# encoding: utf-8 require "extend_at/version" require "extend_at/model_manager" require "extend_at/models/all" module ExtendModelAt def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # The object how controll the data class Extention def initialize(options={}) @model = options[:model] @column_name = options[:column_name].to_s @columns = options[:columns] @value = get_defaults_values options @model_manager = ::ExtendModelAt::ModelManager.new(@column_name, @model, @columns) raise "#{@column_name} should by text or string not #{options[:model].column_for_attribute(@column_name.to_sym).type}" if not [:text, :stiring].include? options[:model].column_for_attribute(@column_name.to_sym).type initialize_values end def [](key) @model_manager.get_value(key) end def []=(key, value) if not valid_type? value, @columns[key.to_sym].try(:[],:type) # Try to adapt the value adapter = get_adapter key, value raise "#{value.inspect} is not a valid type, expected #{@columns[key.to_sym][:type]}" if adapter.nil? # We can't adapt the value value = value.send adapter end @value[key.to_s] = value @model_manager.assign(key,value) end def self.respond_to?(symbol, include_private=false) true end def respond_to?(symbol, include_private=false) true end def all_values @model_manager.all_values end def all_names @model_manager.all_names end def all_hash @model_manager.all_hash end # Use the undefined method as a column def method_missing(m, *args, &block) # If the method don't finish with "=" is fore read if m !~ /\=$/ self[m.to_s] # but if finish with "=" is for wirte else column_name = m.to_s.gsub(/\=$/, '') self[column_name.to_s] = args.first end end private def get_adapter(column, value) if @columns[column.to_sym][:type] == String return :to_s elsif @columns[column.to_sym][:type] == Fixnum return :to_i if value.respond_to? :to_i elsif @columns[column.to_sym][:type] == Float return :to_f if value.respond_to? :to_f elsif @columns[column.to_sym][:type] == Time return :to_time if value.respond_to? :to_time elsif @columns[column.to_sym][:type] == Date return :to_date if value.respond_to? :to_date end nil end def initialize_values if not @value.kind_of? Hash @model.attributes[@column_name] = {}.to_yaml @model.save end end def get_defaults_values(options = {}) defaults_ = {} options[:columns].each do |column, config| defaults_[column.to_s] = @columns[column.to_sym][:default] || nil end defaults_ end def update_model_manager @model_manager.send :update end def valid_type?(value, type) @model.send :valid_type?, value, type end def search(column, method, value) @model_manager.send:search, column, method, value end end module ClassMethods def extend_at(column_name, options = {}) assign_attributes_eval = " # Rewrite the mass assignment method because we need to accept write code like User.new :config_born => 10.years.ago def assign_attributes(attributes = nil, options = {}) attributes.each_pair do |key, value| if key.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_/ rb = \"self.#{column_name}.\#\{key.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/,'')\} = value\" eval rb, binding end end attributes.delete_if do |key,value| key.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_/ end super attributes, options end # Return the value of <> methods like _ def [](column) if column.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\=?$/ rb = \"self.#{column_name}.\#\{column.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/,'').gsub(/\=$/, '')\}\" eval rb, binding else super end end # Write the value of <> methods like _ def []=(column, value) if column.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\=?$/ rb = \"self.#{column_name}.\#\{column.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/,'').gsub(/\=$/, '')\} = value\" eval rb, binding else super end end # Respond to ethod like _ for read or write def self.respond_to?(symbol, include_private=false) if symbol.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\=?$/ return true else super end end # Respond to ethod like _ for read or write def respond_to?(symbol, include_private=false) if symbol.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\=?$/ return true else super end end def self.method_missing(m, *args, &block) if m.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]+_(#\{VALID_COMPARATIONS.join('|')})$/ method = m[/(#\{VALID_COMPARATIONS.join('|')})$/] column = m.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/, '').gsub(/_(#\{VALID_COMPARATIONS.join('|')})$/, '') code = (self.last || self.new).send :search_in_extention, column, method, args.first value = args.first return eval code, binding else super end end # Accept method like _ for read or write def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if m.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]+_(#\{VALID_COMPARATIONS.join('|')})$/ method = m[/(#\{VALID_COMPARATIONS.join('|')})$/] column = m.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/, '').gsub(/(#\{VALID_COMPARATIONS.join('|')})/, '') return search_in_extention column, method, args.first elsif m.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\=$/ rb = \"self.#{column_name}.\#\{m.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/, '').gsub(/\=$/, '')} = args.first\" return eval rb, binding elsif m.to_s =~ /^#{column_name}_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/ rb = \"self.#{column_name}.\#\{m.to_s.gsub(/^#{column_name}_/, '')}\" return eval rb, binding else super end end protected VALID_COMPARATIONS = ['gt', 'gt_eq', 'lt', 'lt_eq', 'eq', 'in', 'match'] def search_in_extention(column, method, value) #{column_name.to_s}.send :search, column, method, value end " self.class_eval <<-EOS eval assign_attributes_eval EOS class_eval do public validate :extend_at_validations after_save :update_model_manager, :on => :create define_method(column_name.to_s) do if not @extend_at_configuration.kind_of? ExtendModelAt::Extention opts = initialize_options(options) options = { :extensible => true # If is false, only the columns defined in :columns can be used }.merge!