h1. CHANGELOG h3. 0.5.0 June 6, 2014 * tests for Devise are now available in the rails_apps_testing gem (removed here) h3. 0.4.9 June 5, 2014 * minor improvement for Devise 'delete user' test for RSpec 3.0 h3. 0.4.8 June 4, 2014 * skip a slow test when using RSpec with Devise h3. 0.4.7 June 4, 2014 * "require 'rails_helper'" not needed when it is included in the '.rspec' file h3. 0.4.6 June 2, 2014 * update for RSpec 3.0 h3. 0.4.5 May 31, 2014 * user pages for OmniAuth h3. 0.4.4 May 13, 2014 * RSpec tests that use Warden test helpers need a reset action h3. 0.4.3 May 10, 2014 * use Devise 'lazy way' to add name attribute to permitted parameters h3. 0.4.2 May 10, 2014 * additional 'devise' tags for RSpec tests h3. 0.4.1 May 10, 2014 * add 'devise' tag to RSpec tests * change 'log in' to 'sign in' and 'logout' to 'sign out' h3. 0.4.0 May 6, 2014 * generate tests when RSpec is installed * update Users controller to deny access to other users' profiles h3. 0.3.1 May 2, 2014 * add a generator for an 'About' page h3. 0.3.0 May 1, 2014 * add Devise registrations controller for 'users' and 'authorized' generators h3. 0.2.0 May 1, 2014 * fixes for 'authorized' generator h3. 0.1.0 May 1, 2014 * initial release