Given /^beanstalkd is not running$/ do if @beanstalk Process.kill("KILL", end end Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" running$/ do |command| instance_variable_name = "@" + command.split("-")[1] pipe = instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name) pipe.should_not be_nil `ps -p #{}`.split("\n").size.should == 2 end When /^I background run "flapjack-worker"$/ do @root = bin_path = @root.join('bin') command = "#{bin_path}/flapjack-worker 2>&1" @worker = IO.popen(command, 'r') sleep 1 at_exit do Process.kill("KILL", end end Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" output$/ do |string, command| instance_variable_name = "@" + command.split("-")[1] pipe = instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name) pipe.should_not be_nil @output = read_until_timeout(pipe, 4) @output.grep(/#{string}/).size.should > 0 end Then /^I should not see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" output$/ do |string, command| instance_variable_name = "@" + command.split("-")[1] pipe = instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name) pipe.should_not be_nil @output = read_until_timeout(pipe, 4) @output.grep(/#{string}/).size.should == 0 end When /^beanstalkd is killed$/ do Given "beanstalkd is not running" end Then /^show me the output from "([^"]*)"$/ do |command| instance_variable_name = "@" + command.split("-")[1] pipe = instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name) pipe.should_not be_nil @output = read_until_timeout(pipe, 5) puts @output end When /^I sleep "(\d+)" seconds$/ do |time| sleep(time.to_i) end