require 'rubygems' require 'httparty' class Foursquare # Current Version of the Foursquare API: include HTTParty base_uri '' format :xml # auth user # TODO: add OAuth support (follow Twitter gem from jnunemaker def initialize(user="",pass="", options={}) self.class.basic_auth user, pass self.class.headers(options[:headers]) if options.has_key?(:headers) end # ========================= # = No Auth Required Methods = # ========================= # test for response from Foursquare def test self.class.get("/v1/test") end def venues(geolat, geolong, options={}) options.merge!({:geolat=>geolat, :geolong=>geolong}) self.class.get("/v1/venues", :query=>options) end def tips(geolat,geolong,options={}) options.merge!({:geolat=>geolat, :geolong=>geolong}) self.class.get("/v1/tips", :query=>options) end # ========================= # = Auth Required Methods = # ========================= def checkins(options={}) self.class.get("/v1/checkins",:query=>options) end def checkin(vid=nil,venue=nil,shout=nil,options={}) unless vid || venue || shout raise ArgumentError, "A vid or venue or shout is required to checkin", caller end options.merge!({:vid=>vid, :venue=>venue, :shout=>shout})"/v1/checkin", :body => options) end def history(options={}) limit = options.delete(:limit) || 10 uri = "/v1/history?l=#{limit}" sinceid = options.delete(:sinceid) uri << "&sinceid=#{sinceid}" unless sinceid.nil? self.class.get(uri) end def user_details(user_id,options={}) unless user_id raise ArgumentError, "A user_id is required to get details about a user", caller end self.class.get("/v1/user",:query=>options) end def friends(options={}) self.class.get("/v1/friends",:query=>options) end def venue_details(venue_id) self.class.get("/v1/venue?vid=#{venue_id}") end # city_id has been removed from API def add_venue(name,address,cross_street,city,state,options={}) unless name && address && cross_street && city && state raise ArgumentError, "A venue's name, address, cross_street, city, state are required to add_venue", caller end options.merge!({:name=>name, :address=>address, :cross_street=>cross_street, :city=>city, :state=>state})"/v1/addvenue", :body => options) end def propose_edit(venue_id,name,address,cross_street,city,state,options={}) unless venue_id && name && address && cross_street && city && state raise ArgumentError, "A venue's venue_id, name, address, cross_street, city, state are required to propose_edit", caller end options.merge!({:venue_id=>venue_id,:name=>name, :address=>address, :cross_street=>cross_street, :city=>city, :state=>state})"/v1/venue/proposeedit", :body => options) end def flag_venue_as_closed(venue_id) unless venue_id raise ArgumentError, "A venue's venue_id is required to flag as closed", caller end"/v1/venue/flagclosed?vid=#{venue_id}") end # =============== # = TIP methods = # =============== def add_tip(venue_id,text,options={}) unless venue_id && text raise ArgumentError, "venue_id and text are required to add_tip", caller end options.merge!({:vid=>venue_id, :text=>text})"/v1/addtip", :body => options) end def mark_tip_as_todo(tid) unless tid raise ArgumentError, "tip_id is required to mark tip as todo", caller end"/v1/tip/marktodo", :body => {:tip=>tip}) end def mark_tip_as_done(tid) unless tid raise ArgumentError, "tid is required to mark tip as done", caller end"/v1/tip/markdone", :body => {:tip=>tip}) end # ================== # = FRIEND Methods = # ================== def friend_requests self.class.get("/v1/friend/requests") end def friend_approve(uid) unless uid raise ArgumentError, "uid is required to approve friend request", caller end"/v1/friend/requests", :body => {:uid=>uid}) end def friend_deny(uid) unless uid raise ArgumentError, "uid is required to deny friend request", caller end"/v1/friend/deny", :body => {:uid=>uid}) end def request_friend(uid) unless uid raise ArgumentError, "uid is required to request friend", caller end"/v1/friend/sendrequest", :body => {:uid=>uid}) end # ================ # = FIND Methods = # ================ def find_friends_by_name(q) self.class.get("/v1/findfriends/byname", :query=>{:q=>q}) end def find_friends_by_phone(q) self.class.get("/v1/findfriends/byphone", :query=>{:q=>q}) end def find_friends_by_twitter(q) self.class.get("/v1/findfriends/bytwitter", :query=>{:q=>q}) end # =============== # = SET methods = # =============== def set_pings(user_id=nil,ping=nil) uid = user_id || "self""/v1/settings/setpings?#{uid}=#{ping}") end # From Foursquare API # 20100108 - naveen - the concept of cities (cityid and all city-related methods) has now been removed # Deprecated def cities self.class.get("/v1/cities") end # Deprecated def check_city(geolat, geolong) $stderr.puts "`check_city` Deprecated: The idea of \"cityid\" is now deprecated from the API" self.class.get("/v1/checkcity?geolat=#{geolat}&geolong=#{geolong}") end # Deprecated def switch_city(city_id) $stderr.puts "`switch_city` Deprecated: The idea of \"cityid\" is now deprecated from the API""/v1/switchcity", :body => {:cityid => city_id}) end # Method changed to call checkins to match API def friend_checkins(options={}) $stderr.puts "`friend_checkins` now calls `checkins` to match the foursquare api method call" $stderr.puts "" checkins(options) end end