* TinyMCE version 6.8.4 (2024-06-19)
(function () {
'use strict';
var typeOf$1 = function (x) {
if (x === null) {
return 'null';
if (x === undefined) {
return 'undefined';
var t = typeof x;
if (t === 'object' && (Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'Array')) {
return 'array';
if (t === 'object' && (String.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'String')) {
return 'string';
return t;
var isEquatableType = function (x) {
return [
].indexOf(x) !== -1;
var sort$1 = function (xs, compareFn) {
var clone = Array.prototype.slice.call(xs);
return clone.sort(compareFn);
var contramap = function (eqa, f) {
return eq$2(function (x, y) {
return eqa.eq(f(x), f(y));
var eq$2 = function (f) {
return { eq: f };
var tripleEq = eq$2(function (x, y) {
return x === y;
var eqString = tripleEq;
var eqArray = function (eqa) {
return eq$2(function (x, y) {
if (x.length !== y.length) {
return false;
var len = x.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!eqa.eq(x[i], y[i])) {
return false;
return true;
var eqSortedArray = function (eqa, compareFn) {
return contramap(eqArray(eqa), function (xs) {
return sort$1(xs, compareFn);
var eqRecord = function (eqa) {
return eq$2(function (x, y) {
var kx = Object.keys(x);
var ky = Object.keys(y);
if (!eqSortedArray(eqString).eq(kx, ky)) {
return false;
var len = kx.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var q = kx[i];
if (!eqa.eq(x[q], y[q])) {
return false;
return true;
var eqAny = eq$2(function (x, y) {
if (x === y) {
return true;
var tx = typeOf$1(x);
var ty = typeOf$1(y);
if (tx !== ty) {
return false;
if (isEquatableType(tx)) {
return x === y;
} else if (tx === 'array') {
return eqArray(eqAny).eq(x, y);
} else if (tx === 'object') {
return eqRecord(eqAny).eq(x, y);
return false;
const getPrototypeOf$2 = Object.getPrototypeOf;
const hasProto = (v, constructor, predicate) => {
var _a;
if (predicate(v, constructor.prototype)) {
return true;
} else {
return ((_a = v.constructor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === constructor.name;
const typeOf = x => {
const t = typeof x;
if (x === null) {
return 'null';
} else if (t === 'object' && Array.isArray(x)) {
return 'array';
} else if (t === 'object' && hasProto(x, String, (o, proto) => proto.isPrototypeOf(o))) {
return 'string';
} else {
return t;
const isType$1 = type => value => typeOf(value) === type;
const isSimpleType = type => value => typeof value === type;
const eq$1 = t => a => t === a;
const is$4 = (value, constructor) => isObject(value) && hasProto(value, constructor, (o, proto) => getPrototypeOf$2(o) === proto);
const isString = isType$1('string');
const isObject = isType$1('object');
const isPlainObject = value => is$4(value, Object);
const isArray$1 = isType$1('array');
const isNull = eq$1(null);
const isBoolean = isSimpleType('boolean');
const isUndefined = eq$1(undefined);
const isNullable = a => a === null || a === undefined;
const isNonNullable = a => !isNullable(a);
const isFunction = isSimpleType('function');
const isNumber = isSimpleType('number');
const isArrayOf = (value, pred) => {
if (isArray$1(value)) {
for (let i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (!pred(value[i])) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
const noop = () => {
const compose = (fa, fb) => {
return (...args) => {
return fa(fb.apply(null, args));
const compose1 = (fbc, fab) => a => fbc(fab(a));
const constant = value => {
return () => {
return value;
const identity = x => {
return x;
const tripleEquals = (a, b) => {
return a === b;
function curry(fn, ...initialArgs) {
return (...restArgs) => {
const all = initialArgs.concat(restArgs);
return fn.apply(null, all);
const not = f => t => !f(t);
const die = msg => {
return () => {
throw new Error(msg);
const apply$1 = f => {
return f();
const call = f => {
const never = constant(false);
const always = constant(true);
class Optional {
constructor(tag, value) {
this.tag = tag;
this.value = value;
static some(value) {
return new Optional(true, value);
static none() {
return Optional.singletonNone;
fold(onNone, onSome) {
if (this.tag) {
return onSome(this.value);
} else {
return onNone();
isSome() {
return this.tag;
isNone() {
return !this.tag;
map(mapper) {
if (this.tag) {
return Optional.some(mapper(this.value));
} else {
return Optional.none();
bind(binder) {
if (this.tag) {
return binder(this.value);
} else {
return Optional.none();
exists(predicate) {
return this.tag && predicate(this.value);
forall(predicate) {
return !this.tag || predicate(this.value);
filter(predicate) {
if (!this.tag || predicate(this.value)) {
return this;
} else {
return Optional.none();
getOr(replacement) {
return this.tag ? this.value : replacement;
or(replacement) {
return this.tag ? this : replacement;
getOrThunk(thunk) {
return this.tag ? this.value : thunk();
orThunk(thunk) {
return this.tag ? this : thunk();
getOrDie(message) {
if (!this.tag) {
throw new Error(message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : 'Called getOrDie on None');
} else {
return this.value;
static from(value) {
return isNonNullable(value) ? Optional.some(value) : Optional.none();
getOrNull() {
return this.tag ? this.value : null;
getOrUndefined() {
return this.value;
each(worker) {
if (this.tag) {
toArray() {
return this.tag ? [this.value] : [];
toString() {
return this.tag ? `some(${ this.value })` : 'none()';
Optional.singletonNone = new Optional(false);
const nativeSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
const nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
const nativePush = Array.prototype.push;
const rawIndexOf = (ts, t) => nativeIndexOf.call(ts, t);
const indexOf$1 = (xs, x) => {
const r = rawIndexOf(xs, x);
return r === -1 ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(r);
const contains$2 = (xs, x) => rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1;
const exists = (xs, pred) => {
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
if (pred(x, i)) {
return true;
return false;
const map$3 = (xs, f) => {
const len = xs.length;
const r = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
r[i] = f(x, i);
return r;
const each$e = (xs, f) => {
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
f(x, i);
const eachr = (xs, f) => {
for (let i = xs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const x = xs[i];
f(x, i);
const partition$2 = (xs, pred) => {
const pass = [];
const fail = [];
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
const arr = pred(x, i) ? pass : fail;
return {
const filter$5 = (xs, pred) => {
const r = [];
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
if (pred(x, i)) {
return r;
const foldr = (xs, f, acc) => {
eachr(xs, (x, i) => {
acc = f(acc, x, i);
return acc;
const foldl = (xs, f, acc) => {
each$e(xs, (x, i) => {
acc = f(acc, x, i);
return acc;
const findUntil$1 = (xs, pred, until) => {
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
if (pred(x, i)) {
return Optional.some(x);
} else if (until(x, i)) {
return Optional.none();
const find$2 = (xs, pred) => {
return findUntil$1(xs, pred, never);
const findIndex$2 = (xs, pred) => {
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
if (pred(x, i)) {
return Optional.some(i);
return Optional.none();
const flatten = xs => {
const r = [];
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (!isArray$1(xs[i])) {
throw new Error('Arr.flatten item ' + i + ' was not an array, input: ' + xs);
nativePush.apply(r, xs[i]);
return r;
const bind$3 = (xs, f) => flatten(map$3(xs, f));
const forall = (xs, pred) => {
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
const x = xs[i];
if (pred(x, i) !== true) {
return false;
return true;
const reverse = xs => {
const r = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0);
return r;
const difference = (a1, a2) => filter$5(a1, x => !contains$2(a2, x));
const mapToObject = (xs, f) => {
const r = {};
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
r[String(x)] = f(x, i);
return r;
const sort = (xs, comparator) => {
const copy = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0);
return copy;
const get$b = (xs, i) => i >= 0 && i < xs.length ? Optional.some(xs[i]) : Optional.none();
const head = xs => get$b(xs, 0);
const last$3 = xs => get$b(xs, xs.length - 1);
const from = isFunction(Array.from) ? Array.from : x => nativeSlice.call(x);
const findMap = (arr, f) => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const r = f(arr[i], i);
if (r.isSome()) {
return r;
return Optional.none();
const unique$1 = (xs, comparator) => {
const r = [];
const isDuplicated = isFunction(comparator) ? x => exists(r, i => comparator(i, x)) : x => contains$2(r, x);
for (let i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
const x = xs[i];
if (!isDuplicated(x)) {
return r;
const keys = Object.keys;
const hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.hasOwnProperty;
const each$d = (obj, f) => {
const props = keys(obj);
for (let k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) {
const i = props[k];
const x = obj[i];
f(x, i);
const map$2 = (obj, f) => {
return tupleMap(obj, (x, i) => ({
k: i,
v: f(x, i)
const tupleMap = (obj, f) => {
const r = {};
each$d(obj, (x, i) => {
const tuple = f(x, i);
r[tuple.k] = tuple.v;
return r;
const objAcc = r => (x, i) => {
r[i] = x;
const internalFilter = (obj, pred, onTrue, onFalse) => {
each$d(obj, (x, i) => {
(pred(x, i) ? onTrue : onFalse)(x, i);
const bifilter = (obj, pred) => {
const t = {};
const f = {};
internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), objAcc(f));
return {
const filter$4 = (obj, pred) => {
const t = {};
internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), noop);
return t;
const mapToArray = (obj, f) => {
const r = [];
each$d(obj, (value, name) => {
r.push(f(value, name));
return r;
const values = obj => {
return mapToArray(obj, identity);
const get$a = (obj, key) => {
return has$2(obj, key) ? Optional.from(obj[key]) : Optional.none();
const has$2 = (obj, key) => hasOwnProperty$1.call(obj, key);
const hasNonNullableKey = (obj, key) => has$2(obj, key) && obj[key] !== undefined && obj[key] !== null;
const equal$1 = (a1, a2, eq = eqAny) => eqRecord(eq).eq(a1, a2);
const stringArray = a => {
const all = {};
each$e(a, key => {
all[key] = {};
return keys(all);
const isArrayLike = o => o.length !== undefined;
const isArray = Array.isArray;
const toArray$1 = obj => {
if (!isArray(obj)) {
const array = [];
for (let i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
array[i] = obj[i];
return array;
} else {
return obj;
const each$c = (o, cb, s) => {
if (!o) {
return false;
s = s || o;
if (isArrayLike(o)) {
for (let n = 0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {
if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
return false;
} else {
for (const n in o) {
if (has$2(o, n)) {
if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
return false;
return true;
const map$1 = (array, callback) => {
const out = [];
each$c(array, (item, index) => {
out.push(callback(item, index, array));
return out;
const filter$3 = (a, f) => {
const o = [];
each$c(a, (v, index) => {
if (!f || f(v, index, a)) {
return o;
const indexOf = (a, v) => {
if (a) {
for (let i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
if (a[i] === v) {
return i;
return -1;
const reduce = (collection, iteratee, accumulator, thisArg) => {
let acc = isUndefined(accumulator) ? collection[0] : accumulator;
for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
acc = iteratee.call(thisArg, acc, collection[i], i);
return acc;
const findIndex$1 = (array, predicate, thisArg) => {
for (let i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
if (predicate.call(thisArg, array[i], i, array)) {
return i;
return -1;
const last$2 = collection => collection[collection.length - 1];
const cached = f => {
let called = false;
let r;
return (...args) => {
if (!called) {
called = true;
r = f.apply(null, args);
return r;
const DeviceType = (os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch) => {
const isiPad = os.isiOS() && /ipad/i.test(userAgent) === true;
const isiPhone = os.isiOS() && !isiPad;
const isMobile = os.isiOS() || os.isAndroid();
const isTouch = isMobile || mediaMatch('(pointer:coarse)');
const isTablet = isiPad || !isiPhone && isMobile && mediaMatch('(min-device-width:768px)');
const isPhone = isiPhone || isMobile && !isTablet;
const iOSwebview = browser.isSafari() && os.isiOS() && /safari/i.test(userAgent) === false;
const isDesktop = !isPhone && !isTablet && !iOSwebview;
return {
isiPad: constant(isiPad),
isiPhone: constant(isiPhone),
isTablet: constant(isTablet),
isPhone: constant(isPhone),
isTouch: constant(isTouch),
isAndroid: os.isAndroid,
isiOS: os.isiOS,
isWebView: constant(iOSwebview),
isDesktop: constant(isDesktop)
const firstMatch = (regexes, s) => {
for (let i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) {
const x = regexes[i];
if (x.test(s)) {
return x;
return undefined;
const find$1 = (regexes, agent) => {
const r = firstMatch(regexes, agent);
if (!r) {
return {
major: 0,
minor: 0
const group = i => {
return Number(agent.replace(r, '$' + i));
return nu$3(group(1), group(2));
const detect$5 = (versionRegexes, agent) => {
const cleanedAgent = String(agent).toLowerCase();
if (versionRegexes.length === 0) {
return unknown$2();
return find$1(versionRegexes, cleanedAgent);
const unknown$2 = () => {
return nu$3(0, 0);
const nu$3 = (major, minor) => {
return {
const Version = {
nu: nu$3,
detect: detect$5,
unknown: unknown$2
const detectBrowser$1 = (browsers, userAgentData) => {
return findMap(userAgentData.brands, uaBrand => {
const lcBrand = uaBrand.brand.toLowerCase();
return find$2(browsers, browser => {
var _a;
return lcBrand === ((_a = browser.brand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase());
}).map(info => ({
current: info.name,
version: Version.nu(parseInt(uaBrand.version, 10), 0)
const detect$4 = (candidates, userAgent) => {
const agent = String(userAgent).toLowerCase();
return find$2(candidates, candidate => {
return candidate.search(agent);
const detectBrowser = (browsers, userAgent) => {
return detect$4(browsers, userAgent).map(browser => {
const version = Version.detect(browser.versionRegexes, userAgent);
return {
current: browser.name,
const detectOs = (oses, userAgent) => {
return detect$4(oses, userAgent).map(os => {
const version = Version.detect(os.versionRegexes, userAgent);
return {
current: os.name,
const removeFromStart = (str, numChars) => {
return str.substring(numChars);
const checkRange = (str, substr, start) => substr === '' || str.length >= substr.length && str.substr(start, start + substr.length) === substr;
const removeLeading = (str, prefix) => {
return startsWith(str, prefix) ? removeFromStart(str, prefix.length) : str;
const contains$1 = (str, substr, start = 0, end) => {
const idx = str.indexOf(substr, start);
if (idx !== -1) {
return isUndefined(end) ? true : idx + substr.length <= end;
} else {
return false;
const startsWith = (str, prefix) => {
return checkRange(str, prefix, 0);
const endsWith = (str, suffix) => {
return checkRange(str, suffix, str.length - suffix.length);
const blank = r => s => s.replace(r, '');
const trim$4 = blank(/^\s+|\s+$/g);
const lTrim = blank(/^\s+/g);
const rTrim = blank(/\s+$/g);
const isNotEmpty = s => s.length > 0;
const isEmpty$3 = s => !isNotEmpty(s);
const repeat = (s, count) => count <= 0 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(s);
const toInt = (value, radix = 10) => {
const num = parseInt(value, radix);
return isNaN(num) ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(num);
const normalVersionRegex = /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/;
const checkContains = target => {
return uastring => {
return contains$1(uastring, target);
const browsers = [
name: 'Edge',
versionRegexes: [/.*?edge\/ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/],
search: uastring => {
return contains$1(uastring, 'edge/') && contains$1(uastring, 'chrome') && contains$1(uastring, 'safari') && contains$1(uastring, 'applewebkit');
name: 'Chromium',
brand: 'Chromium',
versionRegexes: [
search: uastring => {
return contains$1(uastring, 'chrome') && !contains$1(uastring, 'chromeframe');
name: 'IE',
versionRegexes: [
/.*?msie\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
search: uastring => {
return contains$1(uastring, 'msie') || contains$1(uastring, 'trident');
name: 'Opera',
versionRegexes: [
search: checkContains('opera')
name: 'Firefox',
versionRegexes: [/.*?firefox\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/],
search: checkContains('firefox')
name: 'Safari',
versionRegexes: [
/.*?cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/
search: uastring => {
return (contains$1(uastring, 'safari') || contains$1(uastring, 'mobile/')) && contains$1(uastring, 'applewebkit');
const oses = [
name: 'Windows',
search: checkContains('win'),
versionRegexes: [/.*?windows\ nt\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
name: 'iOS',
search: uastring => {
return contains$1(uastring, 'iphone') || contains$1(uastring, 'ipad');
versionRegexes: [
/.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
/.*cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/,
/.*cpu iphone os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/
name: 'Android',
search: checkContains('android'),
versionRegexes: [/.*?android\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
name: 'macOS',
search: checkContains('mac os x'),
versionRegexes: [/.*?mac\ os\ x\ ?([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/]
name: 'Linux',
search: checkContains('linux'),
versionRegexes: []
name: 'Solaris',
search: checkContains('sunos'),
versionRegexes: []
name: 'FreeBSD',
search: checkContains('freebsd'),
versionRegexes: []
name: 'ChromeOS',
search: checkContains('cros'),
versionRegexes: [/.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
const PlatformInfo = {
browsers: constant(browsers),
oses: constant(oses)
const edge = 'Edge';
const chromium = 'Chromium';
const ie = 'IE';
const opera = 'Opera';
const firefox = 'Firefox';
const safari = 'Safari';
const unknown$1 = () => {
return nu$2({
current: undefined,
version: Version.unknown()
const nu$2 = info => {
const current = info.current;
const version = info.version;
const isBrowser = name => () => current === name;
return {
isEdge: isBrowser(edge),
isChromium: isBrowser(chromium),
isIE: isBrowser(ie),
isOpera: isBrowser(opera),
isFirefox: isBrowser(firefox),
isSafari: isBrowser(safari)
const Browser = {
unknown: unknown$1,
nu: nu$2,
edge: constant(edge),
chromium: constant(chromium),
ie: constant(ie),
opera: constant(opera),
firefox: constant(firefox),
safari: constant(safari)
const windows = 'Windows';
const ios = 'iOS';
const android = 'Android';
const linux = 'Linux';
const macos = 'macOS';
const solaris = 'Solaris';
const freebsd = 'FreeBSD';
const chromeos = 'ChromeOS';
const unknown = () => {
return nu$1({
current: undefined,
version: Version.unknown()
const nu$1 = info => {
const current = info.current;
const version = info.version;
const isOS = name => () => current === name;
return {
isWindows: isOS(windows),
isiOS: isOS(ios),
isAndroid: isOS(android),
isMacOS: isOS(macos),
isLinux: isOS(linux),
isSolaris: isOS(solaris),
isFreeBSD: isOS(freebsd),
isChromeOS: isOS(chromeos)
const OperatingSystem = {
nu: nu$1,
windows: constant(windows),
ios: constant(ios),
android: constant(android),
linux: constant(linux),
macos: constant(macos),
solaris: constant(solaris),
freebsd: constant(freebsd),
chromeos: constant(chromeos)
const detect$3 = (userAgent, userAgentDataOpt, mediaMatch) => {
const browsers = PlatformInfo.browsers();
const oses = PlatformInfo.oses();
const browser = userAgentDataOpt.bind(userAgentData => detectBrowser$1(browsers, userAgentData)).orThunk(() => detectBrowser(browsers, userAgent)).fold(Browser.unknown, Browser.nu);
const os = detectOs(oses, userAgent).fold(OperatingSystem.unknown, OperatingSystem.nu);
const deviceType = DeviceType(os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch);
return {
const PlatformDetection = { detect: detect$3 };
const mediaMatch = query => window.matchMedia(query).matches;
let platform$4 = cached(() => PlatformDetection.detect(navigator.userAgent, Optional.from(navigator.userAgentData), mediaMatch));
const detect$2 = () => platform$4();
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
const platform$3 = detect$2();
const browser$3 = platform$3.browser;
const os$1 = platform$3.os;
const deviceType = platform$3.deviceType;
const windowsPhone = userAgent.indexOf('Windows Phone') !== -1;
const Env = {
transparentSrc: '',
documentMode: browser$3.isIE() ? document.documentMode || 7 : 10,
cacheSuffix: null,
container: null,
canHaveCSP: !browser$3.isIE(),
browser: {
current: browser$3.current,
version: browser$3.version,
isChromium: browser$3.isChromium,
isEdge: browser$3.isEdge,
isFirefox: browser$3.isFirefox,
isIE: browser$3.isIE,
isOpera: browser$3.isOpera,
isSafari: browser$3.isSafari
os: {
current: os$1.current,
version: os$1.version,
isAndroid: os$1.isAndroid,
isChromeOS: os$1.isChromeOS,
isFreeBSD: os$1.isFreeBSD,
isiOS: os$1.isiOS,
isLinux: os$1.isLinux,
isMacOS: os$1.isMacOS,
isSolaris: os$1.isSolaris,
isWindows: os$1.isWindows
deviceType: {
isDesktop: deviceType.isDesktop,
isiPad: deviceType.isiPad,
isiPhone: deviceType.isiPhone,
isPhone: deviceType.isPhone,
isTablet: deviceType.isTablet,
isTouch: deviceType.isTouch,
isWebView: deviceType.isWebView
const whiteSpaceRegExp$1 = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
const trim$3 = str => {
return isNullable(str) ? '' : ('' + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp$1, '');
const is$3 = (obj, type) => {
if (!type) {
return obj !== undefined;
if (type === 'array' && isArray(obj)) {
return true;
return typeof obj === type;
const makeMap$4 = (items, delim, map = {}) => {
const resolvedItems = isString(items) ? items.split(delim || ',') : items || [];
let i = resolvedItems.length;
while (i--) {
map[resolvedItems[i]] = {};
return map;
const hasOwnProperty = has$2;
const extend$3 = (obj, ...exts) => {
for (let i = 0; i < exts.length; i++) {
const ext = exts[i];
for (const name in ext) {
if (has$2(ext, name)) {
const value = ext[name];
if (value !== undefined) {
obj[name] = value;
return obj;
const walk$4 = function (o, f, n, s) {
s = s || this;
if (o) {
if (n) {
o = o[n];
each$c(o, (o, i) => {
if (f.call(s, o, i, n) === false) {
return false;
} else {
walk$4(o, f, n, s);
return true;
const resolve$3 = (n, o = window) => {
const path = n.split('.');
for (let i = 0, l = path.length; i < l; i++) {
o = o[path[i]];
if (!o) {
return o;
const explode$3 = (s, d) => {
if (isArray$1(s)) {
return s;
} else if (s === '') {
return [];
} else {
return map$1(s.split(d || ','), trim$3);
const _addCacheSuffix = url => {
const cacheSuffix = Env.cacheSuffix;
if (cacheSuffix) {
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + cacheSuffix;
return url;
const Tools = {
trim: trim$3,
isArray: isArray,
is: is$3,
toArray: toArray$1,
makeMap: makeMap$4,
each: each$c,
map: map$1,
grep: filter$3,
inArray: indexOf,
hasOwn: hasOwnProperty,
extend: extend$3,
walk: walk$4,
resolve: resolve$3,
explode: explode$3,
const is$2 = (lhs, rhs, comparator = tripleEquals) => lhs.exists(left => comparator(left, rhs));
const equals = (lhs, rhs, comparator = tripleEquals) => lift2(lhs, rhs, comparator).getOr(lhs.isNone() && rhs.isNone());
const cat = arr => {
const r = [];
const push = x => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
return r;
const lift2 = (oa, ob, f) => oa.isSome() && ob.isSome() ? Optional.some(f(oa.getOrDie(), ob.getOrDie())) : Optional.none();
const lift3 = (oa, ob, oc, f) => oa.isSome() && ob.isSome() && oc.isSome() ? Optional.some(f(oa.getOrDie(), ob.getOrDie(), oc.getOrDie())) : Optional.none();
const someIf = (b, a) => b ? Optional.some(a) : Optional.none();
const Global = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : Function('return this;')();
const path = (parts, scope) => {
let o = scope !== undefined && scope !== null ? scope : Global;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length && o !== undefined && o !== null; ++i) {
o = o[parts[i]];
return o;
const resolve$2 = (p, scope) => {
const parts = p.split('.');
return path(parts, scope);
const unsafe = (name, scope) => {
return resolve$2(name, scope);
const getOrDie = (name, scope) => {
const actual = unsafe(name, scope);
if (actual === undefined || actual === null) {
throw new Error(name + ' not available on this browser');
return actual;
const getPrototypeOf$1 = Object.getPrototypeOf;
const sandHTMLElement = scope => {
return getOrDie('HTMLElement', scope);
const isPrototypeOf = x => {
const scope = resolve$2('ownerDocument.defaultView', x);
return isObject(x) && (sandHTMLElement(scope).prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || /^HTML\w*Element$/.test(getPrototypeOf$1(x).constructor.name));
const COMMENT = 8;
const DOCUMENT = 9;
const ELEMENT = 1;
const TEXT = 3;
const name = element => {
const r = element.dom.nodeName;
return r.toLowerCase();
const type$1 = element => element.dom.nodeType;
const isType = t => element => type$1(element) === t;
const isComment$1 = element => type$1(element) === COMMENT || name(element) === '#comment';
const isHTMLElement$1 = element => isElement$7(element) && isPrototypeOf(element.dom);
const isElement$7 = isType(ELEMENT);
const isText$b = isType(TEXT);
const isDocument$2 = isType(DOCUMENT);
const isDocumentFragment$1 = isType(DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT);
const isTag = tag => e => isElement$7(e) && name(e) === tag;
const rawSet = (dom, key, value) => {
if (isString(value) || isBoolean(value) || isNumber(value)) {
dom.setAttribute(key, value + '');
} else {
