require 'faraday' require 'faraday_middleware' module Iyzi class Request AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME = 'Authorization'.freeze RANDOM_HEADER_NAME = 'x-iyzi-rnd'.freeze AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_STRING = 'IYZWS %s:%s'.freeze DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'tr'.freeze attr_accessor :config, :method, :path, :random_string, :pki, :options def initialize(method, path, options = {}) @method = method @path = path # use default config which comes from initial setup # you can also send custom config object which you'd like to use @config = options.delete(:config) || Iyzi.configuration @options = options @options[:locale] = options[:locale] || DEFAULT_LOCALE @options[:currency] = Currency.find(options[:currency]) if options[:currency].present? # In #add method of `PkiBuilder`, we ignore empty strings # So, in order to get valid signature, we need to make sure that # there is no empty value in request body @options.delete_if { |key, value| value.is_a?(String) && value.empty? } @pki = to_pki @random_string = secure_random_string # config must have all required params config.validate if has_pki? end def iyzi_options Utils.hash_to_properties(options.compact) end def connection @conn ||= config.base_url) do |faraday| faraday.request :json faraday.response :logger if ENV['DEBUG'] faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP faraday.response :json, content_type: /\bjson$/ end end def call connection.send(method) do |req| req.url path req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.headers.merge!(auth_headers) if has_pki? req.body = iyzi_options end end def response @response ||= Utils.properties_to_hash(call.body) block_given? ? yield(@response) : @response end def auth_headers { AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME => auth_header_string, RANDOM_HEADER_NAME => random_string } end def auth_header_string format(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_STRING, config.api_key, request_hash_digest) end def request_hash_digest Digest::SHA1.base64digest(params_will_be_hashed) end def params_will_be_hashed config.api_key + random_string + config.secret + pki end def secure_random_string SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(6, false) end def has_pki? !pki.nil? && !pki.to_s.empty? end # implement if needed def to_pki '' end end end