#!/usr/bin/env rspec # encoding: utf-8 require 'pg' describe "PG::Type derivations" do let!(:textenc_int) { PG::TextEncoder::Integer.new name: 'Integer', oid: 23 } let!(:textdec_int) { PG::TextDecoder::Integer.new name: 'Integer', oid: 23 } let!(:textenc_boolean) { PG::TextEncoder::Boolean.new } let!(:textdec_boolean) { PG::TextDecoder::Boolean.new } let!(:textenc_float) { PG::TextEncoder::Float.new } let!(:textdec_float) { PG::TextDecoder::Float.new } let!(:textenc_string) { PG::TextEncoder::String.new } let!(:textdec_string) { PG::TextDecoder::String.new } let!(:textenc_timestamp) { PG::TextEncoder::TimestampWithoutTimeZone.new } let!(:textdec_timestamp) { PG::TextDecoder::TimestampWithoutTimeZone.new } let!(:textenc_bytea) { PG::TextEncoder::Bytea.new } let!(:textdec_bytea) { PG::TextDecoder::Bytea.new } let!(:binaryenc_int2) { PG::BinaryEncoder::Int2.new } let!(:binaryenc_int4) { PG::BinaryEncoder::Int4.new } let!(:binaryenc_int8) { PG::BinaryEncoder::Int8.new } let!(:binarydec_integer) { PG::BinaryDecoder::Integer.new } let!(:intenc_incrementer) do Class.new(PG::SimpleEncoder) do def encode(value) (value.to_i + 1).to_s + " " end end.new end let!(:intdec_incrementer) do Class.new(PG::SimpleDecoder) do def decode(string, tuple=nil, field=nil) string.to_i+1 end end.new end let!(:intenc_incrementer_with_int_result) do Class.new(PG::SimpleEncoder) do def encode(value) value.to_i+1 end end.new end it "shouldn't be possible to build a PG::Type directly" do expect{ PG::Coder.new }.to raise_error(TypeError, /cannot/) end describe PG::SimpleCoder do describe '#decode' do it "should offer decode method with tuple/field" do res = textdec_int.decode("123", 1, 1) expect( res ).to eq( 123 ) end it "should offer decode method without tuple/field" do res = textdec_int.decode("234") expect( res ).to eq( 234 ) end it "should decode with ruby decoder" do expect( intdec_incrementer.decode("3") ).to eq( 4 ) end it "should decode integers of different lengths form text format" do 30.times do |zeros| expect( textdec_int.decode("1" + "0"*zeros) ).to eq( 10 ** zeros ) expect( textdec_int.decode(zeros==0 ? "0" : "9"*zeros) ).to eq( 10 ** zeros - 1 ) expect( textdec_int.decode("-1" + "0"*zeros) ).to eq( -10 ** zeros ) expect( textdec_int.decode(zeros==0 ? "0" : "-" + "9"*zeros) ).to eq( -10 ** zeros + 1 ) end 66.times do |bits| expect( textdec_int.decode((2 ** bits).to_s) ).to eq( 2 ** bits ) expect( textdec_int.decode((2 ** bits - 1).to_s) ).to eq( 2 ** bits - 1 ) expect( textdec_int.decode((-2 ** bits).to_s) ).to eq( -2 ** bits ) expect( textdec_int.decode((-2 ** bits + 1).to_s) ).to eq( -2 ** bits + 1 ) end end it 'decodes bytea to a binary string' do expect( textdec_bytea.decode("\\x00010203EF") ).to eq( "\x00\x01\x02\x03\xef".b ) expect( textdec_bytea.decode("\\377\\000") ).to eq( "\xff\0".b ) end it "should raise when decode method is called with wrong args" do expect{ textdec_int.decode() }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect{ textdec_int.decode("123", 2, 3, 4) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect{ textdec_int.decode(2, 3, 4) }.to raise_error(TypeError) expect( intdec_incrementer.decode(2, 3, 4) ).to eq( 3 ) end it "should pass through nil values" do expect( textdec_string.decode( nil )).to be_nil expect( textdec_int.decode( nil )).to be_nil end end describe '#encode' do it "should offer encode method for text type" do res = textenc_int.encode(123) expect( res ).to eq( "123" ) end it "should offer encode method for binary type" do res = binaryenc_int8.encode(123) expect( res ).to eq( [123].pack("q>") ) end it "should encode integers from string to binary format" do expect( binaryenc_int2.encode(" -123 ") ).to eq( [-123].pack("s>") ) expect( binaryenc_int4.encode(" -123 ") ).to eq( [-123].pack("l>") ) expect( binaryenc_int8.encode(" -123 ") ).to eq( [-123].pack("q>") ) expect( binaryenc_int2.encode(" 123-xyz ") ).to eq( [123].pack("s>") ) expect( binaryenc_int4.encode(" 123-xyz ") ).to eq( [123].pack("l>") ) expect( binaryenc_int8.encode(" 123-xyz ") ).to eq( [123].pack("q>") ) end it "should encode integers of different lengths to text format" do 30.times do |zeros| expect( textenc_int.encode(10 ** zeros) ).to eq( "1" + "0"*zeros ) expect( textenc_int.encode(10 ** zeros - 1) ).to eq( zeros==0 ? "0" : "9"*zeros ) expect( textenc_int.encode(-10 ** zeros) ).to eq( "-1" + "0"*zeros ) expect( textenc_int.encode(-10 ** zeros + 1) ).to eq( zeros==0 ? "0" : "-" + "9"*zeros ) end 66.times do |bits| expect( textenc_int.encode(2 ** bits) ).to eq( (2 ** bits).to_s ) expect( textenc_int.encode(2 ** bits - 1) ).to eq( (2 ** bits - 1).to_s ) expect( textenc_int.encode(-2 ** bits) ).to eq( (-2 ** bits).to_s ) expect( textenc_int.encode(-2 ** bits + 1) ).to eq( (-2 ** bits + 1).to_s ) end end it "should encode integers from string to text format" do expect( textenc_int.encode(" -123 ") ).to eq( "-123" ) expect( textenc_int.encode(" 123-xyz ") ).to eq( "123" ) end it "should encode boolean values" do expect( textenc_boolean.encode(false) ).to eq( "f" ) expect( textenc_boolean.encode(true) ).to eq( "t" ) ["any", :other, "value", 0, 1, 2].each do |value| expect( textenc_boolean.encode(value) ).to eq( value.to_s ) end end it "should encode special floats equally to Float#to_s" do expect( textenc_float.encode(Float::INFINITY) ).to eq( Float::INFINITY.to_s ) expect( textenc_float.encode(-Float::INFINITY) ).to eq( (-Float::INFINITY).to_s ) expect( textenc_float.encode(-Float::NAN) ).to eq( Float::NAN.to_s ) end it "encodes binary string to bytea" do expect( textenc_bytea.encode("\x00\x01\x02\x03\xef".b) ).to eq( "\\x00010203ef" ) end it "should encode with ruby encoder" do expect( intenc_incrementer.encode(3) ).to eq( "4 " ) end it "should return when ruby encoder returns non string values" do expect( intenc_incrementer_with_int_result.encode(3) ).to eq( 4 ) end it "should pass through nil values" do expect( textenc_string.encode( nil )).to be_nil expect( textenc_int.encode( nil )).to be_nil end end it "should be possible to marshal encoders" do mt = Marshal.dump(textenc_int) lt = Marshal.load(mt) expect( lt.to_h ).to eq( textenc_int.to_h ) end it "should be possible to marshal decoders" do mt = Marshal.dump(textdec_int) lt = Marshal.load(mt) expect( lt.to_h ).to eq( textdec_int.to_h ) end it "should respond to to_h" do expect( textenc_int.to_h ).to eq( { name: 'Integer', oid: 23, format: 0 } ) end it "should have reasonable default values" do t = PG::TextEncoder::String.new expect( t.format ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.oid ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.name ).to be_nil t = PG::BinaryEncoder::Int4.new expect( t.format ).to eq( 1 ) expect( t.oid ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.name ).to be_nil t = PG::TextDecoder::String.new expect( t.format ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.oid ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.name ).to be_nil t = PG::BinaryDecoder::String.new expect( t.format ).to eq( 1 ) expect( t.oid ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.name ).to be_nil end end describe PG::CompositeCoder do describe "Array types" do let!(:textenc_string_array) { PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: textenc_string } let!(:textdec_string_array) { PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: textdec_string } let!(:textenc_int_array) { PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: textenc_int, needs_quotation: false } let!(:textdec_int_array) { PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: textdec_int, needs_quotation: false } let!(:textenc_float_array) { PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: textenc_float, needs_quotation: false } let!(:textdec_float_array) { PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: textdec_float, needs_quotation: false } let!(:textenc_timestamp_array) { PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: textenc_timestamp, needs_quotation: false } let!(:textdec_timestamp_array) { PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: textdec_timestamp, needs_quotation: false } let!(:textenc_string_array_with_delimiter) { PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: textenc_string, delimiter: ';' } let!(:textdec_string_array_with_delimiter) { PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: textdec_string, delimiter: ';' } let!