opal_filter "Array" do fails "Array#clone copies singleton methods" fails "Array#combination generates from a defensive copy, ignoring mutations" fails "Array#combination yields a partition consisting of only singletons" fails "Array#combination yields [] when length is 0" fails "Array#combination yields a copy of self if the argument is the size of the receiver" fails "Array#combination yields nothing if the argument is out of bounds" fails "Array#combination yields the expected combinations" fails "Array#combination yields nothing for out of bounds length and return self" fails "Array#combination returns self when a block is given" fails "Array#combination returns an enumerator when no block is provided" fails "Array#<=> calls <=> left to right and return first non-0 result" fails "Array#<=> returns -1 if the arrays have same length and a pair of corresponding elements returns -1 for <=>" fails "Array#<=> returns +1 if the arrays have same length and a pair of corresponding elements returns +1 for <=>" fails "Array#<=> tries to convert the passed argument to an Array using #to_ary" fails "Array#<=> returns nil when the argument is not array-like" fails "Array#delete may be given a block that is executed if no element matches object" fails "Array#delete returns the last element in the array for which object is equal under #==" fails "Array.[] can unpack 2 or more nested referenced array" fails "Array#[]= sets elements in the range arguments when passed ranges" fails "Array#flatten does not call flatten on elements" fails "Array#flatten with a non-Array object in the Array ignores the return value of #to_ary if it is nil" fails "Array#flatten with a non-Array object in the Array raises a TypeError if the return value of #to_ary is not an Array" fails "Array#flatten raises a TypeError when the passed Object can't be converted to an Integer" fails "Array#flatten tries to convert passed Objects to Integers using #to_int" fails "Array#flatten! does not call flatten! on elements" fails "Array#flatten! flattens any elements which responds to #to_ary, using the return value of said method" fails "Array#flatten! raises a TypeError when the passed Object can't be converted to an Integer" fails "Array#flatten! tries to convert passed Objects to Integers using #to_int" fails "Array#flatten! should not check modification by size" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) sets the array to the values returned by the block before break is executed" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) returns the value passed to break" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) uses the block value instead of using the default value" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) yields the index of the element and sets the element to the value of the block" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) raises a TypeError if the size argument is not an Integer type" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) calls #to_int to convert the size argument to an Integer when object is not given" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) calls #to_int to convert the size argument to an Integer when object is given" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) raises an ArgumentError if size is too large" fails "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil) sets the array to size and fills with the object" fails "Array#initialize with (array) calls #to_ary to convert the value to an array" fails "Array#initialize preserves the object's identity even when changing its value" fails "Array#& determines equivalence between elements in the sense of eql?" fails "Array#- removes an identical item even when its #eql? isn't reflexive" fails "Array#- doesn't remove an item with the same hash but not #eql?" fails "Array#- removes an item identified as equivalent via #hash and #eql?" fails "Array#* raises a TypeError is the passed argument is nil" fails "Array#* converts the passed argument to a String rather than an Integer" fails "Array#* raises a TypeError if the argument can neither be converted to a string nor an integer" fails "Array#* tires to convert the passed argument to an Integer using #to_int" fails "Array#* tries to convert the passed argument to a String using #to_str" fails "Array#* with a string uses the same separator with nested arrays" fails "Array#* with a string returns a string formed by concatenating each element.to_str separated by separator" fails "Array.new with (size, object=nil) raises an ArgumentError if size is too large" fails "Array.new with (array) calls #to_ary to convert the value to an array" fails "Array.new with (size, object=nil) calls #to_int to convert the size argument to an Integer when object is given" fails "Array.new with (size, object=nil) calls #to_int to convert the size argument to an Integer when object is not given" fails "Array.new with (size, object=nil) raises a TypeError if the size argument is not an Integer type" fails "Array#permutation generates from a defensive copy, ignoring mutations" fails "Array#permutation returns an Enumerator which works as expected even when the array was modified" fails "Array#permutation truncates Float arguments" fails "Array#permutation handles nested Arrays correctly" fails "Array#permutation handles duplicate elements correctly" fails "Array#permutation returns no permutations when the given