# VirtualBox Ruby Gem The VirtualBox ruby gem is a library which allows anyone to control VirtualBox from ruby code! Create, destroy, start, stop, suspend, and resume virtual machines. Also list virtual machines, list hard drives, network devices, etc. ## Installation and Requirements First you need to install [VirtualBox](http://www.virtualbox.org/) which is available for Windows, Linux, and OS X. After installation, install the gem: sudo gem install virtualbox The gem assumes that `VBoxManage` will be available on the `PATH`. If not, before using the gem, you must set the path to your `VBoxManage` binary: VirtualBox::Command.vboxmanage = "/path/to/my/VBoxManage" ## Basic Usage The virtualbox gem is modeled after ActiveRecord. If you've used ActiveRecord, you'll feel very comfortable using the virtualbox gem. There is a [quick getting started guide](http://mitchellh.github.com/virtualbox/file.GettingStarted.html) to get you acquainted with the conventions of the virtualbox gem. Complete documentation can be found at [http://mitchellh.github.com/virtualbox](http://mitchellh.github.com/virtualbox). Below are some examples: require 'virtualbox' vm = VirtualBox::VM.find("my-vm") # Let's first print out some basic info about the VM puts "Memory: #{vm.memory}" vm.storage_controllers.each do |sc sc.attached_devices.each do |device| puts "Attached Device: #{device.uuid}" end end # Let's modify the memory and name... vm.memory = 360 vm.name = "my-renamed-vm" # Save it! vm.save Or here is an example of creating a hard drive: require 'virtualbox' hd = VirtualBox::HardDrive.new hd.location = "foo.vdi" hd.size = 2000 # megabytes hd.save ## Known Issues or Uncompleted Features VirtualBox has a _ton_ of features! As such, this gem is still not totally complete. You can see the features that are still left to do in the TODO file. ## Reporting Bugs or Feature Requests Please use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/mitchellh/virtualbox/issues). ## Contributing If you'd like to contribute to VirtualBox, the first step to developing is to clone this repo, get [wycat's bundler](http://github.com/wycats/bundler) if you don't have it already, and do the following: gem bundle test rake This will run the test suite, which should come back all green! Then you're good to go!