# Add in the localizatione below to make sure they are extracted. N_("Version %{version}") N_("Support") N_("Customer portal") N_("Documentation") N_('Administering Red Hat Satellite') N_('Transitioning from Red Hat Satellite 5 to Red Hat Satellite 6') N_("API Guide") N_("Blog") N_('Red Hat Satellite Blog') N_("IRC") N_("You can find us on %{liberachat} (irc.libera.chat) in #redhat-satellite.") N_("Version %{version} © %{year} Red Hat Inc.") N_("Includes %{system} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and Ohad Levy") N_("If you feel this is an error with Satellite 6 itself, please open a new issue with") N_("Satellite ticketing system") N_("You would probably need to attach the") N_("Full trace") N_("and relevant log entries.") N_("(build: %{version})") Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "home/_topbar", :name => "remove foreman name from topbar", :replace => "erb[loud]:contains('link_to')", :text => "") Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "home/_topbar", :name => "add link to home", :surround => "erb[loud]:contains('image_tag')", :text => "<%= link_to main_app.root_path do%><%= render_original %><% end %>") Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "about/index", :name => "change about page content", # div#support :replace => "div.col-md-5 div.stats-well:nth-child(1)", :text => "

<%= _(\"Support\") %>

Visit the <%= link_to _('Customer Portal'), \"https://access.redhat.com/\", :rel => \"external\" %> to get support, find solutions to common questions, and more.

<%= _(\"Documentation\") %>
<%= _(\"Blog\") %>
<%= _(\"IRC\") %>

<%= (_(\"You can find us on %{liberachat} (irc.libera.chat) in #redhat-satellite.\") % {:liberachat => link_to(\"libera.chat\", \"https://libera.chat\", :rel => \"external\")}).html_safe %>

") Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "about/index", :name => "add satellite version for about page", :insert_before => "p#copyright-p", :text => '') Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "about/index", :name => "change version text for about page", :replace => "p#copyright-p", :text => '') Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "about/index", :name => "remove links to upstream plugins", :replace => "#plugins table tbody tr td:first-of-type", :text => '<%= plugin.name %>') Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "common/500", :name => "change 500 page content", # p#message :replace => "p", :text => "

<%= _(\"If you feel this is an error with Satellite itself, please open a new issue with\") %> <%= link_to _(\"Satellite ticketing system\"), \"https://access.redhat.com/support/cases/#/case/new\", :rel => \"external\" %>, <% if Foreman::Logging.config[:type] == \"file\" %> <%= _(\"Please include in your report the full error log that can be acquired by running: \") %> foreman-rake errors:fetch_log request_id=<%= request_id %> <% else %> <%= _('Search your logs for request-id') %> <%= request_id %>. <%= _('When using external logging, search for request UUID') %> <%= full_request_id %> <% end %> <%= _(\" and it is highly recommended to also attach the sosreport output.\") %>