console.error('Invalid call to Attribute.set. Key ', key, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom);
throw new Error('Attribute value was not simple');
const set$3 = (element, key, value) => {
rawSet(element.dom, key, value);
const setAll$1 = (element, attrs) => {
const dom = element.dom;
each$d(attrs, (v, k) => {
rawSet(dom, k, v);
const get$9 = (element, key) => {
const v = element.dom.getAttribute(key);
return v === null ? undefined : v;
const getOpt = (element, key) => Optional.from(get$9(element, key));
const has$1 = (element, key) => {
const dom = element.dom;
return dom && dom.hasAttribute ? dom.hasAttribute(key) : false;
const remove$a = (element, key) => {
const hasNone = element => {
const attrs = element.dom.attributes;
return attrs === undefined || attrs === null || attrs.length === 0;
const clone$4 = element => foldl(element.dom.attributes, (acc, attr) => {
acc[attr.name] = attr.value;
return acc;
}, {});
const read$4 = (element, attr) => {
const value = get$9(element, attr);
return value === undefined || value === '' ? [] : value.split(' ');
const add$4 = (element, attr, id) => {
const old = read$4(element, attr);
const nu = old.concat([id]);
set$3(element, attr, nu.join(' '));
return true;
const remove$9 = (element, attr, id) => {
const nu = filter$5(read$4(element, attr), v => v !== id);
if (nu.length > 0) {
set$3(element, attr, nu.join(' '));
} else {
remove$a(element, attr);
return false;
const supports = element => element.dom.classList !== undefined;
const get$8 = element => read$4(element, 'class');
const add$3 = (element, clazz) => add$4(element, 'class', clazz);
const remove$8 = (element, clazz) => remove$9(element, 'class', clazz);
const toggle$2 = (element, clazz) => {
if (contains$2(get$8(element), clazz)) {
return remove$8(element, clazz);
} else {
return add$3(element, clazz);
const add$2 = (element, clazz) => {
if (supports(element)) {
} else {
add$3(element, clazz);
const cleanClass = element => {
const classList = supports(element) ? element.dom.classList : get$8(element);
if (classList.length === 0) {
remove$a(element, 'class');
const remove$7 = (element, clazz) => {
if (supports(element)) {
const classList = element.dom.classList;
} else {
remove$8(element, clazz);
const toggle$1 = (element, clazz) => {
const result = supports(element) ? element.dom.classList.toggle(clazz) : toggle$2(element, clazz);
return result;
const has = (element, clazz) => supports(element) && element.dom.classList.contains(clazz);
const fromHtml$1 = (html, scope) => {
const doc = scope || document;
const div = doc.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
if (!div.hasChildNodes() || div.childNodes.length > 1) {
const message = 'HTML does not have a single root node';
console.error(message, html);
throw new Error(message);
return fromDom$2(div.childNodes[0]);
const fromTag = (tag, scope) => {
const doc = scope || document;
const node = doc.createElement(tag);
return fromDom$2(node);
const fromText = (text, scope) => {
const doc = scope || document;
const node = doc.createTextNode(text);
return fromDom$2(node);
const fromDom$2 = node => {
if (node === null || node === undefined) {
throw new Error('Node cannot be null or undefined');
return { dom: node };
const fromPoint$2 = (docElm, x, y) => Optional.from(docElm.dom.elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(fromDom$2);
const SugarElement = {
fromHtml: fromHtml$1,
fromDom: fromDom$2,
fromPoint: fromPoint$2
const toArray = (target, f) => {
const r = [];
const recurse = e => {
return f(e);
let cur = f(target);
do {
cur = cur.bind(recurse);
} while (cur.isSome());
return r;
const is$1 = (element, selector) => {
const dom = element.dom;
if (dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT) {
return false;
} else {
const elem = dom;
if (elem.matches !== undefined) {
return elem.matches(selector);
} else if (elem.msMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
return elem.msMatchesSelector(selector);
} else if (elem.webkitMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
return elem.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
} else if (elem.mozMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
return elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector);
} else {
throw new Error('Browser lacks native selectors');
const bypassSelector = dom => dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || dom.childElementCount === 0;
const all = (selector, scope) => {
const base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom;
return bypassSelector(base) ? [] : map$3(base.querySelectorAll(selector), SugarElement.fromDom);
const one = (selector, scope) => {
const base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom;
return bypassSelector(base) ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(base.querySelector(selector)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const eq = (e1, e2) => e1.dom === e2.dom;
const contains = (e1, e2) => {
const d1 = e1.dom;
const d2 = e2.dom;
return d1 === d2 ? false : d1.contains(d2);
const owner$1 = element => SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.ownerDocument);
const documentOrOwner = dos => isDocument$2(dos) ? dos : owner$1(dos);
const documentElement = element => SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.documentElement);
const defaultView = element => SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.defaultView);
const parent = element => Optional.from(element.dom.parentNode).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const parentElement = element => Optional.from(element.dom.parentElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const parents$1 = (element, isRoot) => {
const stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
let dom = element.dom;
const ret = [];
while (dom.parentNode !== null && dom.parentNode !== undefined) {
const rawParent = dom.parentNode;
const p = SugarElement.fromDom(rawParent);
if (stop(p) === true) {
} else {
dom = rawParent;
return ret;
const siblings = element => {
const filterSelf = elements => filter$5(elements, x => !eq(element, x));
return parent(element).map(children$1).map(filterSelf).getOr([]);
const prevSibling = element => Optional.from(element.dom.previousSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const nextSibling = element => Optional.from(element.dom.nextSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const prevSiblings = element => reverse(toArray(element, prevSibling));
const nextSiblings = element => toArray(element, nextSibling);
const children$1 = element => map$3(element.dom.childNodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
const child$1 = (element, index) => {
const cs = element.dom.childNodes;
return Optional.from(cs[index]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const firstChild = element => child$1(element, 0);
const lastChild = element => child$1(element, element.dom.childNodes.length - 1);
const childNodesCount = element => element.dom.childNodes.length;
const hasChildNodes = element => element.dom.hasChildNodes();
const getHead = doc => {
const b = doc.dom.head;
if (b === null || b === undefined) {
throw new Error('Head is not available yet');
return SugarElement.fromDom(b);
const isShadowRoot = dos => isDocumentFragment$1(dos) && isNonNullable(dos.dom.host);
const supported = isFunction(Element.prototype.attachShadow) && isFunction(Node.prototype.getRootNode);
const isSupported$1 = constant(supported);
const getRootNode = supported ? e => SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.getRootNode()) : documentOrOwner;
const getStyleContainer = dos => isShadowRoot(dos) ? dos : getHead(documentOrOwner(dos));
const getContentContainer = dos => isShadowRoot(dos) ? dos : SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(dos).dom.body);
const getShadowRoot = e => {
const r = getRootNode(e);
return isShadowRoot(r) ? Optional.some(r) : Optional.none();
const getShadowHost = e => SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.host);
const getOriginalEventTarget = event => {
if (isSupported$1() && isNonNullable(event.target)) {
const el = SugarElement.fromDom(event.target);
if (isElement$7(el) && isOpenShadowHost(el)) {
if (event.composed && event.composedPath) {
const composedPath = event.composedPath();
if (composedPath) {
return head(composedPath);
return Optional.from(event.target);
const isOpenShadowHost = element => isNonNullable(element.dom.shadowRoot);
const inBody = element => {
const dom = isText$b(element) ? element.dom.parentNode : element.dom;
if (dom === undefined || dom === null || dom.ownerDocument === null) {
return false;
const doc = dom.ownerDocument;
return getShadowRoot(SugarElement.fromDom(dom)).fold(() => doc.body.contains(dom), compose1(inBody, getShadowHost));
var ClosestOrAncestor = (is, ancestor, scope, a, isRoot) => {
if (is(scope, a)) {
return Optional.some(scope);
} else if (isFunction(isRoot) && isRoot(scope)) {
return Optional.none();
} else {
return ancestor(scope, a, isRoot);
const ancestor$4 = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => {
let element = scope.dom;
const stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
while (element.parentNode) {
element = element.parentNode;
const el = SugarElement.fromDom(element);
if (predicate(el)) {
return Optional.some(el);
} else if (stop(el)) {
return Optional.none();
const closest$4 = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => {
const is = (s, test) => test(s);
return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$4, scope, predicate, isRoot);
const sibling$1 = (scope, predicate) => {
const element = scope.dom;
if (!element.parentNode) {
return Optional.none();
return child(SugarElement.fromDom(element.parentNode), x => !eq(scope, x) && predicate(x));
const child = (scope, predicate) => {
const pred = node => predicate(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
const result = find$2(scope.dom.childNodes, pred);
return result.map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const descendant$2 = (scope, predicate) => {
const descend = node => {
for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
const child = SugarElement.fromDom(node.childNodes[i]);
if (predicate(child)) {
return Optional.some(child);
const res = descend(node.childNodes[i]);
if (res.isSome()) {
return res;
return Optional.none();
return descend(scope.dom);
const ancestor$3 = (scope, selector, isRoot) => ancestor$4(scope, e => is$1(e, selector), isRoot);
const descendant$1 = (scope, selector) => one(selector, scope);
const closest$3 = (scope, selector, isRoot) => {
const is = (element, selector) => is$1(element, selector);
return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$3, scope, selector, isRoot);
const closest$2 = target => closest$3(target, '[contenteditable]');
const isEditable$2 = (element, assumeEditable = false) => {
if (inBody(element)) {
return element.dom.isContentEditable;
} else {
return closest$2(element).fold(constant(assumeEditable), editable => getRaw$1(editable) === 'true');
const getRaw$1 = element => element.dom.contentEditable;
const isSupported = dom => dom.style !== undefined && isFunction(dom.style.getPropertyValue);
const internalSet = (dom, property, value) => {
if (!isString(value)) {
console.error('Invalid call to CSS.set. Property ', property, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom);
throw new Error('CSS value must be a string: ' + value);
if (isSupported(dom)) {
dom.style.setProperty(property, value);
const internalRemove = (dom, property) => {
if (isSupported(dom)) {
const set$2 = (element, property, value) => {
const dom = element.dom;
internalSet(dom, property, value);
const setAll = (element, css) => {
const dom = element.dom;
each$d(css, (v, k) => {
internalSet(dom, k, v);
const get$7 = (element, property) => {
const dom = element.dom;
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(dom);
const r = styles.getPropertyValue(property);
return r === '' && !inBody(element) ? getUnsafeProperty(dom, property) : r;
const getUnsafeProperty = (dom, property) => isSupported(dom) ? dom.style.getPropertyValue(property) : '';
const getRaw = (element, property) => {
const dom = element.dom;
const raw = getUnsafeProperty(dom, property);
return Optional.from(raw).filter(r => r.length > 0);
const getAllRaw = element => {
const css = {};
const dom = element.dom;
if (isSupported(dom)) {
for (let i = 0; i < dom.style.length; i++) {
const ruleName = dom.style.item(i);
css[ruleName] = dom.style[ruleName];
return css;
const remove$6 = (element, property) => {
const dom = element.dom;
internalRemove(dom, property);
if (is$2(getOpt(element, 'style').map(trim$4), '')) {
remove$a(element, 'style');
const reflow = e => e.dom.offsetWidth;
const before$3 = (marker, element) => {
const parent$1 = parent(marker);
parent$1.each(v => {
v.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, marker.dom);
const after$4 = (marker, element) => {
const sibling = nextSibling(marker);
sibling.fold(() => {
const parent$1 = parent(marker);
parent$1.each(v => {
append$1(v, element);
}, v => {
before$3(v, element);
const prepend = (parent, element) => {
const firstChild$1 = firstChild(parent);
firstChild$1.fold(() => {
append$1(parent, element);
}, v => {
parent.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, v.dom);
const append$1 = (parent, element) => {
const wrap$2 = (element, wrapper) => {
before$3(element, wrapper);
append$1(wrapper, element);
const after$3 = (marker, elements) => {
each$e(elements, (x, i) => {
const e = i === 0 ? marker : elements[i - 1];
after$4(e, x);
const append = (parent, elements) => {
each$e(elements, x => {
append$1(parent, x);
const empty = element => {
element.dom.textContent = '';
each$e(children$1(element), rogue => {
const remove$5 = element => {
const dom = element.dom;
if (dom.parentNode !== null) {
const unwrap = wrapper => {
const children = children$1(wrapper);
if (children.length > 0) {
after$3(wrapper, children);
const fromHtml = (html, scope) => {
const doc = scope || document;
const div = doc.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
return children$1(SugarElement.fromDom(div));
const fromDom$1 = nodes => map$3(nodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
const get$6 = element => element.dom.innerHTML;
const set$1 = (element, content) => {
const owner = owner$1(element);
const docDom = owner.dom;
const fragment = SugarElement.fromDom(docDom.createDocumentFragment());
const contentElements = fromHtml(content, docDom);
append(fragment, contentElements);
append$1(element, fragment);
const getOuter = element => {
const container = SugarElement.fromTag('div');
const clone = SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.cloneNode(true));
append$1(container, clone);
return get$6(container);
const mkEvent = (target, x, y, stop, prevent, kill, raw) => ({
const fromRawEvent = rawEvent => {
const target = SugarElement.fromDom(getOriginalEventTarget(rawEvent).getOr(rawEvent.target));
const stop = () => rawEvent.stopPropagation();
const prevent = () => rawEvent.preventDefault();
const kill = compose(prevent, stop);
return mkEvent(target, rawEvent.clientX, rawEvent.clientY, stop, prevent, kill, rawEvent);
const handle$1 = (filter, handler) => rawEvent => {
if (filter(rawEvent)) {
const binder = (element, event, filter, handler, useCapture) => {
const wrapped = handle$1(filter, handler);
element.dom.addEventListener(event, wrapped, useCapture);
return { unbind: curry(unbind, element, event, wrapped, useCapture) };
const bind$2 = (element, event, filter, handler) => binder(element, event, filter, handler, false);
const unbind = (element, event, handler, useCapture) => {
element.dom.removeEventListener(event, handler, useCapture);
const r = (left, top) => {
const translate = (x, y) => r(left + x, top + y);
return {
const SugarPosition = r;
const boxPosition = dom => {
const box = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
return SugarPosition(box.left, box.top);
const firstDefinedOrZero = (a, b) => {
if (a !== undefined) {
return a;
} else {
return b !== undefined ? b : 0;
const absolute = element => {
const doc = element.dom.ownerDocument;
const body = doc.body;
const win = doc.defaultView;
const html = doc.documentElement;
if (body === element.dom) {
return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop);
const scrollTop = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageYOffset, html.scrollTop);
const scrollLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageXOffset, html.scrollLeft);
const clientTop = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientTop, body.clientTop);
const clientLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientLeft, body.clientLeft);
return viewport(element).translate(scrollLeft - clientLeft, scrollTop - clientTop);
const viewport = element => {
const dom = element.dom;
const doc = dom.ownerDocument;
const body = doc.body;
if (body === dom) {
return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop);
if (!inBody(element)) {
return SugarPosition(0, 0);
return boxPosition(dom);
const get$5 = _DOC => {
const doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document;
const x = doc.body.scrollLeft || doc.documentElement.scrollLeft;
const y = doc.body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
return SugarPosition(x, y);
const to = (x, y, _DOC) => {
const doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document;
const win = doc.defaultView;
if (win) {
win.scrollTo(x, y);
const intoView = (element, alignToTop) => {
const isSafari = detect$2().browser.isSafari();
if (isSafari && isFunction(element.dom.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded)) {
} else {
const get$4 = _win => {
const win = _win === undefined ? window : _win;
if (detect$2().browser.isFirefox()) {
return Optional.none();
} else {
return Optional.from(win.visualViewport);
const bounds = (x, y, width, height) => ({
right: x + width,
bottom: y + height
const getBounds = _win => {
const win = _win === undefined ? window : _win;
const doc = win.document;
const scroll = get$5(SugarElement.fromDom(doc));
return get$4(win).fold(() => {
const html = win.document.documentElement;
const width = html.clientWidth;
const height = html.clientHeight;
return bounds(scroll.left, scroll.top, width, height);
}, visualViewport => bounds(Math.max(visualViewport.pageLeft, scroll.left), Math.max(visualViewport.pageTop, scroll.top), visualViewport.width, visualViewport.height));
const children = (scope, predicate) => filter$5(children$1(scope), predicate);
const descendants$1 = (scope, predicate) => {
let result = [];
each$e(children$1(scope), x => {
if (predicate(x)) {
result = result.concat([x]);
result = result.concat(descendants$1(x, predicate));
return result;
const descendants = (scope, selector) => all(selector, scope);
const ancestor$2 = (scope, selector, isRoot) => ancestor$3(scope, selector, isRoot).isSome();
class DomTreeWalker {
constructor(startNode, rootNode) {
this.node = startNode;
this.rootNode = rootNode;
this.current = this.current.bind(this);
this.next = this.next.bind(this);
this.prev = this.prev.bind(this);
this.prev2 = this.prev2.bind(this);
current() {
return this.node;
next(shallow) {
this.node = this.findSibling(this.node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', shallow);
return this.node;
prev(shallow) {
this.node = this.findSibling(this.node, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling', shallow);
return this.node;
prev2(shallow) {
this.node = this.findPreviousNode(this.node, shallow);
return this.node;
findSibling(node, startName, siblingName, shallow) {
if (node) {
if (!shallow && node[startName]) {
return node[startName];
if (node !== this.rootNode) {
let sibling = node[siblingName];
if (sibling) {
return sibling;
for (let parent = node.parentNode; parent && parent !== this.rootNode; parent = parent.parentNode) {
sibling = parent[siblingName];
if (sibling) {
return sibling;
return undefined;
findPreviousNode(node, shallow) {
if (node) {
const sibling = node.previousSibling;
if (this.rootNode && sibling === this.rootNode) {
if (sibling) {
if (!shallow) {
for (let child = sibling.lastChild; child; child = child.lastChild) {
if (!child.lastChild) {
return child;
return sibling;
const parent = node.parentNode;
if (parent && parent !== this.rootNode) {
return parent;
return undefined;
const isNodeType = type => {
return node => {
return !!node && node.nodeType === type;
const isRestrictedNode = node => !!node && !Object.getPrototypeOf(node);
const isElement$6 = isNodeType(1);
const isHTMLElement = node => isElement$6(node) && isHTMLElement$1(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
const isSVGElement = node => isElement$6(node) && node.namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
const matchNodeName = name => {
const lowerCasedName = name.toLowerCase();
return node => isNonNullable(node) && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === lowerCasedName;
const matchNodeNames = names => {
const lowerCasedNames = names.map(s => s.toLowerCase());
return node => {
if (node && node.nodeName) {
const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return contains$2(lowerCasedNames, nodeName);
return false;
const matchStyleValues = (name, values) => {
const items = values.toLowerCase().split(' ');
return node => {
if (isElement$6(node)) {
const win = node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (win) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const computed = win.getComputedStyle(node, null);
const cssValue = computed ? computed.getPropertyValue(name) : null;
if (cssValue === items[i]) {
return true;
return false;
const hasAttribute = attrName => {
return node => {
return isElement$6(node) && node.hasAttribute(attrName);
const hasAttributeValue = (attrName, attrValue) => {
return node => {
return isElement$6(node) && node.getAttribute(attrName) === attrValue;
const isBogus$2 = node => isElement$6(node) && node.hasAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
const isBogusAll$1 = node => isElement$6(node) && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all';
const isTable$2 = node => isElement$6(node) && node.tagName === 'TABLE';
const hasContentEditableState = value => {
return node => {
if (isHTMLElement(node)) {
if (node.contentEditable === value) {
return true;
if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-contenteditable') === value) {
return true;
return false;
const isTextareaOrInput = matchNodeNames([
const isText$a = isNodeType(3);
const isCData = isNodeType(4);
const isPi = isNodeType(7);
const isComment = isNodeType(8);
const isDocument$1 = isNodeType(9);
const isDocumentFragment = isNodeType(11);
const isBr$6 = matchNodeName('br');
const isImg = matchNodeName('img');
const isContentEditableTrue$3 = hasContentEditableState('true');
const isContentEditableFalse$b = hasContentEditableState('false');
const isTableCell$3 = matchNodeNames([
const isTableCellOrCaption = matchNodeNames([
const isMedia$2 = matchNodeNames([
const isListItem$2 = matchNodeName('li');
const isDetails = matchNodeName('details');
const isSummary$1 = matchNodeName('summary');
const zeroWidth = '\uFEFF';
const nbsp = '\xA0';
const isZwsp$2 = char => char === zeroWidth;
const removeZwsp = s => s.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
const NodeValue = (is, name) => {
const get = element => {
if (!is(element)) {
throw new Error('Can only get ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node');
return getOption(element).getOr('');
const getOption = element => is(element) ? Optional.from(element.dom.nodeValue) : Optional.none();
const set = (element, value) => {
if (!is(element)) {
throw new Error('Can only set raw ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node');
element.dom.nodeValue = value;
return {
const api$1 = NodeValue(isText$b, 'text');
const get$3 = element => api$1.get(element);
const getOption = element => api$1.getOption(element);
const set = (element, value) => api$1.set(element, value);
const tableCells = [
const tableSections = [
const textBlocks = [
const listItems$1 = [
const lists = [
const wsElements = [
const lazyLookup = items => {
let lookup;
return node => {
lookup = lookup ? lookup : mapToObject(items, always);
return has$2(lookup, name(node));
const isTable$1 = node => name(node) === 'table';
const isBr$5 = node => isElement$7(node) && name(node) === 'br';
const isTextBlock$2 = lazyLookup(textBlocks);
const isList = lazyLookup(lists);
const isListItem$1 = lazyLookup(listItems$1);
const isTableSection = lazyLookup(tableSections);
const isTableCell$2 = lazyLookup(tableCells);
const isWsPreserveElement = lazyLookup(wsElements);
const getLastChildren$1 = elm => {
const children = [];
let rawNode = elm.dom;
while (rawNode) {
rawNode = rawNode.lastChild;
return children;
const removeTrailingBr = elm => {
const allBrs = descendants(elm, 'br');
const brs = filter$5(getLastChildren$1(elm).slice(-1), isBr$5);
if (allBrs.length === brs.length) {
each$e(brs, remove$5);
const createPaddingBr = () => {
const br = SugarElement.fromTag('br');
set$3(br, 'data-mce-bogus', '1');
return br;
const fillWithPaddingBr = elm => {
append$1(elm, createPaddingBr());
const trimBlockTrailingBr = (elm, schema) => {
lastChild(elm).each(lastChild => {
prevSibling(lastChild).each(lastChildPrevSibling => {
if (schema.isBlock(name(elm)) && isBr$5(lastChild) && schema.isBlock(name(lastChildPrevSibling))) {
const ZWSP$1 = zeroWidth;
const isZwsp$1 = isZwsp$2;
const trim$2 = removeZwsp;
const insert$5 = editor => editor.insertContent(ZWSP$1, { preserve_zwsp: true });
const isElement$5 = isElement$6;
const isText$9 = isText$a;
const isCaretContainerBlock$1 = node => {
if (isText$9(node)) {
node = node.parentNode;
return isElement$5(node) && node.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret');
