# typed: true module Parlour # The base class for user-defined RBI generation plugins. # @abstract class Plugin extend T::Sig extend T::Helpers abstract! @@registered_plugins = {} sig { returns(T::Hash[String, T.class_of(Plugin)]) } # Returns all registered plugins, as a hash of their paths to the {Plugin} # instances themselves. # # @return [{String, Plugin}] def self.registered_plugins @@registered_plugins end sig { params(new_plugin: T.class_of(Plugin)).void } # Called automatically by the Ruby interpreter when {Plugin} is subclassed. # This registers the new subclass into {registered_plugins}. # # @param new_plugin [Plugin] The new plugin. # @return [void] def self.inherited(new_plugin) registered_plugins[T.must(new_plugin.name)] = new_plugin end sig { params(plugins: T::Array[Plugin], generator: RbiGenerator).void } # Runs an array of plugins on a given generator instance. # # @param plugins [Array] An array of {Plugin} instances. # @param generator [RbiGenerator] The {RbiGenerator} to run the plugins on. # @param allow_failure [Boolean] Whether to keep running plugins if a plugin # throws an exception. If false, the exception is re-raised when caught. # @return [void] def self.run_plugins(plugins, generator, allow_failure: true) plugins.each do |plugin| begin puts "=== #{plugin.class.name}" generator.current_plugin = plugin plugin.generate(generator.root) rescue Exception => e raise e unless allow_failure puts "!!! This plugin threw an exception: #{e}" end end end sig { params(options: Hash).void } def initialize(options); end sig { abstract.params(root: RbiGenerator::Namespace).void } # Plugin subclasses should redefine this method and do their RBI generation # inside it. # # @abstract # @param root [RbiGenerator::Namespace] The root {RbiGenerator::Namespace}. # @return [void] def generate(root); end end end