(:textdec_bytea_array) { PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: textdec_bytea } # # Array parser specs are thankfully borrowed from here: # https://github.com/dockyard/pg_array_parser # describe '#decode' do context 'one dimensional arrays' do context 'empty' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{}]) ).to eq( [] ) end end context 'no strings' do it 'returns an array of strings' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,2,3}]) ).to eq( ['1','2','3'] ) end end context 'NULL values' do it 'returns an array of strings, with nils replacing NULL characters' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,NULL,NULL}]) ).to eq( ['1',nil,nil] ) end end context 'quoted NULL' do it 'returns an array with the word NULL' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,"NULL",3}]) ).to eq( ['1','NULL','3'] ) end end context 'strings' do it 'returns an array of strings when containing commas in a quoted string' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,"2,3",4}]) ).to eq( ['1','2,3','4'] ) end it 'returns an array of strings when containing an escaped quote' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,"2\\",3",4}]) ).to eq( ['1','2",3','4'] ) end it 'returns an array of strings when containing an escaped backslash' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,"2\\\\",3,4}]) ).to eq( ['1','2\\','3','4'] ) expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,"2\\\\\\",3",4}]) ).to eq( ['1','2\\",3','4'] ) end it 'returns an array containing empty strings' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,"",3,""}]) ).to eq( ['1', '', '3', ''] ) end it 'returns an array containing unicode strings' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{"Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning"}]) ).to eq(['Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning']) end it 'respects a different delimiter' do expect( textdec_string_array_with_delimiter.decode(%[{1;2;3}]) ).to eq( ['1','2','3'] ) end end context 'bytea' do it 'returns an array of binary strings' do expect( textdec_bytea_array.decode(%[{"\\\\x00010203EF","2,3",\\377}]) ).to eq( ["\x00\x01\x02\x03\xef".b,"2,3".b,"\xff".b] ) end end end context 'two dimensional arrays' do context 'empty' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{{}}]) ).to eq( [[]] ) expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{{},{}}]) ).to eq( [[],[]] ) end end context 'no strings' do it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{2,3},4}]) ).to eq( ['1',['2','3'],'4'] ) end end context 'strings' do it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{"2,3"},4}]) ).to eq( ['1',['2,3'],'4'] ) end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted }' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{"2,}3",NULL},4}]) ).to eq( ['1',['2,}3',nil],'4'] ) end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted {' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{"2,{3"},4}]) ).to eq( ['1',['2,{3'],'4'] ) end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted { and escaped quote' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{"2\\",{3"},4}]) ).to eq( ['1',['2",{3'],'4'] ) end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array with empty strings' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{""},4,{""}}]) ).to eq( ['1',[''],'4',['']] ) end end context 'timestamps' do it 'decodes an array of timestamps with sub arrays' do expect( textdec_timestamp_array.decode('{2014-12-31 00:00:00,{NULL,2016-01-02 23:23:59.0000000}}') ). to eq( [Time.new(2014,12,31),[nil, Time.new(2016,01,02, 23, 23, 59)]] ) end end end context 'three dimensional arrays' do context 'empty' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{{{}}}]) ).to eq( [[[]]] ) expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{{{},{}},{{},{}}}]) ).to eq( [[[],[]],[[],[]]] ) end end it 'returns an array of strings with sub arrays' do expect( textdec_string_array.decode(%[{1,{2,{3,4}},{NULL,6},7}]) ).to eq( ['1',['2',['3','4']],[nil,'6'],'7'] ) end end it 'should decode array of types with decoder in ruby space' do array_type = PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: intdec_incrementer expect( array_type.decode(%[{3,4}]) ).to eq( [4,5] ) end it 'should decode array of nil