require 'thor' require 'awesome_print' require 'yaml' require 'dldinternet/formatters' require 'hashie/mash' require 'dldinternet/thor/version' require 'dldinternet/thor/errors' require 'inifile' require 'config/factory' require 'dldinternet/thor/vcr' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' class String def to_bool return true if self == true || !self.match(/^(true|t|yes|y|1|on)$/i).nil? return false if self == false || self.blank? || !self.match(/^(false|f|no|n|0|off)$/i).nil? raise"invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"") end alias :to_b :to_bool def class_from self.split('::').inject(Object) do |mod, class_name| mod.const_get(class_name) end end alias :to_class :class_from end class TrueClass def to_bool true end alias :to_b :to_bool end class FalseClass def to_bool false end alias :to_b :to_bool end module DLDInternet module Thor LOG_LEVELS = [:trace, :debug, :info, :note, :warn, :error, :fatal, :todo] class SilentMash < ::Hashie::Mash def initialize(source_hash = nil, default = nil, &blk) self.class.disable_warnings super end end class OptionsMash < SilentMash ; end class ConfigMash < SilentMash ; end module MixIns module NoCommands require 'dldinternet/mixlib/logging' include DLDInternet::Mixlib::Logging def validate_options(*args) writeable_options if options[:log_level] log_level = options[:log_level].to_sym raise "Invalid log-level: #{log_level}" unless LOG_LEVELS.include?(log_level) options[:log_level] = log_level end @options[:format] ||= @options[:output] @options[:output] ||= @options[:format] args.flatten! if !args.empty? &&{ |a| /^-/.match(a) }.any? raise DLDInternet::Thor::BadArgumentError, "Invalid arguments provided: #{args}" end end def writeable_options return if @options.is_a?(OptionsMash) @options = end def load_inifile unless !@options[:inifile].blank? && File.exist?(@options[:inifile]) raise "#{@options[:inifile]} not found!" end begin ini = ::IniFile.load(@options[:inifile]) ini['global'].each{ |key,value| @options[key.to_s]=value ENV[key.to_s]=value } def _expand(k,v,regex,rerun) matches = v.match(regex) if matches var = matches[1] if options[var] options[k]=v.gsub(/\%\(#{var}\)/,options[var]).gsub(/\%#{var}/,options[var]) else rerun[var] = 1 end end end pending = nil rerun = {} begin pending = rerun rerun = {} options.to_hash.each{|k,v| if v.to_s.match(/\%/) _expand(k,v,%r'[^\\]\%\((\w+)\)', rerun) _expand(k,v,%r'[^\\]\%(\w+)', rerun) end } # Should break out the first time that we make no progress! end while pending != rerun rescue ::IniFile::Error => e # noop rescue ::Exception => e @logger.error "#{} #{e.message}" raise e end end def load_config if @options[:configfile].blank? @logger.error 'Invalid/No configuration file specified' else @options[:configfile] = File.expand_path(@options[:configfile]) if ::File.exist?(@options[:configfile]) begin # envs = ::Config::Factory::Environments.load_file(@options[:configfile]) hash = config_to_yaml envs = ::Config::Factory::Environments.load_hash(hash) if envs and envs.is_a?(Hash) and @options[:environment] @options[:environments] = else yaml = ::YAML.load([:configfile])) if yaml yaml.each {|key, value| @options[key.to_s.gsub(%r{[-]}, '_').to_sym]=value } else msg = "#{options[:configfile]} is not a valid configuration!" @logger.error msg raise end end rescue ::Exception => e @logger.error "#{} #{e.message}" raise e end else @logger.warn "'#{options[:configfile]}' not found" @logger.error "Invalid/No configuration file specified" exit 2 #@options[:environments] = end end end def solve_pointers(haystack, hash=nil) hash ||= haystack return haystack unless hash.is_a?(Hash) && hash.size hash.dup.each do |k,v| if %r{^[#/]}.match?(k) && v.nil? begin require 'hana' pointer = k v = pointer.eval(haystack) hash.delete(k) hash.merge!(v) rescue Exception => e require 'json-pointer' pointer =, k, :symbolize_keys => true) if pointer.exists? hash.delete(k) hash.merge!(pointer.value) end end end end hash.each do |k,v| if v && v.is_a?(Hash) haystack = solve_pointers(haystack, v) end end haystack end def config_to_yaml begin yaml =[:configfile]))) yaml = solve_pointers(yaml) yaml rescue StandardError => e raise e end end def parse_options(*args) get_logger(true) args.flatten! check_for_help(args) validate_options(args) if @options[:inifile] @options[:inifile] = File.expand_path(@options[:inifile]) load_inifile elsif @options[:configfile] @options[:configfile] = File.expand_path(@options[:configfile]) if @options[:configfile] =~ /\.ini/i @options[:inifile] = @options[:configfile] load_inifile else load_config end end if options[:debug] "Options:\n#{}" end end # Child classes can override this if desired def check_for_help(args) if args && args.size > 0 && (args[0] && args[0].downcase.eql?('help') || {|a| a.match(/--help/i)}.any?) invocations = {|_, v| v[0]} self.class.command_help(shell, invocations[-1], invocations) exit 0 end end def get_logger(force=false) return unless force || @logger.nil? writeable_options @options[:log_level] ||= :warn lcs ='compiler', :levels => { :trace => :blue, :debug => :cyan, :info => :green, :note => :green, :warn => :yellow, :error => :red, :fatal => :red, :todo => :purple, }) scheme = lcs.scheme scheme['trace'] = "\e[38;5;33m" scheme['fatal'] = "\e[38;5;89m" scheme['todo'] = "\e[38;5;55m" lcs.scheme scheme @config = @options.dup @config[:log_opts] = lambda {|mlll| { :pattern => "%#{mlll}l: %m %g\n", :date_pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', :color_scheme => 'compiler', :trace => (@config[:trace].nil? ? false : @config[:trace]), # [2014-06-30 Christo] DO NOT do this ... it needs to be a FixNum!!!! # If you want to do ::Logging.init first then fine ... go ahead :) # :level => @config[:log_level], } } @config[:log_levels] ||= LOG_LEVELS @options[:log_config] = @config # initLogging(@config) @logger = getLogger(@config) end def abort!