# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::Configuration do let(:config) { ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance } let(:use_load?) { ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 } let(:loading_object) { use_load? ? config : ActiveSupport::Dependencies } let(:loading_method) { use_load? ? :load : :require_or_load } after :each do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.reset end def expect_loading_of(file) expect(loading_object).to receive(loading_method).with(file).once end describe '.instance' do it "returns an instance of ThinkingSphinx::Configuration" do expect(ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance). to be_a(ThinkingSphinx::Configuration) end it "memoizes the instance" do config = double('configuration') expect(ThinkingSphinx::Configuration).to receive(:new).once.and_return(config) ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance end end describe '.reset' do after :each do config.framework = ThinkingSphinx::Frameworks.current end it 'does not cache settings after reset' do allow(File).to receive_messages :exists? => true allow(File).to receive_messages :read => { 'test' => {'foo' => 'bugs'}, 'production' => {'foo' => 'bar'} }.to_yaml ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.reset # Grab a new copy of the instance. config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance expect(config.settings['foo']).to eq('bugs') config.framework = double :environment => 'production', :root => Pathname.new(__FILE__).join('..', '..', 'internal') expect(config.settings['foo']).to eq('bar') end end describe '#configuration_file' do it "uses the Rails environment in the configuration file name" do expect(config.configuration_file). to eq(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'test.sphinx.conf')) end it "respects provided settings" do write_configuration 'configuration_file' => '/path/to/foo.conf' expect(config.configuration_file).to eq('/path/to/foo.conf') end end describe '#controller' do it "returns an instance of Riddle::Controller" do expect(config.controller).to be_a(Riddle::Controller) end it "memoizes the instance" do expect(Riddle::Controller).to receive(:new).once. and_return(double('controller')) config.controller config.controller end it "sets the bin path from the thinking_sphinx.yml file" do write_configuration('bin_path' => '/foo/bar/bin/') expect(config.controller.bin_path).to eq('/foo/bar/bin/') end it "appends a backslash to the bin_path if appropriate" do write_configuration('bin_path' => '/foo/bar/bin') expect(config.controller.bin_path).to eq('/foo/bar/bin/') end end describe '#index_paths' do it "uses app/indices in the Rails app by default" do expect(config.index_paths).to include(File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'indices')) end it "uses app/indices in the Rails engines" do engine = double :engine, { :paths => { 'app/indices' => double(:path, { :existent => '/engine/app/indices' } ) } } engine_class = double :instance => engine expect(Rails::Engine).to receive(:subclasses).and_return([ engine_class ]) expect(config.index_paths).to include('/engine/app/indices') end end describe '#indices_location' do it "stores index files in db/sphinx/ENVIRONMENT" do expect(config.indices_location). to eq(File.join(Rails.root, 'db', 'sphinx', 'test')) end it "respects provided settings" do write_configuration 'indices_location' => '/my/index/files' expect(config.indices_location).to eq('/my/index/files') end it "respects relative paths" do write_configuration 'indices_location' => 'my/index/files' expect(config.indices_location).to eq('my/index/files') end it "translates relative paths to absolute if config requests it" do write_configuration( 'indices_location' => 'my/index/files', 'absolute_paths' => true ) expect(config.indices_location).to eq( File.join(config.framework.root, 'my/index/files') ) end it "respects paths that are already absolute" do write_configuration( 'indices_location' => '/my/index/files', 'absolute_paths' => true ) expect(config.indices_location).to eq('/my/index/files') end it "translates linked directories" do write_configuration( 'indices_location' => 'mine/index/files', 'absolute_paths' => true ) framework = ThinkingSphinx::Frameworks.current local_path = File.join framework.root, "mine" linked_path = File.join framework.root, "my" FileUtils.mkdir_p linked_path `ln -s #{linked_path} #{local_path}` expect(config.indices_location).to eq( File.join(config.framework.root, "my/index/files") ) FileUtils.rm local_path FileUtils.rmdir linked_path end end describe '#initialize' do before :each do FileUtils.rm_rf Rails.root.join('log') end it "sets the daemon pid file within log for the Rails app" do expect(config.searchd.pid_file). to eq(File.join(Rails.root, 'log', 'test.sphinx.pid')) end it "sets the daemon log within log for the Rails app" do expect(config.searchd.log). to