require_relative "concerns/attr_accessor_with_default" require 'securerandom' require 'pathname' require 'carrierwave' require 'active_job' require 'jobba' require 'message_bus' module Lanes class Configuration include Concerns::AttrAccessorWithDefault # Since changing a config value inadvertently # can have pretty drastic consequences that might not be # discovered immediately, we log each time a value is changed def self.config_option( name, default, options={} ) define_method( "#{name}=" ) do | value | old_value = self.send( name ) if old_value && !options[:silent] "Config option #{name} changed from '#{old_value.inspect}' to '#{value.inspect}'" end instance_variable_set( "@#{name}", value ) if @observers.has_key?(name) @observers[name].each{ |cb|, old_value) } end end attr_reader_with_default(name, default) end def initialize{ |hash,key| hash[key] = } end def on_change(config, &block) @observers[config.to_sym] << block end def get(config, &block) value = self.send(config.to_sym) if block on_change(config,&block) value, value ) end value end def self.apply identifier = Lanes::Extensions.controlling.identifier ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = Lanes.env.test? ? :test : :resque Lanes::Job::FailureLogger.configure DB.establish_connection Jobba.configure do |config| config.redis_options = Lanes.config.redis config.namespace = "#{identifier}::jobba" end Resque.redis.namespace = "#{identifier}::resque" Resque.redis = Lanes.config.redis MessageBus.redis_config = Lanes.config.redis MessageBus.logger = Lanes.logger Lanes::SystemSettings.for_ext('lanes').apply! Extensions.each{|ext| ext.apply_configuration } end end class DefaultConfiguration < Configuration # Since the Configuration class is essentially a singleton, # we don't care about AttrReaderWithDefault sharing values between instances # Therefore all the values are given directly and not enclosed in Procs/lambdas. # The configuration environment to use, test, development, production config_option :environment, (ENV['LANES_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development').to_sym # The secret key to use for session cookies. config_option :session_secret_key_base, '1234', silent: true # Configuration for Redis config_option :redis, ENV.has_key?('REDIS_URL') ? {url: ENV["REDIS_URL"]} : {path: "/tmp/redis.sock"} # url prefix to use for assets config_option :assets_path_prefix, "/assets" # prefix to use for all urls config_option :mounted_at, '/' # The initial view class to display config_option :root_view, 'Lanes.Workspace.Layout' # Screen to display on load (if workspace extension is used) config_option :initial_workspace_screen_id, '' # types of assets to include into compiled package config_option :static_asset_types, ['images','fonts'] # id is used to load a settings object from the DB. # For testing or other uses it can be changed here config_option :configuration_id, (ENV['LANES_CONFIG_ID'] || 1) # Storage engine to use, default to file, may also be set to # 'fog' or any other value that CarrierWave accepts config_option :storage_type, :file def api_path mounted_at + 'api' end end class << self @@config = def config @@config end def configure yield(@@config) end end end