require 'db2/db2cli' module Sequel module DB2 class Database < Sequel::Database set_adapter_scheme :db2 include DB2CLI TEMPORARY = 'GLOBAL TEMPORARY '.freeze rc, @@env = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE) #check_error(rc, "Could not allocate DB2 environment") def connect(server) opts = server_opts(server) rc, dbc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, @@env) check_error(rc, "Could not allocate database connection") rc = SQLConnect(dbc, opts[:database], opts[:user], opts[:password]) check_error(rc, "Could not connect to database") dbc end def test_connection(server=nil) synchronize(server){|conn|} true end def dataset(opts = nil), opts) end def execute(sql, opts={}) synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn| rc, sth = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, @handle) check_error(rc, "Could not allocate statement") begin rc = log_yield(sql){SQLExecDirect(sth, sql)} check_error(rc, "Could not execute statement") yield(sth) if block_given? rc, rpc = SQLRowCount(sth) check_error(rc, "Could not get RPC") rpc ensure rc = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sth) check_error(rc, "Could not free statement") end end end alias_method :do, :execute private def check_error(rc, msg) case rc when SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO nil else raise DatabaseError, msg end end def disconnect_connection(conn) rc = SQLDisconnect(conn) check_error(rc, "Could not disconnect from database") rc = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn) check_error(rc, "Could not free Database handle") end end class Dataset < Sequel::Dataset MAX_COL_SIZE = 256 def fetch_rows(sql) execute(sql) do |sth| @column_info = get_column_info(sth) @columns = {|c| output_identifier(c[:name])} while (rc = SQLFetch(@handle)) != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND @db.check_error(rc, "Could not fetch row") yield hash_row(sth) end end self end # DB2 supports window functions def supports_window_functions? true end private # Modify the sql to limit the number of rows returned def select_limit_sql(sql) if l = @opts[:limit] sql << " FETCH FIRST #{l == 1 ? 'ROW' : "#{literal(l)} ROWS"} ONLY" end end def get_column_info(sth) rc, column_count = SQLNumResultCols(sth) @db.check_error(rc, "Could not get number of result columns") (1..column_count).map do |i| rc, name, buflen, datatype, size, digits, nullable = SQLDescribeCol(sth, i, MAX_COL_SIZE) @b.check_error(rc, "Could not describe column") {:name => name, :db2_type => datatype, :precision => size} end end def hash_row(sth) row = {} @column_info.each_with_index do |c, i| rc, v = SQLGetData(sth, i+1, c[:db2_type], c[:precision]) @db.check_error(rc, "Could not get data") row[output_identifier(c[:name])] = convert_type(v) end row end def convert_type(v) case v when DB2CLI::Date, v.month, when DB2CLI::Time, v.minute, v.second) when DB2CLI::Timestamp, v.month,, v.hour, v.minute, v.second, v.fraction) when DB2CLI::Null nil else v end end end end end