eq(File.join(Rails.root, 'log', 'test.searchd.log')) end it "sets the query log within log for the Rails app" do expect(config.searchd.query_log). to eq(File.join(Rails.root, 'log', 'test.searchd.query.log')) end it "sets indexer settings if within thinking_sphinx.yml" do write_configuration 'mem_limit' => '128M' expect(config.indexer.mem_limit).to eq('128M') end it "sets searchd settings if within thinking_sphinx.yml" do write_configuration 'workers' => 'none' expect(config.searchd.workers).to eq('none') end it 'adds settings to indexer without common section' do write_configuration 'lemmatizer_base' => 'foo' expect(config.indexer.lemmatizer_base).to eq('foo') end it 'adds settings to common section if requested' do write_configuration 'lemmatizer_base' => 'foo', 'common_sphinx_configuration' => true expect(config.common.lemmatizer_base).to eq('foo') end end describe '#next_offset' do let(:reference) { double('reference') } it "starts at 0" do expect(config.next_offset(reference)).to eq(0) end it "increments for each new reference" do expect(config.next_offset(double('reference'))).to eq(0) expect(config.next_offset(double('reference'))).to eq(1) expect(config.next_offset(double('reference'))).to eq(2) end it "doesn't increment for recorded references" do expect(config.next_offset(reference)).to eq(0) expect(config.next_offset(reference)).to eq(0) end end describe '#preload_indices' do let(:distributor) { double :reconcile => true } before :each do stub_const 'ThinkingSphinx::Configuration::DistributedIndices', double(:new => distributor) end it "searches each index path for ruby files" do config.index_paths.replace ['/path/to/indices', '/path/to/other/indices'] expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/indices/**/*.rb').once. and_return([]) expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/other/indices/**/*.rb').once. and_return([]) config.preload_indices end it "loads each file returned" do config.index_paths.replace ['/path/to/indices'] allow(Dir).to receive_messages :[] => [ '/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb', '/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb' ] expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb') expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb') config.preload_indices end it "does not double-load indices" do config.index_paths.replace ['/path/to/indices'] allow(Dir).to receive_messages :[] => [ '/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb', '/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb' ] expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb') expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb') config.preload_indices config.preload_indices end it 'adds distributed indices' do expect(distributor).to receive(:reconcile) config.preload_indices end it 'does not add distributed indices if disabled' do write_configuration('distributed_indices' => false) expect(distributor).not_to receive(:reconcile) config.preload_indices end end describe '#render' do before :each do allow(config.searchd).to receive_messages :render => 'searchd { }' end it "searches each index path for ruby files" do config.index_paths.replace ['/path/to/indices', '/path/to/other/indices'] expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/indices/**/*.rb').once. and_return([]) expect(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('/path/to/other/indices/**/*.rb').once. and_return([]) config.render end it "loads each file returned" do config.index_paths.replace ['/path/to/indices'] allow(Dir).to receive_messages :[] => [ '/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb', '/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb' ] expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb') expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb') config.render end it "does not double-load indices" do config.index_paths.replace ['/path/to/indices'] allow(Dir).to receive_messages :[] => [ '/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb', '/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb' ] expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/foo_index.rb') expect_loading_of('/path/to/indices/bar_index.rb') config.preload_indices config.preload_indices end end describe '#render_to_file' do let(:file) { double('file') } let(:output) { config.render } let(:skip_directories) { false } before :each do write_configuration('skip_directory_creation' => skip_directories) allow(config.searchd).to receive_messages :render => 'searchd { }' end it "writes the rendered configuration to the file" do config.configuration_file = '/path/to/file.config' expect(config).to receive(:open).with('/path/to/file.config', 'w'). and_yield(file) expect(file).to receive(:write).with(output) config.render_to_file end it "creates a directory at the binlog_path" do allow(FileUtils).to receive_messages :mkdir_p => true allow(config).to