types' do array_type = PG::TextDecoder::Array.new elements_type: nil expect( array_type.decode(%[{3,4}]) ).to eq( ['3','4'] ) end context 'identifier quotation' do it 'should build an array out of an quoted identifier string' do quoted_type = PG::TextDecoder::Identifier.new elements_type: textdec_string expect( quoted_type.decode(%["A.".".B"]) ).to eq( ["A.", ".B"] ) expect( quoted_type.decode(%["'A"".""B'"]) ).to eq( ['\'A"."B\''] ) end it 'should split unquoted identifier string' do quoted_type = PG::TextDecoder::Identifier.new elements_type: textdec_string expect( quoted_type.decode(%[a.b]) ).to eq( ['a','b'] ) expect( quoted_type.decode(%[a]) ).to eq( ['a'] ) end end end describe '#encode' do context 'three dimensional arrays' do it 'encodes an array of strings and numbers with sub arrays' do expect( textenc_string_array.encode(['1',['2',['3','4']],[nil,6],7.8]) ).to eq( %[{1,{2,{3,4}},{NULL,6},7.8}] ) end it 'encodes an array of strings with quotes' do expect( textenc_string_array.encode(['',[' ',['{','}','\\',',','"','\t']]]) ).to eq( %[{"",{" ",{"{","}","\\\\",",","\\"","\\\\t"}}}] ) end it 'encodes an array of int8 with sub arrays' do expect( textenc_int_array.encode([1,[2,[3,4]],[nil,6],7]) ).to eq( %[{1,{2,{3,4}},{NULL,6},7}] ) end it 'encodes an array of int8 with strings' do expect( textenc_int_array.encode(['1',['2'],'3']) ).to eq( %[{1,{2},3}] ) end it 'encodes an array of float8 with sub arrays' do expect( textenc_float_array.encode([1000.11,[-0.00221,[3.31,-441]],[nil,6.61],-7.71]) ).to match(Regexp.new(%[^{1.0001*E+*03,{-2.2*E-*03,{3.3*E+*00,-4.4*E+*02}},{NULL,6.6*E+*00},-7.7*E+*00}$].gsub(/([\.\+\{\}\,])/, "\\\\\\1").gsub(/\*/, "\\d*"))) end end context 'two dimensional arrays' do it 'encodes an array of timestamps with sub arrays' do expect( textenc_timestamp_array.encode([Time.new(2014,12,31),[nil, Time.new(2016,01,02, 23, 23, 59.99)]]) ). to eq( %[{2014-12-31 00:00:00.000000000,{NULL,2016-01-02 23:23:59.990000000}}] ) end end context 'one dimensional array' do it 'can encode empty arrays' do expect( textenc_int_array.encode([]) ).to eq( '{}' ) expect( textenc_string_array.encode([]) ).to eq( '{}' ) end it 'encodes an array of NULL strings w/wo quotes' do expect( textenc_string_array.encode(['NUL', 'NULL', 'NULLL', 'nul', 'null', 'nulll']) ).to eq( %[{NUL,"NULL",NULLL,nul,"null",nulll}] ) end it 'respects a different delimiter' do expect( textenc_string_array_with_delimiter.encode(['a','b,','c']) ).to eq( '{a;b,;c}' ) end end context 'array of types with encoder in ruby space' do it 'encodes with quotation' do array_type = PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: intenc_incrementer, needs_quotation: true expect( array_type.encode([3,4]) ).to eq( %[{"4 ","5 "}] ) end it 'encodes without quotation' do array_type = PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: intenc_incrementer, needs_quotation: false expect( array_type.encode([3,4]) ).to eq( %[{4 ,5 }] ) end it "should raise when ruby encoder returns non string values" do array_type = PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: intenc_incrementer_with_int_result, needs_quotation: false expect{ array_type.encode([3,4]) }.to raise_error(TypeError) end end it "should pass through non Array inputs" do expect( textenc_float_array.encode("text") ).to eq( "text" ) expect( textenc_float_array.encode(1234) ).to eq( "1234" ) end context 'identifier quotation' do it 'should quote and escape identifier' do quoted_type = PG::TextEncoder::Identifier.new elements_type: textenc_string expect( quoted_type.encode(['schema','table','col']) ).to eq( %["schema"."table"."col"] ) expect( quoted_type.encode(['A.','.B']) ).to eq( %["A.".".B"] ) expect( quoted_type.encode(%['A"."B']) ).to eq( %["'A"".""B'"] ) end it 'shouldn\'t quote or escape identifier if requested to not do' do quoted_type = PG::TextEncoder::Identifier.new elements_type: textenc_string, needs_quotation: false expect( quoted_type.encode(['a','b']) ).to eq( %[a.b] ) expect( quoted_type.encode(%[a.b]) ).to eq( %[a.b] ) end end context 'literal quotation' do it 'should quote and escape literals' do quoted_type = PG::TextEncoder::QuotedLiteral.new elements_type: textenc_string_array expect( quoted_type.encode(["'A\",","\\B'"]) ).to