require 'qless' require 'time' require 'qless/job_reservers/ordered' require 'qless/job_reservers/round_robin' module Qless # This is heavily inspired by Resque's excellent worker: # class Worker def initialize(client, job_reserver, options = {}) @client, @job_reserver = client, job_reserver @shutdown = @paused = false self.very_verbose = options[:very_verbose] self.verbose = options[:verbose] self.run_as_single_process = options[:run_as_single_process] end # Whether the worker should log basic info to STDOUT attr_accessor :verbose # Whether the worker should log lots of info to STDOUT attr_accessor :very_verbose # Whether the worker should run in a single prcoess # i.e. not fork a child process to do the work # This should only be true in a dev/test environment attr_accessor :run_as_single_process # Starts a worker based on ENV vars. Supported ENV vars: # - REDIS_URL=redis://host:port/db-num (the redis gem uses this automatically) # - QUEUES=high,medium,low or QUEUE=blah # - JOB_RESERVER=Ordered or JOB_RESERVER=RoundRobin # - INTERVAL=3.2 # - VERBOSE=true (to enable logging) # - VVERBOSE=true (to enable very verbose logging) # - RUN_AS_SINGLE_PROCESS=true (false will fork children to do work, true will keep it single process) # This is designed to be called from a rake task def self.start client = queues = (ENV['QUEUES'] || ENV['QUEUE']).to_s.split(',').map { |q| client.queues[q.strip] } if queues.none? raise "No queues provided. You must pass QUEUE or QUEUES when starting a worker." end reserver = JobReservers.const_get(ENV.fetch('JOB_RESERVER', 'Ordered')).new(queues) interval = Float(ENV.fetch('INTERVAL', 5.0)) options = {} options[:verbose] = !!ENV['VERBOSE'] options[:very_verbose] = !!ENV['VVERBOSE'] options[:run_as_single_process] = !!ENV['RUN_AS_SINGLE_PROCESS'] new(client, reserver, options).work(interval) end def work(interval = 5.0) procline "Starting #{@job_reserver.description}" register_signal_handlers loop do break if shutdown? next if paused? unless job = @job_reserver.reserve break if procline "Waiting for #{@job_reserver.description}" log! "Sleeping for #{interval} seconds" sleep interval next end log "got: #{job.inspect}" if run_as_single_process # We're staying in the same process procline "Single processing #{job.description}" perform(job) elsif @child = fork # We're in the parent process procline "Forked #{@child} for #{job.description}" Process.wait(@child) else # We're in the child process procline "Processing #{job.description}" perform(job) exit! end end end def perform(job) around_perform(job) rescue Exception => error fail_job(job, error) else job.complete unless job.state_changed? end def shutdown @shutdown = true end def shutdown! shutdown kill_child unless run_as_single_process end def shutdown? @shutdown end def paused? @paused end def pause_processing log "USR2 received; pausing job processing" @paused = true procline "Paused -- #{@job_reserver.description}" end def unpause_processing log "CONT received; resuming job processing" @paused = false end private # Allow middleware modules to be mixed in and override the # definition of around_perform while providing a default # implementation so our code can assume the method is present. include { def around_perform(job) job.perform end } def fail_job(job, error) group = "#{job.klass}:#{error.class}" message = "#{error.message}\n\n#{error.backtrace.join("\n")}" log "Got #{group} failure from #{job.inspect}", message) end def procline(value) $0 = "Qless-#{Qless::VERSION}: #{value} at #{}" log! $0 end def kill_child return unless @child return unless system("ps -o pid,state -p #{@child}") Process.kill("KILL", @child) rescue nil end # This is stolen directly from resque... (thanks, @defunkt!) # Registers the various signal handlers a worker responds to. # # TERM: Shutdown immediately, stop processing jobs. # INT: Shutdown immediately, stop processing jobs. # QUIT: Shutdown after the current job has finished processing. # USR1: Kill the forked child immediately, continue processing jobs. # USR2: Don't process any new jobs # CONT: Start processing jobs again after a USR2 def register_signal_handlers trap('TERM') { shutdown! } trap('INT') { shutdown! } begin trap('QUIT') { shutdown } trap('USR1') { kill_child } trap('USR2') { pause_processing } trap('CONT') { unpause_processing } rescue ArgumentError warn "Signals QUIT, USR1, USR2, and/or CONT not supported." end end # Log a message to STDOUT if we are verbose or very_verbose. def log(message) if verbose puts "*** #{message}" elsif very_verbose time ='%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d') puts "** [#{time}] #$$: #{message}" end end # Logs a very verbose message to STDOUT. def log!(message) log message if very_verbose end end end