module VPS class CLI < Thor class Upstream < Thor desc "add HOST[:UPSTREAM] PATH", "Add upstream to host configuration" def add(host_and_optional_upstream, path) host, name = host_and_optional_upstream.split(":") config = VPS.read_config(host) path = File.expand_path(path) unless config[:upstreams].any?{|upstream| upstream[:name] == name} spec = derive_upstream(path) spec[:nginx] ||= { :http => nil, :https => nil } config[:upstreams].push(spec.merge({ :name => name || File.basename(path), :path => path, :domains => [], :email => nil, :compose => nil })) VPS.write_config(host, config) end end desc "remove HOST[:UPSTREAM]", "Remove upstream from host configuration" def remove(host_and_optional_upstream) host, name = host_and_optional_upstream.split(":") config = VPS.read_config(host) unless name list = config[:upstreams].collect{|upstream| upstream[:name]}.sort name = list[Ask.list("Which upstream do you want to remove?", list)] end if config[:upstreams].reject!{|upstream| upstream[:name] == name} VPS.write_config(host, config) end end desc "list HOST", "List upstreams of host configuration" def list(host) config = VPS.read_config(host) upstreams = config[:upstreams].collect do |upstream| "* #{upstream[:name]} (#{upstream[:path].gsub(Dir.home, "~")})" end.sort puts upstreams end private def derive_upstream(path) if Dir["#{path}/mix.exs"].any? elixir = <<-ELIXIR Application.started_applications() |> Enum.reduce([], fn {name, _desc, _version}, acc -> if(name in [:phoenix, :plug], do: [name | acc], else: acc) end) |> Enum.sort() |> |> IO.puts() ELIXIR type = `cd #{path} && mix run -e "#{elixir.strip.gsub(/\n\s+/, " ")}" | tail -n 1`.strip { type: type, elixir_version: `cd #{path} && mix run -e "System.version() |> IO.puts()" | tail -n 1`.strip, port: (type == "phoenix") ? 4000 : `cd #{path} && mix run -e " |> hd() |> elem(0) |> :ranch.get_port() |> IO.puts()" | tail -n 1`.strip.to_i } elsif Dir["#{path}/Gemfile"].any? lines = `cd #{path} && BUNDLE_GEMFILE=#{path}/Gemfile bundle list`.split("\n") type = %w(rails rack).detect{|gem| lines.any?{|line| line.include?("* #{gem} (")}} { type: type, ruby_version: `$SHELL -l -c 'cd #{path} && ruby -e "puts RUBY_VERSION"'`.strip, bundler_version: `$SHELL -l -c 'cd #{path} && bundle -v'`.split.last, port: (type == "rails" ? 3000 : 9292) # :'( }.tap do |spec| if type == "rails" spec[:nginx] = { root: "/opt/app/public", try_files: true, proxy_redirect: "off" } end end end end end end end