#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/json' require 'puppet/util/log' describe Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:report] do before do @dest = Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:report] end it "should require a report at initialization" do expect(@dest.new("foo").report).to eq("foo") end it "should send new messages to the report" do report = mock 'report' dest = @dest.new(report) report.expects(:<<).with("my log") dest.handle "my log" end end describe Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:file] do include PuppetSpec::Files before do @class = Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:file] end it "should default to autoflush false" do expect(@class.new(tmpfile('log')).autoflush).to eq(true) end describe "when matching" do shared_examples_for "file destination" do it "should match an absolute path" do expect(@class.match?(abspath)).to be_truthy end it "should not match a relative path" do expect(@class.match?(relpath)).to be_falsey end end describe "on POSIX systems", :if => Puppet.features.posix? do describe "with a normal file" do let (:abspath) { '/tmp/log' } let (:relpath) { 'log' } it_behaves_like "file destination" it "logs an error if it can't chown the file owner & group" do File.expects(:exists?).with(abspath).returns(false) FileUtils.expects(:chown).with(Puppet[:user], Puppet[:group], abspath).raises(Errno::EPERM) Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns(true) Puppet.expects(:err).with("Unable to set ownership to #{Puppet[:user]}:#{Puppet[:group]} for log file: #{abspath}") @class.new(abspath) end it "doesn't attempt to chown when running as non-root" do File.expects(:exists?).with(abspath).returns(false) FileUtils.expects(:chown).with(Puppet[:user], Puppet[:group], abspath).never Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns(false) @class.new(abspath) end it "doesn't attempt to chown when file already exists" do File.expects(:exists?).with(abspath).returns(true) FileUtils.expects(:chown).with(Puppet[:user], Puppet[:group], abspath).never Puppet.features.expects(:root?).returns(true) @class.new(abspath) end end describe "with a JSON file" do let (:abspath) { '/tmp/log.json' } let (:relpath) { 'log.json' } it_behaves_like "file destination" it "should log messages as JSON" do msg = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :info, :message => "don't panic") dest = @class.new(abspath) dest.handle(msg) expect(JSON.parse(File.read(abspath) + ']')).to include(a_hash_including({"message" => "don't panic"})) end end describe "with a JSON lines file" do let (:abspath) { '/tmp/log.jsonl' } let (:relpath) { 'log.jsonl' } it_behaves_like "file destination" it "should log messages as JSON lines" do msg1 = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :info, :message => "don't panic") msg2 = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :err, :message => "panic!") dest = @class.new(abspath) dest.handle(msg1) dest.handle(msg2) lines = IO.readlines(abspath) expect(JSON.parse(lines[-2])).to include("level" => "info", "message" => "don't panic") expect(JSON.parse(lines[-1])).to include("level" => "err", "message" => "panic!") end end end describe "on Windows systems", :if => Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? do let (:abspath) { 'C:\\temp\\log.txt' } let (:relpath) { 'log.txt' } it_behaves_like "file destination" end end end describe Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:syslog] do let (:klass) { Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:syslog] } # these tests can only be run when syslog is present, because # we can't stub the top-level Syslog module describe "when syslog is available", :if => Puppet.features.syslog? do before :each do Syslog.stubs(:opened?).returns(false) Syslog.stubs(:const_get).returns("LOG_KERN").returns(0) Syslog.stubs(:open) end it "should open syslog" do Syslog.expects(:open) klass.new end it "should close syslog" do Syslog.expects(:close) dest = klass.new dest.close end it "should send messages to syslog" do syslog = mock 'syslog' syslog.expects(:info).with("don't panic") Syslog.stubs(:open).returns(syslog) msg = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :info, :message => "don't panic") dest = klass.new dest.handle(msg) end end describe "when syslog is unavailable" do it "should not be a suitable log destination" do Puppet.features.stubs(:syslog?).returns(false) expect(klass.suitable?(:syslog)).to be_falsey end end end describe Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:logstash_event] do describe "when using structured log format with logstash_event schema" do before :each do @msg = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :info, :message => "So long, and thanks for all the fish.", :source => "a dolphin") end it "format should fix the hash to have the correct structure" do dest = described_class.new result = dest.format(@msg) expect(result["version"]).to eq(1) expect(result["level"]).to eq('info') expect(result["message"]).to eq("So long, and thanks for all the fish.") expect(result["source"]).to eq("a dolphin") # timestamp should be within 10 seconds expect(Time.parse(result["@timestamp"])).to be >= ( Time.now - 10 ) end it "format returns a structure that can be converted to json" do dest = described_class.new hash = dest.format(@msg) Puppet::Util::Json.load(hash.to_json) end it "handle should send the output to stdout" do $stdout.expects(:puts).once dest = described_class.new dest.handle(@msg) end end end describe Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:console] do let (:klass) { Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:console] } it "should support color output" do Puppet[:color] = true expect(subject.colorize(:red, 'version')).to eq("\e[0;31mversion\e[0m") end it "should withhold color output when not appropriate" do Puppet[:color] = false expect(subject.colorize(:red, 'version')).to eq("version") end it "should handle multiple overlapping colors in a stack-like way" do Puppet[:color] = true vstring = subject.colorize(:red, 'version') expect(subject.colorize(:green, "(#{vstring})")).to eq("\e[0;32m(\e[0;31mversion\e[0;32m)\e[0m") end it "should handle resets in a stack-like way" do Puppet[:color] = true vstring = subject.colorize(:reset, 'version') expect(subject.colorize(:green, "(#{vstring})")).to eq("\e[0;32m(\e[mversion\e[0;32m)\e[0m") end it "should include the log message's source/context in the output when available" do Puppet[:color] = false $stdout.expects(:puts).with("Info: a hitchhiker: don't panic") msg = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :info, :message => "don't panic", :source => "a hitchhiker") dest = klass.new dest.handle(msg) end end describe ":eventlog", :if => Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? do let(:klass) { Puppet::Util::Log.desttypes[:eventlog] } def expects_message_with_type(klass, level, eventlog_type, eventlog_id) eventlog = stub('eventlog') eventlog.expects(:report_event).with(has_entries(:event_type => eventlog_type, :event_id => eventlog_id, :data => "a hitchhiker: don't panic")) Puppet::Util::Windows::EventLog.stubs(:open).returns(eventlog) msg = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => level, :message => "don't panic", :source => "a hitchhiker") dest = klass.new dest.handle(msg) end it "supports the eventlog feature" do expect(Puppet.features.eventlog?).to be_truthy end it "should truncate extremely long log messages" do long_msg = "x" * 32000 expected_truncated_msg = "#{'x' * 31785}...Message exceeds character length limit, truncating." expected_data = "a vogon ship: " + expected_truncated_msg eventlog = stub('eventlog') eventlog.expects(:report_event).with(has_entries(:event_type => 2, :event_id => 2, :data => expected_data)) msg = Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :warning, :message => long_msg, :source => "a vogon ship") Puppet::Util::Windows::EventLog.stubs(:open).returns(eventlog) dest = klass.new dest.handle(msg) end it "logs to the Puppet Application event log" do Puppet::Util::Windows::EventLog.expects(:open).with('Puppet').returns(stub('eventlog')) klass.new end it "logs :debug level as an information type event" do expects_message_with_type(klass, :debug, klass::EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0x1) end it "logs :warning level as an warning type event" do expects_message_with_type(klass, :warning, klass::EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0x2) end it "logs :err level as an error type event" do expects_message_with_type(klass, :err, klass::EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0x3) end end