h1. Wukong Utility Scripts

h2. Stupid command-line tricks

h3. Histogram

Given data with a date column:

   message	235623	20090423012345	Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this son of York
   message	235623	20080101230900	These pretzels are making me THIRSTY!

You can calculate number of messages sent by day with

    cat messages | cuttab 3 | cutc 8 | sort | uniq -c

(see the wuhist command, below.)

h3. Simple intersection, union, etc

For two datasets (batch_1 and batch_2) with unique entries (no repeated lines),

* Their union is simple:

      cat batch_1 batch_2 | sort -u

* Their intersection:

      cat batch_1 batch_2 | sort | uniq -c | egrep -v '^ *1 '

  This concatenates the two sets and filters out everything that only occurred once.

* For the complement of the intersection, use "... | egrep '^ *1 '"
* In both cases, if the files are each internally sorted, the commandline sort takes a --merge flag:

      sort --merge -u batch_1 batch_2 

h2. Command Listing

h3. cutc

@cutc [colnum]@


  echo -e 'foo\tbar\tbaz' | cutc 6
  foo	ba

Cuts from beginning of line to given column (default 200). A tab is one character, so right margin can still be ragged.
h3. cuttab

  @cuttab [colspec]@

Cuts given tab-separated columns. You can give a comma separated list of numbers
or ranges 1-4. columns are numbered from 1.


  echo -e 'foo\tbar\tbaz' | cuttab 1,3
  foo	baz

h3. hdp-*

These perform the corresponding commands on the HDFS filesystem.  In general,
where they accept command-line flags, they go with the GNU-style ones, not the
hadoop-style: so, @hdp-du -s dir@ or @hdp-rm -r foo/@

* @hdp-cat@
* @hdp-catd@ -- cats the files that don't start with '_' in a directory. Use this for a pile of @.../part-00000@ files
* @hdp-du@
* @hdp-get@
* @hdp-kill@
* @hdp-ls@
* @hdp-mkdir@
* @hdp-mv@
* @hdp-ps@
* @hdp-put@
* @hdp-rm@
* @hdp-sync@

h3. hdp-sort, hdp-stream, hdp-stream-flat

* @hdp-sort@
* @hdp-stream@
* @hdp-stream-flat@

    hdp-stream input_filespec output_file map_cmd reduce_cmd num_key_fields

h3. tabchar

Outputs a single tab character.
h3. wuhist

Occasionally useful to gather a lexical histogram of a single column:


    $ echo -e 'foo\nbar\nbar\nfoo\nfoo\nfoo\n7' | ./wuhist
    4       foo
    2       bar
    1       7

(the output will have a tab between the first and second column, for futher processing.)

h3. wulign

Intelligently format a tab-separated file into aligned columns (while remaining tab-separated for further processing). See README-wulign.textile.
h3. hdp-parts_to_keys.rb

A *very* clumsy script to rename reduced hadoop output files by their initial key.

If your output file has an initial key in the first column and you pass it
through hdp-sort, they will be distributed across reducers and thus output
files. (Because of the way hadoop hashes the keys, there's no guarantee that
each file will get a distinct key. You could have 2 keys with a million entries
and they could land sequentially on the same reducer, always fun.)

If you're willing to roll the dice, this script will rename files according to
the first key in the first line.