# This is a module compatible with Haml::Helpers. # It is included by ActionView in initializer. # # NOTE: currently Hamlit::Helpers is enabled by default # on only Rails environment. # And currently this Hamlit::Helpers depends on # ActionView internal implementation. (not desired) module Hamlit module Helpers extend self DEFAULT_PRESERVE_TAGS = %w[textarea pre code].freeze def find_and_preserve(input = nil, tags = DEFAULT_PRESERVE_TAGS, &block) return find_and_preserve(capture_haml(&block), input || tags) if block tags = tags.each_with_object('') do |t, s| s << '|' unless s.empty? s << Regexp.escape(t) end re = /<(#{tags})([^>]*)>(.*?)(<\/\1>)/im input.to_s.gsub(re) do |s| s =~ re # Can't rely on $1, etc. existing since Rails' SafeBuffer#gsub is incompatible "<#{$1}#{$2}>#{preserve($3)}" end end def preserve(input = nil, &block) return preserve(capture_haml(&block)) if block s = input.to_s.chomp("\n") s.gsub!(/\n/, ' ') s.delete!("\r") s end def surround(front, back = front, &block) output = capture_haml(&block) "#{escape_once(front)}#{output.chomp}#{escape_once(back)}\n".html_safe end def precede(str, &block) "#{escape_once(str)}#{capture_haml(&block).chomp}\n".html_safe end def succeed(str, &block) "#{capture_haml(&block).chomp}#{escape_once(str)}\n".html_safe end def capture_haml(*args, &block) capture(*args, &block) end end end