # CLLocationManager # module BubbleWrap module CLLocationWrap def latitude self.coordinate.latitude end def longitude self.coordinate.longitude end end module Location module Error DISABLED=0 PERMISSION_DENIED=1 NETWORK_FAILURE=2 LOCATION_UNKNOWN=3 end Constants.register KCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation, KCLLocationAccuracyBest, KCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters, KCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters, KCLLocationAccuracyKilometer, KCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers module_function # Start getting locations # @param [Hash] options = { # significant: true/false; whether to listen for significant location changes or # all location changes (see Apple docs for info); default == false # distance_filter: minimum change in distance to be updated about, in meters; # default == uses KCLDistanceFilterNone, # desired_accuracy: minimum accuracy for updates to arrive; # any of :best_for_navigation, :best, :nearest_ten_meters, # :hundred_meters, :kilometer, or :three_kilometers; default == :best # purpose: string to display when the system asks user for location, # retries: if location cant be found. how many errors do we retry; default == 5 # } # @block for callback. takes one argument, `result`. # - On error or cancelled, is called with a hash {error: BW::Location::Error::} # - On success, is called with a hash {to: #, from: #} # # Example # BW::Location.get(distance_filter: 10, desired_accuracy: :nearest_ten_meters) do |result| # result[:to].class == CLLocation # result[:from].class == CLLocation # p "Lat #{result[:to].latitude}, Long #{result[:to].longitude}" # end def get(options = {}, &block) @callback = block @callback.weak! if @callback && BubbleWrap.use_weak_callbacks? @options = options @options[:significant] = false if @options[:significant].nil? @options[:distance_filter] ||= KCLDistanceFilterNone @options[:desired_accuracy] ||= KCLLocationAccuracyBest @options[:retries] ||= 5 @options[:once] ||= false @retries = 0 if not enabled? error(Error::DISABLED) and return end self.location_manager.distanceFilter = @options[:distance_filter] self.location_manager.desiredAccuracy = Constants.get("KCLLocationAccuracy", @options[:desired_accuracy]) self.location_manager.purpose = @options[:purpose] if @options[:purpose] if @options[:significant] self.location_manager.startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges else self.location_manager.startUpdatingLocation end end def get_significant(options = {}, &block) get(options.merge(significant: true), &block) end def get_once(options = {}, &block) get(options.merge(once: true), &block) end # Stop getting locations def stop if @options[:significant] self.location_manager.stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges else self.location_manager.stopUpdatingLocation end end def location_manager @location_manager ||= CLLocationManager.alloc.init @location_manager.delegate ||= self @location_manager end # returns true/false whether services are enabled for the _device_ def enabled? CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled end def error(type) @callback && @callback.call({ error: type }) @callback = nil self.location_manager.stopUpdatingLocation end ########## # CLLocationManagerDelegate Methods def locationManager(manager, didUpdateToLocation:newLocation, fromLocation:oldLocation) if @options[:once] @callback && @callback.call(newLocation) @callback = proc { |result| } stop else @callback && @callback.call({to: newLocation, from: oldLocation}) end end def locationManager(manager, didFailWithError:error) if error.domain == KCLErrorDomain case error.code when KCLErrorDenied error(Error::PERMISSION_DENIED) when KCLErrorLocationUnknown # Docs specify that this is a temporary error, # so we stop/start updating to try again. @retries += 1 if @retries > @options[:retries] error(Error::LOCATION_UNKNOWN) else self.location_manager.stopUpdatingLocation self.location_manager.startUpdatingLocation end when KCLErrorNetwork error(Error::NETWORK_FAILURE) end end end def locationManager(manager, didChangeAuthorizationStatus:status) case status when KCLAuthorizationStatusRestricted error(Error::PERMISSION_DENIED) when KCLAuthorizationStatusDenied error(Error::PERMISSION_DENIED) end end end end ::Location = BubbleWrap::Location unless defined?(::Location)