# encoding: utf-8 require 'twitter' require 'rufus/scheduler' module Ebooks class ConfigurationError < Exception end # Represents a single reply tree of tweets class Conversation attr_reader :last_update # @param bot [Ebooks::Bot] def initialize(bot) @bot = bot @tweets = [] @last_update = Time.now end # @param tweet [Twitter::Tweet] tweet to add def add(tweet) @tweets << tweet @last_update = Time.now end # Make an informed guess as to whether a user is a bot based # on their behavior in this conversation def is_bot?(username) usertweets = @tweets.select { |t| t.user.screen_name.downcase == username.downcase } if usertweets.length > 2 if (usertweets[-1].created_at - usertweets[-3].created_at) < 10 return true end end username.include?("ebooks") end # Figure out whether to keep this user in the reply prefix # We want to avoid spamming non-participating users def can_include?(username) @tweets.length <= 4 || !@tweets.select { |t| t.user.screen_name.downcase == username.downcase }.empty? end end # Meta information about a tweet that we calculate for ourselves class TweetMeta # @return [Array] usernames mentioned in tweet attr_accessor :mentions # @return [String] text of tweets with mentions removed attr_accessor :mentionless # @return [Array] usernames to include in a reply attr_accessor :reply_mentions # @return [String] mentions to start reply with attr_accessor :reply_prefix # @return [Integer] available chars for reply attr_accessor :limit # @return [Ebooks::Bot] associated bot attr_accessor :bot # @return [Twitter::Tweet] associated tweet attr_accessor :tweet # Check whether this tweet mentions our bot # @return [Boolean] def mentions_bot? # To check if this is someone talking to us, ensure: # - The tweet mentions list contains our username # - The tweet is not being retweeted by somebody else # - Or soft-retweeted by somebody else @mentions.map(&:downcase).include?(@bot.username.downcase) && !@tweet.retweeted_status? && !@tweet.text.match(/([`'‘’"“”]|RT|via|by|from)\s*@/i) end # @param bot [Ebooks::Bot] # @param ev [Twitter::Tweet] def initialize(bot, ev) @bot = bot @tweet = ev @mentions = ev.attrs[:entities][:user_mentions].map { |x| x[:screen_name] } # Process mentions to figure out who to reply to # i.e. not self and nobody who has seen too many secondary mentions reply_mentions = @mentions.reject do |m| m.downcase == @bot.username.downcase || !@bot.conversation(ev).can_include?(m) end @reply_mentions = ([ev.user.screen_name] + reply_mentions).uniq @reply_prefix = @reply_mentions.map { |m| '@'+m }.join(' ') + ' ' @limit = 140 - @reply_prefix.length mless = ev.text begin ev.attrs[:entities][:user_mentions].reverse.each do |entity| last = mless[entity[:indices][1]..-1]||'' mless = mless[0...entity[:indices][0]] + last.strip end rescue Exception p ev.attrs[:entities][:user_mentions] p ev.text raise end @mentionless = mless end # Get an array of media uris in tweet. # @param size [String] A twitter image size to return. Supported sizes are thumb, small, medium (default), large # @return [Array] image URIs included in tweet def media_uris(size_input = '') case size_input when 'thumb' size = ':thumb' when 'small' size = ':small' when 'medium' size = ':medium' when 'large' size = ':large' else size = '' end # Start collecting uris. uris = [] if @tweet.media? @tweet.media.each do |each_media| uris << each_media.media_url.to_s + size end end # and that's pretty much it! uris end end class Bot # @return [String] OAuth consumer key for a Twitter app attr_accessor :consumer_key # @return [String] OAuth consumer secret for a Twitter app attr_accessor :consumer_secret # @return [String] OAuth access token from `ebooks auth` attr_accessor :access_token # @return [String] OAuth access secret from `ebooks auth` attr_accessor :access_token_secret # @return [Twitter::User] Twitter user object of bot attr_accessor :user # @return [String] Twitter username of bot attr_accessor :username # @return [Array] list of usernames to block on contact