#!/usr/bin/env ruby $Debug=true require 'rubylexer' require 'getoptlong' #def puts(x) end #a Token#inspect that omits the object id class RubyLexer class Token def strify [self.class.name[/[^:]+$/],": ",instance_variables.sort.collect{|v| [v,"=",instance_variable_get(v).inspect," "] }].to_s end end end file=nil #allow -e opts=GetoptLong.new(["--eval", "-e", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]) opts.each{|opt,arg| opt=='--eval' or raise :impossible file=arg name='-e' } #determine input file and its name if not already known file||=if name=ARGV.first File.open(name) else name='-' $stdin end lexer=RubyLexer.new(name, file) until RubyLexer::EoiToken===(tok=lexer.get1token) puts tok.strify end puts tok.strify #print eoi token