begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../lib/', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "ashton" def media_path(file); File.expand_path "media/#{file}", File.dirname(__FILE__) end class TestWindow < Gosu::Window def initialize super 640, 480, false self.caption = "Particle emitters - 4 emitters at static positions and one on mouse" @grayscale = fragment: :grayscale @font = self, Gosu::default_font_name, 24 @star = self, media_path("SmallStar.png"), true @image_emitter = 450, 100, 0, image: @star, scale: 0.2, speed: 40, friction: 0.1, max_particles: 30000, interval: 0.00015, fade: 57, # loses 25 alpha/s angular_velocity: -50..50 @shaded_image_emitter = 450, 350, 0, image: @star, shader: @grayscale, interval: 0.00015, offset: 0..10, max_particles: 30000, angular_velocity: 20..50, center_x: 3..8, center_y: 3..8, zoom: -0.22 # Shrinks, so doesn't need TTL. @point_emitter = 100, 100, 1, scale: 10, speed: 200, interval: 0.0002, max_particles: 30000, interval: 0.0001, color: Gosu::Color.rgba(255, 0, 0, 150), fade: 50 # loses 50 alpha/s @shaded_point_emitter = 100, 300, 2, scale: 4..10, shader: @grayscale, speed: 60..100, offset: 0..10, time_to_live: 12, interval: 0.0003, max_particles: 30000, color: Gosu::Color.rgba(255, 0, 0, 100), gravity: 60 # pixels/s*s @mouse_emitter = 0, 0, 3, scale: 4, speed: 20..50, max_particles: 5000, offset: 0..5, interval: 0.0010, color: Gosu::Color.rgba(0, 255, 255, 100), fade: 25, gravity: 60 # pixels/s*s end def needs_cursor?; true end def update $gosu_blocks.clear if defined? $gosu_blocks # workaround for Gosu 0.7.45 bug. # Calculate delta from milliseconds. @last_update_at ||= Gosu::milliseconds delta = [Gosu::milliseconds - @last_update_at, 100].min * 0.001 # Limit delta to 100ms (10fps), in case of freezing. @last_update_at = Gosu::milliseconds @image_emitter.update delta unless button_down? Gosu::Kb1 @shaded_image_emitter.update delta unless button_down? Gosu::Kb2 @point_emitter.update delta unless button_down? Gosu::Kb3 @shaded_point_emitter.update delta unless button_down? Gosu::Kb4 @mouse_emitter.x, @mouse_emitter.y = mouse_x, mouse_y @mouse_emitter.update delta unless button_down? Gosu::Kb5 end def button_down(id) if id == Gosu::KbEscape close end end def draw @point_emitter.draw @shaded_image_emitter.draw @shaded_point_emitter.draw @image_emitter.draw @mouse_emitter.draw num_particles = @point_emitter.count + @shaded_point_emitter.count + @image_emitter.count + @shaded_image_emitter.count + @mouse_emitter.count @font.draw "FPS: #{Gosu::fps} Particles: #{num_particles}", 0, 0, Float::INFINITY totals = "Pnt: #{@point_emitter.count} ShaPnt: #{@shaded_point_emitter.count} Img: #{@image_emitter.count} ShaImg: #{@shaded_image_emitter.count} Mouse: #{@mouse_emitter.count}" @font.draw_rel totals, 0, height, Float::INFINITY, 0, 1 end end