attr_accessor :blacklist # @return [Hash{String => Ebooks::Conversation}] maps tweet ids to their conversation contexts attr_accessor :conversations # @return [Range, Integer] range of seconds to delay in delay method attr_accessor :delay_range # @return [Array] list of all defined bots def self.all; @@all ||= []; end # Fetches a bot by username # @param username [String] # @return [Ebooks::Bot] def self.get(username) all.find { |bot| bot.username == username } end # Logs info to stdout in the context of this bot def log(*args) STDOUT.print "@#{@username}: " + args.map(&:to_s).join(' ') + "\n" STDOUT.flush end # Initializes and configures bot # @param args Arguments passed to configure method # @param b Block to call with new bot def initialize(username, &b) @blacklist ||= [] @conversations ||= {} # Tweet ids we've already observed, to avoid duplication @seen_tweets ||= {} @username = username @delay_range ||= 1..6 configure b.call(self) unless b.nil? Bot.all << self end def configure raise ConfigurationError, "Please override the 'configure' method for subclasses of Ebooks::Bot." end # Find or create the conversation context for this tweet # @param tweet [Twitter::Tweet] # @return [Ebooks::Conversation] def conversation(tweet) conv = if tweet.in_reply_to_status_id? @conversations[tweet.in_reply_to_status_id] end if conv.nil? conv = @conversations[tweet.id] || Conversation.new(self) end if tweet.in_reply_to_status_id? @conversations[tweet.in_reply_to_status_id] = conv end @conversations[tweet.id] = conv # Expire any old conversations to prevent memory growth @conversations.each do |k,v| if v != conv && Time.now - v.last_update > 3600 @conversations.delete(k) end end conv end # @return [Twitter::REST::Client] underlying REST client from twitter gem def twitter @twitter ||= Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config| config.consumer_key = @consumer_key config.consumer_secret = @consumer_secret config.access_token = @access_token config.access_token_secret = @access_token_secret end end # @return [Twitter::Streaming::Client] underlying streaming client from twitter gem def stream @stream ||= Twitter::Streaming::Client.new do |config| config.consumer_key = @consumer_key config.consumer_secret = @consumer_secret config.access_token = @access_token config.access_token_secret = @access_token_secret end end # Calculate some meta information about a tweet relevant for replying # @param ev [Twitter::Tweet] # @return [Ebooks::TweetMeta] def meta(ev) TweetMeta.new(self, ev) end # Receive an event from the twitter stream # @param ev [Object] Twitter streaming event def receive_event(ev) case ev when Array # Initial array sent on first connection log "Online!" fire(:connect, ev) return when Twitter::DirectMessage return if ev.sender.id == @user.id # Don't reply to self log "DM from @#{ev.sender.screen_name}: #{ev.text}" fire(:message, ev) when Twitter::Tweet return unless ev.text # If it's not a text-containing tweet, ignore it return if ev.user.id == @user.id # Ignore our own tweets meta = meta(ev) if blacklisted?(ev.user.screen_name) log "Blocking blacklisted user @#{ev.user.screen_name}" @twitter.block(ev.user.screen_name) end # Avoid responding to duplicate tweets if @seen_tweets[ev.id] log "Not firing event for duplicate tweet #{ev.id}" return else @seen_tweets[ev.id] = true end if meta.mentions_bot? log "Mention from @#{ev.user.screen_name}: #{ev.text}" conversation(ev).add(ev) fire(:mention, ev) else fire(:timeline, ev) end when Twitter::Streaming::Event case ev.name when :follow return if ev.source.id == @user.id log "Followed by #{ev.source.screen_name}" fire(:follow, ev.source) when :favorite, :unfavorite return if ev.source.id == @user.id # Ignore our own favorites log "@#{ev.source.screen_name} #{ev.name.to_s}d: #{ev.target_object.text}" fire(ev.name, ev.source, ev.target_object) when :user_update update_myself ev.source end when Twitter::Streaming::DeletedTweet # Pass else log ev end end # Updates @user and calls