receive_messages :searchd => double(:binlog_path => '/path/to/binlog') expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with('/path/to/binlog') config.render_to_file end it "skips creating a directory when the binlog_path is blank" do allow(loading_object).to receive(loading_method) allow(FileUtils).to receive_messages :mkdir_p => true allow(config).to receive_messages :searchd => double(:binlog_path => '') expect(FileUtils).not_to receive(:mkdir_p) config.render_to_file end context 'skipping directory creation' do let(:skip_directories) { true } it "skips creating a directory when flag is set" do expect(FileUtils).not_to receive(:mkdir_p) config.render_to_file end end end describe '#searchd' do describe '#address' do it "defaults to" do expect(config.searchd.address).to eq('') end it "respects the address setting" do write_configuration('address' => '') expect(config.searchd.address).to eq('') end end describe '#log' do it "defaults to an environment-specific file" do expect(config.searchd.log).to eq( File.join(config.framework.root, "log/test.searchd.log") ) end it "translates linked directories" do framework = ThinkingSphinx::Frameworks.current log_path = File.join framework.root, "log" linked_path = File.join framework.root, "logging" log_exists = File.exist? log_path FileUtils.mv log_path, "#{log_path}-tmp" if log_exists FileUtils.mkdir_p linked_path `ln -s #{linked_path} #{log_path}` expect(config.searchd.log).to eq( File.join(config.framework.root, "logging/test.searchd.log") ) FileUtils.rm log_path FileUtils.rmdir linked_path FileUtils.mv "#{log_path}-tmp", log_path if log_exists end unless RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" end describe '#mysql41' do it "defaults to 9306" do expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9306) end it "respects the port setting" do write_configuration('port' => 9313) expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9313) end it "respects the mysql41 setting" do write_configuration('mysql41' => 9307) expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9307) end end describe "#socket" do it "does not set anything by default" do expect(config.searchd.socket).to be_nil end it "ignores unspecified address and port when socket is set" do write_configuration("socket" => "/my/socket") expect(config.searchd.socket).to eq("/my/socket:mysql41") expect(config.searchd.address).to be_nil expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to be_nil end it "allows address and socket settings" do write_configuration("socket" => "/my/socket", "address" => "") expect(config.searchd.socket).to eq("/my/socket:mysql41") expect(config.searchd.address).to eq("") expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9306) end it "allows mysql41 and socket settings" do write_configuration("socket" => "/my/socket", "mysql41" => 9307) expect(config.searchd.socket).to eq("/my/socket:mysql41") expect(config.searchd.address).to eq("") expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9307) end it "allows port and socket settings" do write_configuration("socket" => "/my/socket", "port" => 9307) expect(config.searchd.socket).to eq("/my/socket:mysql41") expect(config.searchd.address).to eq("") expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9307) end it "allows address, mysql41 and socket settings" do write_configuration( "socket" => "/my/socket", "address" => "", "mysql41" => 9307 ) expect(config.searchd.socket).to eq("/my/socket:mysql41") expect(config.searchd.address).to eq("") expect(config.searchd.mysql41).to eq(9307) end end end describe '#settings' do context 'YAML file exists' do before :each do allow(File).to receive_messages :exists? => true end it "reads from the YAML file" do expect(File).to receive(:read).and_return('') config.settings end it "uses the settings for the given environment" do allow(File).to receive_messages :read => { 'test' => {'foo' => 'bar'}, 'staging' => {'baz' => 'qux'} }.to_yaml allow(Rails).to receive_messages :env => 'staging' expect(config.settings['baz']).to eq('qux') end it "remembers the file contents" do expect(File).to receive(:read).and_return('') config.settings config.settings end it "returns the default hash when no settings for the environment exist" do allow(File).to receive_messages :read => {'test' => {'foo' => 'bar'}}.to_yaml allow(Rails).to receive_messages :env => 'staging' expect(config.settings.class).to eq(Hash) end end context 'YAML file does not exist' do before :each do allow(File).to receive_messages :exists? => false end it "does not read the file" do expect(File).not_to receive(:read) config.settings end it "returns a hash" do expect(config.settings.class).to eq(Hash) end end end describe '#version' do it "defaults to 2.2.11" do expect(config.version).to eq('2.2.11') end it "respects supplied YAML versions" do write_configuration 'version' => '2.0.4' expect(config.version).to eq('2.0.4') end end end