u = up.util e = up.element $ = jQuery describe 'up.popup', -> u = up.util describe 'JavaScript functions', -> describe 'up.popup.attach', -> beforeEach -> jasmine.addMatchers toSitBelow: (util, customEqualityTesters) -> compare: ($popup, $link) -> popupDims = $popup.get(0).getBoundingClientRect() linkDims = $link.get(0).getBoundingClientRect() pass: Math.abs(popupDims.left - linkDims.left) < 1.0 && Math.abs(popupDims.top - linkDims.bottom) < 1.0 beforeEach -> @restoreBodyHeight = e.setTemporaryStyle(document.body, minHeight: '3000px') afterEach -> @restoreBodyHeight() it "loads this link's destination in a popup positioned under the given link", asyncSpec (next) -> $container = $fixture('.container') $container.css position: 'absolute' left: '100px' top: '50px' $link = $container.affix('a[href="/path/to"][up-popup=".middle"]').text('link') up.popup.attach($link) next => expect(@lastRequest().url).toMatch /\/path\/to$/ @respondWith """
""" next => $popup = $('.up-popup') expect($popup).toBeAttached() expect($popup.find('.middle')).toHaveText('new-middle') expect($popup.find('.before')).not.toBeAttached() expect($popup.find('.after')).not.toBeAttached() expect($popup).toSitBelow($link) it 'always makes a request for the given selector, and does not "improve" the selector with a fallback', asyncSpec (next) -> $container = $fixture('.container') $link = $container.affix('a[href="/path/to"][up-popup=".content"]').text('link') up.popup.attach($link) next => expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toEqual(1) headers = @lastRequest().requestHeaders expect(headers['X-Up-Target']).toEqual('.content') it 'never resolves the open() promise and shows no error if close() was called before the response was received', asyncSpec (next) -> $span = $fixture('span') openPromise = up.popup.attach($span, url: '/foo', target: '.container') next => up.popup.close() next => respond = => @respondWith('
') expect(respond).not.toThrowError() next.await => expect($('.up-toast')).not.toBeAttached() promise = promiseState(openPromise) promise.then (result) => expect(result.state).toEqual('pending') describe 'with { html } option', -> it 'extracts the selector from the given HTML string', asyncSpec (next) -> $span = $fixture('span') next.await up.popup.attach($span, target: '.container', html: "
container contents
") next => expect($('.up-popup')).toHaveText('container contents') describe 'opening a popup while another modal is open', -> it 'closes the current popup and wait for its close animation to finish before starting the open animation of a second popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $span = $fixture('span') up.popup.config.openAnimation = 'fade-in' up.popup.config.openDuration = 5 up.popup.config.closeAnimation = 'fade-out' up.popup.config.closeDuration = 60 events = [] u.each ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened', 'up:popup:close', 'up:popup:closed'], (event) -> up.on event, -> events.push(event) up.popup.attach($span, { target: '.target', html: '
' }) next => # First popup is starting opening animation expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open'] expect($('.target')).toHaveText('response1') next.after 80, -> # First popup has completed opening animation expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened'] expect($('.target')).toHaveText('response1') # We open another popup, which will cause the first modal to start closing up.popup.attach($span, { target: '.target', html: '
' }) next.after 20, -> # Second popup is still waiting for first popup's closing animation to finish. expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened', 'up:popup:close'] expect($('.target')).toHaveText('response1') next.after 200, -> # First popup has finished closing, second popup has finished opening. expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened', 'up:popup:close', 'up:popup:closed', 'up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened'] expect($('.target')).toHaveText('response2') describe 'up.popup.coveredUrl', -> describeCapability 'canPushState', -> it 'returns the URL behind the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true up.history.replace('/foo') expect(up.popup.coveredUrl()).toBeMissing() $popupLink = $fixture('a[href="/bar"][up-popup=".container"][up-history="true"]') Trigger.clickSequence($popupLink) next => @respondWith('
') expect(up.popup.coveredUrl()).toMatchUrl('/foo') next.await up.popup.close() next => expect(up.popup.coveredUrl()).toBeMissing() describe 'up.popup.close', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'up.popup.source', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe 'a[up-popup]', -> beforeEach -> @stubAttach = => @$link = $fixture('a[href="/path"][up-popup=".target"]') @attachSpy = up.popup.knife.mock('attachAsap').