module CapybaraExt # def delayed_fill_in(selector, text) field = find_field(selector) text.to_s.split('').each do |char| sleep 0.05 field.send_keys(char) end end def page! save_and_open_page end def click_icon(type) first(".icon-#{type}").click end def within_row(num, &block) if RSpec.current_example.metadata[:js] within("table.table tbody tr:nth-child(#{num})", match: :first, &block) else within(all('table.table tbody tr')[num - 1], &block) end end def column_text(num) if RSpec.current_example.metadata[:js] find("td:nth-child(#{num})").text else all('td')[num - 1].text end end # arg delay in seconds def wait_for_ajax(delay = Capybara.default_max_wait_time) Timeout.timeout(delay) do active = page.evaluate_script('typeof jQuery !== "undefined" &&') active = page.evaluate_script('typeof jQuery !== "undefined" &&') until active.nil? || end end def wait_for_condition(delay = Capybara.default_max_wait_time) counter = 0 delay_threshold = delay * 10 until yield counter += 1 sleep(0.1) raise "Could not achieve condition within #{delay} seconds." if counter >= delay_threshold end end def disable_html5_validation page.execute_script('for(var f=document.forms,i=f.length;i--;)f[i].setAttribute("novalidate",i)') end end def wait_for(options = {}) default_options = { error: nil, seconds: 5 }.merge(options) default_options[:seconds]).until { yield } rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeoutError default_options[:error].nil? ? false : raise(default_options[:error]) end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_meta do |name, expected| match do |_actual| has_css?("meta[name='#{name}'][content='#{expected}']", visible: false) end failure_message do |actual| actual = first("meta[name='#{name}']") if actual "expected that meta #{name} would have content='#{expected}' but was '#{actual[:content]}'" else "expected that meta #{name} would exist with content='#{expected}'" end end end RSpec.configure do |c| c.include CapybaraExt end