== 2.1.5 (2010-07-17) === Bugfixes * Line filter works on JRuby with Scenarios without steps. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * The JSON schema now puts background inside the "elements" Array. Makes parsing simpler. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 2.1.4 (2010-07-14) === Bugfixes * #steps fails on JRuby with 2.1.3 (#68 Aslak Hellesøy) == 2.1.3 (2010-07-14) === Bugfixes * Examples are not cleared when an ignored Scenario Outline/Examples is followed by a Scenario. (#67 Aslak Hellesøy) == 2.1.2 (2010-07-13) === Bugfixes * Fix some missing require statements that surfaced when gherkin was used outside Cucumber. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 2.1.1 (2010-07-12) The previous release had a missing gherkin.jar in the jruby gem. This release fixes that. For good this time! == 2.1.0 (2010-07-12) === New Features * Pirate! (anteaya) * Tag limits for negative tags (Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * The formatter API has changed and the listener API is now only used internally. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Removed Features * FilterListener has been replaced with FilterFormatter. Currently only in Ruby (no Java impl yet). (Aslak Hellesøy) == 2.0.2 (2010-06-16) === New Features * New JSON Lexer. (Gregory Hnatiuk) === Bugfixes * Fixed incorrect indentation for descriptions in Java. (Aslak Hellesøy) * Fixed support for xx-yy languages and Hebrew and Indonesian (JDK bugs). (Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * Examples are now nested inside the Scenario Outline in the JSON format. (Gregory Hnatiuk) == 2.0.1 (2010-06-15) The previous release had a missing gherkin.jar in the jruby gem. This release fixes that. == 2.0.0 (2010-06-15) We're breaking the old listener API in this release, and added a new JSON formatter, which calls for a new major version. === New Features * New JSON formatter. (Aslak Hellesøy, Joseph Wilk) * New synonyms for Hungarian (Bence Golda) * Upgraded to use RSpec 2.0.0 (Aslak Hellesøy) === Bugfixes * undefined method `<=>' on JRuby (#52 Aslak Hellesøy) * Include link to explanation of LexingError (Mike Sassak) === Changed Features * The formatter API has completely changed. There is a Gherkin Listener API and a Formatter API. The FormatterListener acts as an adapter between them. (Aslak Hellesøy) * The listener API now has an additional argument for description (text following the first line of Feature:, Scenario: etc.) (Gregroy Hnatiuk, Matt Wynne) == 1.0.30 (2010-05-18) === New Features * Native gems for IronRuby. Bundles IKVM OpenJDK dlls as well as ikvmc-compiled gherkin.dll. Experimental! (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.29 (2010-05-18) === Bugfixes * Use I18n.class' class loader instead of context class loader to load Java lexers. Hoping this fixes loading bug for good. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.28 (2010-05-18) === Bugfixes * Use context class loader instead of boot class loader to load Java lexers. (Aslak Hellesøy) * Only add gcc flags when the compiler is gcc. (#60 Aslak Hellesøy, Christian Höltje) == 1.0.27 (2010-05-17) === New Features * Table cells can now contain escaped bars - \| and escaped backslashes - \\. (#48. Gregory Hnatiuk, Aslak Hellesøy) * Luxemburgish (lu) added. (Christoph König) == 1.0.26 (2010-05-09) === New Features * Ignore the BOM that many retarded Windows editors insist on sticking in the beginning of a file. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.25 (2010-05-02) === Bugfixes * Allow fallback to a slower ruby lexer if the C lexer can't be loaded for some reason. * Can't run specs in gherkin 1.0.24 (#59 Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.24 (2010-05-02) === Bugfixes * hard tabs crazy indentation for pystrings in formatter (#55 Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.23 (2010-05-02) === Changed Features * Java API now uses camelCased method names instead of underscored (more Java-like) (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.22 (2010-04-28) === Bugfixes * Make prebuilt binaries work on both Ruby 1.8.x and 1.9.x on Windows (#54 Luis Lavena, Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.21 (2010-04-27) === Bugfixes * Fix compile warning on ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-07-18 trunk 24186) (#53 Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.20 (2010-04-20) === Bugfixes * The gherkin CLI is working again (Gregory Hnatiuk) == 1.0.19 (2010-04-20) === New Features * Works with JRuby 1.5.0.RC1 (Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * I18n.code_keywords now return And and But as well, making Cucumber StepDefs a little more flexible (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.18 (2010-04-20) === Bugfixes * Explicitly use UTF-8 encoding when scanning source with Java lexer. