module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues CREATE_PULL_REQUEST_HTML_URL = :CREATE_PULL_REQUEST_HTML_URL end class CreatePullRequestAction < Action def UI.message("Creating new pull request from '#{params[:head]}' to branch '#{params[:base]}' of '#{params[:repo]}'") payload = { 'title' => params[:title], 'head' => params[:head], 'base' => params[:base] } payload['body'] = params[:body] if params[:body] server_url: params[:api_url], api_token: params[:api_token], http_method: 'POST', path: "repos/#{params[:repo]}/pulls", body: payload, error_handlers: { '*' => proc do |result| UI.error("GitHub responded with #{result[:status]}: #{result[:body]}") return nil end } ) do |result| json = result[:json] number = json['number'] html_url = json['html_url'] UI.success("Successfully created pull request ##{number}. You can see it at '#{html_url}'") # Add labels to pull request add_labels(params, number) if params[:labels] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::CREATE_PULL_REQUEST_HTML_URL] = html_url return html_url end end def self.add_labels(params, number) payload = { 'labels' => params[:labels] } server_url: params[:api_url], api_token: params[:api_token], http_method: 'PATCH', path: "repos/#{params[:repo]}/issues/#{number}", body: payload, error_handlers: { '*' => proc do |result| UI.error("GitHub responded with #{result[:status]}: #{result[:body]}") return nil end } ) end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "This will create a new pull request on GitHub" end def self.available_options [ :api_token, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_API_TOKEN", description: "Personal API Token for GitHub - generate one at", sensitive: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: ENV["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"], default_value_dynamic: true, is_string: true, optional: false), :repo, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_REPO", description: "The name of the repository you want to submit the pull request to", is_string: true, optional: false), :title, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE", description: "The title of the pull request", is_string: true, optional: false), :body, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_BODY", description: "The contents of the pull request", is_string: true, optional: true), :labels, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS", description: "The labels for the pull request", type: Array, optional: true), :head, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD", description: "The name of the branch where your changes are implemented (defaults to the current branch name)", is_string: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: Actions.git_branch, default_value_dynamic: true, optional: true), :base, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_BASE", description: "The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into (defaults to `master`)", is_string: true, default_value: 'master', optional: true), :api_url, env_name: "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_API_URL", description: "The URL of GitHub API - used when the Enterprise (default to ``)", is_string: true, code_gen_default_value: '', default_value: '', optional: true) ] end def ["seei", "tommeier"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) return true end def self.return_value "The parsed JSON when successful" end def self.example_code [ 'create_pull_request( api_token: "secret", # optional, defaults to ENV["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"] repo: "fastlane/fastlane", title: "Amazing new feature", head: "my-feature", # optional, defaults to current branch name base: "master", # optional, defaults to "master" body: "Please pull this in!", # optional api_url: "http://yourdomain/api/v3" # optional, for GitHub Enterprise, defaults to "" )' ] end def self.category :source_control end end end end