const isCaretContainerInline = node => isText$9(node) && isZwsp$1(node.data);
const isCaretContainer$2 = node => isCaretContainerBlock$1(node) || isCaretContainerInline(node);
const hasContent = node => node.firstChild !== node.lastChild || !isBr$6(node.firstChild);
const insertInline$1 = (node, before) => {
var _a;
const doc = (_a = node.ownerDocument) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document;
const textNode = doc.createTextNode(ZWSP$1);
const parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (!before) {
const sibling = node.nextSibling;
if (isText$9(sibling)) {
if (isCaretContainer$2(sibling)) {
return sibling;
if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
return sibling;
if (node.nextSibling) {
parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node.nextSibling);
} else {
parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.appendChild(textNode);
} else {
const sibling = node.previousSibling;
if (isText$9(sibling)) {
if (isCaretContainer$2(sibling)) {
return sibling;
if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
return sibling.splitText(sibling.data.length - 1);
parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node);
return textNode;
const isBeforeInline = pos => {
const container = pos.container();
if (!isText$a(container)) {
return false;
return container.data.charAt(pos.offset()) === ZWSP$1 || pos.isAtStart() && isCaretContainerInline(container.previousSibling);
const isAfterInline = pos => {
const container = pos.container();
if (!isText$a(container)) {
return false;
return container.data.charAt(pos.offset() - 1) === ZWSP$1 || pos.isAtEnd() && isCaretContainerInline(container.nextSibling);
const insertBlock = (blockName, node, before) => {
var _a;
const doc = (_a = node.ownerDocument) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document;
const blockNode = doc.createElement(blockName);
blockNode.setAttribute('data-mce-caret', before ? 'before' : 'after');
blockNode.setAttribute('data-mce-bogus', 'all');
const parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (!before) {
if (node.nextSibling) {
parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.insertBefore(blockNode, node.nextSibling);
} else {
parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.appendChild(blockNode);
} else {
parentNode === null || parentNode === void 0 ? void 0 : parentNode.insertBefore(blockNode, node);
return blockNode;
const startsWithCaretContainer$1 = node => isText$9(node) && node.data[0] === ZWSP$1;
const endsWithCaretContainer$1 = node => isText$9(node) && node.data[node.data.length - 1] === ZWSP$1;
const trimBogusBr = elm => {
var _a;
const brs = elm.getElementsByTagName('br');
const lastBr = brs[brs.length - 1];
if (isBogus$2(lastBr)) {
(_a = lastBr.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(lastBr);
const showCaretContainerBlock = caretContainer => {
if (caretContainer && caretContainer.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret')) {
return caretContainer;
return null;
const isRangeInCaretContainerBlock = range => isCaretContainerBlock$1(range.startContainer);
const isContentEditableTrue$2 = isContentEditableTrue$3;
const isContentEditableFalse$a = isContentEditableFalse$b;
const isBr$4 = isBr$6;
const isText$8 = isText$a;
const isInvalidTextElement = matchNodeNames([
const isAtomicInline = matchNodeNames([
const isTable = matchNodeNames(['table']);
const isCaretContainer$1 = isCaretContainer$2;
const isCaretCandidate$3 = node => {
if (isCaretContainer$1(node)) {
return false;
if (isText$8(node)) {
return !isInvalidTextElement(node.parentNode);
return isAtomicInline(node) || isBr$4(node) || isTable(node) || isNonUiContentEditableFalse(node);
const isUnselectable = node => isElement$6(node) && node.getAttribute('unselectable') === 'true';
const isNonUiContentEditableFalse = node => !isUnselectable(node) && isContentEditableFalse$a(node);
const isInEditable = (node, root) => {
for (let tempNode = node.parentNode; tempNode && tempNode !== root; tempNode = tempNode.parentNode) {
if (isNonUiContentEditableFalse(tempNode)) {
return false;
if (isContentEditableTrue$2(tempNode)) {
return true;
return true;
const isAtomicContentEditableFalse = node => {
if (!isNonUiContentEditableFalse(node)) {
return false;
return !foldl(from(node.getElementsByTagName('*')), (result, elm) => {
return result || isContentEditableTrue$2(elm);
}, false);
const isAtomic$1 = node => isAtomicInline(node) || isAtomicContentEditableFalse(node);
const isEditableCaretCandidate$1 = (node, root) => isCaretCandidate$3(node) && isInEditable(node, root);
const whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/;
const isWhitespaceText = text => whiteSpaceRegExp.test(text);
const isZwsp = text => {
for (const c of text) {
if (!isZwsp$2(c)) {
return false;
return true;
const isCollapsibleWhitespace$1 = c => ' \f\t\x0B'.indexOf(c) !== -1;
const isNewLineChar = c => c === '\n' || c === '\r';
const isNewline = (text, idx) => idx < text.length && idx >= 0 ? isNewLineChar(text[idx]) : false;
const normalize$4 = (text, tabSpaces = 4, isStartOfContent = true, isEndOfContent = true) => {
const tabSpace = repeat(' ', tabSpaces);
const normalizedText = text.replace(/\t/g, tabSpace);
const result = foldl(normalizedText, (acc, c) => {
if (isCollapsibleWhitespace$1(c) || c === nbsp) {
if (acc.pcIsSpace || acc.str === '' && isStartOfContent || acc.str.length === normalizedText.length - 1 && isEndOfContent || isNewline(normalizedText, acc.str.length + 1)) {
return {
pcIsSpace: false,
str: acc.str + nbsp
} else {
return {
pcIsSpace: true,
str: acc.str + ' '
} else {
return {
pcIsSpace: isNewLineChar(c),
str: acc.str + c
}, {
pcIsSpace: false,
str: ''
return result.str;
const hasWhitespacePreserveParent = (node, rootNode) => {
const rootElement = SugarElement.fromDom(rootNode);
const startNode = SugarElement.fromDom(node);
return ancestor$2(startNode, 'pre,code', curry(eq, rootElement));
const isWhitespace$1 = (node, rootNode) => {
return isText$a(node) && isWhitespaceText(node.data) && !hasWhitespacePreserveParent(node, rootNode);
const isNamedAnchor = node => {
return isElement$6(node) && node.nodeName === 'A' && !node.hasAttribute('href') && (node.hasAttribute('name') || node.hasAttribute('id'));
const isContent$1 = (node, rootNode) => {
return isCaretCandidate$3(node) && !isWhitespace$1(node, rootNode) || isNamedAnchor(node) || isBookmark(node);
const isBookmark = hasAttribute('data-mce-bookmark');
const isBogus$1 = hasAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
const isBogusAll = hasAttributeValue('data-mce-bogus', 'all');
const hasNonEditableParent = node => parentElement(SugarElement.fromDom(node)).exists(parent => !isEditable$2(parent));
const isEmptyNode = (targetNode, skipBogus) => {
let brCount = 0;
if (isContent$1(targetNode, targetNode)) {
return false;
} else {
let node = targetNode.firstChild;
if (!node) {
return true;
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, targetNode);
do {
if (skipBogus) {
if (isBogusAll(node)) {
node = walker.next(true);
if (isBogus$1(node)) {
node = walker.next();
if (isContentEditableTrue$3(node) && hasNonEditableParent(node)) {
return false;
if (isBr$6(node)) {
node = walker.next();
if (isContent$1(node, targetNode)) {
return false;
node = walker.next();
} while (node);
return brCount <= 1;
const isEmpty$2 = (elm, skipBogus = true) => isEmptyNode(elm.dom, skipBogus);
const isNonHtmlElementRootName = name => name.toLowerCase() === 'svg';
const isNonHtmlElementRoot = node => isNonHtmlElementRootName(node.nodeName);
const toScopeType = node => (node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.nodeName) === 'svg' ? 'svg' : 'html';
const namespaceElements = ['svg'];
const createNamespaceTracker = () => {
let scopes = [];
const peek = () => scopes[scopes.length - 1];
const track = node => {
if (isNonHtmlElementRoot(node)) {
let currentScope = peek();
if (currentScope && !currentScope.contains(node)) {
currentScope = peek();
return toScopeType(currentScope);
const current = () => toScopeType(peek());
const reset = () => {
scopes = [];
return {
const transparentBlockAttr = 'data-mce-block';
const elementNames = map => filter$5(keys(map), key => !/[A-Z]/.test(key));
const makeSelectorFromSchemaMap = map => map$3(elementNames(map), name => {
return `${ name }:` + map$3(namespaceElements, ns => `not(${ ns } ${ name })`).join(':');
const updateTransparent = (blocksSelector, transparent) => {
if (isNonNullable(transparent.querySelector(blocksSelector))) {
transparent.setAttribute(transparentBlockAttr, 'true');
if (transparent.getAttribute('data-mce-selected') === 'inline-boundary') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
const updateBlockStateOnChildren = (schema, scope) => {
const transparentSelector = makeSelectorFromSchemaMap(schema.getTransparentElements());
const blocksSelector = makeSelectorFromSchemaMap(schema.getBlockElements());
return filter$5(scope.querySelectorAll(transparentSelector), transparent => updateTransparent(blocksSelector, transparent));
const trimEdge = (el, leftSide) => {
var _a;
const childPropertyName = leftSide ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild';
for (let child = el[childPropertyName]; child; child = child[childPropertyName]) {
if (isEmpty$2(SugarElement.fromDom(child))) {
(_a = child.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(child);
const split$2 = (parentElm, splitElm) => {
const range = document.createRange();
const parentNode = parentElm.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
const beforeFragment = range.extractContents();
trimEdge(beforeFragment, true);
const afterFragment = range.extractContents();
trimEdge(afterFragment, false);
if (!isEmpty$2(SugarElement.fromDom(beforeFragment))) {
parentNode.insertBefore(beforeFragment, parentElm);
if (!isEmpty$2(SugarElement.fromDom(splitElm))) {
parentNode.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm);
if (!isEmpty$2(SugarElement.fromDom(afterFragment))) {
parentNode.insertBefore(afterFragment, parentElm);
const splitInvalidChildren = (schema, scope, transparentBlocks) => {
const blocksElements = schema.getBlockElements();
const rootNode = SugarElement.fromDom(scope);
const isBlock = el => name(el) in blocksElements;
const isRoot = el => eq(el, rootNode);
each$e(fromDom$1(transparentBlocks), transparentBlock => {
ancestor$4(transparentBlock, isBlock, isRoot).each(parentBlock => {
const invalidChildren = children(transparentBlock, el => isBlock(el) && !schema.isValidChild(name(parentBlock), name(el)));
if (invalidChildren.length > 0) {
const stateScope = parentElement(parentBlock);
each$e(invalidChildren, child => {
ancestor$4(child, isBlock, isRoot).each(parentBlock => {
split$2(parentBlock.dom, child.dom);
stateScope.each(scope => updateBlockStateOnChildren(schema, scope.dom));
const unwrapInvalidChildren = (schema, scope, transparentBlocks) => {
...isTransparentBlock(schema, scope) ? [scope] : []
], block => each$e(descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(block), block.nodeName.toLowerCase()), elm => {
if (isTransparentInline(schema, elm.dom)) {
const updateChildren = (schema, scope) => {
const transparentBlocks = updateBlockStateOnChildren(schema, scope);
splitInvalidChildren(schema, scope, transparentBlocks);
unwrapInvalidChildren(schema, scope, transparentBlocks);
const updateElement = (schema, target) => {
if (isTransparentElement(schema, target)) {
const blocksSelector = makeSelectorFromSchemaMap(schema.getBlockElements());
updateTransparent(blocksSelector, target);
const updateCaret = (schema, root, caretParent) => {
const isRoot = el => eq(el, SugarElement.fromDom(root));
const parents = parents$1(SugarElement.fromDom(caretParent), isRoot);
get$b(parents, parents.length - 2).filter(isElement$7).fold(() => updateChildren(schema, root), scope => updateChildren(schema, scope.dom));
const hasBlockAttr = el => el.hasAttribute(transparentBlockAttr);
const isTransparentElementName = (schema, name) => has$2(schema.getTransparentElements(), name);
const isTransparentElement = (schema, node) => isElement$6(node) && isTransparentElementName(schema, node.nodeName);
const isTransparentBlock = (schema, node) => isTransparentElement(schema, node) && hasBlockAttr(node);
const isTransparentInline = (schema, node) => isTransparentElement(schema, node) && !hasBlockAttr(node);
const isTransparentAstBlock = (schema, node) => node.type === 1 && isTransparentElementName(schema, node.name) && isString(node.attr(transparentBlockAttr));
const browser$2 = detect$2().browser;
const firstElement = nodes => find$2(nodes, isElement$7);
const getTableCaptionDeltaY = elm => {
if (browser$2.isFirefox() && name(elm) === 'table') {
return firstElement(children$1(elm)).filter(elm => {
return name(elm) === 'caption';
}).bind(caption => {
return firstElement(nextSiblings(caption)).map(body => {
const bodyTop = body.dom.offsetTop;
const captionTop = caption.dom.offsetTop;
const captionHeight = caption.dom.offsetHeight;
return bodyTop <= captionTop ? -captionHeight : 0;
} else {
return 0;
const hasChild = (elm, child) => elm.children && contains$2(elm.children, child);
const getPos = (body, elm, rootElm) => {
let x = 0, y = 0;
const doc = body.ownerDocument;
rootElm = rootElm ? rootElm : body;
if (elm) {
if (rootElm === body && elm.getBoundingClientRect && get$7(SugarElement.fromDom(body), 'position') === 'static') {
const pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
x = pos.left + (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - doc.documentElement.clientLeft;
y = pos.top + (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - doc.documentElement.clientTop;
return {
let offsetParent = elm;
while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType && !hasChild(offsetParent, rootElm)) {
const castOffsetParent = offsetParent;
x += castOffsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
y += castOffsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
offsetParent = castOffsetParent.offsetParent;
offsetParent = elm.parentNode;
while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType && !hasChild(offsetParent, rootElm)) {
x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft || 0;
y -= offsetParent.scrollTop || 0;
offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
y += getTableCaptionDeltaY(SugarElement.fromDom(elm));
return {
const StyleSheetLoader = (documentOrShadowRoot, settings = {}) => {
let idCount = 0;
const loadedStates = {};
const edos = SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrShadowRoot);
const doc = documentOrOwner(edos);
const _setReferrerPolicy = referrerPolicy => {
settings.referrerPolicy = referrerPolicy;
const _setContentCssCors = contentCssCors => {
settings.contentCssCors = contentCssCors;
const addStyle = element => {
append$1(getStyleContainer(edos), element);
const removeStyle = id => {
const styleContainer = getStyleContainer(edos);
descendant$1(styleContainer, '#' + id).each(remove$5);
const getOrCreateState = url => get$a(loadedStates, url).getOrThunk(() => ({
id: 'mce-u' + idCount++,
passed: [],
failed: [],
count: 0
const load = url => new Promise((success, failure) => {
let link;
const urlWithSuffix = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
const state = getOrCreateState(urlWithSuffix);
loadedStates[urlWithSuffix] = state;
const resolve = (callbacks, status) => {
each$e(callbacks, call);
state.status = status;
state.passed = [];
state.failed = [];
if (link) {
link.onload = null;
link.onerror = null;
link = null;
const passed = () => resolve(state.passed, 2);
const failed = () => resolve(state.failed, 3);
if (success) {
if (failure) {
if (state.status === 1) {
if (state.status === 2) {
if (state.status === 3) {
state.status = 1;
const linkElem = SugarElement.fromTag('link', doc.dom);
setAll$1(linkElem, {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
id: state.id
if (settings.contentCssCors) {
set$3(linkElem, 'crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
if (settings.referrerPolicy) {
set$3(linkElem, 'referrerpolicy', settings.referrerPolicy);
link = linkElem.dom;
link.onload = passed;
link.onerror = failed;
set$3(linkElem, 'href', urlWithSuffix);
const loadRawCss = (key, css) => {
const state = getOrCreateState(key);
loadedStates[key] = state;
const styleElem = SugarElement.fromTag('style', doc.dom);
setAll$1(styleElem, {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
id: state.id
styleElem.dom.innerHTML = css;
const loadAll = urls => {
const loadedUrls = Promise.allSettled(map$3(urls, url => load(url).then(constant(url))));
return loadedUrls.then(results => {
const parts = partition$2(results, r => r.status === 'fulfilled');
if (parts.fail.length > 0) {
return Promise.reject(map$3(parts.fail, result => result.reason));
} else {
return map$3(parts.pass, result => result.value);
const unload = url => {
const urlWithSuffix = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
get$a(loadedStates, urlWithSuffix).each(state => {
const count = --state.count;
if (count === 0) {
delete loadedStates[urlWithSuffix];
const unloadRawCss = key => {
get$a(loadedStates, key).each(state => {
const count = --state.count;
if (count === 0) {
delete loadedStates[key];
const unloadAll = urls => {
each$e(urls, url => {
return {
const create$d = () => {
const map = new WeakMap();
const forElement = (referenceElement, settings) => {
const root = getRootNode(referenceElement);
const rootDom = root.dom;
return Optional.from(map.get(rootDom)).getOrThunk(() => {
const sl = StyleSheetLoader(rootDom, settings);
map.set(rootDom, sl);
return sl;
return { forElement };
const instance = create$d();
const isSpan = node => node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'span';
const isInlineContent = (node, root, schema) => isNonNullable(node) && (isContent$1(node, root) || schema.isInline(node.nodeName.toLowerCase()));
const surroundedByInlineContent = (node, root, schema) => {
const prev = new DomTreeWalker(node, root).prev(false);
const next = new DomTreeWalker(node, root).next(false);
const prevIsInline = isUndefined(prev) || isInlineContent(prev, root, schema);
const nextIsInline = isUndefined(next) || isInlineContent(next, root, schema);
return prevIsInline && nextIsInline;
const isBookmarkNode$2 = node => isSpan(node) && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark';
const isKeepTextNode = (node, root, schema) => isText$a(node) && node.data.length > 0 && surroundedByInlineContent(node, root, schema);
const isKeepElement = node => isElement$6(node) ? node.childNodes.length > 0 : false;
const isDocument = node => isDocumentFragment(node) || isDocument$1(node);
const trimNode = (dom, node, schema, root) => {
var _a;
const rootNode = root || node;
if (isElement$6(node) && isBookmarkNode$2(node)) {
return node;
const children = node.childNodes;
for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
trimNode(dom, children[i], schema, rootNode);
if (isElement$6(node)) {
const currentChildren = node.childNodes;
if (currentChildren.length === 1 && isBookmarkNode$2(currentChildren[0])) {
(_a = node.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insertBefore(currentChildren[0], node);
if (!isDocument(node) && !isContent$1(node, rootNode) && !isKeepElement(node) && !isKeepTextNode(node, rootNode, schema)) {
return node;
const makeMap$3 = Tools.makeMap;
const attrsCharsRegExp = /[&<>\"\u0060\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
const textCharsRegExp = /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
const rawCharsRegExp = /[<>&\"\']/g;
const entityRegExp = /([a-z0-9]+);?|&([a-z0-9]+);/gi;
const asciiMap = {
128: '\u20AC',
130: '\u201A',
131: '\u0192',
132: '\u201E',
133: '\u2026',
134: '\u2020',
135: '\u2021',
136: '\u02c6',
137: '\u2030',
138: '\u0160',
139: '\u2039',
140: '\u0152',
142: '\u017d',
145: '\u2018',
146: '\u2019',
147: '\u201C',
148: '\u201D',
149: '\u2022',
150: '\u2013',
151: '\u2014',
152: '\u02DC',
153: '\u2122',
154: '\u0161',
155: '\u203A',
156: '\u0153',
158: '\u017e',
159: '\u0178'
const baseEntities = {
'"': '"',
'\'': ''',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'&': '&',
'`': '`'
const reverseEntities = {
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'&': '&',
'"': '"',
''': `'`
const nativeDecode = text => {
const elm = SugarElement.fromTag('div').dom;
elm.innerHTML = text;
return elm.textContent || elm.innerText || text;
const buildEntitiesLookup = (items, radix) => {
const lookup = {};
if (items) {
const itemList = items.split(',');
radix = radix || 10;
for (let i = 0; i < itemList.length; i += 2) {
const chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(itemList[i], radix));
if (!baseEntities[chr]) {
const entity = '&' + itemList[i + 1] + ';';
lookup[chr] = entity;
lookup[entity] = chr;
return lookup;
} else {
return undefined;
const namedEntities = buildEntitiesLookup('50,nbsp,51,iexcl,52,cent,53,pound,54,curren,55,yen,56,brvbar,57,sect,58,uml,59,copy,' + '5a,ordf,5b,laquo,5c,not,5d,shy,5e,reg,5f,macr,5g,deg,5h,plusmn,5i,sup2,5j,sup3,5k,acute,' + '5l,micro,5m,para,5n,middot,5o,cedil,5p,sup1,5q,ordm,5r,raquo,5s,frac14,5t,frac12,5u,frac34,' + '5v,iquest,60,Agrave,61,Aacute,62,Acirc,63,Atilde,64,Auml,65,Aring,66,AElig,67,Ccedil,' + '68,Egrave,69,Eacute,6a,Ecirc,6b,Euml,6c,Igrave,6d,Iacute,6e,Icirc,6f,Iuml,6g,ETH,6h,Ntilde,' + '6i,Ograve,6j,Oacute,6k,Ocirc,6l,Otilde,6m,Ouml,6n,times,6o,Oslash,6p,Ugrave,6q,Uacute,' + '6r,Ucirc,6s,Uuml,6t,Yacute,6u,THORN,6v,szlig,70,agrave,71,aacute,72,acirc,73,atilde,74,auml,' + '75,aring,76,aelig,77,ccedil,78,egrave,79,eacute,7a,ecirc,7b,euml,7c,igrave,7d,iacute,7e,icirc,' + '7f,iuml,7g,eth,7h,ntilde,7i,ograve,7j,oacute,7k,ocirc,7l,otilde,7m,ouml,7n,divide,7o,oslash,' + '7p,ugrave,7q,uacute,7r,ucirc,7s,uuml,7t,yacute,7u,thorn,7v,yuml,ci,fnof,sh,Alpha,si,Beta,' + 'sj,Gamma,sk,Delta,sl,Epsilon,sm,Zeta,sn,Eta,so,Theta,sp,Iota,sq,Kappa,sr,Lambda,ss,Mu,' + 'st,Nu,su,Xi,sv,Omicron,t0,Pi,t1,Rho,t3,Sigma,t4,Tau,t5,Upsilon,t6,Phi,t7,Chi,t8,Psi,' + 't9,Omega,th,alpha,ti,beta,tj,gamma,tk,delta,tl,epsilon,tm,zeta,tn,eta,to,theta,tp,iota,' + 'tq,kappa,tr,lambda,ts,mu,tt,nu,tu,xi,tv,omicron,u0,pi,u1,rho,u2,sigmaf,u3,sigma,u4,tau,' + 'u5,upsilon,u6,phi,u7,chi,u8,psi,u9,omega,uh,thetasym,ui,upsih,um,piv,812,bull,816,hellip,' + '81i,prime,81j,Prime,81u,oline,824,frasl,88o,weierp,88h,image,88s,real,892,trade,89l,alefsym,' + '8cg,larr,8ch,uarr,8ci,rarr,8cj,darr,8ck,harr,8dl,crarr,8eg,lArr,8eh,uArr,8ei,rArr,8ej,dArr,' + '8ek,hArr,8g0,forall,8g2,part,8g3,exist,8g5,empty,8g7,nabla,8g8,isin,8g9,notin,8gb,ni,8gf,prod,' + '8gh,sum,8gi,minus,8gn,lowast,8gq,radic,8gt,prop,8gu,infin,8h0,ang,8h7,and,8h8,or,8h9,cap,8ha,cup,' + '8hb,int,8hk,there4,8hs,sim,8i5,cong,8i8,asymp,8j0,ne,8j1,equiv,8j4,le,8j5,ge,8k2,sub,8k3,sup,8k4,' + 'nsub,8k6,sube,8k7,supe,8kl,oplus,8kn,otimes,8l5,perp,8m5,sdot,8o8,lceil,8o9,rceil,8oa,lfloor,8ob,' + 'rfloor,8p9,lang,8pa,rang,9ea,loz,9j0,spades,9j3,clubs,9j5,hearts,9j6,diams,ai,OElig,aj,oelig,b0,' + 'Scaron,b1,scaron,bo,Yuml,m6,circ,ms,tilde,802,ensp,803,emsp,809,thinsp,80c,zwnj,80d,zwj,80e,lrm,' + '80f,rlm,80j,ndash,80k,mdash,80o,lsquo,80p,rsquo,80q,sbquo,80s,ldquo,80t,rdquo,80u,bdquo,810,dagger,' + '811,Dagger,81g,permil,81p,lsaquo,81q,rsaquo,85c,euro', 32);
const encodeRaw = (text, attr) => text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, chr => {
return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
const encodeAllRaw = text => ('' + text).replace(rawCharsRegExp, chr => {
return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
const encodeNumeric = (text, attr) => text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, chr => {
if (chr.length > 1) {
return '' + ((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ';';
return baseEntities[chr] || '' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
const encodeNamed = (text, attr, entities) => {
const resolveEntities = entities || namedEntities;
return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, chr => {
return baseEntities[chr] || resolveEntities[chr] || chr;
const getEncodeFunc = (name, entities) => {
const entitiesMap = buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || namedEntities;
const encodeNamedAndNumeric = (text, attr) => text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, chr => {
if (baseEntities[chr] !== undefined) {
return baseEntities[chr];
if (entitiesMap[chr] !== undefined) {
return entitiesMap[chr];
if (chr.length > 1) {
return '' + ((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ';';
return '' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
const encodeCustomNamed = (text, attr) => {
return encodeNamed(text, attr, entitiesMap);
const nameMap = makeMap$3(name.replace(/\+/g, ','));
if (nameMap.named && nameMap.numeric) {
return encodeNamedAndNumeric;
if (nameMap.named) {
if (entities) {
return encodeCustomNamed;
return encodeNamed;
if (nameMap.numeric) {
return encodeNumeric;
return encodeRaw;
const decode = text => text.replace(entityRegExp, (all, numeric) => {
if (numeric) {
if (numeric.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === 'x') {
numeric = parseInt(numeric.substr(1), 16);
} else {
numeric = parseInt(numeric, 10);
if (numeric > 65535) {
numeric -= 65536;
return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (numeric >> 10), 56320 + (numeric & 1023));
return asciiMap[numeric] || String.fromCharCode(numeric);
return reverseEntities[all] || namedEntities[all] || nativeDecode(all);
const Entities = {
const split$1 = (items, delim) => {
items = Tools.trim(items);
return items ? items.split(delim || ' ') : [];
const patternToRegExp = str => new RegExp('^' + str.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1') + '$');
const parseCustomElementsRules = value => {
const customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