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.17 (2010-04-19) === Bugfixes * Gherkin::I18n.keyword_regexp was broken (used for 3rd party code generation). (#51 Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.16 (2010-04-19) (Something went wrong when releasing 1.0.15) === Bugfixes * Reduced risk of halfway botched releases. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.15 (2010-04-19) === New Features * Implemented more functionality in I18n.java. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * Java methods are no longer throwing Exception (but RuntimeException). (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.14 (2010-04-18) (Something went wrong when releasing 1.0.13) == 1.0.13 (2010-04-18) === New Features * Filter on Background name. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.12 (2010-04-18) === Bugfixes * Fixed incorrect filtering of pystring in Background. (Mike Sassak) == 1.0.11 (2010-04-16) === Bugfixes * Fixed bad packaging (C files were not packaged in POSIX gem) == 1.0.10 (2010-04-16) === New Features * Added Esperanto and added a Russian synonym for Feature. (Antono Vasiljev) * Pure Java implementation of FilterListener and TagExpression (Mike Gaffney, Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * TagExpression takes array args instead of varargs. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.9 (2010-04-12) === Bugfixes * Triple escaped quotes (\"\"\") in PyStrings are unescaped to """. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.8 (2010-04-10) === Bugfixes * Removed illegal comma from Ukrainian synonym. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.7 (2010-04-10) === Bugfixes * Fixed problems with packaging of 1.0.6 release. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.6 (2010-04-10) === New Features * Fully automated release process. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Changed Features * Made generated classes use a more uniform naming convention. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Removed Features * Removed C# port, obsoleted by IKVM build from 1.0.5. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.5 (2010-04-08) === New Features * New .NET build of gherkin - an ikvmc build of gherkin.jar to gherkin.dll. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Bugfixes * Made parsers reusable so that the same instance can parse several features. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.4 (2010-04-07) === New features * Pure java releases of Gherkin at http://cukes.info/maven * A FilterListener in Ruby that is the last missing piece to plug Gherkin into Cucumber. (Gregory Hnatiuk, Aslak Hellesøy, Matt Wynne, Mike Sassak) === Changed features * The Lexer now emits the '@' for tags. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.3 (2010-03-31) === Bugfixes * The C lexer correctly instantiates a new array for each table, instead of reusing the old one. (Aslak Hellesøy) * Emit keywords with space instead of stripping (< keywords are emmitted without space) (Aslak Hellesøy) * gherkin reformat now prints comments, and does it with proper indentation (Aslak Hellesøy) * .NET resource files are now automatically copied into the .dll (#46 Aslak Hellesøy) === New features * The Pure Java implementation now has a simple main method that pretty prints a feature. (#39 Aslak Hellesøy) * Writing code generated i18n syntax highlighters for Gherkin is a lot easier thanks to several convenience methods in Gherkin::I18n. (Aslak Hellesøy) * .NET (C#) port (#36, #37 Attila Sztupak) * Tables parsed and sent by row rather than by table. (Mike Sassak) === Changed features * Switced to ISO 639-1 (language) and ISO 3166 alpha-2 (region - if applicable). Applies to Catalan, Swedish, Welsh, Romanian and Serbian. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 1.0.2 (2009-12-30) === Bugfixes * Build passes on Ruby 1.9.2 (Aslak Hellesøy) === New features * New command line based on trollop. Commands: reformat, stats. (Aslak Hellesøy) * I18nLexer#scan sets #language to the I18n for the language scanned (Mike Sassak) * I18n#adverbs, brings I18n to parity with Cucumber::Parser::NaturalLanguage (Mike Sassak)