eq( %['{"''A\\",","\\\\B''"}'] ) end end end it "should be possible to marshal encoders" do mt = Marshal.dump(textenc_int_array) lt = Marshal.load(mt) expect( lt.to_h ).to eq( textenc_int_array.to_h ) end it "should be possible to marshal encoders" do mt = Marshal.dump(textdec_int_array) lt = Marshal.load(mt) expect( lt.to_h ).to eq( textdec_int_array.to_h ) end it "should respond to to_h" do expect( textenc_int_array.to_h ).to eq( { name: nil, oid: 0, format: 0, elements_type: textenc_int, needs_quotation: false, delimiter: ',' } ) end it "shouldn't accept invalid elements_types" do expect{ PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: false }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "should have reasonable default values" do t = PG::TextEncoder::Array.new expect( t.format ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.oid ).to eq( 0 ) expect( t.name ).to be_nil expect( t.needs_quotation? ).to eq( true ) expect( t.delimiter ).to eq( ',' ) expect( t.elements_type ).to be_nil end end it "should encode Strings as base64 in TextEncoder" do e = PG::TextEncoder::ToBase64.new expect( e.encode("") ).to eq("") expect( e.encode("x") ).to eq("eA==") expect( e.encode("xx") ).to eq("eHg=") expect( e.encode("xxx") ).to eq("eHh4") expect( e.encode("xxxx") ).to eq("eHh4eA==") expect( e.encode("xxxxx") ).to eq("eHh4eHg=") expect( e.encode("\0\n\t") ).to eq("AAoJ") end it "should encode Strings as base64 in BinaryDecoder" do e = PG::BinaryDecoder::ToBase64.new expect( e.decode("x") ).to eq("eA==") end it "should encode Integers as base64" do # Not really useful, but ensures that two-pass element and composite element encoders work. e = PG::TextEncoder::ToBase64.new( elements_type: PG::TextEncoder::Array.new( elements_type: PG::TextEncoder::Integer.new, needs_quotation: false )) expect( e.encode([1]) ).to eq(["{1}"].pack("m").chomp) expect( e.encode([12]) ).to eq(["{12}"].pack("m").chomp) expect( e.encode([123]) ).to eq(["{123}"].pack("m").chomp) expect( e.encode([1234]) ).to eq(["{1234}"].pack("m").chomp) expect( e.encode([12345]) ).to eq(["{12345}"].pack("m").chomp) expect( e.encode([123456]) ).to eq(["{123456}"].pack("m").chomp) expect( e.encode([1234567]) ).to eq(["{1234567}"].pack("m").chomp) end it "should decode base64 to Strings in TextDecoder" do e = PG::TextDecoder::FromBase64.new expect( e.decode("") ).to eq("") expect( e.decode("eA==") ).to eq("x") expect( e.decode("eHg=") ).to eq("xx") expect( e.decode("eHh4") ).to eq("xxx") expect( e.decode("eHh4eA==") ).to eq("xxxx") expect( e.decode("eHh4eHg=") ).to eq("xxxxx") expect( e.decode("AAoJ") ).to eq("\0\n\t") end it "should decode base64 in BinaryEncoder" do e = PG::BinaryEncoder::FromBase64.new expect( e.encode("eA==") ).to eq("x") e = PG::BinaryEncoder::FromBase64.new( elements_type: PG::TextEncoder::Integer.new ) expect( e.encode(124) ).to eq("124=".unpack("m")[0]) end it "should decode base64 to Integers" do # Not really useful, but ensures that composite element encoders work. e = PG::TextDecoder::FromBase64.new( elements_type: PG::TextDecoder::Array.new( elements_type: PG::TextDecoder::Integer.new )) expect( e.decode(["{1}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([1]) expect( e.decode(["{12}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([12]) expect( e.decode(["{123}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([123]) expect( e.decode(["{1234}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([1234]) expect( e.decode(["{12345}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([12345]) expect( e.decode(["{123456}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([123456]) expect( e.decode(["{1234567}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([1234567]) expect( e.decode(["{12345678}"].pack("m")) ).to eq([12345678]) e = PG::TextDecoder::FromBase64.new( elements_type: PG::BinaryDecoder::Integer.new ) expect( e.decode("ALxhTg==") ).to eq(12345678) end it "should decode base64 with garbage" do e = PG::TextDecoder::FromBase64.new format: 1 expect( e.decode("=") ).to eq("=".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("==") ).to eq("==".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("===") ).to eq("===".