return bind$3(split$1(value, ','), rule => {
const matches = customElementRegExp.exec(rule);
if (matches) {
const inline = matches[1] === '~';
const cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div';
const name = matches[2];
return [{
} else {
return [];
const getElementSetsAsStrings = type => {
let globalAttributes, blockContent;
let phrasingContent;
globalAttributes = 'id accesskey class dir lang style tabindex title role';
blockContent = 'address blockquote div dl fieldset form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr menu ol p pre table ul';
phrasingContent = 'a abbr b bdo br button cite code del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd ' + 'label map noscript object q s samp script select small span strong sub sup ' + 'textarea u var #text #comment';
if (type !== 'html4') {
const transparentContent = 'a ins del canvas map';
globalAttributes += ' contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone ' + 'hidden spellcheck translate';
blockContent += ' article aside details dialog figure main header footer hgroup section nav ' + transparentContent;
phrasingContent += ' audio canvas command datalist mark meter output picture ' + 'progress time wbr video ruby bdi keygen svg';
if (type !== 'html5-strict') {
globalAttributes += ' xml:lang';
const html4PhrasingContent = 'acronym applet basefont big font strike tt';
phrasingContent = [
].join(' ');
const html4BlockContent = 'center dir isindex noframes';
blockContent = [
].join(' ');
const flowContent = [
].join(' ');
return {
const makeSchema = type => {
const {globalAttributes, phrasingContent, flowContent} = getElementSetsAsStrings(type);
const schema = {};
const addElement = (name, attributes, children) => {
schema[name] = {
attributes: mapToObject(attributes, constant({})),
attributesOrder: attributes,
children: mapToObject(children, constant({}))
const add = (name, attributes = '', children = '') => {
const childNames = split$1(children);
const names = split$1(name);
let ni = names.length;
const allAttributes = split$1([
].join(' '));
while (ni--) {
addElement(names[ni], allAttributes.slice(), childNames);
const addAttrs = (name, attributes) => {
const names = split$1(name);
const attrs = split$1(attributes);
let ni = names.length;
while (ni--) {
const schemaItem = schema[names[ni]];
for (let i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
schemaItem.attributes[attrs[i]] = {};
if (type !== 'html5-strict') {
const html4PhrasingContent = 'acronym applet basefont big font strike tt';
each$e(split$1(html4PhrasingContent), name => {
add(name, '', phrasingContent);
const html4BlockContent = 'center dir isindex noframes';
each$e(split$1(html4BlockContent), name => {
add(name, '', flowContent);
add('html', 'manifest', 'head body');
add('head', '', 'base command link meta noscript script style title');
add('title hr noscript br');
add('base', 'href target');
add('link', 'href rel media hreflang type sizes hreflang');
add('meta', 'name http-equiv content charset');
add('style', 'media type scoped');
add('script', 'src async defer type charset');
add('body', 'onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus ' + 'onhashchange onload onmessage onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow ' + 'onpopstate onresize onscroll onstorage onunload', flowContent);
add('dd div', '', flowContent);
add('address dt caption', '', type === 'html4' ? phrasingContent : flowContent);
add('h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p abbr code var samp kbd sub sup i b u bdo span legend em strong small s cite dfn', '', phrasingContent);
add('blockquote', 'cite', flowContent);
add('ol', 'reversed start type', 'li');
add('ul', '', 'li');
add('li', 'value', flowContent);
add('dl', '', 'dt dd');
add('a', 'href target rel media hreflang type', type === 'html4' ? phrasingContent : flowContent);
add('q', 'cite', phrasingContent);
add('ins del', 'cite datetime', flowContent);
add('img', 'src sizes srcset alt usemap ismap width height');
add('iframe', 'src name width height', flowContent);
add('embed', 'src type width height');
add('object', 'data type typemustmatch name usemap form width height', [
].join(' '));
add('param', 'name value');
add('map', 'name', [
].join(' '));
add('area', 'alt coords shape href target rel media hreflang type');
add('table', 'border', 'caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr' + (type === 'html4' ? ' col' : ''));
add('colgroup', 'span', 'col');
add('col', 'span');
add('tbody thead tfoot', '', 'tr');
add('tr', '', 'td th');
add('td', 'colspan rowspan headers', flowContent);
add('th', 'colspan rowspan headers scope abbr', flowContent);
add('form', 'accept-charset action autocomplete enctype method name novalidate target', flowContent);
add('fieldset', 'disabled form name', [
].join(' '));
add('label', 'form for', phrasingContent);
add('input', 'accept alt autocomplete checked dirname disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate ' + 'formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern readonly required size src step type value width');
add('button', 'disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value', type === 'html4' ? flowContent : phrasingContent);
add('select', 'disabled form multiple name required size', 'option optgroup');
add('optgroup', 'disabled label', 'option');
add('option', 'disabled label selected value');
add('textarea', 'cols dirname disabled form maxlength name readonly required rows wrap');
add('menu', 'type label', [
].join(' '));
add('noscript', '', flowContent);
if (type !== 'html4') {
add('ruby', '', [
'rt rp'
].join(' '));
add('figcaption', '', flowContent);
add('mark rt rp bdi', '', phrasingContent);
add('summary', '', [
'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6'
].join(' '));
add('canvas', 'width height', flowContent);
add('video', 'src crossorigin poster preload autoplay mediagroup loop ' + 'muted controls width height buffered', [
'track source'
].join(' '));
add('audio', 'src crossorigin preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls ' + 'buffered volume', [
'track source'
].join(' '));
add('picture', '', 'img source');
add('source', 'src srcset type media sizes');
add('track', 'kind src srclang label default');
add('datalist', '', [
].join(' '));
add('article section nav aside main header footer', '', flowContent);
add('hgroup', '', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6');
add('figure', '', [
].join(' '));
add('time', 'datetime', phrasingContent);
add('dialog', 'open', flowContent);
add('command', 'type label icon disabled checked radiogroup command');
add('output', 'for form name', phrasingContent);
add('progress', 'value max', phrasingContent);
add('meter', 'value min max low high optimum', phrasingContent);
add('details', 'open', [
].join(' '));
add('keygen', 'autofocus challenge disabled form keytype name');
addElement('svg', 'id tabindex lang xml:space class style x y width height viewBox preserveAspectRatio zoomAndPan transform'.split(' '), []);
if (type !== 'html5-strict') {
addAttrs('script', 'language xml:space');
addAttrs('style', 'xml:space');
addAttrs('object', 'declare classid code codebase codetype archive standby align border hspace vspace');
addAttrs('embed', 'align name hspace vspace');
addAttrs('param', 'valuetype type');
addAttrs('a', 'charset name rev shape coords');
addAttrs('br', 'clear');
addAttrs('applet', 'codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace');
addAttrs('img', 'name longdesc align border hspace vspace');
addAttrs('iframe', 'longdesc frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align');
addAttrs('font basefont', 'size color face');
addAttrs('input', 'usemap align');
addAttrs('h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p legend caption', 'align');
addAttrs('ul', 'type compact');
addAttrs('li', 'type');
addAttrs('ol dl menu dir', 'compact');
addAttrs('pre', 'width xml:space');
addAttrs('hr', 'align noshade size width');
addAttrs('isindex', 'prompt');
addAttrs('table', 'summary width frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor');
addAttrs('col', 'width align char charoff valign');
addAttrs('colgroup', 'width align char charoff valign');
addAttrs('thead', 'align char charoff valign');
addAttrs('tr', 'align char charoff valign bgcolor');
addAttrs('th', 'axis align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height');
addAttrs('form', 'accept');
addAttrs('td', 'abbr axis scope align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height');
addAttrs('tfoot', 'align char charoff valign');
addAttrs('tbody', 'align char charoff valign');
addAttrs('area', 'nohref');
addAttrs('body', 'background bgcolor text link vlink alink');
if (type !== 'html4') {
addAttrs('input button select textarea', 'autofocus');
addAttrs('input textarea', 'placeholder');
addAttrs('a', 'download');
addAttrs('link script img', 'crossorigin');
addAttrs('img', 'loading');
addAttrs('iframe', 'sandbox seamless allow allowfullscreen loading');
if (type !== 'html4') {
], item => {
delete item.children.audio;
delete item.children.video;
each$e(split$1('a form meter progress dfn'), name => {
if (schema[name]) {
delete schema[name].children[name];
delete schema.caption.children.table;
delete schema.script;
return schema;
const prefixToOperation = prefix => prefix === '-' ? 'remove' : 'add';
const parseValidChildrenRules = value => {
const childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)([A-Za-z0-9_\-.\u00b7\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u037d\u037f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u203f-\u2040\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\ud7ff\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd]+)\[([^\]]+)]$/;
return bind$3(split$1(value, ','), rule => {
const matches = childRuleRegExp.exec(rule);
if (matches) {
const prefix = matches[1];
const operation = prefix ? prefixToOperation(prefix) : 'replace';
const name = matches[2];
const validChildren = split$1(matches[3], '|');
return [{
} else {
return [];
const parseValidElementsAttrDataIntoElement = (attrData, targetElement) => {
const attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+[\\:]:\w+|[^=~<]+)?(?:([=~<])(.*))?$/;
const hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
const {attributes, attributesOrder} = targetElement;
return each$e(split$1(attrData, '|'), rule => {
const matches = attrRuleRegExp.exec(rule);
if (matches) {
const attr = {};
const attrType = matches[1];
const attrName = matches[2].replace(/[\\:]:/g, ':');
const attrPrefix = matches[3];
const value = matches[4];
if (attrType === '!') {
targetElement.attributesRequired = targetElement.attributesRequired || [];
attr.required = true;
if (attrType === '-') {
delete attributes[attrName];
attributesOrder.splice(Tools.inArray(attributesOrder, attrName), 1);
if (attrPrefix) {
if (attrPrefix === '=') {
targetElement.attributesDefault = targetElement.attributesDefault || [];
name: attrName,
attr.defaultValue = value;
} else if (attrPrefix === '~') {
targetElement.attributesForced = targetElement.attributesForced || [];
name: attrName,
attr.forcedValue = value;
} else if (attrPrefix === '<') {
attr.validValues = Tools.makeMap(value, '?');
if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(attrName)) {
const attrPattern = attr;
targetElement.attributePatterns = targetElement.attributePatterns || [];
attrPattern.pattern = patternToRegExp(attrName);
} else {
if (!attributes[attrName]) {
attributes[attrName] = attr;
const cloneAttributesInto = (from, to) => {
each$d(from.attributes, (value, key) => {
to.attributes[key] = value;
const parseValidElementsRules = (globalElement, validElements) => {
const elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[!\/]+)(?:\/([^\[!]+))?(?:(!?)\[([^\]]+)])?$/;
return bind$3(split$1(validElements, ','), rule => {
const matches = elementRuleRegExp.exec(rule);
if (matches) {
const prefix = matches[1];
const elementName = matches[2];
const outputName = matches[3];
const attrsPrefix = matches[4];
const attrData = matches[5];
const element = {
attributes: {},
attributesOrder: []
globalElement.each(el => cloneAttributesInto(el, element));
if (prefix === '#') {
element.paddEmpty = true;
} else if (prefix === '-') {
element.removeEmpty = true;
if (attrsPrefix === '!') {
element.removeEmptyAttrs = true;
if (attrData) {
parseValidElementsAttrDataIntoElement(attrData, element);
if (outputName) {
element.outputName = elementName;
if (elementName === '@') {
if (globalElement.isNone()) {
globalElement = Optional.some(element);
} else {
return [];
return [outputName ? {
name: elementName,
aliasName: outputName
} : {
name: elementName,
} else {
return [];
const mapCache = {};
const makeMap$2 = Tools.makeMap, each$b = Tools.each, extend$2 = Tools.extend, explode$2 = Tools.explode;
const createMap = (defaultValue, extendWith = {}) => {
const value = makeMap$2(defaultValue, ' ', makeMap$2(defaultValue.toUpperCase(), ' '));
return extend$2(value, extendWith);
const getTextRootBlockElements = schema => createMap('td th li dt dd figcaption caption details summary', schema.getTextBlockElements());
const compileElementMap = (value, mode) => {
if (value) {
const styles = {};
if (isString(value)) {
value = { '*': value };
each$b(value, (value, key) => {
styles[key] = styles[key.toUpperCase()] = mode === 'map' ? makeMap$2(value, /[, ]/) : explode$2(value, /[, ]/);
return styles;
} else {
return undefined;
const Schema = (settings = {}) => {
var _a;
const elements = {};
const children = {};
let patternElements = [];
const customElementsMap = {};
const specialElements = {};
const createLookupTable = (option, defaultValue, extendWith) => {
const value = settings[option];
if (!value) {
let newValue = mapCache[option];
if (!newValue) {
newValue = createMap(defaultValue, extendWith);
mapCache[option] = newValue;
return newValue;
} else {
return makeMap$2(value, /[, ]/, makeMap$2(value.toUpperCase(), /[, ]/));
const schemaType = (_a = settings.schema) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'html5';
const schemaItems = makeSchema(schemaType);
if (settings.verify_html === false) {
settings.valid_elements = '*[*]';
const validStyles = compileElementMap(settings.valid_styles);
const invalidStyles = compileElementMap(settings.invalid_styles, 'map');
const validClasses = compileElementMap(settings.valid_classes, 'map');
const whitespaceElementsMap = createLookupTable('whitespace_elements', 'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object code');
const selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable('self_closing_elements', 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr');
const voidElementsMap = createLookupTable('void_elements', 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link ' + 'meta param embed source wbr track');
const boolAttrMap = createLookupTable('boolean_attributes', 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize ' + 'noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls allowfullscreen');
const nonEmptyOrMoveCaretBeforeOnEnter = 'td th iframe video audio object script code';
const nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable('non_empty_elements', nonEmptyOrMoveCaretBeforeOnEnter + ' pre svg', voidElementsMap);
const moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap = createLookupTable('move_caret_before_on_enter_elements', nonEmptyOrMoveCaretBeforeOnEnter + ' table', voidElementsMap);
const headings = 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6';
const textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_block_elements', headings + ' p div address pre form ' + 'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside main nav figure');
const blockElementsMap = createLookupTable('block_elements', 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' + 'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex option ' + 'datalist select optgroup figcaption details summary html body multicol listing', textBlockElementsMap);
const textInlineElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_inline_elements', 'span strong b em i font s strike u var cite ' + 'dfn code mark q sup sub samp');
const transparentElementsMap = createLookupTable('transparent_elements', 'a ins del canvas map');
const wrapBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('wrap_block_elements', 'pre ' + headings);
each$b('script noscript iframe noframes noembed title style textarea xmp plaintext'.split(' '), name => {
specialElements[name] = new RegExp('' + name + '[^>]*>', 'gi');
const addValidElements = validElements => {
const globalElement = Optional.from(elements['@']);
const hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
each$e(parseValidElementsRules(globalElement, validElements !== null && validElements !== void 0 ? validElements : ''), ({name, element, aliasName}) => {
if (aliasName) {
elements[aliasName] = element;
if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(name)) {
const patternElement = element;
patternElement.pattern = patternToRegExp(name);
} else {
elements[name] = element;
const setValidElements = validElements => {
patternElements = [];
each$e(keys(elements), name => {
delete elements[name];
const addCustomElements = customElements => {
delete mapCache.text_block_elements;
delete mapCache.block_elements;
each$e(parseCustomElementsRules(customElements !== null && customElements !== void 0 ? customElements : ''), ({inline, name, cloneName}) => {
children[name] = children[cloneName];
customElementsMap[name] = cloneName;
nonEmptyElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
nonEmptyElementsMap[name] = {};
if (!inline) {
blockElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
blockElementsMap[name] = {};
if (!elements[name]) {
let customRule = elements[cloneName];
customRule = extend$2({}, customRule);
delete customRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
delete customRule.removeEmpty;
elements[name] = customRule;
each$d(children, (element, elmName) => {
if (element[cloneName]) {
children[elmName] = element = extend$2({}, children[elmName]);
element[name] = element[cloneName];
const addValidChildren = validChildren => {
each$e(parseValidChildrenRules(validChildren !== null && validChildren !== void 0 ? validChildren : ''), ({operation, name, validChildren}) => {
const parent = operation === 'replace' ? { '#comment': {} } : children[name];
each$e(validChildren, child => {
if (operation === 'remove') {
delete parent[child];
} else {
parent[child] = {};
children[name] = parent;
const getElementRule = name => {
const element = elements[name];
if (element) {
return element;
let i = patternElements.length;
while (i--) {
const patternElement = patternElements[i];
if (patternElement.pattern.test(name)) {
return patternElement;
return undefined;
if (!settings.valid_elements) {
each$b(schemaItems, (element, name) => {
elements[name] = {
attributes: element.attributes,
attributesOrder: element.attributesOrder
children[name] = element.children;
each$b(split$1('strong/b em/i'), item => {
const items = split$1(item, '/');
elements[items[1]].outputName = items[0];
each$b(textInlineElementsMap, (_val, name) => {
if (elements[name]) {
if (settings.padd_empty_block_inline_children) {
elements[name].paddInEmptyBlock = true;
elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
each$b(split$1('ol ul blockquote a table tbody'), name => {
if (elements[name]) {
elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
each$b(split$1('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th td pre div address caption li summary'), name => {
if (elements[name]) {
elements[name].paddEmpty = true;
each$b(split$1('span'), name => {
elements[name].removeEmptyAttrs = true;
} else {
each$b(schemaItems, (element, name) => {
children[name] = element.children;
delete elements.svg;
dd: 'dl',
dt: 'dl',
li: 'ul ol',
td: 'tr',
th: 'tr',
tr: 'tbody thead tfoot',
tbody: 'table',
thead: 'table',
tfoot: 'table',
legend: 'fieldset',
area: 'map',
param: 'video audio object'
}, (parents, item) => {
if (elements[item]) {
elements[item].parentsRequired = split$1(parents);
if (settings.invalid_elements) {
each$b(explode$2(settings.invalid_elements), item => {
if (elements[item]) {
delete elements[item];
if (!getElementRule('span')) {
const getValidStyles = constant(validStyles);
const getInvalidStyles = constant(invalidStyles);
const getValidClasses = constant(validClasses);
const getBoolAttrs = constant(boolAttrMap);
const getBlockElements = constant(blockElementsMap);
const getTextBlockElements = constant(textBlockElementsMap);
const getTextInlineElements = constant(textInlineElementsMap);
const getVoidElements = constant(Object.seal(voidElementsMap));
const getSelfClosingElements = constant(selfClosingElementsMap);
const getNonEmptyElements = constant(nonEmptyElementsMap);
const getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements = constant(moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap);
const getWhitespaceElements = constant(whitespaceElementsMap);
const getTransparentElements = constant(transparentElementsMap);
const getWrapBlockElements = constant(wrapBlockElementsMap);
const getSpecialElements = constant(Object.seal(specialElements));
const isValidChild = (name, child) => {
const parent = children[name.toLowerCase()];
return !!(parent && parent[child.toLowerCase()]);
const isValid = (name, attr) => {
const rule = getElementRule(name);
if (rule) {
if (attr) {
if (rule.attributes[attr]) {
return true;
const attrPatterns = rule.attributePatterns;
if (attrPatterns) {
let i = attrPatterns.length;
while (i--) {
if (attrPatterns[i].pattern.test(attr)) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
return false;
const isBlock = name => has$2(getBlockElements(), name);
const isInline = name => !startsWith(name, '#') && isValid(name) && !isBlock(name);
const isWrapper = name => has$2(getWrapBlockElements(), name) || isInline(name);
const getCustomElements = constant(customElementsMap);
return {
type: schemaType,
const hexColour = value => ({ value: normalizeHex(value) });
const normalizeHex = hex => removeLeading(hex, '#').toUpperCase();
const toHex = component => {
const hex = component.toString(16);
return (hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex).toUpperCase();
const fromRgba = rgbaColour => {
const value = toHex(rgbaColour.red) + toHex(rgbaColour.green) + toHex(rgbaColour.blue);
return hexColour(value);
const rgbRegex = /^\s*rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)\s*$/i;
const rgbaRegex = /^\s*rgba\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)\s*$/i;
const rgbaColour = (red, green, blue, alpha) => ({
const fromStringValues = (red, green, blue, alpha) => {
const r = parseInt(red, 10);
const g = parseInt(green, 10);
const b = parseInt(blue, 10);
const a = parseFloat(alpha);
return rgbaColour(r, g, b, a);
const fromString = rgbaString => {
if (rgbaString === 'transparent') {
return Optional.some(rgbaColour(0, 0, 0, 0));
const rgbMatch = rgbRegex.exec(rgbaString);
if (rgbMatch !== null) {
return Optional.some(fromStringValues(rgbMatch[1], rgbMatch[2], rgbMatch[3], '1'));
const rgbaMatch = rgbaRegex.exec(rgbaString);
if (rgbaMatch !== null) {
return Optional.some(fromStringValues(rgbaMatch[1], rgbaMatch[2], rgbaMatch[3], rgbaMatch[4]));
return Optional.none();
const toString = rgba => `rgba(${ rgba.red },${ rgba.green },${ rgba.blue },${ rgba.alpha })`;
const rgbaToHexString = color => fromString(color).map(fromRgba).map(h => '#' + h.value).getOr(color);
const Styles = (settings = {}, schema) => {
const urlOrStrRegExp = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi;
const styleRegExp = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g;
const trimRightRegExp = /\s+$/;
const encodingLookup = {};
let validStyles;
let invalidStyles;
const invisibleChar = zeroWidth;
if (schema) {
validStyles = schema.getValidStyles();
invalidStyles = schema.getInvalidStyles();
const encodingItems = (`\\" \\' \\; \\: ; : ` + invisibleChar).split(' ');
for (let i = 0; i < encodingItems.length; i++) {
encodingLookup[encodingItems[i]] = invisibleChar + i;
encodingLookup[invisibleChar + i] = encodingItems[i];
const self = {
parse: css => {
const styles = {};
let isEncoded = false;
const urlConverter = settings.url_converter;
const urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope || self;
const compress = (prefix, suffix, noJoin) => {
const top = styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
if (!top) {
const right = styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
if (!right) {
const bottom = styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
if (!bottom) {
const left = styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
if (!left) {
const box = [
let i = box.length - 1;
while (i--) {
if (box[i] !== box[i + 1]) {
if (i > -1 && noJoin) {
styles[prefix + suffix] = i === -1 ? box[0] : box.join(' ');
delete styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
delete styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
delete styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
delete styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
const canCompress = key => {
const value = styles[key];
if (!value) {
const values = value.indexOf(',') > -1 ? [value] : value.split(' ');
let i = values.length;
while (i--) {
if (values[i] !== values[0]) {
return false;
styles[key] = values[0];
return true;
const compress2 = (target, a, b, c) => {
if (!canCompress(a)) {
if (!canCompress(b)) {
if (!canCompress(c)) {
styles[target] = styles[a] + ' ' + styles[b] + ' ' + styles[c];
delete styles[a];
delete styles[b];
delete styles[c];
const encode = str => {
isEncoded = true;
return encodingLookup[str];
const decode = (str, keepSlashes) => {
if (isEncoded) {
