blank: 'You must choose a file to upload!'
add_asset_to_bucket: 'Add Asset to Bucket'
add_to_bucket: 'Add to Bucket'
asset: 'Asset'
asset_edit_title: 'Edit Asset'
asset_errors: 'Sorry. {{errors}}'
asset_page_attachment_note: 'Attached assets. These can be inserted with drag and drop or shown with the <r:assets:each />
asset_note: 'Attached assets. '
assets_explanation: 'Assets and images can be uploaded and then attached or inserted into pages, snippets and layouts. Click on a asset name above to edit it or click Remove
to delete it.'
assets_title: 'Assets'
asset_page_upload_note: 'Assets uploaded here will be automatically associated with this page.'
asset_upload_note: 'Choose an asset to upload here. If the Title
field is left blank, the filename (without the file type) will be automatically added. By clicking on More
, you can add a caption as well.'
attached_assets: 'Attached Assets'
attach_to_page: 'Attach to page'
audio: 'Audio'
bucket: 'Bucket'
bucket_note: 'The Bucket provides temporary storage for your items. You can use it to place items in your pages or snippets.'
caption: 'Caption'
choose_upload: 'Choose a file to upload'
clear_bucket: 'Clear Bucket'
confirm_remove_asset: 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove the following asset?'
confirm_remove_from_page: 'Are you sure you want to remove this assets from the page?'
delete_asset: 'Delete Asset'
edit_asset: 'Edit {{asset}}'
empty_bucket: 'Your bucket is empty'
filename: 'Filename'
images: 'Images'
images_automatically_created: 'images are automatically created'
less: 'Less'
movies: 'Movies'
need_to_upload: 'Need to upload?'
new_asset: 'New Asset'
no_assets_found: 'There were no assets found'
no_assets: 'No Assets'
no_attached_assets: 'You have no attached assets.'
others: 'Others'
regenerate_all_thumbnails: 'You can regenerate all thumbnails here. Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server.'
regenerate: 'Regenerate'
regenerate_thumbnails: 'You can regenerate the asset thumbnails here. Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server.'
remove_asset: 'Remove Asset'
remove_from_page: 'Remove from page'
reorder: 'Reorder'
replace_file: 'Replace File'
save_and_upload: 'Save and Upload'
search_assets: 'Search for assets'
search: 'Search'
show_assets_bucket: 'Show Assets Bucket'
title: 'Title'
type: 'Type'
types_to_find: 'Types to find'
upload: 'Upload'