import org.scalatest._ class SpaceAgeSpecs extends FunSuite with Matchers { test ("age in seconds") { val age = SpaceAge(1000000) age.seconds should be (1000000) } test ("age in earth years") { pending val age = SpaceAge(1000000000) age.onEarth should be (31.69) } test ("age in mercury years") { pending val age = SpaceAge(2134835688) age.onEarth should be (67.65) age.onMercury should be (280.88) } test ("age in venus years") { pending val age = SpaceAge(189839836) age.onEarth should be (6.02) age.onVenus should be (9.78) } test ("age on mars") { pending val age = SpaceAge(2329871239L) age.onEarth should be (73.83) age.onMars should be (39.25) } test ("age on jupiter") { pending val age = SpaceAge(901876382) age.onEarth should be (28.58) age.onJupiter should be (2.41) } test ("age on saturn") { pending val age = SpaceAge(3000000000L) age.onEarth should be (95.06) age.onSaturn should be (3.23) } test ("age on uranus") { pending val age = SpaceAge(3210123456L) age.onEarth should be (101.72) age.onUranus should be (1.21) } test ("age on neptune") { pending val age = SpaceAge(8210123456L) age.onEarth should be (260.16) age.onNeptune should be (1.58) } }