str = str.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, str => {
return encodingLookup[str];
if (!keepSlashes) {
str = str.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, '$1');
return str;
const decodeSingleHexSequence = escSeq => {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(escSeq.slice(1), 16));
const decodeHexSequences = value => {
return value.replace(/\\[0-9a-f]+/gi, decodeSingleHexSequence);
const processUrl = (match, url, url2, url3, str, str2) => {
str = str || str2;
if (str) {
str = decode(str);
return `'` + str.replace(/\'/g, `\\'`) + `'`;
url = decode(url || url2 || url3 || '');
if (!settings.allow_script_urls) {
const scriptUrl = url.replace(/[\s\r\n]+/g, '');
if (/(java|vb)script:/i.test(scriptUrl)) {
return '';
if (!settings.allow_svg_data_urls && /^data:image\/svg/i.test(scriptUrl)) {
return '';
if (urlConverter) {
url = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, url, 'style');
return `url('` + url.replace(/\'/g, `\\'`) + `')`;
if (css) {
css = css.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F]/g, '');
css = css.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, encode).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, str => {
return str.replace(/[;:]/g, encode);
let matches;
while (matches = styleRegExp.exec(css)) {
styleRegExp.lastIndex = matches.index + matches[0].length;
let name = matches[1].replace(trimRightRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
let value = matches[2].replace(trimRightRegExp, '');
if (name && value) {
name = decodeHexSequences(name);
value = decodeHexSequences(value);
if (name.indexOf(invisibleChar) !== -1 || name.indexOf('"') !== -1) {
if (!settings.allow_script_urls && (name === 'behavior' || /expression\s*\(|\/\*|\*\//.test(value))) {
if (name === 'font-weight' && value === '700') {
value = 'bold';
} else if (name === 'color' || name === 'background-color') {
value = value.toLowerCase();
if (isString(settings.force_hex_color) && settings.force_hex_color !== 'off') {
fromString(value).each(rgba => {
if (settings.force_hex_color === 'always' || rgba.alpha === 1) {
value = rgbaToHexString(toString(rgba));
value = value.replace(urlOrStrRegExp, processUrl);
styles[name] = isEncoded ? decode(value, true) : value;
compress('border', '', true);
compress('border', '-width');
compress('border', '-color');
compress('border', '-style');
compress('padding', '');
compress('margin', '');
compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');
if (styles.border === 'medium none') {
delete styles.border;
if (styles['border-image'] === 'none') {
delete styles['border-image'];
return styles;
serialize: (styles, elementName) => {
let css = '';
const serializeStyles = (elemName, validStyleList) => {
const styleList = validStyleList[elemName];
if (styleList) {
for (let i = 0, l = styleList.length; i < l; i++) {
const name = styleList[i];
const value = styles[name];
if (value) {
css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
const isValid = (name, elemName) => {
if (!invalidStyles || !elemName) {
return true;
let styleMap = invalidStyles['*'];
if (styleMap && styleMap[name]) {
return false;
styleMap = invalidStyles[elemName];
return !(styleMap && styleMap[name]);
if (elementName && validStyles) {
serializeStyles('*', validStyles);
serializeStyles(elementName, validStyles);
} else {
each$d(styles, (value, name) => {
if (value && isValid(name, elementName)) {
css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
return css;
return self;
const deprecated = {
keyLocation: true,
layerX: true,
layerY: true,
returnValue: true,
webkitMovementX: true,
webkitMovementY: true,
keyIdentifier: true,
mozPressure: true
const isNativeEvent = event => event instanceof Event || isFunction(event.initEvent);
const hasIsDefaultPrevented = event => event.isDefaultPrevented === always || event.isDefaultPrevented === never;
const needsNormalizing = event => isNullable(event.preventDefault) || isNativeEvent(event);
const clone$3 = (originalEvent, data) => {
const event = data !== null && data !== void 0 ? data : {};
for (const name in originalEvent) {
if (!has$2(deprecated, name)) {
event[name] = originalEvent[name];
if (isNonNullable(originalEvent.composedPath)) {
event.composedPath = () => originalEvent.composedPath();
if (isNonNullable(originalEvent.getModifierState)) {
event.getModifierState = keyArg => originalEvent.getModifierState(keyArg);
if (isNonNullable(originalEvent.getTargetRanges)) {
event.getTargetRanges = () => originalEvent.getTargetRanges();
return event;
const normalize$3 = (type, originalEvent, fallbackTarget, data) => {
var _a;
const event = clone$3(originalEvent, data);
event.type = type;
if (isNullable(event.target)) {
event.target = (_a = event.srcElement) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fallbackTarget;
if (needsNormalizing(originalEvent)) {
event.preventDefault = () => {
event.defaultPrevented = true;
event.isDefaultPrevented = always;
if (isFunction(originalEvent.preventDefault)) {
event.stopPropagation = () => {
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.isPropagationStopped = always;
if (isFunction(originalEvent.stopPropagation)) {
event.stopImmediatePropagation = () => {
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = always;
if (!hasIsDefaultPrevented(event)) {
event.isDefaultPrevented = event.defaultPrevented === true ? always : never;
event.isPropagationStopped = event.cancelBubble === true ? always : never;
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = never;
return event;
const eventExpandoPrefix = 'mce-data-';
const mouseEventRe = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/;
const addEvent = (target, name, callback, capture) => {
target.addEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
const removeEvent = (target, name, callback, capture) => {
target.removeEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
const isMouseEvent = event => isNonNullable(event) && mouseEventRe.test(event.type);
const fix = (originalEvent, data) => {
const event = normalize$3(originalEvent.type, originalEvent, document, data);
if (isMouseEvent(originalEvent) && isUndefined(originalEvent.pageX) && !isUndefined(originalEvent.clientX)) {
const eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
const doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
const body = eventDoc.body;
const mouseEvent = event;
mouseEvent.pageX = originalEvent.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
mouseEvent.pageY = originalEvent.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0);
return event;
const bindOnReady = (win, callback, eventUtils) => {
const doc = win.document, event = { type: 'ready' };
if (eventUtils.domLoaded) {
const isDocReady = () => {
return doc.readyState === 'complete' || doc.readyState === 'interactive' && doc.body;
const readyHandler = () => {
removeEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
removeEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
eventUtils.domLoaded = true;
win = null;
if (isDocReady()) {
} else {
addEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
addEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
class EventUtils {
constructor() {
this.domLoaded = false;
this.events = {};
this.count = 1;
this.expando = eventExpandoPrefix + (+new Date()).toString(32);
this.hasFocusIn = 'onfocusin' in document.documentElement;
this.count = 1;
bind(target, names, callback, scope) {
const self = this;
let callbackList;
const win = window;
const defaultNativeHandler = evt => {
self.executeHandlers(fix(evt || win.event), id);
if (!target || isText$a(target) || isComment(target)) {
return callback;
let id;
if (!target[self.expando]) {
id = self.count++;
target[self.expando] = id;
self.events[id] = {};
} else {
id = target[self.expando];
scope = scope || target;
const namesList = names.split(' ');
let i = namesList.length;
while (i--) {
let name = namesList[i];
let nativeHandler = defaultNativeHandler;
let capture = false;
let fakeName = false;
if (name === 'DOMContentLoaded') {
name = 'ready';
if (self.domLoaded && name === 'ready' && target.readyState === 'complete') {
callback.call(scope, fix({ type: name }));
if (!self.hasFocusIn && (name === 'focusin' || name === 'focusout')) {
capture = true;
fakeName = name === 'focusin' ? 'focus' : 'blur';
nativeHandler = evt => {
const event = fix(evt || win.event);
event.type = event.type === 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
self.executeHandlers(event, id);
callbackList = self.events[id][name];
if (!callbackList) {
self.events[id][name] = callbackList = [{
func: callback,
callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
callbackList.capture = capture;
callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
if (name === 'ready') {
bindOnReady(target, nativeHandler, self);
} else {
addEvent(target, fakeName || name, nativeHandler, capture);
} else {
if (name === 'ready' && self.domLoaded) {
callback(fix({ type: name }));
} else {
func: callback,
target = callbackList = null;
return callback;
unbind(target, names, callback) {
if (!target || isText$a(target) || isComment(target)) {
return this;
const id = target[this.expando];
if (id) {
let eventMap = this.events[id];
if (names) {
const namesList = names.split(' ');
let i = namesList.length;
while (i--) {
const name = namesList[i];
const callbackList = eventMap[name];
if (callbackList) {
if (callback) {
let ci = callbackList.length;
while (ci--) {
if (callbackList[ci].func === callback) {
const nativeHandler = callbackList.nativeHandler;
const fakeName = callbackList.fakeName, capture = callbackList.capture;
const newCallbackList = callbackList.slice(0, ci).concat(callbackList.slice(ci + 1));
newCallbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
newCallbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
newCallbackList.capture = capture;
eventMap[name] = newCallbackList;
if (!callback || callbackList.length === 0) {
delete eventMap[name];
removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
} else {
each$d(eventMap, (callbackList, name) => {
removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
eventMap = {};
for (const name in eventMap) {
if (has$2(eventMap, name)) {
return this;
delete this.events[id];
try {
delete target[this.expando];
} catch (ex) {
target[this.expando] = null;
return this;
fire(target, name, args) {
return this.dispatch(target, name, args);
dispatch(target, name, args) {
if (!target || isText$a(target) || isComment(target)) {
return this;
const event = fix({
type: name,
}, args);
do {
const id = target[this.expando];
if (id) {
this.executeHandlers(event, id);
target = target.parentNode || target.ownerDocument || target.defaultView || target.parentWindow;
} while (target && !event.isPropagationStopped());
return this;
clean(target) {
if (!target || isText$a(target) || isComment(target)) {
return this;
if (target[this.expando]) {
if (!target.getElementsByTagName) {
target = target.document;
if (target && target.getElementsByTagName) {
const children = target.getElementsByTagName('*');
let i = children.length;
while (i--) {
target = children[i];
if (target[this.expando]) {
return this;
destroy() {
this.events = {};
cancel(e) {
if (e) {
return false;
executeHandlers(evt, id) {
const container = this.events[id];
const callbackList = container && container[evt.type];
if (callbackList) {
for (let i = 0, l = callbackList.length; i < l; i++) {
const callback = callbackList[i];
if (callback && callback.func.call(callback.scope, evt) === false) {
if (evt.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
EventUtils.Event = new EventUtils();
const each$a = Tools.each;
const grep = Tools.grep;
const internalStyleName = 'data-mce-style';
const numericalCssMap = Tools.makeMap('fill-opacity font-weight line-height opacity orphans widows z-index zoom', ' ');
const legacySetAttribute = (elm, name, value) => {
if (isNullable(value) || value === '') {
remove$a(elm, name);
} else {
set$3(elm, name, value);
const camelCaseToHyphens = name => name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, v => '-' + v.toLowerCase());
const findNodeIndex = (node, normalized) => {
let idx = 0;
if (node) {
for (let lastNodeType = node.nodeType, tempNode = node.previousSibling; tempNode; tempNode = tempNode.previousSibling) {
const nodeType = tempNode.nodeType;
if (normalized && isText$a(tempNode)) {
if (nodeType === lastNodeType || !tempNode.data.length) {
lastNodeType = nodeType;
return idx;
const updateInternalStyleAttr = (styles, elm) => {
const rawValue = get$9(elm, 'style');
const value = styles.serialize(styles.parse(rawValue), name(elm));
legacySetAttribute(elm, internalStyleName, value);
const convertStyleToString = (cssValue, cssName) => {
if (isNumber(cssValue)) {
return has$2(numericalCssMap, cssName) ? cssValue + '' : cssValue + 'px';
} else {
return cssValue;
const applyStyle$1 = ($elm, cssName, cssValue) => {
const normalizedName = camelCaseToHyphens(cssName);
if (isNullable(cssValue) || cssValue === '') {
remove$6($elm, normalizedName);
} else {
set$2($elm, normalizedName, convertStyleToString(cssValue, normalizedName));
const setupAttrHooks = (styles, settings, getContext) => {
const keepValues = settings.keep_values;
const keepUrlHook = {
set: (elm, value, name) => {
const sugarElm = SugarElement.fromDom(elm);
if (isFunction(settings.url_converter) && isNonNullable(value)) {
value = settings.url_converter.call(settings.url_converter_scope || getContext(), String(value), name, elm);
const internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
legacySetAttribute(sugarElm, internalName, value);
legacySetAttribute(sugarElm, name, value);
get: (elm, name) => {
const sugarElm = SugarElement.fromDom(elm);
return get$9(sugarElm, 'data-mce-' + name) || get$9(sugarElm, name);
const attrHooks = {
style: {
set: (elm, value) => {
const sugarElm = SugarElement.fromDom(elm);
if (keepValues) {
legacySetAttribute(sugarElm, internalStyleName, value);
remove$a(sugarElm, 'style');
if (isString(value)) {
setAll(sugarElm, styles.parse(value));
get: elm => {
const sugarElm = SugarElement.fromDom(elm);
const value = get$9(sugarElm, internalStyleName) || get$9(sugarElm, 'style');
return styles.serialize(styles.parse(value), name(sugarElm));
if (keepValues) {
attrHooks.href = attrHooks.src = keepUrlHook;
return attrHooks;
const DOMUtils = (doc, settings = {}) => {
const addedStyles = {};
const win = window;
const files = {};
let counter = 0;
const stdMode = true;
const boxModel = true;
const styleSheetLoader = instance.forElement(SugarElement.fromDom(doc), {
contentCssCors: settings.contentCssCors,
referrerPolicy: settings.referrerPolicy
const boundEvents = [];
const schema = settings.schema ? settings.schema : Schema({});
const styles = Styles({
url_converter: settings.url_converter,
url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope,
force_hex_color: settings.force_hex_color
}, settings.schema);
const events = settings.ownEvents ? new EventUtils() : EventUtils.Event;
const blockElementsMap = schema.getBlockElements();
const isBlock = node => {
if (isString(node)) {
return has$2(blockElementsMap, node);
} else {
return isElement$6(node) && (has$2(blockElementsMap, node.nodeName) || isTransparentBlock(schema, node));
const get = elm => elm && doc && isString(elm) ? doc.getElementById(elm) : elm;
const _get = elm => {
const value = get(elm);
return isNonNullable(value) ? SugarElement.fromDom(value) : null;
const getAttrib = (elm, name, defaultVal = '') => {
let value;
const $elm = _get(elm);
if (isNonNullable($elm) && isElement$7($elm)) {
const hook = attrHooks[name];
if (hook && hook.get) {
value = hook.get($elm.dom, name);
} else {
value = get$9($elm, name);
return isNonNullable(value) ? value : defaultVal;
const getAttribs = elm => {
const node = get(elm);
return isNullable(node) ? [] : node.attributes;
const setAttrib = (elm, name, value) => {
run(elm, e => {
if (isElement$6(e)) {
const $elm = SugarElement.fromDom(e);
const val = value === '' ? null : value;
const originalValue = get$9($elm, name);
const hook = attrHooks[name];
if (hook && hook.set) {
hook.set($elm.dom, val, name);
} else {
legacySetAttribute($elm, name, val);
if (originalValue !== val && settings.onSetAttrib) {
attrElm: $elm.dom,
attrName: name,
attrValue: val
const clone = (node, deep) => {
return node.cloneNode(deep);
const getRoot = () => settings.root_element || doc.body;
const getViewPort = argWin => {
const vp = getBounds(argWin);
return {
x: vp.x,
y: vp.y,
w: vp.width,
h: vp.height
const getPos$1 = (elm, rootElm) => getPos(doc.body, get(elm), rootElm);
const setStyle = (elm, name, value) => {
run(elm, e => {
const $elm = SugarElement.fromDom(e);
applyStyle$1($elm, name, value);
if (settings.update_styles) {
updateInternalStyleAttr(styles, $elm);
const setStyles = (elm, stylesArg) => {
run(elm, e => {
const $elm = SugarElement.fromDom(e);
each$d(stylesArg, (v, n) => {
applyStyle$1($elm, n, v);
if (settings.update_styles) {
updateInternalStyleAttr(styles, $elm);
const getStyle = (elm, name, computed) => {
const $elm = get(elm);
if (isNullable($elm) || !isHTMLElement($elm) && !isSVGElement($elm)) {
return undefined;
if (computed) {
return get$7(SugarElement.fromDom($elm), camelCaseToHyphens(name));
} else {
name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, (a, b) => b.toUpperCase());
if (name === 'float') {
name = 'cssFloat';
return $elm.style ? $elm.style[name] : undefined;
const getSize = elm => {
const $elm = get(elm);
if (!$elm) {
return {
w: 0,
h: 0
let w = getStyle($elm, 'width');
let h = getStyle($elm, 'height');
if (!w || w.indexOf('px') === -1) {
w = '0';
if (!h || h.indexOf('px') === -1) {
h = '0';
return {
w: parseInt(w, 10) || $elm.offsetWidth || $elm.clientWidth,
h: parseInt(h, 10) || $elm.offsetHeight || $elm.clientHeight
const getRect = elm => {
const $elm = get(elm);
const pos = getPos$1($elm);
const size = getSize($elm);
return {
x: pos.x,
y: pos.y,
w: size.w,
h: size.h
const is = (elm, selector) => {
if (!elm) {
return false;
const elms = isArray$1(elm) ? elm : [elm];
return exists(elms, e => {
return is$1(SugarElement.fromDom(e), selector);
const getParents = (elm, selector, root, collect) => {
const result = [];
let node = get(elm);
collect = collect === undefined;
const resolvedRoot = root || (getRoot().nodeName !== 'BODY' ? getRoot().parentNode : null);
if (isString(selector)) {
if (selector === '*') {
selector = isElement$6;
} else {
const selectorVal = selector;
selector = node => is(node, selectorVal);
while (node) {
if (node === resolvedRoot || isNullable(node.nodeType) || isDocument$1(node) || isDocumentFragment(node)) {
if (!selector || selector(node)) {
if (collect) {
} else {
return [node];
node = node.parentNode;
return collect ? result : null;
const getParent = (node, selector, root) => {
const parents = getParents(node, selector, root, false);
return parents && parents.length > 0 ? parents[0] : null;
const _findSib = (node, selector, name) => {
let func = selector;
if (node) {
if (isString(selector)) {
func = node => {
return is(node, selector);
for (let tempNode = node[name]; tempNode; tempNode = tempNode[name]) {
if (isFunction(func) && func(tempNode)) {
return tempNode;
return null;
const getNext = (node, selector) => _findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');
const getPrev = (node, selector) => _findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');
const isParentNode = node => isFunction(node.querySelectorAll);
const select = (selector, scope) => {
var _a, _b;
const elm = (_b = (_a = get(scope)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : settings.root_element) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : doc;
return isParentNode(elm) ? from(elm.querySelectorAll(selector)) : [];
const run = function (elm, func, scope) {
const context = scope !== null && scope !== void 0 ? scope : this;
if (isArray$1(elm)) {
const result = [];
each$a(elm, (e, i) => {
const node = get(e);
if (node) {
result.push(func.call(context, node, i));
return result;
} else {
const node = get(elm);
return !node ? false : func.call(context, node);
const setAttribs = (elm, attrs) => {
run(elm, $elm => {
each$d(attrs, (value, name) => {
setAttrib($elm, name, value);
const setHTML = (elm, html) => {
run(elm, e => {
const $elm = SugarElement.fromDom(e);
set$1($elm, html);
const add = (parentElm, name, attrs, html, create) => run(parentElm, parentElm => {
const newElm = isString(name) ? doc.createElement(name) : name;
if (isNonNullable(attrs)) {
setAttribs(newElm, attrs);
if (html) {
if (!isString(html) && html.nodeType) {
} else if (isString(html)) {
setHTML(newElm, html);
return !create ? parentElm.appendChild(newElm) : newElm;
const create = (name, attrs, html) => add(doc.createElement(name), name, attrs, html, true);
const decode = Entities.decode;
const encode = Entities.encodeAllRaw;
const createHTML = (name, attrs, html = '') => {
let outHtml = '<' + name;
for (const key in attrs) {
if (hasNonNullableKey(attrs, key)) {
outHtml += ' ' + key + '="' + encode(attrs[key]) + '"';
if (isEmpty$3(html) && has$2(schema.getVoidElements(), name)) {
return outHtml + ' />';
} else {
return outHtml + '>' + html + '' + name + '>';
const createFragment = html => {
const container = doc.createElement('div');
const frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
if (html) {
container.innerHTML = html;
let node;
while (node = container.firstChild) {
return frag;
const remove = (node, keepChildren) => {
return run(node, n => {
const $node = SugarElement.fromDom(n);
if (keepChildren) {
each$e(children$1($node), child => {
if (isText$b(child) && child.dom.length === 0) {
} else {
before$3($node, child);
return $node.dom;
const removeAllAttribs = e => run(e, e => {
const attrs = e.attributes;
for (let i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const parseStyle = cssText => styles.parse(cssText);
const serializeStyle = (stylesArg, name) => styles.serialize(stylesArg, name);
const addStyle = cssText => {
if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
if (addedStyles[cssText]) {
addedStyles[cssText] = true;
let styleElm = doc.getElementById('mceDefaultStyles');
if (!styleElm) {
styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
styleElm.id = 'mceDefaultStyles';
styleElm.type = 'text/css';
const head = doc.head;
if (head.firstChild) {
head.insertBefore(styleElm, head.firstChild);
} else {
if (styleElm.styleSheet) {
styleElm.styleSheet.cssText += cssText;
} else {
const loadCSS = urls => {
if (!urls) {
urls = '';
each$e(urls.split(','), url => {
files[url] = true;
const toggleClass = (elm, cls, state) => {
run(elm, e => {
if (isElement$6(e)) {
const $elm = SugarElement.fromDom(e);
const classes = cls.split(' ');
each$e(classes, c => {
if (isNonNullable(state)) {
const fn = state ? add$2 : remove$7;
fn($elm, c);
} else {
toggle$1($elm, c);
const addClass = (elm, cls) => {
toggleClass(elm, cls, true);
const removeClass = (elm, cls) => {
toggleClass(elm, cls, false);
const hasClass = (elm, cls) => {
const $elm = _get(elm);
const classes = cls.split(' ');
return isNonNullable($elm) && forall(classes, c => has($elm, c));
const show = elm => {
run(elm, e => remove$6(SugarElement.fromDom(e), 'display'));
const hide = elm => {
run(elm, e => set$2(SugarElement.fromDom(e), 'display', 'none'));
const isHidden = elm => {
const $elm = _get(elm);
return isNonNullable($elm) && is$2(getRaw($elm, 'display'), 'none');
const uniqueId = prefix => (!prefix ? 'mce_' : prefix) + counter++;
const getOuterHTML = elm => {
const $elm = _get(elm);
if (isNonNullable($elm)) {
return isElement$6($elm.dom) ? $elm.dom.outerHTML : getOuter($elm);
} else {
return '';
const setOuterHTML = (elm, html) => {
run(elm, $elm => {
if (isElement$6($elm)) {
$elm.outerHTML = html;
const insertAfter = (node, reference) => {
const referenceNode = get(reference);
return run(node, node => {
const parent = referenceNode === null || referenceNode === void 0 ? void 0 : referenceNode.parentNode;
const nextSibling = referenceNode === null || referenceNode === void 0 ? void 0 : referenceNode.nextSibling;
if (parent) {
if (nextSibling) {
parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);
} else {
return node;
const replace = (newElm, oldElm, keepChildren) => run(oldElm, elm => {
var _a;
const replacee = isArray$1(oldElm) ? newElm.cloneNode(true) : newElm;
if (keepChildren) {
each$a(grep(elm.childNodes), node => {
(_a = elm.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.replaceChild(replacee, elm);
return elm;
const rename = (elm, name) => {
if (elm.nodeName !== name.toUpperCase()) {
const newElm = create(name);
each$a(getAttribs(elm), attrNode => {
setAttrib(newElm, attrNode.nodeName, getAttrib(elm, attrNode.nodeName));
replace(newElm, elm, true);
return newElm;
} else {
return elm;
const findCommonAncestor = (a, b) => {
let ps = a;
while (ps) {
let pe = b;
while (pe && ps !== pe) {
pe = pe.parentNode;
if (ps === pe) {
ps = ps.parentNode;
if (!ps && a.ownerDocument) {
return a.ownerDocument.documentElement;
} else {
return ps;
const isNonEmptyElement = node => {
if (isElement$6(node)) {
const isNamedAnchor = node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && !getAttrib(node, 'href') && getAttrib(node, 'id');
if (getAttrib(node, 'name') || getAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bookmark') || isNamedAnchor) {
return true;
return false;
const isEmpty = (node, elements, options) => {
let brCount = 0;
if (isNonEmptyElement(node)) {
return false;
const firstChild = node.firstChild;
if (firstChild) {
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(firstChild, node);
const whitespaceElements = schema ? schema.getWhitespaceElements() : {};
const nonEmptyElements = elements || (schema ? schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null);
let tempNode = firstChild;
