module Reality # Wrapper for numeric values. # Example: #'Ukraine', load: true).area # => # # Keeps information about value unit # Allows coercion and general Numeric operations class Measure %w[unit].each{|mod| require_relative "measure/#{mod}"} attr_reader :amount, :unit def Measure.coerce(amount, unit) amount && unit && new(amount, unit) end # @param amount - numeric value, e.g. 100.5 # @param unit - can be any string, e.g. 'km', '$' def initialize(amount, unit) @amount, @unit = Rational(amount), Unit.parse(unit) end def <=>(other) check_compatibility!(other) amount <=> other.amount end def -@, unit) end def +(other) check_compatibility!(other) + other.amount, unit) end def -(other) self + (-other) end def *(other) case other when Numeric * other, unit) when self.class * other.amount, unit * other.unit) else fail ArgumentError, "Can't multiply by #{other.class}" end end def /(other) case other when Numeric / other, unit) when self.class un = unit / other.unit un.scalar? ? amount / other.amount : / other.amount, un) else fail ArgumentError, "Can't divide by #{other.class}" end end def **(num) (num-1).times.inject(self){|res| res*self} end def abs, unit) end include Comparable def to_s '%s%s' % [Util::Format.number(amount), unit] end def to_h {amount: amount.to_f, unit: unit.to_s} end def to_f amount.to_f end def to_i amount.to_i end def inspect "#<%s(%s %s)>" % [self.class, Util::Format.number(amount), unit] end private def check_compatibility!(other) unless other.kind_of?(self.class) && other.unit == unit fail ArgumentError, "#{self} incompatible with #{other}" end end end end