require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) class EtsyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "The Etsy module" do setup do Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@protocol, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@environment, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@access_mode, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@callback_url, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@host, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@api_key, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@api_secret, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@permission_scopes, nil) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@silent_errors, nil) end should "be able to set and retrieve the API key" do Etsy.api_key = 'key' Etsy.api_key.should == 'key' end should "be able to set and retrieve the API key across threads (global)" do Etsy.api_key = 'key' do Etsy.api_key.should == 'key' end.join end should "be able to set and retrieve the API key inside a thread (thread local)" do Etsy.api_key = 'key' do Etsy.api_key = 'thread_local_key' Etsy.api_key.should == 'thread_local_key' end.join end should "be able to set and retrieve the API secret" do Etsy.api_secret = 'secret' Etsy.api_secret.should == 'secret' end should "be able to set and retrieve the API secret across threads (global)" do Etsy.api_secret = 'secret' do Etsy.api_secret.should == 'secret' end.join end should "be able to set and retrieve the API secret inside a thread (thread local)" do Etsy.api_secret = 'secret' do Etsy.api_secret = 'thread_local_secret' Etsy.api_secret.should == 'thread_local_secret' end.join end should "be able to find a user by username" do user = stub() Etsy::User.expects(:find).with('littletjane').returns(user) Etsy.user('littletjane').should == user end should "use the https protocol by default" do Etsy.protocol.should == "https" end should "be able to set the protocol to a valid value" do Etsy.protocol = 'http' Etsy.protocol.should == 'http' end should "raise an exception when attempting to set an invalid protocol" do lambda { Etsy.protocol = :invalid }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end should "use silent errors by default" do Etsy.silent_errors.should == true end should "be able to set silent errors to a valid value" do Etsy.silent_errors = false Etsy.silent_errors.should == false end should "raise an exception when attempting to set an invalid silent errors value" do lambda { Etsy.silent_errors = :invalid }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end should "use the production environment by default" do Etsy.environment.should == :production end should "be able to set the environment to a valid value" do Etsy.environment = :sandbox Etsy.environment.should == :sandbox end should "raise an exception when attempting to set an invalid environment" do lambda { Etsy.environment = :invalid }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end should "know the host for the sandbox environment" do Etsy.environment = :sandbox == '' end should "know the host for the production environment" do Etsy.environment = :production == '' end should "default to production host" do == '' end should "be able to set the callback url" do Etsy.callback_url = 'http://localhost' Etsy.callback_url.should == 'http://localhost' end should "default callback to out-of-band" do Etsy.callback_url.should == 'oob' end should "default permission scopes to an empty array" do Etsy.permission_scopes.should == [] end should "be able to set the scopes" do Etsy.permission_scopes = %w(a_scope another_scope) Etsy.permission_scopes.should == ['a_scope', 'another_scope'] end end context "The Etsy module when set up properly" do setup do Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@protocol, 'https') Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@environment, :sandbox) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@access_mode, :read_write) Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@api_key, 'key') Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@api_secret, 'secret') Etsy.instance_variable_set(:@verification_request, nil) end should "provide a request token" do request = stub(:request_token => 'token') Etsy::VerificationRequest.stubs(:new).returns(request) Etsy.request_token.should == 'token' end should "be able to generate an access token" do Etsy::SecureClient.stubs(:new).with({ :request_token => 'toke', :request_secret => 'secret', :verifier => 'verifier' }).returns(stub(:client => 'token')) Etsy.access_token('toke', 'secret', 'verifier').should == 'token' end should "provide a verification URL" do request = stub(:url => 'url') Etsy::VerificationRequest.stubs(:new).returns(request) Etsy.verification_url.should == 'url' end end end