do {
if (isElement$6(tempNode)) {
const bogusVal = tempNode.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
if (bogusVal) {
tempNode = walker.next(bogusVal === 'all');
const name = tempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nonEmptyElements && nonEmptyElements[name]) {
if (name === 'br') {
tempNode = walker.next();
return false;
if (isNonEmptyElement(tempNode)) {
return false;
if (isComment(tempNode)) {
return false;
if (isText$a(tempNode) && !isWhitespaceText(tempNode.data) && (!(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.includeZwsp) || !isZwsp(tempNode.data))) {
return false;
if (isText$a(tempNode) && tempNode.parentNode && whitespaceElements[tempNode.parentNode.nodeName] && isWhitespaceText(tempNode.data)) {
return false;
tempNode = walker.next();
} while (tempNode);
return brCount <= 1;
const createRng = () => doc.createRange();
const split = (parentElm, splitElm, replacementElm) => {
let range = createRng();
let beforeFragment;
let afterFragment;
if (parentElm && splitElm && parentElm.parentNode && splitElm.parentNode) {
const parentNode = parentElm.parentNode;
range.setStart(parentNode, findNodeIndex(parentElm));
range.setEnd(splitElm.parentNode, findNodeIndex(splitElm));
beforeFragment = range.extractContents();
range = createRng();
range.setStart(splitElm.parentNode, findNodeIndex(splitElm) + 1);
range.setEnd(parentNode, findNodeIndex(parentElm) + 1);
afterFragment = range.extractContents();
parentNode.insertBefore(trimNode(self, beforeFragment, schema), parentElm);
if (replacementElm) {
parentNode.insertBefore(replacementElm, parentElm);
} else {
parentNode.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm);
parentNode.insertBefore(trimNode(self, afterFragment, schema), parentElm);
return replacementElm || splitElm;
} else {
return undefined;
const bind = (target, name, func, scope) => {
if (isArray$1(target)) {
let i = target.length;
const rv = [];
while (i--) {
rv[i] = bind(target[i], name, func, scope);
return rv;
} else {
if (settings.collect && (target === doc || target === win)) {
return events.bind(target, name, func, scope || self);
const unbind = (target, name, func) => {
if (isArray$1(target)) {
let i = target.length;
const rv = [];
while (i--) {
rv[i] = unbind(target[i], name, func);
return rv;
} else {
if (boundEvents.length > 0 && (target === doc || target === win)) {
let i = boundEvents.length;
while (i--) {
const [boundTarget, boundName, boundFunc] = boundEvents[i];
if (target === boundTarget && (!name || name === boundName) && (!func || func === boundFunc)) {
events.unbind(boundTarget, boundName, boundFunc);
return events.unbind(target, name, func);
const dispatch = (target, name, evt) => events.dispatch(target, name, evt);
const fire = (target, name, evt) => events.dispatch(target, name, evt);
const getContentEditable = node => {
if (node && isHTMLElement(node)) {
const contentEditable = node.getAttribute('data-mce-contenteditable');
if (contentEditable && contentEditable !== 'inherit') {
return contentEditable;
return node.contentEditable !== 'inherit' ? node.contentEditable : null;
} else {
return null;
const getContentEditableParent = node => {
const root = getRoot();
let state = null;
for (let tempNode = node; tempNode && tempNode !== root; tempNode = tempNode.parentNode) {
state = getContentEditable(tempNode);
if (state !== null) {
return state;
const isEditable = node => {
if (isNonNullable(node)) {
const scope = isElement$6(node) ? node : node.parentElement;
return isNonNullable(scope) && isHTMLElement(scope) && isEditable$2(SugarElement.fromDom(scope));
} else {
return false;
const destroy = () => {
if (boundEvents.length > 0) {
let i = boundEvents.length;
while (i--) {
const [boundTarget, boundName, boundFunc] = boundEvents[i];
events.unbind(boundTarget, boundName, boundFunc);
each$d(files, (_, url) => {
delete files[url];
const isChildOf = (node, parent) => {
return node === parent || parent.contains(node);
const dumpRng = r => 'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName + ', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset + ', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName + ', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset;
const self = {
isBlock: isBlock,
root: null,
getParents: getParents,
getStyle: getStyle,
getPos: getPos$1,
nodeIndex: findNodeIndex,
bind: bind,
unbind: unbind,
const attrHooks = setupAttrHooks(styles, settings, constant(self));
return self;
DOMUtils.DOM = DOMUtils(document);
DOMUtils.nodeIndex = findNodeIndex;
const DOM$b = DOMUtils.DOM;
const QUEUED = 0;
const LOADING = 1;
const LOADED = 2;
const FAILED = 3;
class ScriptLoader {
constructor(settings = {}) {
this.states = {};
this.queue = [];
this.scriptLoadedCallbacks = {};
this.queueLoadedCallbacks = [];
this.loading = false;
this.settings = settings;
_setReferrerPolicy(referrerPolicy) {
this.settings.referrerPolicy = referrerPolicy;
loadScript(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const dom = DOM$b;
let elm;
const cleanup = () => {
if (elm) {
elm.onerror = elm.onload = elm = null;
const done = () => {
const error = () => {
reject('Failed to load script: ' + url);
const id = dom.uniqueId();
elm = document.createElement('script');
elm.id = id;
elm.type = 'text/javascript';
elm.src = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
if (this.settings.referrerPolicy) {
dom.setAttrib(elm, 'referrerpolicy', this.settings.referrerPolicy);
elm.onload = done;
elm.onerror = error;
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body).appendChild(elm);
isDone(url) {
return this.states[url] === LOADED;
markDone(url) {
this.states[url] = LOADED;
add(url) {
const self = this;
const state = self.states[url];
if (state === undefined) {
self.states[url] = QUEUED;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!self.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url]) {
self.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = [];
load(url) {
return this.add(url);
remove(url) {
delete this.states[url];
delete this.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url];
loadQueue() {
const queue = this.queue;
this.queue = [];
return this.loadScripts(queue);
loadScripts(scripts) {
const self = this;
const execCallbacks = (name, url) => {
get$a(self.scriptLoadedCallbacks, url).each(callbacks => {
each$e(callbacks, callback => callback[name](url));
delete self.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url];
const processResults = results => {
const failures = filter$5(results, result => result.status === 'rejected');
if (failures.length > 0) {
return Promise.reject(bind$3(failures, ({reason}) => isArray$1(reason) ? reason : [reason]));
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
const load = urls => Promise.allSettled(map$3(urls, url => {
if (self.states[url] === LOADED) {
execCallbacks('resolve', url);
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (self.states[url] === FAILED) {
execCallbacks('reject', url);
return Promise.reject(url);
} else {
self.states[url] = LOADING;
return self.loadScript(url).then(() => {
self.states[url] = LOADED;
execCallbacks('resolve', url);
const queue = self.queue;
if (queue.length > 0) {
self.queue = [];
return load(queue).then(processResults);
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
}, () => {
self.states[url] = FAILED;
execCallbacks('reject', url);
return Promise.reject(url);
const processQueue = urls => {
self.loading = true;
return load(urls).then(results => {
self.loading = false;
const nextQueuedItem = self.queueLoadedCallbacks.shift();
return processResults(results);
const uniqueScripts = stringArray(scripts);
if (self.loading) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self.queueLoadedCallbacks.push(() => {
processQueue(uniqueScripts).then(resolve, reject);
} else {
return processQueue(uniqueScripts);
ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader = new ScriptLoader();
const Cell = initial => {
let value = initial;
const get = () => {
return value;
const set = v => {
value = v;
return {
const isDuplicated = (items, item) => {
const firstIndex = items.indexOf(item);
return firstIndex !== -1 && items.indexOf(item, firstIndex + 1) > firstIndex;
const isRaw = str => isObject(str) && has$2(str, 'raw');
const isTokenised = str => isArray$1(str) && str.length > 1;
const data = {};
const currentCode = Cell('en');
const getLanguageData = () => get$a(data, currentCode.get());
const getData$1 = () => map$2(data, value => ({ ...value }));
const setCode = newCode => {
if (newCode) {
const getCode = () => currentCode.get();
const add$1 = (code, items) => {
let langData = data[code];
if (!langData) {
data[code] = langData = {};
const lcNames = map$3(keys(items), name => name.toLowerCase());
each$d(items, (translation, name) => {
const lcName = name.toLowerCase();
if (lcName !== name && isDuplicated(lcNames, lcName)) {
if (!has$2(items, lcName)) {
langData[lcName] = translation;
langData[name] = translation;
} else {
langData[lcName] = translation;
const translate = text => {
const langData = getLanguageData().getOr({});
const toString = obj => {
if (isFunction(obj)) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
return !isEmpty(obj) ? '' + obj : '';
const isEmpty = text => text === '' || text === null || text === undefined;
const getLangData = text => {
const textStr = toString(text);
return has$2(langData, textStr) ? toString(langData[textStr]) : get$a(langData, textStr.toLowerCase()).map(toString).getOr(textStr);
const removeContext = str => str.replace(/{context:\w+}$/, '');
if (isEmpty(text)) {
return '';
if (isRaw(text)) {
return toString(text.raw);
if (isTokenised(text)) {
const values = text.slice(1);
const substitued = getLangData(text[0]).replace(/\{([0-9]+)\}/g, ($1, $2) => has$2(values, $2) ? toString(values[$2]) : $1);
return removeContext(substitued);
return removeContext(getLangData(text));
const isRtl$1 = () => getLanguageData().bind(items => get$a(items, '_dir')).exists(dir => dir === 'rtl');
const hasCode = code => has$2(data, code);
const I18n = {
getData: getData$1,
add: add$1,
isRtl: isRtl$1,
const AddOnManager = () => {
const items = [];
const urls = {};
const lookup = {};
const _listeners = [];
const runListeners = (name, state) => {
const matchedListeners = filter$5(_listeners, listener => listener.name === name && listener.state === state);
each$e(matchedListeners, listener => listener.resolve());
const isLoaded = name => has$2(urls, name);
const isAdded = name => has$2(lookup, name);
const get = name => {
if (lookup[name]) {
return lookup[name].instance;
return undefined;
const loadLanguagePack = (name, languages) => {
const language = I18n.getCode();
const wrappedLanguages = ',' + (languages || '') + ',';
if (!language || languages && wrappedLanguages.indexOf(',' + language + ',') === -1) {
ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(urls[name] + '/langs/' + language + '.js');
const requireLangPack = (name, languages) => {
if (AddOnManager.languageLoad !== false) {
if (isLoaded(name)) {
loadLanguagePack(name, languages);
} else {
waitFor(name, 'loaded').then(() => loadLanguagePack(name, languages));
const add = (id, addOn) => {
lookup[id] = { instance: addOn };
runListeners(id, 'added');
return addOn;
const remove = name => {
delete urls[name];
delete lookup[name];
const createUrl = (baseUrl, dep) => {
if (isString(dep)) {
return isString(baseUrl) ? {
prefix: '',
resource: dep,
suffix: ''
} : {
prefix: baseUrl.prefix,
resource: dep,
suffix: baseUrl.suffix
} else {
return dep;
const load = (name, addOnUrl) => {
if (urls[name]) {
return Promise.resolve();
let urlString = isString(addOnUrl) ? addOnUrl : addOnUrl.prefix + addOnUrl.resource + addOnUrl.suffix;
if (urlString.indexOf('/') !== 0 && urlString.indexOf('://') === -1) {
urlString = AddOnManager.baseURL + '/' + urlString;
urls[name] = urlString.substring(0, urlString.lastIndexOf('/'));
const done = () => {
runListeners(name, 'loaded');
return Promise.resolve();
if (lookup[name]) {
return done();
} else {
return ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(urlString).then(done);
const waitFor = (name, state = 'added') => {
if (state === 'added' && isAdded(name)) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (state === 'loaded' && isLoaded(name)) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return new Promise(resolve => {
return {
AddOnManager.languageLoad = true;
AddOnManager.baseURL = '';
AddOnManager.PluginManager = AddOnManager();
AddOnManager.ThemeManager = AddOnManager();
AddOnManager.ModelManager = AddOnManager();
const singleton = doRevoke => {
const subject = Cell(Optional.none());
const revoke = () => subject.get().each(doRevoke);
const clear = () => {
const isSet = () => subject.get().isSome();
const get = () => subject.get();
const set = s => {
return {
const repeatable = delay => {
const intervalId = Cell(Optional.none());
const revoke = () => intervalId.get().each(id => clearInterval(id));
const clear = () => {
const isSet = () => intervalId.get().isSome();
const get = () => intervalId.get();
const set = functionToRepeat => {
intervalId.set(Optional.some(setInterval(functionToRepeat, delay)));
return {
const value$2 = () => {
const subject = singleton(noop);
const on = f => subject.get().each(f);
return {
const first$1 = (fn, rate) => {
let timer = null;
const cancel = () => {
if (!isNull(timer)) {
timer = null;
const throttle = (...args) => {
if (isNull(timer)) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
fn.apply(null, args);
}, rate);
return {
const last$1 = (fn, rate) => {
let timer = null;
const cancel = () => {
if (!isNull(timer)) {
timer = null;
const throttle = (...args) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
fn.apply(null, args);
}, rate);
return {
const annotation = constant('mce-annotation');
const dataAnnotation = constant('data-mce-annotation');
const dataAnnotationId = constant('data-mce-annotation-uid');
const dataAnnotationActive = constant('data-mce-annotation-active');
const dataAnnotationClasses = constant('data-mce-annotation-classes');
const dataAnnotationAttributes = constant('data-mce-annotation-attrs');
const isRoot$1 = root => node => eq(node, root);
const identify = (editor, annotationName) => {
const rng = editor.selection.getRng();
const start = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer);
const root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
const selector = annotationName.fold(() => '.' + annotation(), an => `[${ dataAnnotation() }="${ an }"]`);
const newStart = child$1(start, rng.startOffset).getOr(start);
const closest = closest$3(newStart, selector, isRoot$1(root));
return closest.bind(c => getOpt(c, `${ dataAnnotationId() }`).bind(uid => getOpt(c, `${ dataAnnotation() }`).map(name => {
const elements = findMarkers(editor, uid);
return {
const isAnnotation = elem => isElement$7(elem) && has(elem, annotation());
const isBogusElement = (elem, root) => has$1(elem, 'data-mce-bogus') || ancestor$2(elem, '[data-mce-bogus="all"]', isRoot$1(root));
const findMarkers = (editor, uid) => {
const body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
const descendants$1 = descendants(body, `[${ dataAnnotationId() }="${ uid }"]`);
return filter$5(descendants$1, descendant => !isBogusElement(descendant, body));
const findAll = (editor, name) => {
const body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
const markers = descendants(body, `[${ dataAnnotation() }="${ name }"]`);
const directory = {};
each$e(markers, m => {
if (!isBogusElement(m, body)) {
const uid = get$9(m, dataAnnotationId());
const nodesAlready = get$a(directory, uid).getOr([]);
directory[uid] = nodesAlready.concat([m]);
return directory;
const setup$y = (editor, registry) => {
const changeCallbacks = Cell({});
const initData = () => ({
listeners: [],
previous: value$2()
const withCallbacks = (name, f) => {
updateCallbacks(name, data => {
return data;
const updateCallbacks = (name, f) => {
const callbackMap = changeCallbacks.get();
const data = get$a(callbackMap, name).getOrThunk(initData);
const outputData = f(data);
callbackMap[name] = outputData;
const fireCallbacks = (name, uid, elements) => {
withCallbacks(name, data => {
each$e(data.listeners, f => f(true, name, {
nodes: map$3(elements, elem => elem.dom)
const fireNoAnnotation = name => {
withCallbacks(name, data => {
each$e(data.listeners, f => f(false, name));
const toggleActiveAttr = (uid, state) => {
each$e(findMarkers(editor, uid), elem => {
if (state) {
set$3(elem, dataAnnotationActive(), 'true');
} else {
remove$a(elem, dataAnnotationActive());
const onNodeChange = last$1(() => {
const annotations = sort(registry.getNames());
each$e(annotations, name => {
updateCallbacks(name, data => {
const prev = data.previous.get();
identify(editor, Optional.some(name)).fold(() => {
prev.each(uid => {
toggleActiveAttr(uid, false);
}, ({uid, name, elements}) => {
if (!is$2(prev, uid)) {
prev.each(uid => toggleActiveAttr(uid, false));
fireCallbacks(name, uid, elements);
toggleActiveAttr(uid, true);
return {
previous: data.previous,
listeners: data.listeners
}, 30);
editor.on('remove', () => {
editor.on('NodeChange', () => {
const addListener = (name, f) => {
updateCallbacks(name, data => ({
previous: data.previous,
listeners: data.listeners.concat([f])
return { addListener };
const setup$x = (editor, registry) => {
const dataAnnotation$1 = dataAnnotation();
const identifyParserNode = node => Optional.from(node.attr(dataAnnotation$1)).bind(registry.lookup);
const removeDirectAnnotation = node => {
var _a, _b;
node.attr(dataAnnotationId(), null);
node.attr(dataAnnotation(), null);
node.attr(dataAnnotationActive(), null);
const customAttrNames = Optional.from(node.attr(dataAnnotationAttributes())).map(names => names.split(',')).getOr([]);
const customClasses = Optional.from(node.attr(dataAnnotationClasses())).map(names => names.split(',')).getOr([]);
each$e(customAttrNames, name => node.attr(name, null));
const classList = (_b = (_a = node.attr('class')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.split(' ')) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
const newClassList = difference(classList, [annotation()].concat(customClasses));
node.attr('class', newClassList.length > 0 ? newClassList.join(' ') : null);
node.attr(dataAnnotationClasses(), null);
node.attr(dataAnnotationAttributes(), null);
editor.serializer.addAttributeFilter(dataAnnotation$1, nodes => {
for (const node of nodes) {
identifyParserNode(node).each(settings => {
if (settings.persistent === false) {
if (node.name === 'span') {
} else {
const create$c = () => {
const annotations = {};
const register = (name, settings) => {
annotations[name] = {
const lookup = name => get$a(annotations, name).map(a => a.settings);
const getNames = () => keys(annotations);
return {
let unique = 0;
const generate$1 = prefix => {
const date = new Date();
const time = date.getTime();
const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
return prefix + '_' + random + unique + String(time);
const add = (element, classes) => {
each$e(classes, x => {
add$2(element, x);
const remove$4 = (element, classes) => {
each$e(classes, x => {
remove$7(element, x);
const clone$2 = (original, isDeep) => SugarElement.fromDom(original.dom.cloneNode(isDeep));
const shallow$1 = original => clone$2(original, false);
const deep$1 = original => clone$2(original, true);
const shallowAs = (original, tag) => {
const nu = SugarElement.fromTag(tag);
const attributes = clone$4(original);
setAll$1(nu, attributes);
return nu;
const mutate = (original, tag) => {
const nu = shallowAs(original, tag);
after$4(original, nu);
const children = children$1(original);
append(nu, children);
return nu;
const TextWalker = (startNode, rootNode, isBoundary = never) => {
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(startNode, rootNode);
const walk = direction => {
let next;
do {
next = walker[direction]();
} while (next && !isText$a(next) && !isBoundary(next));
return Optional.from(next).filter(isText$a);
return {
current: () => Optional.from(walker.current()).filter(isText$a),
next: () => walk('next'),
prev: () => walk('prev'),
prev2: () => walk('prev2')
const TextSeeker = (dom, isBoundary) => {
const isBlockBoundary = isBoundary ? isBoundary : node => dom.isBlock(node) || isBr$6(node) || isContentEditableFalse$b(node);
const walk = (node, offset, walker, process) => {
if (isText$a(node)) {
const newOffset = process(node, offset, node.data);
if (newOffset !== -1) {
return Optional.some({
container: node,
offset: newOffset
return walker().bind(next => walk(next.container, next.offset, walker, process));
const backwards = (node, offset, process, root) => {
const walker = TextWalker(node, root !== null && root !== void 0 ? root : dom.getRoot(), isBlockBoundary);
return walk(node, offset, () => walker.prev().map(prev => ({
container: prev,
offset: prev.length
})), process).getOrNull();
const forwards = (node, offset, process, root) => {
const walker = TextWalker(node, root !== null && root !== void 0 ? root : dom.getRoot(), isBlockBoundary);
return walk(node, offset, () => walker.next().map(next => ({
container: next,
offset: 0
})), process).getOrNull();
return {
const round$2 = Math.round;
const clone$1 = rect => {
if (!rect) {
return {
left: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
return {
left: round$2(rect.left),
top: round$2(rect.top),
bottom: round$2(rect.bottom),
right: round$2(rect.right),
width: round$2(rect.width),
height: round$2(rect.height)
const collapse = (rect, toStart) => {
rect = clone$1(rect);
if (toStart) {
rect.right = rect.left;
} else {
rect.left = rect.left + rect.width;
rect.right = rect.left;
rect.width = 0;
return rect;
const isEqual = (rect1, rect2) => rect1.left === rect2.left && rect1.top === rect2.top && rect1.bottom === rect2.bottom && rect1.right === rect2.right;
const isValidOverflow = (overflowY, rect1, rect2) => overflowY >= 0 && overflowY <= Math.min(rect1.height, rect2.height) / 2;
const isAbove$1 = (rect1, rect2) => {
const halfHeight = Math.min(rect2.height / 2, rect1.height / 2);
if (rect1.bottom - halfHeight < rect2.top) {
return true;
if (rect1.top > rect2.bottom) {
return false;
return isValidOverflow(rect2.top - rect1.bottom, rect1, rect2);
const isBelow$1 = (rect1, rect2) => {
if (rect1.top > rect2.bottom) {
return true;
if (rect1.bottom < rect2.top) {
return false;
return isValidOverflow(rect2.bottom - rect1.top, rect1, rect2);
const containsXY = (rect, clientX, clientY) => clientX >= rect.left && clientX <= rect.right && clientY >= rect.top && clientY <= rect.bottom;
const boundingClientRectFromRects = rects => {
return foldl(rects, (acc, rect) => {
return acc.fold(() => Optional.some(rect), prevRect => {
const left = Math.min(rect.left, prevRect.left);
const top = Math.min(rect.top, prevRect.top);
const right = Math.max(rect.right, prevRect.right);
const bottom = Math.max(rect.bottom, prevRect.bottom);
return Optional.some({
width: right - left,
height: bottom - top
}, Optional.none());
const distanceToRectEdgeFromXY = (rect, x, y) => {
const cx = Math.max(Math.min(x, rect.left + rect.width), rect.left);
const cy = Math.max(Math.min(y, rect.top + rect.height), rect.top);
return Math.sqrt((x - cx) * (x - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy));
const overlapY = (r1, r2) => Math.max(0, Math.min(r1.bottom, r2.bottom) - Math.max(r1.top, r2.top));
const clamp$2 = (value, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
const getSelectedNode = range => {
const startContainer = range.startContainer, startOffset = range.startOffset;
if (startContainer === range.endContainer && startContainer.hasChildNodes() && range.endOffset === startOffset + 1) {
return startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
return null;
const getNode$1 = (container, offset) => {
if (isElement$6(container) && container.hasChildNodes()) {
const childNodes = container.childNodes;
const safeOffset = clamp$2(offset, 0, childNodes.length - 1);
return childNodes[safeOffset];
} else {
return container;
const getNodeUnsafe = (container, offset) => {
if (offset < 0 && isElement$6(container) && container.hasChildNodes()) {
return undefined;
} else {
return getNode$1(container, offset);
