module CiCd module Builder # noinspection RubySuperCallWithoutSuperclassInspection module ChefRepoManifest CLASS = 'CiCd::Builder::ChefRepoManifest' module Build # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection RubyHashKeysTypesInspection def prepareBuild() @logger.step CLASS+'::'+__method__.to_s super if 0 == @vars[:return_code] # We throw away the Manifest builder's hard work on components because they don't apply to us] # We still call super because the grandparent does useful things we don't want to duplicate ... ;) @vars[:components] = {} # Now we need to dig the URL for the latest build of this BRANCH out of the INVENTORY for each of the set of products ... :( # Get the repo a little earlier than the typical build which uses it as a write target iso a read source getRepoInstance('S3') ENV['REPO_PRODUCTS'].split(/,\s+/).each do |product| if 0 == @vars[:return_code] key,json,over = @repo.pullInventory(product) if json.nil? @logger.error "Bad repo/inventory specified. s3://#{ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET']}/#{key}" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::PRUNE_BAD_REPO else if json['container'] and json['container']['variants'] # but does not have our variant ... variants = json['container']['variants'] "\tVariants: #{variants.keys.size} \n#{}" variants.each do |variant,varianth| # If the inventory 'latest' format is up to date ... bmax, bmin, releases, versions, versrels = @repo.getVariantVersionsAndReleases(varianth) s = "Variant: #{variant} \t#{varianth['builds'].size} builds \t#{varianth['branches'].size} branches:\n#{varianth['branches'].ai} \tBuild numbers: #{bmin}-#{bmax} \tVersions: #{} \tReleases: #{} \tVersions per Release: #{} " s.gsub(/\n\s+/, "\n\t") end if variants[@vars[:variant]] varianth = variants[@vars[:variant]] if varianth['latest'] and varianth['latest'].is_a?(Hash) latest = varianth['latest']['build'] builds = varianth['builds'] branches = varianth['branches'] versions = varianth['versions'] drawer = if builds.size > latest builds[latest] else nil end if drawer ver = @repo._getVersion(@vars, drawer) rel = @repo._getRelease(@vars, drawer) bra = @repo._getBranch(@vars, drawer) name = drawer['build_name'] rescue drawer['build'] var = @repo._getMatches(@vars, name, :variant) num = @repo._getMatches(@vars, name, :build) unless var == @vars[:variant] && ver == @vars[:version] && rel == @vars[:release] && bra == @vars[:branch] drawer = nil end end unless drawer if branches.include?(@vars[:branch]) survivors ={ |drawer| bra = @repo._getBranch(@vars, drawer) bra == @vars[:branch] } builds = survivors if versions.include?(@vars[:version]) survivors ={ |drawer| ver = @repo._getVersion(@vars, drawer) ver == @vars[:version] } builds = survivors if versrels.include?("#{@vars[:version]}-#{@vars[:release]}") survivors ={ |drawer| rel = @repo._getRelease(@vars, drawer) rel == @vars[:release] } builds = survivors drawer = builds[-1] else @logger.error "Cannot manifest the version '#{@vars[:version]}' from variant '#{@vars[:variant]}'" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_BAD_VERSION end else @logger.error "Cannot manifest the version '#{@vars[:version]}' from variant '#{@vars[:variant]}'" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_BAD_VERSION end else @logger.error "Cannot manifest the branch '#{@vars[:branch]}' from variant '#{@vars[:variant]}'" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_BAD_BRANCH end end if drawer # Get the artifacts ... assembly = drawer['assembly'] || json['container']['assembly'] artifacts = drawer['artifacts'].select{|art| art =~ /\.#{assembly['extension']}$/ } if artifacts.size > 0 "Found these artifacts: #{}" key = "#{product}/#{@vars[:variant]}/#{drawer['drawer']}/#{artifacts[0]}" obj = @repo.maybeS3Object(key) if obj ver = @repo._getVersion(@vars, drawer) rel = @repo._getRelease(@vars, drawer) bra = @repo._getBranch(@vars, drawer) name = drawer['build_name'] rescue drawer['build'] var = @repo._getMatches(@vars, name, :variant) num = @repo._getMatches(@vars, name, :build) @vars[:components][product] = { name: product, url: obj.public_url, version: ver, release: rel, branch: bra, variant: var, build: num, s3_bucket: ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET'], s3_key: key, file_name: product, file_ext: assembly['extension'], } chksms = drawer['artifacts'].select{|art| art =~ /\.checksum$/ } if chksms.size > 0 chk = "#{product}/#{@vars[:variant]}/#{drawer['drawer']}/#{chksms[0]}" chk_obj = @repo.maybeS3Object(chk) if chk_obj out = chk_obj.get() @vars[:components][product][:sha256] = (out[:body].is_a?(String) ? out[:body] : out[:body].read) if out end end else @logger.error "Cannot manifest for #{key} ???" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_NO_BUILD end else @logger.error "No artifacts to manifest for #{key} ???" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_NO_BUILD end else @logger.error "Cannot find a build to manifest for #{product}-#{@vars[:version]}-release-#{@vars[:release]}-#{@vars[:branch]}-#{@vars[:variant]}" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_NO_BUILD end else # Start over ... too old/ incompatible @logger.error 'Repo too old or incompatible to manifest. No [container][variants][VARIANT][latest].' @vars[:return_code] = Errors::PRUNE_TOO_OLD end else @logger.error 'Our variant has not been built!?' @vars[:return_code] = Errors::REPO_NO_VARIANT end else # Start over ... too old/ incompatible @logger.error 'Repo too old or incompatible to manifest. No [container][variants].' @vars[:return_code] = Errors::PRUNE_TOO_OLD end end end end end @vars[:return_code] end end end end end