The Numerator is a decimal literal which may not need a denominator The Denominator allows exact representation of decimal fractions A PresenceConstraint is internal if all Roles of its RoleSequence are of the same FactType, else it's external {0} is subtype of super- {1} {0} is supertype of {1} {0} is subtype of super- {1} {0} is supertype of sub- {1} {0} is supertype in {1} {0} involves super- {1} {0} is subtype in {1} {0} involves sub- {1} {0} provides identification {0} has role- {1} role- {0} is name of {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} {0} constrains {1} {0} has minimum- {1} {0} has maximum- {1} {0} allows {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is derived from base- {1} {0} is derived in {1} {0} involves derived- {1} {0} contributes to {1} {0} depends on {1} {0} has {1} {0} is precise {0} has {1} {0} has {1} {0} has {1} {0} has role- {1} {0} applies to {1} {0} is independent {0} is of {1} {0} is called {1} {0} objectifies {1} {0} is objectified as {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has leading- {1} {0} has trailing- {1} {0} has {1} {0} is in {1} {0} is for {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} {0} has other- {1} other- {0} is of {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is called {1} {0} requires {1} {0} applies to {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has in {1} position {2} {0} is {1} in {2} in {0} position {1} has {2} {0} has {1} in {2} position {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} covers {1} {0} in {1} position includes {2} {0} is in {1} in {2} place {0} includes {1} in {2} place {0} has {1} place in {2} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} covers superset- {1} {0} covers subset- {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has max- {1} {0} has min- {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} includes {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} includes {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} includes {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} fulfils {1} {0} includes {1} {0} plays {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is of {1} {0} includes {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is inclusive {0} is in {1} position {0} reading for fact type is {1} Only valid when min- and max- frequency is one {0} is preferred identifier {0} is mandatory {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is mandatory {0} is fundamental {0} contains {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} is called {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} uses {1} {0} has {1} {0} includes {1} {0} is in {1} {0} has facet called {1} {0} is a facet of {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} receives {1} {0} applies to {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} applies to {1} {0} uses {1} {0} is called {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is according to {1} {0} claims {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} was added by {1} {0} covers {1} {0} was reached by {1} {0} agreed on {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} was on {1} {0} is of {1} {0} objectifies {1} {0} is objectified as {1} {0} is in {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is represented by {1} {0} represents {1} {0} is literal string {0} notifies {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has unused dependency to force table in NORMA {0} provides {1} coefficient {0} uses coefficient from {1} {0} is optional {0} is disallowed {0} is for {1} {0} contains {1} {0} is called {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is at {1} {0} is at {1} {0} is in {1} {0} includes {1} {0} is at {1} {0} is expanded {0} has {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} displays {1} in {2} position {0} displays in {1} position {2} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is for {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} is for {1} {0} has {1} {0} is attached to {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} was lodged on {1} {0} has plural- {1} plural- {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} position {0} includes {1} {0} is in {1} {0} is restricted by {1} of {2} {0} contains {1} restricting {2} {0} is auto-assigned at {1} {0} is for {1} {0} is referenced in {1} {0} specifies {1} {0} directs {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} projects {1} {0} is projected from {1} {0} is bound to {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} applies to relevant- {1} {0} has {1} {0} has role- {1} {0} is of {1} {0} falls under {1} {0} covers {1} {0} has expanded reference mode {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} contains {1} {0} plays {1} {0} is played by {1} {0} fills {1} {0} applies to {1} {0} is of {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} members are exclusive {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is bound to {1} over aggregated- {2} {0} of aggregated- {1} is bound as {2} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} projects {1} {0} is projected from {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is implied by {1} {0} is negative {0} has implying- {1} implying- {0} implies {1} {0} is for {1} {0} implies {1} {0} requires value of facet- {1} {0} is of {1} {0} has {1} {0} has {1} {0} requires matching {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} is an instance of {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is input {0} matches nesting over {1} {0} nests as {1} {0} has topic- {1} topic- {0} is of {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} contains {1} {0} has mapping- {1} {0} applies to {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} contains {1} {0} belongs to {1} {0} represents {1} {0} contains {1} {0} belongs to parent- {1} {0} traverses to child- {1} {0} flattens {0} projects {1} {0} traverses from parent- {1} {0} indicates {1} played {0} distinguishes {1} using {2} {0} is indicated by {1} for {2} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} has {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is called {1} {0} is of {1} {0} is nested under index- {1} in {2} position {0} in {1} position is nested under {2} {0} keys nesting of {1} at {2} priority {0} projects {1} {0} consists of {1} {0} is matched by reverse- {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} is involved in {1} {0} involves {1} {0} has key- {1} {0} uses {1} {0} has {1} rank Lexical representation unless a string Example and Reference populations are standard A constraint is deontic if and only if it requires enforcement A Query is a network of Variables connected by Steps. A Step requires that the Role(s) must be filled by the same Fact, or that such a fact does not exist. Every role in an objectified Fact Type implies a Link Fact Type with a Mirror Role and an objectification Role A Variable refers to instances of an Object Type A Name or Adjective may contain single spaces between words ValueTypes that can be auto-assigned at assert time are GUIDs or transaction numbers, which can be assigned without reference to the existing population. An Alternative Set requires one of its steps to be taken A Play restricts the object that satisfies this variable based on whether it plays this Role A Variable refers to players of a Role. A Variable refers to instances of an Object Type A Term may contain multiple words separated by single spaces People who understand a certain Topic form a semantic communty People who speak a certain Language form a speech community. This includes culture and locale aspects. Legacy Facets For each Component and Fact Type, that Component is some Absorption that traverses to some child-Role1 that belongs to that Fact Type if and only if some Mapping1 contains that Component and represents some Object Type that plays some Role2 that belongs to that Fact Type. If some Absorption traverses to some child Role that is played by some Object Type then some Mapping that is that Absorption represents that Object Type. An Indicator indicates that a role is played, without mapping to a counterpart object. A Scoping is a named context that carries no information but merely passes down its parent's Object Type An Injection is an object type added in the composition, e.g. a surrogate key or audit field A Discriminator is a value type that indicates which of several alternate roles is played. An absorption always traverses a binary Fact Type which is always either one-to-one or one-to-many If some Absorption traverses from some parent Role that is played by some Object Type then that Absorption is some Component that belongs to some parent Mapping that represents that Object Type. A ValueField is injected to hold the value of a ValueType