const extendingChars = new RegExp('[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0487\u0488-\u0489\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1-\u05c2\u05c4-\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a' + '\u064b-\u065f\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e4\u06e7-\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0' + '\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0859-\u085b\u08e3-\u0902\u093a\u093c' + '\u0941-\u0948\u094d\u0951-\u0957\u0962-\u0963\u0981\u09bc\u09be\u09c1-\u09c4\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2-\u09e3' + '\u0a01-\u0a02\u0a3c\u0a41-\u0a42\u0a47-\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a70-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a82\u0abc' + '\u0ac1-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac8\u0acd\u0ae2-\u0ae3\u0b01\u0b3c\u0b3e\u0b3f\u0b41-\u0b44\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57' + '\u0b62-\u0b63\u0b82\u0bbe\u0bc0\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0c00\u0c3e-\u0c40\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55-\u0c56' + '\u0c62-\u0c63\u0c81\u0cbc\u0cbf\u0cc2\u0cc6\u0ccc-\u0ccd\u0cd5-\u0cd6\u0ce2-\u0ce3\u0d01\u0d3e\u0d41-\u0d44' + '\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62-\u0d63\u0dca\u0dcf\u0dd2-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0ddf\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9' + '\u0ebb-\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0f18-\u0f19\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f71-\u0f7e\u0f80-\u0f84\u0f86-\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97' + '\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102d-\u1030\u1032-\u1037\u1039-\u103a\u103d-\u103e\u1058-\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1071-\u1074' + '\u1082\u1085-\u1086\u108d\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752-\u1753\u1772-\u1773\u17b4-\u17b5' + '\u17b7-\u17bd\u17c6\u17c9-\u17d3\u17dd\u180b-\u180d\u18a9\u1920-\u1922\u1927-\u1928\u1932\u1939-\u193b\u1a17-\u1a18' + '\u1a1b\u1a56\u1a58-\u1a5e\u1a60\u1a62\u1a65-\u1a6c\u1a73-\u1a7c\u1a7f\u1ab0-\u1abd\u1ABE\u1b00-\u1b03\u1b34' + '\u1b36-\u1b3a\u1b3c\u1b42\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1b81\u1ba2-\u1ba5\u1ba8-\u1ba9\u1bab-\u1bad\u1be6\u1be8-\u1be9' + '\u1bed\u1bef-\u1bf1\u1c2c-\u1c33\u1c36-\u1c37\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce0\u1ce2-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1cf4\u1cf8-\u1cf9' + '\u1dc0-\u1df5\u1dfc-\u1dff\u200c-\u200d\u20d0-\u20dc\u20DD-\u20E0\u20e1\u20E2-\u20E4\u20e5-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1' + '\u2d7f\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302d\u302e-\u302f\u3099-\u309a\ua66f\uA670-\uA672\ua674-\ua67d\ua69e-\ua69f\ua6f0-\ua6f1' + '\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua825-\ua826\ua8c4\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua951\ua980-\ua982\ua9b3\ua9b6-\ua9b9\ua9bc' + '\ua9e5\uaa29-\uaa2e\uaa31-\uaa32\uaa35-\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaa7c\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7-\uaab8\uaabe-\uaabf\uaac1' + '\uaaec-\uaaed\uaaf6\uabe5\uabe8\uabed\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe2f\uff9e-\uff9f]');
const isExtendingChar = ch => isString(ch) && ch.charCodeAt(0) >= 768 && extendingChars.test(ch);
const or = (...args) => {
return x => {
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i](x)) {
return true;
return false;
const and = (...args) => {
return x => {
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (!args[i](x)) {
return false;
return true;
const isElement$4 = isElement$6;
const isCaretCandidate$2 = isCaretCandidate$3;
const isBlock$2 = matchStyleValues('display', 'block table');
const isFloated = matchStyleValues('float', 'left right');
const isValidElementCaretCandidate = and(isElement$4, isCaretCandidate$2, not(isFloated));
const isNotPre = not(matchStyleValues('white-space', 'pre pre-line pre-wrap'));
const isText$7 = isText$a;
const isBr$3 = isBr$6;
const nodeIndex$1 = DOMUtils.nodeIndex;
const resolveIndex$1 = getNodeUnsafe;
const createRange$1 = doc => doc ? doc.createRange() : DOMUtils.DOM.createRng();
const isWhiteSpace$1 = chr => isString(chr) && /[\r\n\t ]/.test(chr);
const isRange = rng => !!rng.setStart && !!rng.setEnd;
const isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange = range => {
const container = range.startContainer;
const offset = range.startOffset;
if (isWhiteSpace$1(range.toString()) && isNotPre(container.parentNode) && isText$a(container)) {
const text = container.data;
if (isWhiteSpace$1(text[offset - 1]) || isWhiteSpace$1(text[offset + 1])) {
return true;
return false;
const getBrClientRect = brNode => {
const doc = brNode.ownerDocument;
const rng = createRange$1(doc);
const nbsp$1 = doc.createTextNode(nbsp);
const parentNode = brNode.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore(nbsp$1, brNode);
rng.setStart(nbsp$1, 0);
rng.setEnd(nbsp$1, 1);
const clientRect = clone$1(rng.getBoundingClientRect());
return clientRect;
const getBoundingClientRectWebKitText = rng => {
const sc = rng.startContainer;
const ec = rng.endContainer;
const so = rng.startOffset;
const eo = rng.endOffset;
if (sc === ec && isText$a(ec) && so === 0 && eo === 1) {
const newRng = rng.cloneRange();
return getBoundingClientRect$1(newRng);
} else {
return null;
const isZeroRect = r => r.left === 0 && r.right === 0 && r.top === 0 && r.bottom === 0;
const getBoundingClientRect$1 = item => {
var _a;
let clientRect;
const clientRects = item.getClientRects();
if (clientRects.length > 0) {
clientRect = clone$1(clientRects[0]);
} else {
clientRect = clone$1(item.getBoundingClientRect());
if (!isRange(item) && isBr$3(item) && isZeroRect(clientRect)) {
return getBrClientRect(item);
if (isZeroRect(clientRect) && isRange(item)) {
return (_a = getBoundingClientRectWebKitText(item)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : clientRect;
return clientRect;
const collapseAndInflateWidth = (clientRect, toStart) => {
const newClientRect = collapse(clientRect, toStart);
newClientRect.width = 1;
newClientRect.right = newClientRect.left + 1;
return newClientRect;
const getCaretPositionClientRects = caretPosition => {
const clientRects = [];
const addUniqueAndValidRect = clientRect => {
if (clientRect.height === 0) {
if (clientRects.length > 0) {
if (isEqual(clientRect, clientRects[clientRects.length - 1])) {
const addCharacterOffset = (container, offset) => {
const range = createRange$1(container.ownerDocument);
if (offset < container.data.length) {
if (isExtendingChar(container.data[offset])) {
if (isExtendingChar(container.data[offset - 1])) {
range.setStart(container, offset);
range.setEnd(container, offset + 1);
if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(range), false));
if (offset > 0) {
range.setStart(container, offset - 1);
range.setEnd(container, offset);
if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(range), false));
if (offset < container.data.length) {
range.setStart(container, offset);
range.setEnd(container, offset + 1);
if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(range), true));
const container = caretPosition.container();
const offset = caretPosition.offset();
if (isText$7(container)) {
addCharacterOffset(container, offset);
return clientRects;
if (isElement$4(container)) {
if (caretPosition.isAtEnd()) {
const node = resolveIndex$1(container, offset);
if (isText$7(node)) {
addCharacterOffset(node, node.data.length);
if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node) && !isBr$3(node)) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(node), false));
} else {
const node = resolveIndex$1(container, offset);
if (isText$7(node)) {
addCharacterOffset(node, 0);
if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node) && caretPosition.isAtEnd()) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(node), false));
return clientRects;
const beforeNode = resolveIndex$1(caretPosition.container(), caretPosition.offset() - 1);
if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(beforeNode) && !isBr$3(beforeNode)) {
if (isBlock$2(beforeNode) || isBlock$2(node) || !isValidElementCaretCandidate(node)) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(beforeNode), false));
if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node)) {
addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(node), true));
return clientRects;
const CaretPosition = (container, offset, clientRects) => {
const isAtStart = () => {
if (isText$7(container)) {
return offset === 0;
return offset === 0;
const isAtEnd = () => {
if (isText$7(container)) {
return offset >= container.data.length;
return offset >= container.childNodes.length;
const toRange = () => {
const range = createRange$1(container.ownerDocument);
range.setStart(container, offset);
range.setEnd(container, offset);
return range;
const getClientRects = () => {
if (!clientRects) {
clientRects = getCaretPositionClientRects(CaretPosition(container, offset));
return clientRects;
const isVisible = () => getClientRects().length > 0;
const isEqual = caretPosition => caretPosition && container === caretPosition.container() && offset === caretPosition.offset();
const getNode = before => resolveIndex$1(container, before ? offset - 1 : offset);
return {
container: constant(container),
offset: constant(offset),
CaretPosition.fromRangeStart = range => CaretPosition(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd = range => CaretPosition(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
CaretPosition.after = node => CaretPosition(node.parentNode, nodeIndex$1(node) + 1);
CaretPosition.before = node => CaretPosition(node.parentNode, nodeIndex$1(node));
CaretPosition.isAbove = (pos1, pos2) => lift2(head(pos2.getClientRects()), last$3(pos1.getClientRects()), isAbove$1).getOr(false);
CaretPosition.isBelow = (pos1, pos2) => lift2(last$3(pos2.getClientRects()), head(pos1.getClientRects()), isBelow$1).getOr(false);
CaretPosition.isAtStart = pos => pos ? pos.isAtStart() : false;
CaretPosition.isAtEnd = pos => pos ? pos.isAtEnd() : false;
CaretPosition.isTextPosition = pos => pos ? isText$a(pos.container()) : false;
CaretPosition.isElementPosition = pos => !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos);
const trimEmptyTextNode$1 = (dom, node) => {
if (isText$a(node) && node.data.length === 0) {
const insertNode = (dom, rng, node) => {
trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, node.previousSibling);
trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, node.nextSibling);
const insertFragment = (dom, rng, frag) => {
const firstChild = Optional.from(frag.firstChild);
const lastChild = Optional.from(frag.lastChild);
firstChild.each(child => trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, child.previousSibling));
lastChild.each(child => trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, child.nextSibling));
const rangeInsertNode = (dom, rng, node) => {
if (isDocumentFragment(node)) {
insertFragment(dom, rng, node);
} else {
insertNode(dom, rng, node);
const isText$6 = isText$a;
const isBogus = isBogus$2;
const nodeIndex = DOMUtils.nodeIndex;
const normalizedParent = node => {
const parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (isBogus(parentNode)) {
return normalizedParent(parentNode);
return parentNode;
const getChildNodes = node => {
if (!node) {
return [];
return reduce(node.childNodes, (result, node) => {
if (isBogus(node) && node.nodeName !== 'BR') {
result = result.concat(getChildNodes(node));
} else {
return result;
}, []);
const normalizedTextOffset = (node, offset) => {
let tempNode = node;
while (tempNode = tempNode.previousSibling) {
if (!isText$6(tempNode)) {
offset += tempNode.data.length;
return offset;
const equal = a => b => a === b;
const normalizedNodeIndex = node => {
let nodes, index;
nodes = getChildNodes(normalizedParent(node));
index = findIndex$1(nodes, equal(node), node);
nodes = nodes.slice(0, index + 1);
const numTextFragments = reduce(nodes, (result, node, i) => {
if (isText$6(node) && isText$6(nodes[i - 1])) {
return result;
}, 0);
nodes = filter$3(nodes, matchNodeNames([node.nodeName]));
index = findIndex$1(nodes, equal(node), node);
return index - numTextFragments;
const createPathItem = node => {
const name = isText$6(node) ? 'text()' : node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return name + '[' + normalizedNodeIndex(node) + ']';
const parentsUntil$1 = (root, node, predicate) => {
const parents = [];
for (let tempNode = node.parentNode; tempNode && tempNode !== root; tempNode = tempNode.parentNode) {
if (predicate && predicate(tempNode)) {
return parents;
const create$b = (root, caretPosition) => {
let path = [];
let container = caretPosition.container();
let offset = caretPosition.offset();
let outputOffset;
if (isText$6(container)) {
outputOffset = normalizedTextOffset(container, offset);
} else {
const childNodes = container.childNodes;
if (offset >= childNodes.length) {
outputOffset = 'after';
offset = childNodes.length - 1;
} else {
outputOffset = 'before';
container = childNodes[offset];
let parents = parentsUntil$1(root, container);
parents = filter$3(parents, not(isBogus$2));
path = path.concat(map$1(parents, node => {
return createPathItem(node);
return path.reverse().join('/') + ',' + outputOffset;
const resolvePathItem = (node, name, index) => {
let nodes = getChildNodes(node);
nodes = filter$3(nodes, (node, index) => {
return !isText$6(node) || !isText$6(nodes[index - 1]);
nodes = filter$3(nodes, matchNodeNames([name]));
return nodes[index];
const findTextPosition = (container, offset) => {
let node = container;
let targetOffset = 0;
while (isText$6(node)) {
const dataLen = node.data.length;
if (offset >= targetOffset && offset <= targetOffset + dataLen) {
container = node;
offset = offset - targetOffset;
if (!isText$6(node.nextSibling)) {
container = node;
offset = dataLen;
targetOffset += dataLen;
node = node.nextSibling;
if (isText$6(container) && offset > container.data.length) {
offset = container.data.length;
return CaretPosition(container, offset);
const resolve$1 = (root, path) => {
if (!path) {
return null;
const parts = path.split(',');
const paths = parts[0].split('/');
const offset = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : 'before';
const container = reduce(paths, (result, value) => {
const match = /([\w\-\(\)]+)\[([0-9]+)\]/.exec(value);
if (!match) {
return null;
if (match[1] === 'text()') {
match[1] = '#text';
return resolvePathItem(result, match[1], parseInt(match[2], 10));
}, root);
if (!container) {
return null;
if (!isText$6(container) && container.parentNode) {
let nodeOffset;
if (offset === 'after') {
nodeOffset = nodeIndex(container) + 1;
} else {
nodeOffset = nodeIndex(container);
return CaretPosition(container.parentNode, nodeOffset);
return findTextPosition(container, parseInt(offset, 10));
const isContentEditableFalse$9 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
const getNormalizedTextOffset$1 = (trim, container, offset) => {
let trimmedOffset = trim(container.data.slice(0, offset)).length;
for (let node = container.previousSibling; node && isText$a(node); node = node.previousSibling) {
trimmedOffset += trim(node.data).length;
return trimmedOffset;
const getPoint = (dom, trim, normalized, rng, start) => {
const container = start ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
let offset = start ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;
const point = [];
const root = dom.getRoot();
if (isText$a(container)) {
point.push(normalized ? getNormalizedTextOffset$1(trim, container, offset) : offset);
} else {
let after = 0;
const childNodes = container.childNodes;
if (offset >= childNodes.length && childNodes.length) {
after = 1;
offset = Math.max(0, childNodes.length - 1);
point.push(dom.nodeIndex(childNodes[offset], normalized) + after);
for (let node = container; node && node !== root; node = node.parentNode) {
point.push(dom.nodeIndex(node, normalized));
return point;
const getLocation = (trim, selection, normalized, rng) => {
const dom = selection.dom;
const start = getPoint(dom, trim, normalized, rng, true);
const forward = selection.isForward();
const fakeCaret = isRangeInCaretContainerBlock(rng) ? { isFakeCaret: true } : {};
if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
const end = getPoint(dom, trim, normalized, rng, false);
return {
} else {
return {
const findIndex = (dom, name, element) => {
let count = 0;
Tools.each(dom.select(name), node => {
if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all') {
} else if (node === element) {
return false;
} else {
return count;
const moveEndPoint$1 = (rng, start) => {
let container = start ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
let offset = start ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;
if (isElement$6(container) && container.nodeName === 'TR') {
const childNodes = container.childNodes;
container = childNodes[Math.min(start ? offset : offset - 1, childNodes.length - 1)];
if (container) {
offset = start ? 0 : container.childNodes.length;
if (start) {
rng.setStart(container, offset);
} else {
rng.setEnd(container, offset);
const normalizeTableCellSelection = rng => {
moveEndPoint$1(rng, true);
moveEndPoint$1(rng, false);
return rng;
const findSibling = (node, offset) => {
if (isElement$6(node)) {
node = getNode$1(node, offset);
if (isContentEditableFalse$9(node)) {
return node;
if (isCaretContainer$2(node)) {
if (isText$a(node) && isCaretContainerBlock$1(node)) {
node = node.parentNode;
let sibling = node.previousSibling;
if (isContentEditableFalse$9(sibling)) {
return sibling;
sibling = node.nextSibling;
if (isContentEditableFalse$9(sibling)) {
return sibling;
return undefined;
const findAdjacentContentEditableFalseElm = rng => {
return findSibling(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset) || findSibling(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
const getOffsetBookmark = (trim, normalized, selection) => {
const element = selection.getNode();
const rng = selection.getRng();
if (element.nodeName === 'IMG' || isContentEditableFalse$9(element)) {
const name = element.nodeName;
return {
index: findIndex(selection.dom, name, element)
const sibling = findAdjacentContentEditableFalseElm(rng);
if (sibling) {
const name = sibling.tagName;
return {
index: findIndex(selection.dom, name, sibling)
return getLocation(trim, selection, normalized, rng);
const getCaretBookmark = selection => {
const rng = selection.getRng();
return {
start: create$b(selection.dom.getRoot(), CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng)),
end: create$b(selection.dom.getRoot(), CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng)),
forward: selection.isForward()
const getRangeBookmark = selection => {
return {
rng: selection.getRng(),
forward: selection.isForward()
const createBookmarkSpan = (dom, id, filled) => {
const args = {
'data-mce-type': 'bookmark',
'style': 'overflow:hidden;line-height:0px'
return filled ? dom.create('span', args, '') : dom.create('span', args);
const getPersistentBookmark = (selection, filled) => {
const dom = selection.dom;
let rng = selection.getRng();
const id = dom.uniqueId();
const collapsed = selection.isCollapsed();
const element = selection.getNode();
const name = element.nodeName;
const forward = selection.isForward();
if (name === 'IMG') {
return {
index: findIndex(dom, name, element)
const rng2 = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng.cloneRange());
if (!collapsed) {
const endBookmarkNode = createBookmarkSpan(dom, id + '_end', filled);
rangeInsertNode(dom, rng2, endBookmarkNode);
rng = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng);
const startBookmarkNode = createBookmarkSpan(dom, id + '_start', filled);
rangeInsertNode(dom, rng, startBookmarkNode);
keep: true,
return {
const getBookmark$2 = (selection, type, normalized = false) => {
if (type === 2) {
return getOffsetBookmark(trim$2, normalized, selection);
} else if (type === 3) {
return getCaretBookmark(selection);
} else if (type) {
return getRangeBookmark(selection);
} else {
return getPersistentBookmark(selection, false);
const getUndoBookmark = curry(getOffsetBookmark, identity, true);
const value$1 = value => {
const applyHelper = fn => fn(value);
const constHelper = constant(value);
const outputHelper = () => output;
const output = {
tag: true,
inner: value,
fold: (_onError, onValue) => onValue(value),
isValue: always,
isError: never,
map: mapper => Result.value(mapper(value)),
mapError: outputHelper,
bind: applyHelper,
exists: applyHelper,
forall: applyHelper,
getOr: constHelper,
or: outputHelper,
getOrThunk: constHelper,
orThunk: outputHelper,
getOrDie: constHelper,
each: fn => {
toOptional: () => Optional.some(value)
return output;
const error = error => {
const outputHelper = () => output;
const output = {
tag: false,
inner: error,
fold: (onError, _onValue) => onError(error),
isValue: never,
isError: always,
map: outputHelper,
mapError: mapper => Result.error(mapper(error)),
bind: outputHelper,
exists: never,
forall: always,
getOr: identity,
or: identity,
getOrThunk: apply$1,
orThunk: apply$1,
getOrDie: die(String(error)),
each: noop,
toOptional: Optional.none
return output;
const fromOption = (optional, err) => optional.fold(() => error(err), value$1);
const Result = {
value: value$1,
const generate = cases => {
if (!isArray$1(cases)) {
throw new Error('cases must be an array');
if (cases.length === 0) {
throw new Error('there must be at least one case');
const constructors = [];
const adt = {};
each$e(cases, (acase, count) => {
const keys$1 = keys(acase);
if (keys$1.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('one and only one name per case');
const key = keys$1[0];
const value = acase[key];
if (adt[key] !== undefined) {
throw new Error('duplicate key detected:' + key);
} else if (key === 'cata') {
throw new Error('cannot have a case named cata (sorry)');
} else if (!isArray$1(value)) {
throw new Error('case arguments must be an array');
adt[key] = (...args) => {
const argLength = args.length;
if (argLength !== value.length) {
throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to case ' + key + '. Expected ' + value.length + ' (' + value + '), got ' + argLength);
const match = branches => {
const branchKeys = keys(branches);
if (constructors.length !== branchKeys.length) {
throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to match. Expected: ' + constructors.join(',') + '\nActual: ' + branchKeys.join(','));
const allReqd = forall(constructors, reqKey => {
return contains$2(branchKeys, reqKey);
if (!allReqd) {
throw new Error('Not all branches were specified when using match. Specified: ' + branchKeys.join(', ') + '\nRequired: ' + constructors.join(', '));
return branches[key].apply(null, args);
return {
fold: (...foldArgs) => {
if (foldArgs.length !== cases.length) {
throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to fold. Expected ' + cases.length + ', got ' + foldArgs.length);
const target = foldArgs[count];
return target.apply(null, args);
log: label => {
console.log(label, {
constructor: key,
params: args
return adt;
const Adt = { generate };
bothErrors: [
firstError: [
secondError: [
bothValues: [
const partition$1 = results => {
const errors = [];
const values = [];
each$e(results, result => {
result.fold(err => {
}, value => {
return {
const isInlinePattern = pattern => pattern.type === 'inline-command' || pattern.type === 'inline-format';
const isBlockPattern = pattern => pattern.type === 'block-command' || pattern.type === 'block-format';
const normalizePattern = pattern => {
const err = message => Result.error({
const formatOrCmd = (name, onFormat, onCommand) => {
if (pattern.format !== undefined) {
let formats;
if (isArray$1(pattern.format)) {
if (!forall(pattern.format, isString)) {
return err(name + ' pattern has non-string items in the `format` array');
formats = pattern.format;
} else if (isString(pattern.format)) {
formats = [pattern.format];
} else {
return err(name + ' pattern has non-string `format` parameter');
return Result.value(onFormat(formats));
} else if (pattern.cmd !== undefined) {
if (!isString(pattern.cmd)) {
return err(name + ' pattern has non-string `cmd` parameter');
return Result.value(onCommand(pattern.cmd, pattern.value));
} else {
return err(name + ' pattern is missing both `format` and `cmd` parameters');
if (!isObject(pattern)) {
return err('Raw pattern is not an object');
if (!isString(pattern.start)) {
return err('Raw pattern is missing `start` parameter');
if (pattern.end !== undefined) {
if (!isString(pattern.end)) {
return err('Inline pattern has non-string `end` parameter');
if (pattern.start.length === 0 && pattern.end.length === 0) {
return err('Inline pattern has empty `start` and `end` parameters');
let start = pattern.start;
let end = pattern.end;
if (end.length === 0) {
end = start;
start = '';
return formatOrCmd('Inline', format => ({
type: 'inline-format',
}), (cmd, value) => ({
type: 'inline-command',
} else if (pattern.replacement !== undefined) {
if (!isString(pattern.replacement)) {
return err('Replacement pattern has non-string `replacement` parameter');
if (pattern.start.length === 0) {
return err('Replacement pattern has empty `start` parameter');
return Result.value({
type: 'inline-command',
start: '',
end: pattern.start,
cmd: 'mceInsertContent',
value: pattern.replacement
} else {
if (pattern.start.length === 0) {
return err('Block pattern has empty `start` parameter');
return formatOrCmd('Block', formats => ({
type: 'block-format',
start: pattern.start,
format: formats[0]
}), (command, commandValue) => ({
type: 'block-command',
start: pattern.start,
cmd: command,
value: commandValue
const getBlockPatterns = patterns => filter$5(patterns, isBlockPattern);
const getInlinePatterns = patterns => filter$5(patterns, isInlinePattern);
const createPatternSet = (patterns, dynamicPatternsLookup) => ({
inlinePatterns: getInlinePatterns(patterns),
blockPatterns: getBlockPatterns(patterns),
const fromRawPatterns = patterns => {
const normalized = partition$1(map$3(patterns, normalizePattern));
each$e(normalized.errors, err => console.error(err.message, err.pattern));
return normalized.values;
const fromRawPatternsLookup = lookupFn => {
return ctx => {
const rawPatterns = lookupFn(ctx);
return fromRawPatterns(rawPatterns);
const deviceDetection$1 = detect$2().deviceType;
const isTouch = deviceDetection$1.isTouch();
const DOM$a = DOMUtils.DOM;
const getHash = value => {
const items = value.indexOf('=') > 0 ? value.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : value.split(',');
return foldl(items, (output, item) => {
const arr = item.split('=');
const key = arr[0];
const val = arr.length > 1 ? arr[1] : key;
output[trim$4(key)] = trim$4(val);
return output;
}, {});
const isRegExp = x => is$4(x, RegExp);
const option = name => editor => editor.options.get(name);
const stringOrObjectProcessor = value => isString(value) || isObject(value);
const bodyOptionProcessor = (editor, defaultValue = '') => value => {
const valid = isString(value);
if (valid) {
if (value.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
const bodyObj = getHash(value);
return {
value: get$a(bodyObj, editor.id).getOr(defaultValue),
} else {
return {
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be a string.'
