require "test_helper" class DocsFailFastOptionTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) do def self.find_by(id); nil end end class MyContract < Reform::Form end #:ffopt class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step Model( Song, :find_by ) failure :abort!, fail_fast: true step Contract::Build( constant: MyContract ) step Contract::Validate( ) failure :handle_invalid_contract! # won't be executed if #abort! is executed. def abort!(options, params:, **) options[""] = "Something went wrong with ID #{params[:id]}!" end # .. end #:ffopt end it { Update.(id: 1).inspect("", "contract.default").must_equal %{} } it do #:ffopt-res result = Update.(id: 1) result[""] #=> "Something went wrong with ID 1!" #:ffopt-res end end end class DocsFailFastOptionWithStepTest < Minitest::Spec Song = do def self.find_by(*); Object end end #:ffopt-step class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step :empty_id?, fail_fast: true step Model( Song, :find_by ) failure :handle_empty_db! # won't be executed if #empty_id? returns falsey. def empty_id?(options, params:, **) params[:id] # returns false if :id missing. end end #:ffopt-step end it { Update.({ id: nil }).inspect("model").must_equal %{} } it { Update.({ id: 1 }).inspect("model").must_equal %{} } it do #:ffopt-step-res result = Update.({ id: nil }) result.failure? #=> true result["model"] #=> nil #:ffopt-step-res end end end class DocsPassFastWithStepOptionTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) do def self.find_by(id); nil end end class MyContract < Reform::Form end #:pfopt-step class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step Model( Song, :find_by ) failure :abort!, fail_fast: true step Contract::Build( constant: MyContract ) step Contract::Validate( ) failure :handle_invalid_contract! # won't be executed if #abort! is executed. def abort!(options, params:, **) options[""] = "Something went wrong with ID #{params[:id]}!" end # .. end #:pfopt-step end it { Update.(id: 1).inspect("", "contract.default").must_equal %{} } it do #:pfopt-step-res result = Update.(id: 1) result[""] #=> "Something went wrong with ID 1!" #:pfopt-step-res end end end class DocsFailFastMethodTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) do def self.find_by(id); nil end end #:ffmeth class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step :filter_params! # emits fail_fast! step Model( Song, :find_by ) failure :handle_fail! def filter_params!(options, params:, **) unless params[:id] options["result.params"] = "No ID in params!" return Railway.fail_fast! end end def handle_fail!(options, **) options["my.status"] = "Broken!" end end #:ffmeth end it { Update.({}).inspect("result.params", "my.status").must_equal %{} } it do #:ffmeth-res result = Update.(id: 1) result["result.params"] #=> "No ID in params!" result["my.status"] #=> nil #:ffmeth-res end end end class DocsPassFastMethodTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) do def save; end end class MyContract < Reform::Form end #:pfmeth class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step Model( Song, :new ) step :empty_model! # emits pass_fast! step Contract::Build( constant: MyContract ) # .. def empty_model!(options, is_empty:, model:, **) return unless is_empty Railway.pass_fast! end end #:pfmeth end it { Create.({ title: "Tyrant"}, "is_empty" => true).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it do #:pfmeth-res result = Create.({}, "is_empty" => true) result["model"] #=> # #:pfmeth-res end end end # fail! # pass!