length has no permutations" fails "Array#permutation returns the empty permutation([]) when called on an empty Array" fails "Array#permutation returns the empty permutation ([[]]) when the given length is 0" fails "Array#permutation yields all permutations of given length to the block then returns self when called with block and argument" fails "Array#permutation yields all permutations to the block then returns self when called with block but no arguments" fails "Array#permutation returns an Enumerator of permutations of given length when called with an argument but no block" fails "Array#permutation returns an Enumerator of all permutations when called without a block or arguments" fails "Array#product when given an empty block returns self" fails "Array#product when given a block will ignore unreasonable numbers of products and yield anyway" fails "Array#product when given a block yields all combinations in turn" fails "Array#product does not attempt to produce an unreasonable number of products" fails "Array#product returns an empty array when the argument is an empty array" fails "Array#product has no required argument" fails "Array#product returns the expected result" fails "Array#product returns converted arguments using :to_ary" fails "Array#rassoc does not check the last element in each contained but speficically the second" fails "Array#rassoc calls elem == obj on the second element of each contained array" fails "Array#repeated_combination generates from a defensive copy, ignoring mutations" fails "Array#repeated_combination accepts sizes larger than the original array" fails "Array#repeated_combination yields a partition consisting of only singletons" fails "Array#repeated_combination yields nothing when the array is empty and num is non zero" fails "Array#repeated_combination yields [] when length is 0" fails "Array#repeated_combination yields the expected repeated_combinations" fails "Array#repeated_combination yields nothing for negative length and return self" fails "Array#repeated_combination returns self when a block is given" fails "Array#repeated_combination returns an enumerator when no block is provided" fails "Array#repeated_permutation generates from a defensive copy, ignoring mutations" fails "Array#repeated_permutation allows permutations larger than the number of elements" fails "Array#repeated_permutation returns an Enumerator which works as expected even when the array was modified" fails "Array#repeated_permutation truncates Float arguments" fails "Array#repeated_permutation handles duplicate elements correctly" fails "Array#repeated_permutation does not yield when called on an empty Array with a nonzero argument" fails "Array#repeated_permutation yields the empty repeated_permutation ([[]]) when the given length is 0" fails "Array#repeated_permutation yields all repeated_permutations to the block then returns self when called with block but no arguments" fails "Array#repeated_permutation returns an Enumerator of all repeated permutations of given length when called without a block" fails "Array#rindex rechecks the array size during iteration" fails "Array#rotate! with an argument n raises a TypeError if not passed an integer-like argument" fails "Array#rotate! with an argument n coerces the argument using to_int" fails "Array#rotate! with an argument n moves the first (n % size) elements at the end and returns self" fails "Array#rotate! when passed no argument moves the first element to the end and returns self" fails "Array#rotate! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#rotate! does nothing and returns self when the length is zero or one" fails "Array#rotate with an argument n raises a TypeError if not passed an integer-like argument" fails "Array#rotate with an argument n coerces the argument using to_int" fails "Array#rotate with an argument n returns a copy of the array with the first (n % size) elements moved at the end" fails "Array#rotate when passed no argument returns a copy of the array with the first element moved at the end" fails "Array#rotate does not return subclass instance for Array subclasses" fails "Array#rotate does not return self" fails "Array#rotate does not mutate the receiver" fails "Array#rotate returns a copy of the array when its length is one or zero" fails "Array#sample calls #rand on the Object passed by the :random key in the arguments Hash" fails "Array#sample calls #to_hash to convert the passed Object" fails "Array#sample calls #to_int on the Object returned by #rand" fails "Array#sample calls #to_int on the first argument and #to_hash on the second when passed Objects" fails "Array#sample calls #to_int to convert the count when passed an Object" fails "Array#sample does not return the same value if the Array has unique values" fails "Array#sample ignores an Object passed for the RNG if it does not define #rand" fails "Array#sample raises ArgumentError when passed a negative count" fails "Array#sample raises a RangeError if the value is equal to the Array size" fails "Array#sample raises a RangeError if the value is less than zero" fails "Array#sample returns at most the number of elements in the Array" fails "Array#sample when the object returned by #rand is not a Fixnum but responds to #to_int calls #to_int on the Object" fails "Array#sample when the object returned by #rand is not a Fixnum but responds to #to_int raises a RangeError if the value