module IcalImporter class SingleEventBuilder attr_reader :event, :local_event def initialize(event) @event = event @local_event = @event.event_attributes end # Get single-occurrence events built and get a lits of recurrence # events, these must be build last def build # handle recuring events @local_event.tap do |le| if @event.recurs? rrule = @event.rrule_property.first # only support recurrence on one schedule # set out new event's basic rucurring properties le.attributes = recurrence_attributes rrule set_date_exclusion frequency_set rrule else # make sure we remove this if it changed le.attributes = non_recurrence_attributes end end end private def non_recurrence_attributes attributes = { :recur_interval => "none", :recur_interval_value => nil, :recur_end_date => nil } if !@local_event.all_day_event && != # single event that spans multiple days attributes.merge({ :recur_interval => "day", :recur_interval_value => 1, :recur_end_date => @event.end_date_time.end_of_day -, :all_day_event => true }) end attributes end def recurrence_attributes(rrule) { :recur_interval => recur_map[rrule.freq], :recur_interval_value => rrule.interval, :recur_end_date => rrule.until.try(:to_datetime) } end def set_date_exclusion # set any date exclusions @local_event.date_exclusions ={|d| => d)} end def frequency_set(rrule) # if .bounded? is an integer that's googles "recur X times" # if that's the case we try to figure out the date it should be by # multiplying thise "X" times by the frequency that the event recurrs if rrule.bounded?.is_a? Fixnum # convert X times to a date case rrule.freq when "DAILY" @local_event.recur_end_date = frequency_template.days when "WEEKLY" if rrule.to_ical.include?("BYDAY=") remote_days = rrule.to_ical.split("BYDAY=").last.split(";WKST=").first.split(',') day_map.each do |abbr, day| @local_event.send "recur_week_#{day}=", remote_days.include?(abbr) end else remote_days = [@local_event.start_date_time.wday] wday_map.each do |abbr, day| @local_event.send "recur_week_#{day}=", remote_days.include?(abbr) end end # recurrence X times is probably broken - we can select multiple times in a week @local_event.recur_end_date = (frequency_template / remote_days.length).weeks when "MONTHLY" @local_event.recur_month_repeat_by = (rrule.to_ical =~ /BYDAY/) ? "day_of_week" : "day_of_month" @local_event.recur_end_date = frequency_template.months when "YEARLY" @local_event.recur_end_date = frequency_template.years end end end def frequency_template @local_event.start_date_time + (rrule.bounded? * rrule.interval - 1) end def recur_map { "DAILY" => "day", "WEEKLY" => "week", "MONTHLY" => "month", "YEARLY" => "year" } end def day_map { "SU" => "sunday", "MO" => "monday", "TU" => "tuesday", "WE" => "wednesday", "TH" => "thursday", "FR" => "friday", "SA" => "saturday" } end def wday_map { 0 => "sunday", 1 => "monday", 2 => "tuesday", 3 => "wednesday", 4 => "thursday", 5 => "friday", 6 => "saturday" } end end end