module Fastlane module Actions class EnvironmentVariableAction < Action def values_to_set = params[:set] value_to_get = params[:get] value_to_remove = params[:remove] # clear out variables that were removed ENV[value_to_remove] = nil unless value_to_remove.nil? # if we have to set variables, do that now unless values_to_set.nil? values_to_set.each do |key, value| ENV[key] = value end end # finally, get the variable we requested return ENV[value_to_get] unless value_to_get.nil? # if no variable is requested, just return empty string return "" end def "taquitos" end def self.available_options [ :set, env_name: 'FL_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_SET', description: 'Set the environment variables named', optional: true, type: Hash), :get, env_name: 'FL_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_GET', description: 'Get the environment variable named', optional: true), :remove, env_name: 'FL_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_REMOVE', description: 'Remove the environment variable named', optional: true) ] end def self.description "Sets/gets env vars for Fastlane.swift. Don't use in ruby, use `ENV[key] = val`" end def self.step_text nil end def self.category :misc end def self.return_type :string end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end