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()) @defaultSpy = spyOn(up.link, 'allowDefault').and.callFake((event) -> event.preventDefault()) it 'opens the clicked link in a popup', asyncSpec (next) -> @stubAttach() Trigger.click(@$link) next => expect(@attachSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@$link[0], {}) # IE does not call JavaScript and always performs the default action on right clicks unless AgentDetector.isIE() || AgentDetector.isEdge() it 'does nothing if the right mouse button is used', asyncSpec (next) -> @stubAttach() Trigger.click(@$link, button: 2) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if shift is pressed during the click', asyncSpec (next) -> @stubAttach() Trigger.click(@$link, shiftKey: true) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if ctrl is pressed during the click', asyncSpec (next) -> @stubAttach() Trigger.click(@$link, ctrlKey: true) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if meta is pressed during the click', asyncSpec (next) -> @stubAttach() Trigger.click(@$link, metaKey: true) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'closes an existing popup before opening the new popup', asyncSpec (next) -> up.popup.config.openDuration = 0 up.popup.config.closeDuration = 0 $link1 = $fixture('a[href="/path1"][up-popup=".target"]') $link2 = $fixture('a[href="/path2"][up-popup=".target"]') events = [] u.each ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened', 'up:popup:close', 'up:popup:closed'], (event) -> up.on event, -> events.push(event) Trigger.click($link1) next => expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open'] @respondWith('
') next => expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened'] Trigger.click($link2) next => expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened', 'up:popup:close', 'up:popup:closed', 'up:popup:open'] @respondWith('
') next => expect(events).toEqual ['up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened', 'up:popup:close', 'up:popup:closed', 'up:popup:open', 'up:popup:opened'] describe 'with [up-instant] modifier', -> beforeEach -> @stubAttach() @$link.attr('up-instant', '') it 'opens the modal on mousedown (instead of on click)', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link) next => expect(@attachSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual(@$link[0]) it 'does nothing on mouseup', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mouseup(@$link) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing on click', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link) Trigger.click(@$link) next => expect(@attachSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1) # IE does not call JavaScript and always performs the default action on right clicks unless AgentDetector.isIE() || AgentDetector.isEdge() it 'does nothing if the right mouse button is pressed down', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, button: 2) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if shift is pressed during mousedown', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, shiftKey: true) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if ctrl is pressed during mousedown', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, ctrlKey: true) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if meta is pressed during mousedown', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, metaKey: true) next => expect(@attachSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'with [up-method] modifier', -> it 'honours the given method', asyncSpec (next) -> $link = $fixture('a[href="/path"][up-popup=".target"][up-method="post"]') Trigger.click($link) next => expect(@lastRequest().method).toEqual 'POST' describe '[up-close]', -> backgroundClicked = undefined beforeEach -> up.motion.config.enabled = false backgroundClicked = jasmine.createSpy('background clicked') up.on 'click', backgroundClicked describe 'when clicked inside a popup', -> it 'closes the open popup and halts the event chain', asyncSpec (next) -> $opener = $fixture('a') up.popup.attach($opener, html: '
', target: '.target') next => $popup = $fixture('.up-popup') $closer = $popup.affix('a[up-close]') # link is within the popup up.hello($closer) Trigger.clickSequence($closer) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) expect(backgroundClicked).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'when clicked inside a popup when a modal is open', -> it 'closes the popup, but not the modal', asyncSpec (next) -> up.modal.extract '.modalee', '
' next => $modalee = $('.up-modal .modalee') $opener = $modalee.affix('a') up.popup.attach($opener, html: '
', target: '.popupee') next => $popupee = $('.up-popup .popupee') $closer = $popupee.affix('a[up-close]') # link is within the popup up.hello($closer) Trigger.clickSequence($closer) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) expect(up.modal.isOpen()).toBe(true) expect(backgroundClicked).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'when no popup is open', -> it 'does nothing and allows the event chain to continue', asyncSpec (next) -> $link = $fixture('a[up-close]') # link is outside the popup up.hello($link) Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) expect(backgroundClicked).toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'when replacing content', -> beforeEach -> up.motion.config.enabled = false it 'prefers to replace a selector within the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $outside = $fixture('.foo').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, target: '.foo', html: "
old inside
") next => up.extract('.foo', "
new text
") next => expect($outside).toBeAttached() expect($outside).toHaveText('old outside') expect($('.up-popup')).toHaveText('new text') it 'auto-closes the popup when a replacement from inside the popup affects a selector behind the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, target: '.inside', html: "
