require 'thread' require 'time' module RSched class Lock def initialize(hostname, timeout) end # acquired=token, locked=false, finished=nil def aquire(ident, time) end def release(token) end def finish(token) end def delete_before(ident, time) end end class DBLock < Lock def initialize(hostname, timeout, uri, user, pass) require 'dbi' @hostname = hostname @timeout = timeout @db = DBI.connect(uri, user, pass) init_db end def init_db sql = '' sql << 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rsched (' sql << ' ident VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,' sql << ' time INT NOT NULL,' sql << ' host VARCHAR(256),' sql << ' timeout INT,' sql << ' finish INT,' sql << ' PRIMARY KEY (ident, time));' @db.execute(sql) end def aquire(ident, time) now = if try_insert(ident, time, now) || try_update(ident, time, now) return [ident, time] elsif check_finished(ident, time) return nil else return false end end def release(token) ident, time = *token n ='UPDATE rsched SET timeout=? WHERE ident = ? AND time = ? AND host = ?;', 0, ident, time, @hostname) return n > 0 end def finish(token) ident, time = *token now = n ='UPDATE rsched SET finish=? WHERE ident = ? AND time = ? AND host = ?;', now, ident, time, @hostname) return n > 0 end def delete_before(ident, time)'DELETE FROM rsched WHERE ident = ? AND time < ? AND finish IS NOT NULL;', ident, time) end private def try_insert(ident, time, now) n ='INSERT INTO rsched (ident, time, host, timeout) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);', ident, time, @hostname, now+@timeout) return n > 0 rescue # TODO unique error return false end def try_update(ident, time, now) n ='UPDATE rsched SET host=?, timeout=? WHERE ident = ? AND time = ? AND finish IS NULL AND (timeout < ? OR host = ?);', @hostname, now+@timeout, ident, time, now, @hostname) return n > 0 end def check_finished(ident, time) x = @db.select_one('SELECT finish FROM rsched WHERE ident = ? AND time = ? AND finish IS NOT NULL;', ident, time) return x != nil end end class Engine class Sched def initialize(cron, action, sched_start,, @tab = @action = action @sched_start = sched_start @queue = [] @last_time = from sched(to) end attr_reader :queue, :action def sched(now) while @last_time <= now t = if @tab.is_specification_in_effect?(t) time = create_time_key(t) @queue << time if time >= @sched_start end @last_time += 60 end @queue.uniq! end private if Time.respond_to?(:strptime) def create_time_key(t) Time.strptime(t.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M00UTC'), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z').to_i end else require 'date' def create_time_key(t) Time.parse(DateTime.strptime(t.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M00UTC'), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S').to_s).to_i end end end def initialize(lock, conf) require 'cron-spec' @lock = lock @resume = conf[:resume] @delay = conf[:delay] @interval = conf[:interval] @delete = conf[:delete] @sched_start = conf[:from] || 0 @finished = false @ss = {} @mutex = @cond = end # {cron => (ident,action)} def set_sched(ident, action, cron) now = @ss[ident] =, action, @sched_start, now-@resume, now-@delay) end def run(run_proc) until @finished one = false now = - @delay @ss.each_pair {|ident,s| s.sched(now) s.queue.delete_if {|time| next if @finished x = @lock.aquire(ident, time) case x when nil # already finished true when false # not finished but already locked false else one = true if process(ident, time, s.action, run_proc) # success @lock.finish(x) try_delete(ident) true else # fail @lock.release(x) false end end } break if @finished } return if @finished unless one cond_wait(@interval) end end end def shutdown @finished = true @mutex.synchronize { @cond.broadcast } end private if == 1 require 'timeout' def cond_wait(sec) @mutex.synchronize { Timeout.timeout(sec) { @cond.wait(@mutex) } } rescue Timeout::Error end else def cond_wait(sec) @mutex.synchronize { @cond.wait(@mutex, sec) } end end def process(ident, time, action, run_proc) begin, time, action) return true rescue puts "failed ident=#{ident} time=#{time}: #{$!}" $!.backtrace.each {|bt| puts " #{bt}" } return false end end def try_delete(ident) @lock.delete_before(ident, end end class ExecRunner def initialize(cmd) @cmd = cmd + ' ' + {|a| Shellwords.escape(a) }.join(' ') @iobuf = '' end def call(ident, time, action) message = [ident, time, action].join("\t") IO.popen(@cmd, "r+") {|io| io.write(message) rescue nil io.close_write begin while true io.sysread(1024, @iobuf) print @iobuf end rescue EOFError end } if $?.to_i != 0 raise "Command failed" end end end end # module RSched require 'optparse' op = op.banner += " [-- ]" confout = nil schedule = [] defaults = { :timeout => 600, :resume => 3600, :delete => 2592000, :delay => 0, :interval => 10, :type => 'mysql', :name => "#{}.#{`hostname`.strip}", } conf = { } op.on('--configure PATH.yaml', 'Write configuration file') {|s| confout = s } op.on('--exec COMMAND', 'Execute command') {|s| conf[:exec] = s } op.on('--run SCRIPT.rb', 'Run method named \'run\' defined in the script') {|s| conf[:run] = s } op.on('-a', '--add EXPR', 'Add an execution schedule') {|s| schedule << s } op.on('-t', '--timeout SEC', 'Retry timeout (default: 600)', Integer) {|i| conf[:timeout] = i } op.on('-r', '--resume SEC', 'Limit time to resume tasks (default: 3600)', Integer) {|i| conf[:resume] = i } op.on('-E', '--delete SEC', 'Limit time to delete tasks (default: 2592000)', Integer) {|i| conf[:delete] = i } op.on('-n', '--name NAME', 'Unique name of this node (default: PID.HOSTNAME)') {|s| conf[:name] = s } op.on('-w', '--delay SEC', 'Delay time before running a task (default: 0)', Integer) {|i| conf[:delay] = i } op.on('-F', '--from YYYY-mm-dd_OR_now', 'Time to start scheduling') {|s| if s == "now" conf[:from] = else conf[:from] = Time.parse(s).to_i end } #op.on('-x', '--kill-timeout SEC', 'Threashold time before killing process (default: timeout * 5)', Integer) {|i| # conf[:kill_timeout] = i #} op.on('-i', '--interval SEC', 'Scheduling interval (default: 10)', Integer) {|i| conf[:interval] = i } op.on('-T', '--type TYPE', 'Lock database type (default: mysql)') {|s| conf[:type] = s } op.on('-D', '--database DB', 'Database name') {|s| conf[:db_database] = s } op.on('-H', '--host HOST[:PORT]', 'Database host') {|s| conf[:db_host] = s } op.on('-u', '--user NAME', 'Database user name') {|s| conf[:db_user] = s } op.on('-p', '--password PASSWORD', 'Database password') {|s| conf[:db_password] = s } op.on('-d', '--daemon PIDFILE', 'Daemonize (default: foreground)') {|s| conf[:daemon] = s } op.on('-f', '--file PATH.yaml', 'Read configuration file') {|s| conf[:file] = s } (class<