@import "photoshop-blend-modes"; // Photoshop Gradient Overlay // -------------------------- @function photoshop-gradient-overlay( $bg-color, $blend: normal, $opacity: 100%, $angle: 90deg, $scale: 100%, $gradient-colors: (#000, #fff), $gradient-stops: (0%, 100%) ) { $css-angle: convert-angle($angle); $color-stops: (); @for $i from 1 through length($gradient-colors) { $blended-color: photoshop-blend($blend, $bg-color, nth($gradient-colors, $i), percentage-to-decimal($opacity)); $stop: join($blended-color, stop-scale(nth($gradient-stops, $i), $scale), space); $color-stops: append($color-stops, $stop, comma); } @return linear-gradient($css-angle, $color-stops); } // Adjust the color-stops based on the scale value @function stop-scale($stop, $scale) { $stop: percentage-to-decimal($stop); $scale: percentage-to-decimal($scale); @return $scale * $stop - (0.5 * ($scale - 1)); } // Convert percentage units to decimal units @function percentage-to-decimal($percentage) { @if unit($percentage) == '%' { $percentage: $percentage/100%; } @return $percentage; } // Attempt to convert a Photoshop angle to a CSS keyword. // If a valid keyword isn't available, convert to a CSS angle (0deg = north in CSS; east in Photoshop) @function convert-angle($angle) { @if $angle == 0 { @return left; } @else if $angle == 90 { @return bottom; } @else if $angle == 180 { @return right; } @else if $angle == -90 { @return top; } @else { @return $angle - 90deg; } }