require "csv" namespace :gblsci do namespace :sample_data do desc "Ingests a directory of geoblacklight.json files" task seed: :environment do Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root, "solr", "geoblacklight", "example_docs", "**", "*.json")).each do |fn| puts "Ingesting #{fn}" begin Blacklight.default_index.connection.add(JSON.parse( rescue => e puts "Failed to ingest #{fn}: #{e.inspect}" end end puts "Committing changes to Solr" Blacklight.default_index.connection.commit end end namespace :images do desc "Harvest image for specific document" task harvest_doc_id: :environment do GeoblacklightSidecarImages::StoreImageJob.perform_later(ENV["DOC_ID"]) end desc "Harvest all images" task harvest_all: :environment do query = "*:*" index = Geoblacklight::SolrDocument.index results = index.send_and_receive(index.blacklight_config.solr_path, q: query, fl: "*", rows: 100_000_000) # num_found = results.response[:numFound] # doc_counter = 0 do |document| sleep(1) begin GeoblacklightSidecarImages::StoreImageJob.perform_later(document["id"]) rescue Blacklight::Exceptions::RecordNotFound next end end end desc "Hash of SolrDocumentSidecar image state counts" task harvest_states: :environment do states = [ :initialized, :queued, :processing, :succeeded, :failed, :placeheld ] col_state = {} states.each do |state| sidecars = SolrDocumentSidecar.in_state(state) col_state[state] = sidecars.size end col_state.each do |col, state| puts "#{col} - #{state}" end end desc "Re-queues incomplete states for harvesting" task harvest_retry: :environment do states = [ :initialized, :queued, :processing, :failed, :placeheld ] states.each do |state| sidecars = SolrDocumentSidecar.in_state(state) puts "#{state} - #{sidecars.size}" sidecars.each do |sc| document = Geoblacklight::SolrDocument.find(sc.document_id) GeoblacklightSidecarImages::StoreImageJob.perform_later( rescue puts "orphaned / #{sc.document_id}" end end end desc "Write harvest state report (CSV)" task harvest_report: :environment do # Create a CSV Dump of Results file = "#{Rails.root}/public/#{"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")}.sidecar_report.csv" sidecars = SolrDocumentSidecar.all, "w") do |writer| header = [ "Sidecar ID", "Document ID", "Current State", "Doc Data Type", "Doc Title", "Doc Institution", "Error", "Viewer Protocol", "Image URL", "GBLSI Thumbnail URL" ] writer << header sidecars.each do |sc| # cat = document = Geoblacklight::SolrDocument.find(sc.document_id) writer << [, sc.document_id, sc.image_state.current_state, document._source["layer_geom_type_s"], document._source["dc_title_s"], document._source["dct_provenance_s"], sc.image_state.last_transition.metadata["exception"], sc.image_state.last_transition.metadata["viewer_protocol"], sc.image_state.last_transition.metadata["image_url"], sc.image_state.last_transition.metadata["gblsi_thumbnail_uri"] ] rescue => e puts "Exception: #{e.inspect}" puts "orphaned / #{sc.document_id}" next end end end desc "Destroy all harvested images and sidecar AR objects" task harvest_purge_all: :environment do # Remove all images sidecars = SolrDocumentSidecar.all sidecars.each do |sc| sc.image.purge end # Delete all Transitions and Sidecars SidecarImageTransition.destroy_all SolrDocumentSidecar.destroy_all end desc "Destroy orphaned images and sidecar AR objects" # When a SolrDocumentSidecar AR object exists, # but it's corresponding SolrDocument is no longer in the Solr index. task harvest_purge_orphans: :environment do # Remove all images sidecars = SolrDocumentSidecar.all sidecars.each do |sc| Geoblacklight::SolrDocument.find(sc.document_id) rescue sc.destroy puts "orphaned / #{sc.document_id} / destroyed" end end desc "Destroy select sidecar AR objects by CSV file" task harvest_destroy_batch: :environment do # Expects a CSV file in Rails.root/tmp/destroy_batch.csv # # From your local machine, copy it up to production server like this: # scp destroy_batch.csv swadm@geoprod:/swadm/var/www/geoblacklight/current/tmp/ CSV.foreach("#{Rails.root}/tmp/destroy_batch.csv", headers: true) do |row| sc = SolrDocumentSidecar.find_by(document_id: row[0]) sc.destroy puts "document_id - #{row[0]} - destroyed" end end desc "Inspect failed state objects" task harvest_failed_state_inspect: :environment do states = [ :failed ] states.each do |state| SolrDocumentSidecar.in_state(state).each do |sc| puts "#{state} - #{sc.document_id} - #{sc.image_state.last_transition.metadata.inspect}" end end end end end