(opts) columns = initialize_columns expand_options(options, { :not_call_symbol => [:boolean], :not_expand => [:validate, :default] }) if options.kind_of? Hash @extend_at_configuration ||= ExtendModelAt::Extention.new({:model => self, :column_name => column_name.to_sym, :columns => columns}) end @extend_at_configuration end protected def extend_at_validations # @extend_at_configuration.valid? @extend_at_validation ||= {} if not @extend_at_validation.kind_of? Hash @extend_at_validation.each do |column, validation| if validation.kind_of? Symbol self.send validation, eval("@extend_at_configuration.\#\{column.to_s\}", binding) elsif validation.kind_of? Proc validation.call @extend_at_configuration[column.to_sym] end end end def initialize_options(options={}) opts = expand_options options, { :not_call_symbol => [:boolean], :not_expand => [:validate, :default] } end # Initialize each column configuration def initialize_columns(options = {}) columns = {} if options[:columns].kind_of? Hash options[:columns].each do |column, config| columns[column] = initialize_column column, config end elsif options[:columns].kind_of? Symbol hash = self.send options[:columns] raise "Invalid columns configuration" if not hash.kind_of? Hash columns = initialize_columns :columns => hash elsif options[:columns].kind_of? Proc hash = options[:columns].call raise "Invalid columns configuration" if not hash.kind_of? Hash columns = initialize_columns :columns => hash end columns end def initialize_column(column,config={}) raise "The column \#\{column\} have an invalid configuration (\#\{config.class\} => \#\{config\})" if not config.kind_of? Hash @VALID_SYMBOLS ||= [:any, :binary, :boolean, :date, :datetime, :decimal, :float, :integer, :string, :text, :time, :timestamp] column = column.to_sym column_config = {} # Stablish the type if config[:type].class == Class # If exist :type, is a static column column_config[:type] = get_type_for_class config[:type] elsif config[:type].class == Symbol and @VALID_SYMBOLS.include? config[:type] column_config[:type] = config[:type] elsif [Symbol, Proc].include? config[:type] column_config[:type] = get_value_of config[:type] else raise "\#\{config[:type]\} is not a valid column type" end # Stablish the default value # if is a symbol, we execute the function from the model if config[:default].kind_of? Symbol column_config[:default] = self.send(:config[:default]) elsif config[:default].kind_of? Proc column_config[:default] = config[:default].call else # If the column have a type, we verify the type if not column_config[:type].nil? if not valid_type?(config[:default], column_config[:type]) raise "The column \#\{column\} has an invalid default value. Expected \#\{column_config[:type]}, not \#\{config[:default].class}" end column_config[:default] = config[:default] else # If is dynamic, only we set the default value column_config[:default] = config[:default] end end # Set the validation if [Symbol, Proc].include? config[:validate].class column_config[:validate] = config[:validate] create_validation_for column, config[:validate] elsif not config[:validate].nil? raise "The validation of \#\{column\} is invalid" end column_config end def get_type_from_symbol(type) type = type.to_s return nil if type == 'any' or type == '' return :boolean if type == 'boolean' return Float if type == 'float' return Fixnum if type == 'integer' return String if type == 'string' or type == 'text' return Time if type == 'time' or type == 'timestamp' return Date if type == 'date' or type == 'datetime' return eval type.classify end def create_validation_for(column, validation) column = column.to_sym @extend_at_validation ||= {} @extend_at_validation[column] = validation end def expand_options(options={}, opts={}) options = get_value_of options config_opts = { :not_expand => [], :not_call_symbol => [] }.merge! opts if options.kind_of? Hash opts = {} options.each do |column, config| if not config_opts[:not_expand].include? column.to_sym if not config_opts[:not_call_symbol].include? config opts[column.to_sym] = expand_options(get_value_of(config), config_opts) else opts[column.to_sym] = expand_options(config, config_opts) end else opts[column.to_sym] = config end end return opts else return get_value_of options end end def get_value_of(value) if value.kind_of? Symbol # If the function exist, we execute it if self.respond_to? value return self.send value # if the the function not exist, whe set te symbol as a value else return value end elsif value.kind_of? Proc return value.call else return value end end def update_model_manager @extend_at_configuration.send :update_model_manager end def get_type_for_class(type) type = type.name return :any if type == 'NilClass' return :float if type == 'Float' return :integer if type == 'Fixnum' return :text if type == 'String ' return :timestamp if type == 'Time' return :datetime if type == 'Date' return :any end def compatible_type(value,type) return true if value.class == String and [:string, :text, :binary].include? type return true if value.class == Fixnum and [:integer, :float].include? type return true if [Fixnum, Float].include? value.class and [:integer, :float].include? type return true if [true.class, false.class].include? value.class and [:boolean].include? type return true if value.class == BigDecimal and [:decimal].include? type return true if [Date, Time].include? value.class and [:date, :time].include? type return true if value.class == BigDecimal and [:decimal].include? type return true if [Date, Time, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone].include? value.class and [:datetime, :timestamp].include? type false end def valid_type?(value, type) type = type.to_s.to_sym [:"", :any].include? type or value.nil? or (type == :boolean and ([true.class, false.class].include? value.class)) or ((not [:boolean, nil].include?(type)) and not value.nil? and compatible_type(value, type)) end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval { include ExtendModelAt }