is equal to the Array size" fails "Array#sample when the object returned by #rand is not a Fixnum but responds to #to_int raises a RangeError if the value is less than zero" fails "Array#sample with options calls #rand on the Object passed by the :random key in the arguments Hash" fails "Array#sample with options calls #to_hash to convert the passed Object" fails "Array#sample with options calls #to_int on the first argument and #to_hash on the second when passed Objects" fails "Array#sample with options ignores an Object passed for the RNG if it does not define #rand" fails "Array#sample with options when the object returned by #rand is a Fixnum raises a RangeError if the value is equal to the Array size" fails "Array#sample with options when the object returned by #rand is a Fixnum raises a RangeError if the value is less than zero" fails "Array#sample with options when the object returned by #rand is a Fixnum uses the fixnum as index" fails "Array#select returns a new array of elements for which block is true" fails "Array#shuffle attempts coercion via #to_hash" fails "Array#shuffle is not destructive" fails "Array#shuffle returns the same values, in a usually different order" fails "Array#shuffle calls #rand on the Object passed by the :random key in the arguments Hash" fails "Array#shuffle ignores an Object passed for the RNG if it does not define #rand" fails "Array#shuffle accepts a Float for the value returned by #rand" fails "Array#shuffle calls #to_int on the Object returned by #rand" fails "Array#shuffle raises a RangeError if the value is less than zero" fails "Array#shuffle raises a RangeError if the value is equal to one" fails "Array#shuffle! returns the same values, in a usually different order" fails "Array#slice! calls to_int on range arguments" fails "Array#slice! calls to_int on start and length arguments" fails "Array#slice! does not expand array with indices out of bounds" fails "Array#slice! does not expand array with negative indices out of bounds" fails "Array#slice! removes and return elements in range" fails "Array#slice! removes and returns elements in end-exclusive ranges" fails "Array#sort_by! makes some modification even if finished sorting when it would break in the given block" fails "Array#sort_by! returns the specified value when it would break in the given block" fails "Array#sort_by! raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array" fails "Array#sort_by! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#sort_by! completes when supplied a block that always returns the same result" fails "Array#sort_by! returns an Enumerator if not given a block" fails "Array#sort_by! sorts array in place by passing each element to the given block" fails "Array#uniq compares elements based on the value returned from the block" fails "Array#uniq compares elements with matching hash codes with #eql?" fails "Array#uniq handles nil and false like any other values" fails "Array#uniq uses eql? semantics" fails "Array#uniq yields items in order" fails "Array#uniq! compares elements based on the value returned from the block" fails "Array#values_at returns an array of elements at the indexes when passed indexes" fails "Array#values_at calls to_int on its indices" fails "Array#values_at returns an array of elements in the ranges when passes ranges" fails "Array#values_at calls to_int on arguments of ranges when passes ranges" fails "Array#values_at does not return subclass instance on Array subclasses" fails "Array#values_at when passed ranges returns an array of elements in the ranges" fails "Array#values_at when passed ranges calls to_int on arguments of ranges" fails "Array#values_at when passed a range fills with nil if the index is out of the range" fails "Array#values_at when passed a range on an empty array fills with nils if the index is out of the range" fails "Array#zip calls #to_ary to convert the argument to an Array" fails "Array#zip uses #each to extract arguments' elements when #to_ary fails" fails "Array#hash returns the same value if arrays are #eql?" fails "Array#hash returns same hash code for arrays with the same content" fails "Array#hash ignores array class differences" fails "Array#hash calls to_int on result of calling hash on each element" fails "Array#hash returns the same fixnum for arrays with the same content" fails "Array#partition returns in the left array values for which the block evaluates to true" fails "Array#partition returns two arrays" fails "Array#partition does not return subclass instances on Array subclasses" fails "Array#| acts as if using an intermediate hash to collect values" # recursive arrays fails "Array#join raises an ArgumentError when the Array is recursive" fails "Array#uniq! properly handles recursive arrays" fails "Array#| properly handles recursive arrays" fails "Array#<=> properly handles recursive arrays" fails "Array#eql? handles well recursive arrays" fails "Array#== handles well recursive arrays" fails "Array#flatten raises an ArgumentError on recursive arrays" fails "Array#flatten! raises an ArgumentError on recursive arrays" fails "Array#partition properly handles recursive arrays" fails "Array#& properly handles recursive arrays" fails "Array#values_at properly handles recursive arrays" fails "Array#hash returns the same hash for equal recursive arrays through hashes" fails "Array#hash returns the same hash for equal recursive arrays" end