on_user_update. def update_myself(new_me=twitter.user) @user = new_me if @user.nil? || new_me.id == @user.id @username = @user.screen_name log 'User information updated' fire(:user_update) end # Configures client and fires startup event def prepare # Sanity check if @username.nil? raise ConfigurationError, "bot username cannot be nil" end if @consumer_key.nil? || @consumer_key.empty? || @consumer_secret.nil? || @consumer_key.empty? log "Missing consumer_key or consumer_secret. These details can be acquired by registering a Twitter app at https://apps.twitter.com/" exit 1 end if @access_token.nil? || @access_token.empty? || @access_token_secret.nil? || @access_token_secret.empty? log "Missing access_token or access_token_secret. Please run `ebooks auth`." exit 1 end # Save old name old_name = username # Load user object and actual username update_myself # Warn about mismatches unless it was clearly intentional log "warning: bot expected to be @#{old_name} but connected to @#{username}" unless username == old_name || old_name.empty? fire(:startup) end # Start running user event stream def start log "starting tweet stream" stream.user do |ev| receive_event ev end end # Fire an event # @param event [Symbol] event to fire # @param args arguments for event handler def fire(event, *args) handler = "on_#{event}".to_sym if respond_to? handler self.send(handler, *args) end end # Delay an action for a variable period of time # @param range [Range, Integer] range of seconds to choose for delay def delay(range=@delay_range, &b) time = range.to_a.sample unless range.is_a? Integer sleep time b.call end # Check if a username is blacklisted # @param username [String] # @return [Boolean] def blacklisted?(username) if @blacklist.map(&:downcase).include?(username.downcase) true else false end end # Reply to a tweet or a DM. # @param ev [Twitter::Tweet, Twitter::DirectMessage] # @param text [String] contents of reply excluding reply_prefix # @param opts [Hash] additional params to pass to twitter gem def reply(ev, text, opts={}) opts = opts.clone if ev.is_a? Twitter::DirectMessage log "Sending DM to @#{ev.sender.screen_name}: #{text}" twitter.create_direct_message(ev.sender.screen_name, text, opts) elsif ev.is_a? Twitter::Tweet meta = meta(ev) if conversation(ev).is_bot?(ev.user.screen_name) log "Not replying to suspected bot @#{ev.user.screen_name}" return false end text = meta.reply_prefix + text unless text.match(/@#{Regexp.escape ev.user.screen_name}/i) log "Replying to @#{ev.user.screen_name} with: #{text}" tweet = twitter.update(text, opts.merge(in_reply_to_status_id: ev.id)) conversation(tweet).add(tweet) tweet else raise Exception("Don't know how to reply to a #{ev.class}") end end # Favorite a tweet # @param tweet [Twitter::Tweet] def favorite(tweet) log "Favoriting @#{tweet.user.screen_name}: #{tweet.text}" begin twitter.favorite(tweet.id) rescue Twitter::Error::Forbidden log "Already favorited: #{tweet.user.screen_name}: #{tweet.text}" end end # Retweet a tweet # @param tweet [Twitter::Tweet] def retweet(tweet) log "Retweeting @#{tweet.user.screen_name}: #{tweet.text}" begin twitter.retweet(tweet.id) rescue Twitter::Error::Forbidden log "Already retweeted: #{tweet.user.screen_name}: #{tweet.text}" end end # Follow a user # @param user [String] username or user id def follow(user, *args) log "Following #{user}" twitter.follow(user, *args) end # Unfollow a user # @param user [String] username or user id def unfollow(user, *args) log "Unfollowing #{user}" twitter.unfollow(user, *args) end # Tweet something # @param text [String] def tweet(text, *args) log "Tweeting '#{text}'" twitter.update(text, *args) end # Get a scheduler for this bot # @return [Rufus::Scheduler] def scheduler @scheduler ||= Rufus::Scheduler.new end # Tweet some text with an image # @param txt [String] # @param pic [String] filename def pictweet(txt, pic, *args) log "Tweeting #{txt.inspect} - #{pic} #{args}" twitter.update_with_media(txt, File.new(pic), *args) end end end