#! /usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 require "pp" require "fileutils" require "rubygems" #gem "comana" #require "comana/computationmanager.rb" #require "comana/computationmanager.rb" #require "vasputils.rb" #require "vasputils/vaspdir.rb" # #The directory must has subdirs whose name is started by 'geomopt'. #This restriction of naming is necessary to distinguish from simple aggregation #of vasp directories. # class VaspUtils::VaspGeometryOptimizer < Comana::ComputationManager class NoVaspDirError < Exception; end class LatestDirStartedError < Exception; end class NoIntegerEndedNameError < Exception; end class NoContcarError < Exception; end class InitializeError < Exception; end PREFIX = "geomopt" def initialize(dir) super(dir) @lockdir = "lock_vaspgeomopt" begin latest_dir # to check. rescue NoVaspDirError raise InitializeError end end # Return incremented name. # If the name of VaspDir ends with string of integer, # return incremental value with the basename. # If not ended with integer, this method assume "00" def self.next_name(name) basename = name.sub(/(\d*)$/, "") new_num = $1.to_i + 1 return basename + sprintf("%02d", new_num) end # 注目した VaspDir が yet なら実行し、続ける。 # yet 以外なら例外。 # VaspDir になっているか。 def calculate $stdout.puts "Calculate #{latest_dir.dir}" $stdout.flush latest_dir.start #dir = latest_dir #while (! finished?) # raise LatestDirStartedError if dir.state == :started # dir.start # if dir.finished? # break # else # #dir = prepare_next # puts "Geometry optimization fihished. Exit." # end #end #puts "Geometry optimization fihished. Exit." #sleep 1 # for interrupt end # latest_dir から返って来る最新の VaspDir が finished? で真を返し、 # かつ Iteration が 1 であるか。 # Note: even when the geometry optimization does not include lattice shape, # calculate will continued till to converge to Iter 1 calculation. def finished? return false unless latest_dir.finished? return false unless latest_dir.outcar[:ionic_steps] == 1 return true end # Find latest VaspDir. # Return a last VaspDir which has the name by name sort # and which can be made as a VaspDir instance. # Note: in a series of geometry optimization, # the directory names should have a rule of naming # which can define a method <=>. # Usually, it is simple sort of String. def latest_dir Dir.glob("#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}*").sort.reverse.find do |dir| begin vd = VaspUtils::VaspDir.new(dir) return vd rescue VaspUtils::VaspDir::InitializeError next end end raise NoVaspDirError, @dir end #Keep 'geomopt00/{POSCAR,POTCAR,INCAR,POTCAR}', remove others. def reset_init poscars = Dir.glob("#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}*/POSCAR").sort poscar = nil path = nil poscars.each do |poscar| begin VaspUtils::Poscar.load_file poscar path = File.dirname(poscar) break rescue VaspUtils::Poscar::ParseError next end end raise NoVaspDirError unless path ##geomopt* rm_list = Dir.glob "#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}*" rm_list.delete path ##input files rm_list << Dir.glob("#{path}/*") rm_list.flatten! ["KPOINTS", "INCAR", "POTCAR", "POSCAR"].each do |file| rm_list.delete "#{path}/#{file}" end ##queeue rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/lock*" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.sh" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.log" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.o*" ##remove rm_list.each do |file| FileUtils.rm_rf file end end #Generate a new vaspdir as 'geomopt00'. #Other directories, including old 'geomopt00', are removed. def reset_next(io = $stdout) begin latest_dir.contcar prepare_next clean_queue_files rescue Errno::ENOENT latest_dir.reset_init(io) clean_queue_files rescue VaspUtils::Poscar::ParseError latest_dir.reset_init(io) clean_queue_files end end #Generate a new vaspdir as 'geomopt00'. #Other directories, including old 'geomopt00', are removed. def reset_reincarnate #CONTCAR を最後から解釈していく。 #全てだめだったら POSCAR を解釈する。 #全部だめだったら例外を投げる。 #CONTCAR を解釈できたディレクトリで INCAR, KPOINTS, POTCAR を取得。 #geomopt01 という名前でディレクトリを作る。 contcars = Dir.glob("#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}*/CONTCAR").sort.reverse contcars += Dir.glob("#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}*/POSCAR").sort.reverse poscar = nil path = nil contcars.each do |contcar| begin VaspUtils::Poscar.load_file contcar poscar = contcar path = File.dirname(contcar) break rescue VaspUtils::Poscar::ParseError next end end raise NoVaspDirError unless poscar new_dir = "#{@dir}/new_#{PREFIX}00" Dir.mkdir new_dir FileUtils.mv("#{path}/KPOINTS", "#{new_dir}/KPOINTS") FileUtils.mv("#{path}/INCAR" , "#{new_dir}/INCAR" ) FileUtils.mv("#{path}/POTCAR" , "#{new_dir}/POTCAR" ) FileUtils.mv(poscar , "#{new_dir}/POSCAR") rm_list = Dir.glob "#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}*" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/lock*" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.sh" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.log" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.o*" rm_list.each do |file| FileUtils.rm_rf file end FileUtils.mv new_dir, "#{@dir}/#{PREFIX}00" end private # Generate next directory from latest_dir. # Need proper CONTCAR. If not, raise NoContcarError. def prepare_next raise NoContcarError unless File.exist? "#{latest_dir.dir}/CONTCAR" new_dir = self.class.next_name(latest_dir.dir) Dir.mkdir new_dir #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/CHG" , "#{new_dir}/CHG" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/CHGCAR" , "#{new_dir}/CHGCAR" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/DOSCAR" , "#{new_dir}/DOSCAR" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/EIGENVAL", "#{new_dir}/EIGENVAL") #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/INCAR" , "#{new_dir}/INCAR" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/KPOINTS" , "#{new_dir}/KPOINTS" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/OSZICAR" , "#{new_dir}/OSZICAR" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/PCDAT" , "#{new_dir}/PCDAT" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/POTCAR" , "#{new_dir}/POTCAR" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/WAVECAR" , "#{new_dir}/WAVECAR" ) #FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/XDATCAR" , "#{new_dir}/XDATCAR" ) possible_files = ["CHG", "CHGCAR", "DOSCAR", "EIGENVAL", "OSZICAR", "PCDAT", "WAVECAR", "XDATCAR"] possible_files.each do |file| if File.exist? "#{latest_dir.dir}/#{file}" FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/#{file}", "#{new_dir}/#{file}") end end necessary_files = ["INCAR", "KPOINTS", "POTCAR"] necessary_files.each do |file| FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/#{file}", "#{new_dir}/#{file}") end FileUtils.cp("#{latest_dir.dir}/CONTCAR" , "#{new_dir}/POSCAR" ) # change name # without POSCAR, OUTCAR, vasprun.xml VaspUtils::VaspDir.new(new_dir) end def clean_queue_files rm_list = [] rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/lock*" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.sh" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.log" rm_list += Dir.glob "#{@dir}/*.o*" rm_list.each do |file| FileUtils.rm_rf file end end end