# This tinker method is to retrieve the list of rwdzip applets available to install from the remote repository def superantcomremotegemlist gemcommandoption = "search --remote " gemfilename = "rwdzip" commandtext = "gem search --remote rwdzip" commandtemp = $xpcommand + commandtext begin # exception trapped block tempremotegemappletsresult = `#{commandtemp} 2>&1` @superantcomremotegemappletsfullresult = tempremotegemappletsresult fileList = tempremotegemappletsresult.split(/\n/).delete_if { |x| ! (x =~ /\Arwdzip/) } @superantcomremotegemappletsresult = fileList.rwd_method("superantcomremotegemappletdirsname") rescue SystemCallError, StandardError @superantcomremotegemappletsresult = "system call error: " + $! end # exception rescue end def superantcomremotegemappletdirsname(inffile) applet = inffile @superantcominstallremoteappletinput = applet end