old inside
") next => up.extract('.outside', "
new outside
", origin: $('.inside')) next => expect($('.outside')).toHaveText('new outside') expect($('.up-popup')).not.toBeAttached() it 'does not restore the covered URL when auto-closing (since it would override the URL from the triggering update)', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true up.motion.config.enabled = true up.popup.config.openDuration = 0 up.popup.config.closeDuration = 20 up.popup.config.history = true $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, url: '/path', target: '.inside') next => @respondWith("
old inside
") # Populate pop-up next => up.extract('.outside', "
new outside
", origin: $('.inside'), history: '/new-location') # Provoke auto-close next => expect(location.href).toMatchUrl '/new-location' it 'does not auto-close the popup when a replacement from inside the popup affects a selector inside the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, html: "
old inside
", target: '.inside') next => up.extract('.inside', "
new inside
", origin: $('.inside')) next => expect($('.inside')).toHaveText('new inside') expect($('.up-popup')).toBeAttached() it 'does not auto-close the popup when a replacement from outside the popup affects a selector outside the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, target: '.inside', html: "
old inside
") next => up.extract('.outside', "
new outside
", origin: $('.outside')) next => expect($('.outside')).toHaveText('new outside') expect($('.up-popup')).toBeAttached() it 'does not auto-close the popup when a replacement from outside the popup affects a selector inside the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, target: '.inside', html: "
old inside
") next => up.extract('.inside', "
new inside
", origin: $('.outside')) next => expect($('.inside')).toHaveText('new inside') expect($('.up-popup')).toBeAttached() describe 'when clicking on the body', -> beforeEach -> up.motion.config.enabled = false it 'closes the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, target: '.inside', html: "
") next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) Trigger.clickSequence($('body')) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) it 'closes the popup when a an [up-instant] link removes its parent (and thus a click event never bubbles up to the document)', asyncSpec (next) -> $parent = $fixture('.parent') $parentReplacingLink = $parent.affix('a[href="/foo"][up-target=".parent"][up-instant]') $popupOpener = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($popupOpener, target: '.inside', html: "
") next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) Trigger.clickSequence($parentReplacingLink) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) it 'closes the popup when the user clicks on an [up-target] link outside the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $target = $fixture('.target') $outsideLink = $fixture('a[href="/foo"][up-target=".target"]') $popupOpener = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($popupOpener, target: '.inside', html: "
") next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) Trigger.clickSequence($outsideLink) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) it 'closes the popup when the user clicks on an [up-instant] link outside the popup', asyncSpec (next) -> $target = $fixture('.target') $outsideLink = $fixture('a[href="/foo"][up-target=".target"][up-instant]') $popupOpener = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($popupOpener, target: '.inside', html: "
") next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) Trigger.clickSequence($outsideLink) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(false) it 'does not close the popup if #preventDefault() is called on up:popup:close event', asyncSpec (next) -> $fixture('.outside').text('old outside') $link = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($link, target: '.inside', html: "
") up.on 'up:popup:close', (e) -> e.preventDefault() next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) Trigger.clickSequence($('body')) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) # Since there isn't anyone who could handle the rejection inside # the event handler, our handler mutes the rejection. expect(window).not.toHaveUnhandledRejections() it 'does not close the popup if a link outside the popup is followed with the up.follow function (bugfix)', asyncSpec (next) -> $target = $fixture('.target') $outsideLink = $fixture('a[href="/foo"][up-target=".target"]') $popupOpener = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($popupOpener, target: '.inside', html: "
") next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) up.follow($outsideLink) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) it 'does not close the popup if a form outside the popup is followed with the up.submit function (bugfix)', asyncSpec (next) -> $target = $fixture('.target') $outsideForm = $fixture('form[action="/foo"][up-target=".target"]') $popupOpener = $fixture('.link') up.popup.attach($popupOpener, target: '.inside', html: "
") next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) up.submit($outsideForm) next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true)