(msg) @logger.error msg exit -1 end def notation @config[:format] || :none end def default_formatter(obj, opts=nil) opts ||= format_helper =, notation, title: opts[:title], columns: opts[:columns]) case notation.to_sym when :json when :yaml when :csv when :none # when :basic when :text # noop when :awesome format_helper =, notation, title: opts[:title], columns: opts[:columns]) when :table format_helper =, notation, title: opts[:title], columns: opts[:columns]) else raise DLDInternet::Formatters::Error, "Unknown format requested: #{notation}" end format_helper end def default_header(obj, format_helper=nil) format_helper ||= default_formatter(obj) format_helper.header_it end def default_format(obj, opts=nil, format_helper=nil) format_helper ||= default_formatter(obj, opts || options) format_helper.format_it end def hash_it(robj) klass = robj.class repre = begin klass.const_get('Representation') rescue false end if robj.nil? robj elsif robj.respond_to?(:to_hash) robj.to_hash elsif robj.respond_to?(:to_a) { |obj| hash_it(obj) } elsif repre representation = representation.to_hash elsif robj.respond_to?(:to_h) robj.to_h else robj end end def string_it(obj, fmtr=nil, header=false) fmtr ||=, options) fmtr.send(header ? :header_it : :format_it, obj) end def write(obj) end def output(obj, fmtr=nil, header=false) unless obj.nil? it = obj.is_a?(Array) ? { |o| hash_it(o) } : (obj.is_a?(String) ? obj : hash_it(obj)) str = string_it(it, fmtr, header) write str end end def command_pre(*args) # args.flatten! parse_options(args){ |_,v| v[0]}.join(' ') if options[:verbose] command_pre_start_vcr(args) end def command_post(rc=0) command_post_stop_vcr @command_post = true rc end def command_out(res, fmtr=nil) unless fmtr fmtr =, options) fmtr.table_widths end # [2017-10-06 Christo] header_line and format_line serves to invoke client hooks if provided. # It means we may go through the process once with an object and a second time with a formatted string case options[:format] when /text|none|plain/ output(header_line(res, fmtr), fmtr, true) unless options[:header] === false case when /Array/ res.each do |obj| output format_line(obj, fmtr) end # when /Hash|String/ else output format_line(res, fmtr) end else output res end end def header_line(obj, fmtr=nil) if obj.is_a?(String) obj elsif obj.is_a?(Hash), fmtr) elsif obj.is_a?(Array) if obj.size > 0 header_line(obj[0], fmtr) else header_line({}, fmtr) end else raise "Cannot produce header from this object: #{}" end end def format_line(obj, fmtr=nil), fmtr) end def invoke_command(command, *args) #:nodoc: ::DLDInternet::Thor::Command.invocations ={ |_,v| v[0]} @command_options = command.options super end def handle_no_command_error(command, has_namespace = $thor_runner) get_logger unless @logger#:nodoc: @logger.error "Could not find command #{command.inspect} in #{namespace.inspect} namespace." if has_namespace @logger.error "Could not find command #{command.inspect}." 1 end protected def command_pre_start_vcr(*args) args.flatten! if options[:stubber].is_a?(String) options[:stubber] = options[:stubber].split(/\s*,\s*/).map(&:to_sym) elsif options[:stubber].is_a?(Array) && options[:stubber].size == 1 && options[:stubber][0].is_a?(String) options[:stubber] = options[:stubber][0].split(/\s*,\s*/).map(&:to_sym) elsif options[:stubber].is_a?(Array) && options[:stubber].size > 1 && options[:stubber][0].is_a?(String) options[:stubber] = options[:stubber].map(&:to_sym) end if options[:vcr] command_pre_vcr_cassette_path command_pre_config_vcr opts = args[0].is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {} options[:cassette] ||={ |_,v| v[0]}.join('-') @cassette = ::VCR.insert_cassette(opts[:cassette] || options[:cassette]) end yield if block_given? end def command_pre_vcr_cassette_path return if @command_pre_vcr_cassette_path cassette_path = options[:cassette_path] unless cassette_path if ENV.has_key?('VCR_CASSETTE_PATH') cassette_path = ENV['VCR_CASSETTE_PATH'] end end unless %r{^#{File::SEPARATOR}}.match?(cassette_path) if File.dirname($0).eql?(Dir.pwd) @logger.error "Saving fixtures to #{Dir.pwd}!" exit 1 end end unless cassette_path cassette_path = vcr_default_cassette_path end options[:cassette_path] = File.expand_path(cassette_path) @command_pre_vcr_cassette_path = true cassette_path end def vcr_default_cassette_path '~/vcr_cassettes' end def command_pre_config_vcr @vcr_logger ||=, @logger) ::VCR.configure do |config| config.cassette_library_dir = options[:cassette_path] config.hook_into *options[:stubber] config.logger = @vcr_logger config.default_cassette_options.merge!({ match_requests_on: [:method, :uri, :headers, :body], record: options[:record_mode] }) end end def command_post_stop_vcr if options[:vcr] ::VCR.eject_cassette @cassette = nil @vcr_logger = nil end end end end end end