$traceurRuntime.ModuleStore.getAnonymousModule(function() { "use strict"; var Node = module.require("../Node").Node; var extend = require("util")._extend; function SuperExpression() { Node.call(this); this.type = "SuperExpression"; } SuperExpression.prototype = Object.create(Node); SuperExpression.prototype.codegen = function() { if (!Node.prototype.codegen.call(this)) { return; } if (this.parent.type === "NullPropagatingExpression") { Node.getErrorManager().error({ type: "InvalidSuperReference", message: "cannot refer to super before the ?. operator", loc: this.loc }); return {type: "ThisExpression"}; } if (this.parent.type !== "MemberExpression") { Node.getErrorManager().error({ type: "InvalidUsageForSuper", message: "invalid usage of super keyword", loc: this.loc }); return {type: "ThisExpression"}; } var parentNode = this; var node = this; while (!!(!!node && !node.inheritsFrom) && !!(!!(node.type !== "AssignmentExpression") || !!(!!(!node.left.property || !!(node.left.property.name !== "prototype")) && !!(!node.left.object.property || !!(node.left.object.property.name !== "prototype"))))) { parentNode = node; node = node.parent; } if (!node) { Node.getErrorManager().error({ type: "InvalidContextForSuper", message: "invalid context for super keyword", loc: this.loc }); return {type: "ThisExpression"}; } var addSelf = function(context) { var selfId = { "type": "Identifier", "name": "_self", "codeGenerated": "true" }; if (!context.node.__isSelfDefined) { context.node.body.splice(0, 0, { "type": "VariableDeclaration", "declarations": [{ "type": "VariableDeclarator", "id": selfId, "init": {type: "ThisExpression"} }], "kind": "let" }); context.node.__isSelfDefined = true; } return selfId; }; var mutateCallExpression = function(id, parent, selfNode) { selfNode.codeGenerated = true; parent.object = id; parent.property = Object.create({ "codeGenerated": "true", "type": "Identifier", "name": "call" }); parent.parent.arguments.splice(0, 0, selfNode); }; if (node.type === "AssignmentExpression") { var identifier = node.left.object; var context; if (node.left.property.name !== "prototype") { identifier = identifier.object; context = {node: node.right.body}; } else { if (node.right.type !== "ObjectExpression") { Node.getErrorManager().error({ type: "InvalidUsageForSuper", message: "invalid usage of super keyword", loc: this.loc }); return {type: "ThisExpression"}; } var contextNode = this; while (!!(typeof contextNode.parent !== "undefined" && contextNode.parent !== null) && !!(contextNode.parent !== node.right)) { contextNode = contextNode.parent; } if (!!((typeof contextNode !== "undefined" && contextNode !== null ? contextNode.type : void 0) !== "Property") || !!((typeof contextNode !== "undefined" && (contextNode !== null && contextNode.value !== null) ? contextNode.value.type : void 0) !== "FunctionExpression")) { Node.getErrorManager().error({ type: "InvalidUsageForSuper", message: "invalid usage of super keyword", loc: this.loc }); return {type: "ThisExpression"}; } context = {node: contextNode.value.body}; } var selfNode; if (context.node === this.getContext().node) { selfNode = {type: "ThisExpression"}; } else { selfNode = addSelf(context); } if (this.parent.parent.type === "CallExpression") { var memberExpression = { type: "MemberExpression", computed: false, object: { type: "MemberExpression", computed: false, object: this.parent.getDefinedIdentifier(identifier.name).parent.inheritsFrom.callee, property: { type: "Identifier", name: "prototype" } }, property: this.parent.parent.callee.property }; mutateCallExpression(memberExpression, this.parent, selfNode); return memberExpression; } return selfNode; } var superContext = parentNode.getContext(); var lastObject = this.parent; while (lastObject.object.type === "MemberExpression") { lastObject = lastObject.object; } lastObject.object = {type: "ThisExpression"}; var id = { "type": "Identifier", "name": "_" + this.parent.property.name }; if (!this.parent.isIdentifierDefined(id.name)) { superContext.node.body.splice(superContext.position, 0, { "codeGenerated": "true", "type": "VariableDeclaration", "declarations": [{ "type": "VariableDeclarator", "id": id, "init": extend({}, lastObject) }], "kind": "let" }); superContext.node.defineIdentifier(id); } if (this.parent.parent.type === "CallExpression") { mutateCallExpression(id, this.parent, addSelf(superContext)); } else { this.parent.type = "Identifier"; Object.defineProperty(this.parent, "name", { value: id.name, enumerable: true }); } return id; }; SuperExpression.prototype.hasCallExpression = function() { return false; }; exports.SuperExpression = SuperExpression; return {}; }); //# sourceMappingURL=SuperExpression.map