module Pakyow module Presenter class ViewComposer class << self def from_path(store, path, opts = {}, &block), path, opts, &block) end end extend Forwardable def_delegators :template, :title, :title= def_delegators :parts, :prop, :component def_delegators :view, :to_html attr_reader :store, :path, :page, :partials def initialize(store, path = nil, opts = {}, &block) @store = store @path = path = opts.fetch(:page) { path } self.template = opts.fetch(:template) { (@page.is_a?(Page) && || path } # Setting up partials is a bit complicated, but here's how it works. # # First we set `@partials` to the ones passed or the partials from the # store for the path that we're composing at. We do this so that # partials are included in `parts` after this (important since we # want partials defined in partials to be found properly). begin @partials = {} @partials = includes(opts.fetch(:includes)) rescue @partials = store.partials(path) unless path.nil? end # Now we need to build the actual set of partials used by parts of the # view that we're composing. This bit of code counts the number of each # partial present; if it's greater than one we represent them as a view # collection, otherwise it's just a partial. # # FIXME: It's possible there's a more straight-forward way to write this # code; it should be explored at some poitn in the future. partials = {} @partials.each do |name, view| count = { |part| part.doc.partials.key?(name) }.map { |part| part.doc.partials[name].count }.inject(&:+) || 0 partials[name] = view; next if count < 2 collection = count.times do collection << view.dup end partials[name] = collection end @partials = partials instance_exec(&block) if block_given? end def initialize_copy(original) super %w[store path page template partials view].each do |ivar| value = original.instance_variable_get("@#{ivar}") next if value.nil? if value.is_a?(Hash) dup_value = {} value.each_pair { |key, value| dup_value[key] = value.dup } else dup_value = value.dup end self.instance_variable_set("@#{ivar}", dup_value) end end def view build_view end alias_method :composed, :view def template(template = nil) if template.nil? return @template end self.template = template return self end def template=(template) unless template.is_a?(Template) # get template by name template = @store.template(template.to_sym) end @template = template return self end def page=(page) unless page.is_a?(Page) # get page by name page = end @page = page return self end def includes(partial_map) @partials.merge!(remap_partials(partial_map)) end def partials=(partial_map) @partials.merge!(remap_partials(partial_map)) end def partial(name) partial = @partials[name] partial.includes(partials) return partial end def container(name) container = @page.container(name) return container end def parts # create an array to hold the parts parts = # add the current template parts << @template # add each page container @page.each_container do |_, container| parts << container end parts.concat(partials_for_parts(parts)) return parts end def scope(name) collection = parts.scope(name) if collection.is_a?(ViewVersion) collection = collection.versions.inject( { |c, v| c << v; c } end # include partials so nested scopes/props can be bound to collection.each do |view| view.includes(partials) end #TODO make sure anytime we return a collection it tries to version # make this a class level helper method on ViewVersion if !collection.is_a?(ViewVersion) && collection.versioned? else collection end end private def build_view raise MissingTemplate, "No template provided to view composer" if @template.nil? raise MissingPage, "No page provided to view composer" if @page.nil? view = # set title title = view.title = title unless title.nil? return view end def remap_partials(partials) Hash[ { |name, partial_or_path| if partial_or_path.is_a?(Partial) partial = partial_or_path else partial = Partial.load(@store.expand_partial_path(partial_or_path)) end [name, partial] }] end def partials_for_parts(parts, acc = []) # determine the partials to be included available_partials = parts.inject([]) { |sum, part| if part.is_a?(ViewCollection) part.each do |view| sum.concat(view.doc.partials.keys) end else sum.concat(part.doc.partials.keys) end } # add available partials as parts { |name| available_partials.include?(name) }.each_pair { |_, partial| acc << partial partials_for_parts([partial], acc) } return acc end end end end