# # ActiveFacts Rails Models Generator # # Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'digest/sha1' require 'activefacts/metamodel' require 'activefacts/registry' require 'activefacts/compositions' require 'activefacts/generator' require 'activefacts/compositions/traits/rails' module ActiveFacts module Generators module Rails class Models HEADER = "# Auto-generated from CQL, edits will be lost" def self.options ({ output: [String, "Overwrite model files into this output directory"], concern: [String, "Namespace for the concerns"], validation: ['Boolean', "Disable generation of validations"], }) end def initialize composition, options = {} @composition = composition @options = options @option_output = options.delete("output") @option_concern = options.delete("concern") @option_validations = options.include?('validations') ? options.delete("validations") : true end def warn *a $stderr.puts *a end def generate list_extant_files if @option_output @ok = true models = @composition. all_composite. sort_by{|composite| composite.mapping.name}. map{|composite| generate_composite composite}. compact*"\n" warn "\# #{@composition.name} generated with errors" unless @ok delete_old_generated_files if @option_output models end def list_extant_files @preexisting_files = Dir[@option_output+'/*.rb'] end def delete_old_generated_files remaining = [] cleaned = 0 @preexisting_files.each do |pathname| if generated_file_exists(pathname) == true File.unlink(pathname) cleaned += 1 else remaining << pathname end end $stderr.puts "Cleaned up #{cleaned} old generated files" if @preexisting_files.size > 0 $stderr.puts "Remaining non-generated files:\n\t#{remaining*"\n\t"}" if remaining.size > 0 end def generated_file_exists pathname File.open(pathname, 'r') do |existing| first_lines = existing.read(1024) # Make it possible to pass over a magic charset comment if first_lines.length == 0 or first_lines =~ %r{^#{HEADER}} return true end end return false # File exists, but is not generated rescue Errno::ENOENT return nil # File does not exist end def create_if_ok filename # Create a file in the output directory, being careful not to overwrite carelessly out = $stdout if @option_output pathname = (@option_output+'/'+filename).gsub(%r{//+}, '/') @preexisting_files.reject!{|f| f == pathname } # Don't clean up this file if generated_file_exists(pathname) == false warn "not overwriting non-generated file #{pathname}" @ok = false return nil end out = File.open(pathname, 'w') end out end def generate_composite composite model = (@option_concern ? "module #{@option_concern}\n" : '') + model_body(composite).gsub(/^./, @option_concern ? ' \0' : '\0') + (@option_concern ? "end\n" : '') return model unless @option_output filename = composite.rails.singular_name+'.rb' out = create_if_ok(filename) return nil unless out out.puts "#{HEADER}\n\n"+model ensure out.close if out nil end def model_header composite [ "module #{composite.rails.class_name}", " extend ActiveSupport::Concern", " included do" ] end def model_key composite identifier_columns = composite.primary_index.all_index_field if identifier_columns.size == 1 [ " self.primary_key = '#{identifier_columns.single.component.column_name.snakecase}'", '' # Leave a blank line ] else [] end end def model_body composite ( model_header(composite) + model_key(composite) + to_associations(composite) + from_associations(composite) + column_constraints(composite) + [ " end", "end" ] ). compact. map{|l| l+"\n"}. join(''). gsub(/\n\n\n+/,"\n\n") # At most double-spaced end def to_associations composite # Each outbound foreign key generates a belongs_to association: composite.all_foreign_key_as_source_composite. sort_by{ |fk| fk.all_foreign_key_field.map(&:component).flat_map(&:path).map(&:rank_key) }. flat_map do |fk| association_name = fk.rails.from_association_name if association_name != fk.composite.rails.singular_name # A different class_name is implied, emit an explicit one: class_name = ", :class_name => '#{fk.composite.rails.class_name}'" end foreign_key = ", :foreign_key => :#{fk.all_foreign_key_field.single.component.column_name.snakecase}" if foreign_key == fk.composite.rails.singular_name+'_id' # See lib/active_record/reflection.rb, method #derive_foreign_key foreign_key = '' end [ fk.absorption ? " \# #{fk.absorption.comment}" : nil, " belongs_to :#{association_name}#{class_name}#{foreign_key}", fk.absorption ? '' : nil, ] end.compact end def from_associations composite # has_one/has_many Associations composite.all_foreign_key_as_target_composite. sort_by{ |fk| fk.all_foreign_key_field.map(&:component).flat_map(&:path).map(&:rank_key) }. flat_map do |fk| if fk.all_foreign_key_field.size > 1 raise "Can't emit Rails associations for multi-part foreign key with #{fk.references.inspect}. Did you mean to use --surrogate?" end association_type, association_name = *fk.rails.to_association [ # REVISIT: We want the reverse-order comment here really fk.absorption ? " \# #{fk.absorption.comment}" : nil, %Q{ #{association_type} :#{association_name}} + %Q{, :class_name => '#{fk.source_composite.rails.class_name}'} + %Q{, :foreign_key => :#{fk.all_foreign_key_field.single.component.column_name.snakecase}} + %Q{, :dependent => :destroy} ] + # If fk.absorption.source_composite is a join table, we can emit a has_many :through for each other key # REVISIT: We could alternately do this for all belongs_to's in the source composite if fk.source_composite.primary_index.all_index_field.size > 1 fk.source_composite.primary_index.all_index_field.map(&:component).flat_map do |ic| next nil if ic.is_a?(MM::Indicator) # or use rails.plural_name(ic.references[0].to_names) ? onward_fks = ic.all_foreign_key_field.map(&:foreign_key) next nil if onward_fks.size == 0 or onward_fks.detect{|fk| fk.composite == composite} # Skip the back-reference # REVISIT: This far association name needs to be augmented for its role name " has_many :#{onward_fks[0].composite.rails.plural_name}, :through => :#{association_name}" end.compact else [] end + [fk.absorption ? '' : nil] end end def column_constraints composite return [] unless @option_validations ccs = composite.mapping.all_leaf.flat_map do |component| next unless component.path_mandatory next if component.is_a?(Metamodel::Mapping) && component.object_type.is_a?(Metamodel::ValueType) && component.is_auto_assigned [ " validates :#{component.column_name.snakecase}, :presence => true" ] end.compact ccs.unshift("") unless ccs.empty? ccs end MM = ActiveFacts::Metamodel unless const_defined?(:MM) end end publish_generator Rails::Models end end