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("====") ).to eq("====".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("a=") ).to eq("a=".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("a==") ).to eq("a==".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("a===") ).to eq("a===".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("a====") ).to eq("a====".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aa=") ).to eq("aa=".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aa==") ).to eq("aa==".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aa===") ).to eq("aa===".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aa====") ).to eq("aa====".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aaa=") ).to eq("aaa=".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aaa==") ).to eq("aaa==".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aaa===") ).to eq("aaa===".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("aaa====") ).to eq("aaa====".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("=aa") ).to eq("=aa=".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("=aa=") ).to eq("=aa=".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("=aa==") ).to eq("=aa==".unpack("m")[0]) expect( e.decode("=aa===") ).to eq("=aa===".unpack("m")[0]) end end describe PG::CopyCoder do describe PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow do context "with default typemap" do let!(:encoder) do PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow.new end it "should encode different types of Ruby objects" do expect( encoder.encode([:xyz, 123, 2456, 34567, 456789, 5678901, [1,2,3], 12.1, "abcdefg", nil]) ). to eq("xyz\t123\t2456\t34567\t456789\t5678901\t[1, 2, 3]\t12.1\tabcdefg\t\\N\n") end end context "with TypeMapByClass" do let!(:tm) do tm = PG::TypeMapByClass.new tm[Integer] = textenc_int tm[Float] = intenc_incrementer tm[Array] = PG::TextEncoder::Array.new elements_type: textenc_string tm end let!(:encoder) do PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow.new type_map: tm end it "should have reasonable default values" do expect( encoder.name ).to be_nil expect( encoder.delimiter ).to eq( "\t" ) expect( encoder.null_string ).to eq( "\\N" ) end it "copies all attributes with #dup" do encoder.name = "test" encoder.delimiter = "#" encoder.null_string = "NULL" encoder.type_map = PG::TypeMapByColumn.new [] encoder2 = encoder.dup expect( encoder.object_id ).to_not eq( encoder2.object_id ) expect( encoder2.name ).to eq( "test" ) expect( encoder2.delimiter ).to eq( "#" ) expect( encoder2.null_string ).to eq( "NULL" ) expect( encoder2.type_map ).to be_a_kind_of( PG::TypeMapByColumn ) end describe '#encode' do it "should encode different types of Ruby objects" do expect( encoder.encode([]) ).to eq("\n") expect( encoder.encode(["a"]) ).to eq("a\n") expect( encoder.encode([:xyz, 123, 2456, 34567, 456789, 5678901, [1,2,3], 12.1, "abcdefg", nil]) ). to eq("xyz\t123\t2456\t34567\t456789\t5678901\t{1,2,3}\t13 \tabcdefg\t\\N\n") end it "should escape special characters" do expect( encoder.encode([" \0\t\n\r\\"]) ).to eq(" \0#\t#\n#\r#\\\n".gsub("#", "\\")) end it "should escape with different delimiter" do encoder.delimiter = " " encoder.null_string = "NULL" expect( encoder.encode([nil, " ", "\0", "\t", "\n", "\r", "\\"]) ).to eq("NULL # \0 \t #\n #\r #\\\n".gsub("#", "\\")) end end end end describe PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow do context "with default typemap" do let!(:decoder) do PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow.new end describe '#decode' do it "should decode different types of Ruby objects" do expect( decoder.decode("123\t \0#\t#\n#\r#\\ \t234\t#\x01#\002\n".gsub("#", "\\"))).to eq( ["123", " \0\t\n\r\\ ", "234", "\x01\x02"] ) end end end context "with TypeMapByColumn" do let!(:tm) do PG::TypeMapByColumn.new [textdec_int, textdec_string, intdec_incrementer, nil] end let!(:decoder) do PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow.new type_map: tm end describe '#decode' do it "should decode different types of Ruby objects" do expect( decoder.decode("123\t \0#\t#\n#\r#\\ \t234\t#\x01#\002\n".gsub("#", "\\"))).to eq( [123, " \0\t\n\r\\ ", 235, "\x01\x02"] ) end end end end end end