const register$7 = editor => {
const registerOption = editor.options.register;
registerOption('id', {
processor: 'string',
default: editor.id
registerOption('selector', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('target', { processor: 'object' });
registerOption('suffix', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('cache_suffix', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('base_url', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('referrer_policy', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('language_load', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('inline', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('iframe_attrs', {
processor: 'object',
default: {}
registerOption('doctype', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('document_base_url', {
processor: 'string',
default: editor.documentBaseUrl
registerOption('body_id', {
processor: bodyOptionProcessor(editor, 'tinymce'),
default: 'tinymce'
registerOption('body_class', {
processor: bodyOptionProcessor(editor),
default: ''
registerOption('content_security_policy', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('br_in_pre', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('forced_root_block', {
processor: value => {
const valid = isString(value) && isNotEmpty(value);
if (valid) {
return {
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be a non-empty string.'
default: 'p'
registerOption('forced_root_block_attrs', {
processor: 'object',
default: {}
registerOption('newline_behavior', {
processor: value => {
const valid = contains$2([
], value);
return valid ? {
} : {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be one of: block, linebreak, invert or default.'
default: 'default'
registerOption('br_newline_selector', {
processor: 'string',
default: '.mce-toc h2,figcaption,caption'
registerOption('no_newline_selector', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('keep_styles', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('end_container_on_empty_block', {
processor: value => {
if (isBoolean(value)) {
return {
valid: true,
} else if (isString(value)) {
return {
valid: true,
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be boolean or a string'
default: 'blockquote'
registerOption('font_size_style_values', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large'
registerOption('font_size_legacy_values', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%'
registerOption('font_size_classes', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('automatic_uploads', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('images_reuse_filename', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('images_replace_blob_uris', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('icons', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('icons_url', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('images_upload_url', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('images_upload_base_path', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('images_upload_credentials', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('images_upload_handler', { processor: 'function' });
registerOption('language', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'en'
registerOption('language_url', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('entity_encoding', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'named'
registerOption('indent', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('indent_before', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,th,ul,ol,li,dl,dt,dd,area,table,thead,' + 'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,details,summary,article,hgroup,aside,figure,figcaption,option,optgroup,datalist'
registerOption('indent_after', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,th,ul,ol,li,dl,dt,dd,area,table,thead,' + 'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,details,summary,article,hgroup,aside,figure,figcaption,option,optgroup,datalist'
registerOption('indent_use_margin', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('indentation', {
processor: 'string',
default: '40px'
registerOption('content_css', {
processor: value => {
const valid = value === false || isString(value) || isArrayOf(value, isString);
if (valid) {
if (isString(value)) {
return {
value: map$3(value.split(','), trim$4),
} else if (isArray$1(value)) {
return {
} else if (value === false) {
return {
value: [],
} else {
return {
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be false, a string or an array of strings.'
default: isInline$1(editor) ? [] : ['default']
registerOption('content_style', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('content_css_cors', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('font_css', {
processor: value => {
const valid = isString(value) || isArrayOf(value, isString);
if (valid) {
const newValue = isArray$1(value) ? value : map$3(value.split(','), trim$4);
return {
value: newValue,
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be a string or an array of strings.'
default: []
registerOption('inline_boundaries', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('inline_boundaries_selector', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'a[href],code,span.mce-annotation'
registerOption('object_resizing', {
processor: value => {
const valid = isBoolean(value) || isString(value);
if (valid) {
if (value === false || deviceDetection$1.isiPhone() || deviceDetection$1.isiPad()) {
return {
value: '',
} else {
return {
value: value === true ? 'table,img,figure.image,div,video,iframe' : value,
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be boolean or a string'
default: !isTouch
registerOption('resize_img_proportional', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('event_root', { processor: 'object' });
registerOption('service_message', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('theme', {
processor: value => value === false || isString(value) || isFunction(value),
default: 'silver'
registerOption('theme_url', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('formats', { processor: 'object' });
registerOption('format_empty_lines', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('format_noneditable_selector', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('preview_styles', {
processor: value => {
const valid = value === false || isString(value);
if (valid) {
return {
value: value === false ? '' : value,
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be false or a string'
default: 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow'
registerOption('custom_ui_selector', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('hidden_input', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('submit_patch', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('encoding', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('add_form_submit_trigger', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('add_unload_trigger', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('custom_undo_redo_levels', {
processor: 'number',
default: 0
registerOption('disable_nodechange', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('readonly', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('editable_root', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('plugins', {
processor: 'string[]',
default: []
registerOption('external_plugins', { processor: 'object' });
registerOption('forced_plugins', { processor: 'string[]' });
registerOption('model', {
processor: 'string',
default: editor.hasPlugin('rtc') ? 'plugin' : 'dom'
registerOption('model_url', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('block_unsupported_drop', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('visual', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('visual_table_class', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'mce-item-table'
registerOption('visual_anchor_class', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'mce-item-anchor'
registerOption('iframe_aria_text', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.'
registerOption('setup', { processor: 'function' });
registerOption('init_instance_callback', { processor: 'function' });
registerOption('url_converter', {
processor: 'function',
default: editor.convertURL
registerOption('url_converter_scope', {
processor: 'object',
default: editor
registerOption('urlconverter_callback', { processor: 'function' });
registerOption('allow_conditional_comments', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('allow_html_data_urls', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('allow_svg_data_urls', { processor: 'boolean' });
registerOption('allow_html_in_named_anchor', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('allow_script_urls', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('allow_unsafe_link_target', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('convert_fonts_to_spans', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true,
deprecated: true
registerOption('fix_list_elements', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('preserve_cdata', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('remove_trailing_brs', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('pad_empty_with_br', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('inline_styles', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true,
deprecated: true
registerOption('element_format', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'html'
registerOption('entities', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('schema', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'html5'
registerOption('convert_urls', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('relative_urls', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('remove_script_host', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('custom_elements', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('extended_valid_elements', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('invalid_elements', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('invalid_styles', { processor: stringOrObjectProcessor });
registerOption('valid_children', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('valid_classes', { processor: stringOrObjectProcessor });
registerOption('valid_elements', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('valid_styles', { processor: stringOrObjectProcessor });
registerOption('verify_html', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('auto_focus', { processor: value => isString(value) || value === true });
registerOption('browser_spellcheck', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('protect', { processor: 'array' });
registerOption('images_file_types', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'jpeg,jpg,jpe,jfi,jif,jfif,png,gif,bmp,webp'
registerOption('deprecation_warnings', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('a11y_advanced_options', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('api_key', { processor: 'string' });
registerOption('paste_block_drop', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('paste_data_images', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('paste_preprocess', { processor: 'function' });
registerOption('paste_postprocess', { processor: 'function' });
registerOption('paste_webkit_styles', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'none'
registerOption('paste_remove_styles_if_webkit', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('paste_merge_formats', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('smart_paste', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('paste_as_text', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('paste_tab_spaces', {
processor: 'number',
default: 4
registerOption('text_patterns', {
processor: value => {
if (isArrayOf(value, isObject) || value === false) {
const patterns = value === false ? [] : value;
return {
value: fromRawPatterns(patterns),
valid: true
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be an array of objects or false.'
default: [
start: '*',
end: '*',
format: 'italic'
start: '**',
end: '**',
format: 'bold'
start: '#',
format: 'h1'
start: '##',
format: 'h2'
start: '###',
format: 'h3'
start: '####',
format: 'h4'
start: '#####',
format: 'h5'
start: '######',
format: 'h6'
start: '1. ',
cmd: 'InsertOrderedList'
start: '* ',
cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList'
start: '- ',
cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList'
registerOption('text_patterns_lookup', {
processor: value => {
if (isFunction(value)) {
return {
value: fromRawPatternsLookup(value),
valid: true
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be a single function'
default: _ctx => []
registerOption('noneditable_class', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'mceNonEditable'
registerOption('editable_class', {
processor: 'string',
default: 'mceEditable'
registerOption('noneditable_regexp', {
processor: value => {
if (isArrayOf(value, isRegExp)) {
return {
valid: true
} else if (isRegExp(value)) {
return {
value: [value],
valid: true
} else {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be a RegExp or an array of RegExp.'
default: []
registerOption('table_tab_navigation', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('highlight_on_focus', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('xss_sanitization', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: true
registerOption('details_initial_state', {
processor: value => {
const valid = contains$2([
], value);
return valid ? {
} : {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be one of: inherited, collapsed, or expanded.'
default: 'inherited'
registerOption('details_serialized_state', {
processor: value => {
const valid = contains$2([
], value);
return valid ? {
} : {
valid: false,
message: 'Must be one of: inherited, collapsed, or expanded.'
default: 'inherited'
registerOption('init_content_sync', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('newdocument_content', {
processor: 'string',
default: ''
registerOption('force_hex_color', {
processor: value => {
const options = [
const valid = contains$2(options, value);
return valid ? {
} : {
valid: false,
message: `Must be one of: ${ options.join(', ') }.`
default: 'off'
registerOption('sandbox_iframes', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
registerOption('convert_unsafe_embeds', {
processor: 'boolean',
default: false
editor.on('ScriptsLoaded', () => {
registerOption('directionality', {
processor: 'string',
default: I18n.isRtl() ? 'rtl' : undefined
registerOption('placeholder', {
processor: 'string',
default: DOM$a.getAttrib(editor.getElement(), 'placeholder')
const getIframeAttrs = option('iframe_attrs');
const getDocType = option('doctype');
const getDocumentBaseUrl = option('document_base_url');
const getBodyId = option('body_id');
const getBodyClass = option('body_class');
const getContentSecurityPolicy = option('content_security_policy');
const shouldPutBrInPre$1 = option('br_in_pre');
const getForcedRootBlock = option('forced_root_block');
const getForcedRootBlockAttrs = option('forced_root_block_attrs');
const getNewlineBehavior = option('newline_behavior');
const getBrNewLineSelector = option('br_newline_selector');
const getNoNewLineSelector = option('no_newline_selector');
const shouldKeepStyles = option('keep_styles');
const shouldEndContainerOnEmptyBlock = option('end_container_on_empty_block');
const isAutomaticUploadsEnabled = option('automatic_uploads');
const shouldReuseFileName = option('images_reuse_filename');
const shouldReplaceBlobUris = option('images_replace_blob_uris');
const getIconPackName = option('icons');
const getIconsUrl = option('icons_url');
const getImageUploadUrl = option('images_upload_url');
const getImageUploadBasePath = option('images_upload_base_path');
const getImagesUploadCredentials = option('images_upload_credentials');
const getImagesUploadHandler = option('images_upload_handler');
const shouldUseContentCssCors = option('content_css_cors');
const getReferrerPolicy = option('referrer_policy');
const getLanguageCode = option('language');
const getLanguageUrl = option('language_url');
const shouldIndentUseMargin = option('indent_use_margin');
const getIndentation = option('indentation');
const getContentCss = option('content_css');
const getContentStyle = option('content_style');
const getFontCss = option('font_css');
const getDirectionality = option('directionality');
const getInlineBoundarySelector = option('inline_boundaries_selector');
const getObjectResizing = option('object_resizing');
const getResizeImgProportional = option('resize_img_proportional');
const getPlaceholder = option('placeholder');
const getEventRoot = option('event_root');
const getServiceMessage = option('service_message');
const getTheme = option('theme');
const getThemeUrl = option('theme_url');
const getModel = option('model');
const getModelUrl = option('model_url');
const isInlineBoundariesEnabled = option('inline_boundaries');
const getFormats = option('formats');
const getPreviewStyles = option('preview_styles');
const canFormatEmptyLines = option('format_empty_lines');
const getFormatNoneditableSelector = option('format_noneditable_selector');
const getCustomUiSelector = option('custom_ui_selector');
const isInline$1 = option('inline');
const hasHiddenInput = option('hidden_input');
const shouldPatchSubmit = option('submit_patch');
const shouldAddFormSubmitTrigger = option('add_form_submit_trigger');
const shouldAddUnloadTrigger = option('add_unload_trigger');
const getCustomUndoRedoLevels = option('custom_undo_redo_levels');
const shouldDisableNodeChange = option('disable_nodechange');
const isReadOnly$1 = option('readonly');
const hasEditableRoot$1 = option('editable_root');
const hasContentCssCors = option('content_css_cors');
const getPlugins = option('plugins');
const getExternalPlugins$1 = option('external_plugins');
const shouldBlockUnsupportedDrop = option('block_unsupported_drop');
const isVisualAidsEnabled = option('visual');
const getVisualAidsTableClass = option('visual_table_class');
const getVisualAidsAnchorClass = option('visual_anchor_class');
const getIframeAriaText = option('iframe_aria_text');
const getSetupCallback = option('setup');
const getInitInstanceCallback = option('init_instance_callback');
const getUrlConverterCallback = option('urlconverter_callback');
const getAutoFocus = option('auto_focus');
const shouldBrowserSpellcheck = option('browser_spellcheck');
const getProtect = option('protect');
const shouldPasteBlockDrop = option('paste_block_drop');
const shouldPasteDataImages = option('paste_data_images');
const getPastePreProcess = option('paste_preprocess');
const getPastePostProcess = option('paste_postprocess');
const getNewDocumentContent = option('newdocument_content');
const getPasteWebkitStyles = option('paste_webkit_styles');
const shouldPasteRemoveWebKitStyles = option('paste_remove_styles_if_webkit');
const shouldPasteMergeFormats = option('paste_merge_formats');
const isSmartPasteEnabled = option('smart_paste');
const isPasteAsTextEnabled = option('paste_as_text');
const getPasteTabSpaces = option('paste_tab_spaces');
const shouldAllowHtmlDataUrls = option('allow_html_data_urls');
const getTextPatterns = option('text_patterns');
const getTextPatternsLookup = option('text_patterns_lookup');
const getNonEditableClass = option('noneditable_class');
const getEditableClass = option('editable_class');
const getNonEditableRegExps = option('noneditable_regexp');
const shouldPreserveCData = option('preserve_cdata');
const shouldHighlightOnFocus = option('highlight_on_focus');
const shouldSanitizeXss = option('xss_sanitization');
const shouldUseDocumentWrite = option('init_content_sync');
const hasTextPatternsLookup = editor => editor.options.isSet('text_patterns_lookup');
const getFontStyleValues = editor => Tools.explode(editor.options.get('font_size_style_values'));
const getFontSizeClasses = editor => Tools.explode(editor.options.get('font_size_classes'));
const isEncodingXml = editor => editor.options.get('encoding') === 'xml';
const getAllowedImageFileTypes = editor => Tools.explode(editor.options.get('images_file_types'));
const hasTableTabNavigation = option('table_tab_navigation');
const getDetailsInitialState = option('details_initial_state');
const getDetailsSerializedState = option('details_serialized_state');
const shouldForceHexColor = option('force_hex_color');
const shouldSandboxIframes = option('sandbox_iframes');
const isElement$3 = isElement$6;
const isText$5 = isText$a;
const removeNode$1 = node => {
const parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
const trimCount = text => {
const trimmedText = trim$2(text);
return {
count: text.length - trimmedText.length,
text: trimmedText
const deleteZwspChars = caretContainer => {
let idx;
while ((idx = caretContainer.data.lastIndexOf(ZWSP$1)) !== -1) {
caretContainer.deleteData(idx, 1);
const removeUnchanged = (caretContainer, pos) => {
return pos;
const removeTextAndReposition = (caretContainer, pos) => {
const before = trimCount(caretContainer.data.substr(0, pos.offset()));
const after = trimCount(caretContainer.data.substr(pos.offset()));
const text = before.text + after.text;
if (text.length > 0) {
return CaretPosition(caretContainer, pos.offset() - before.count);
} else {
return pos;
const removeElementAndReposition = (caretContainer, pos) => {
const parentNode = pos.container();
const newPosition = indexOf$1(from(parentNode.childNodes), caretContainer).map(index => {
return index < pos.offset() ? CaretPosition(parentNode, pos.offset() - 1) : pos;
return newPosition;
const removeTextCaretContainer = (caretContainer, pos) => isText$5(caretContainer) && pos.container() === caretContainer ? removeTextAndReposition(caretContainer, pos) : removeUnchanged(caretContainer, pos);
const removeElementCaretContainer = (caretContainer, pos) => pos.container() === caretContainer.parentNode ? removeElementAndReposition(caretContainer, pos) : removeUnchanged(caretContainer, pos);
const removeAndReposition = (container, pos) => CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) ? removeTextCaretContainer(container, pos) : removeElementCaretContainer(container, pos);
const remove$3 = caretContainerNode => {
if (isElement$3(caretContainerNode) && isCaretContainer$2(caretContainerNode)) {
if (hasContent(caretContainerNode)) {
} else {
if (isText$5(caretContainerNode)) {
if (caretContainerNode.data.length === 0) {
const isContentEditableFalse$8 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
const isMedia$1 = isMedia$2;
const isTableCell$1 = isTableCell$3;
const inlineFakeCaretSelector = '*[contentEditable=false],video,audio,embed,object';
const getAbsoluteClientRect = (root, element, before) => {
const clientRect = collapse(element.getBoundingClientRect(), before);
let scrollX;
let scrollY;
if (root.tagName === 'BODY') {
const docElm = root.ownerDocument.documentElement;
scrollX = root.scrollLeft || docElm.scrollLeft;
scrollY = root.scrollTop || docElm.scrollTop;
} else {
const rootRect = root.getBoundingClientRect();
scrollX = root.scrollLeft - rootRect.left;
scrollY = root.scrollTop - rootRect.top;
clientRect.left += scrollX;
clientRect.right += scrollX;
clientRect.top += scrollY;
clientRect.bottom += scrollY;
clientRect.width = 1;
let margin = element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth;
if (margin > 0) {
if (before) {
margin *= -1;
clientRect.left += margin;
clientRect.right += margin;
return clientRect;
const trimInlineCaretContainers = root => {
var _a, _b;
const fakeCaretTargetNodes = descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(root), inlineFakeCaretSelector);
for (let i = 0; i < fakeCaretTargetNodes.length; i++) {
const node = fakeCaretTargetNodes[i].dom;
let sibling = node.previousSibling;
if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
const data = sibling.data;
if (data.length === 1) {
(_a = sibling.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(sibling);
} else {
sibling.deleteData(data.length - 1, 1);
sibling = node.nextSibling;
if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
const data = sibling.data;
if (data.length === 1) {
(_b = sibling.parentNode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.removeChild(sibling);
} else {
sibling.deleteData(0, 1);
const FakeCaret = (editor, root, isBlock, hasFocus) => {
const lastVisualCaret = value$2();
let cursorInterval;
let caretContainerNode;
const caretBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
const dom = editor.dom;
const show = (before, element) => {
let rng;
if (isTableCell$1(element)) {
return null;
if (isBlock(element)) {
const caretContainer = insertBlock(caretBlock, element, before);
const clientRect = getAbsoluteClientRect(root, element, before);
dom.setStyle(caretContainer, 'top', clientRect.top);
caretContainerNode = caretContainer;
const caret = dom.create('div', {
'class': 'mce-visual-caret',
'data-mce-bogus': 'all'
dom.setStyles(caret, { ...clientRect });
dom.add(root, caret);
if (before) {
dom.addClass(caret, 'mce-visual-caret-before');
rng = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
rng.setStart(caretContainer, 0);
rng.setEnd(caretContainer, 0);
} else {
caretContainerNode = insertInline$1(element, before);
rng = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
if (isInlineFakeCaretTarget(caretContainerNode.nextSibling)) {
rng.setStart(caretContainerNode, 0);
rng.setEnd(caretContainerNode, 0);
} else {
rng.setStart(caretContainerNode, 1);
rng.setEnd(caretContainerNode, 1);
return rng;
return rng;
const hide = () => {
if (caretContainerNode) {
caretContainerNode = null;
lastVisualCaret.on(caretState => {
if (cursorInterval) {
cursorInterval = undefined;
const startBlink = () => {
cursorInterval = setInterval(() => {
lastVisualCaret.on(caretState => {
if (hasFocus()) {
dom.toggleClass(caretState.caret, 'mce-visual-caret-hidden');
} else {
dom.addClass(caretState.caret, 'mce-visual-caret-hidden');
}, 500);
const reposition = () => {
lastVisualCaret.on(caretState => {
const clientRect = getAbsoluteClientRect(root, caretState.element, caretState.before);
dom.setStyles(caretState.caret, { ...clientRect });
const destroy = () => clearInterval(cursorInterval);
const getCss = () => '.mce-visual-caret {' + 'position: absolute;' + 'background-color: black;' + 'background-color: currentcolor;' + '}' + '.mce-visual-caret-hidden {' + 'display: none;' + '}' + '*[data-mce-caret] {' + 'position: absolute;' + 'left: -1000px;' + 'right: auto;' + 'top: 0;' + 'margin: 0;' + 'padding: 0;' + '}';
return {
const isFakeCaretTableBrowser = () => Env.browser.isFirefox();
const isInlineFakeCaretTarget = node => isContentEditableFalse$8(node) || isMedia$1(node);
const isFakeCaretTarget = node => {
const isTarget = isInlineFakeCaretTarget(node) || isTable$2(node) && isFakeCaretTableBrowser();
return isTarget && parentElement(SugarElement.fromDom(node)).exists(isEditable$2);
const isContentEditableTrue$1 = isContentEditableTrue$3;
const isContentEditableFalse$7 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
const isMedia = isMedia$2;
const isBlockLike = matchStyleValues('display', 'block table table-cell table-caption list-item');
const isCaretContainer = isCaretContainer$2;
const isCaretContainerBlock = isCaretContainerBlock$1;
const isElement$2 = isElement$6;
const isText$4 = isText$a;
const isCaretCandidate$1 = isCaretCandidate$3;
const isForwards = direction => direction > 0;
const isBackwards = direction => direction < 0;
const skipCaretContainers = (walk, shallow) => {
let node;
while (node = walk(shallow)) {
if (!isCaretContainerBlock(node)) {
return node;
return null;
const findNode = (node, direction, predicateFn, rootNode, shallow) => {
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, rootNode);
const isCefOrCaretContainer = isContentEditableFalse$7(node) || isCaretContainerBlock(node);
let tempNode;
if (isBackwards(direction)) {
if (isCefOrCaretContainer) {
tempNode = skipCaretContainers(walker.prev.bind(walker), true);
if (predicateFn(tempNode)) {
return tempNode;
while (tempNode = skipCaretContainers(walker.prev.bind(walker), shallow)) {
if (predicateFn(tempNode)) {
return tempNode;
if (isForwards(direction)) {
if (isCefOrCaretContainer) {
tempNode = skipCaretContainers(walker.next.bind(walker), true);
if (predicateFn(tempNode)) {
return tempNode;
while (tempNode = skipCaretContainers(walker.next.bind(walker), shallow)) {
if (predicateFn(tempNode)) {
return tempNode;
return null;
const getEditingHost = (node, rootNode) => {
const isCETrue = node => isContentEditableTrue$1(node.dom);
const isRoot = node => node.dom === rootNode;
return ancestor$4(SugarElement.fromDom(node), isCETrue, isRoot).map(elm => elm.dom).getOr(rootNode);
const getParentBlock$3 = (node, rootNode) => {
while (node && node !== rootNode) {
if (isBlockLike(node)) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
const isInSameBlock = (caretPosition1, caretPosition2, rootNode) => getParentBlock$3(caretPosition1.container(), rootNode) === getParentBlock$3(caretPosition2.container(), rootNode);
const getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset = (relativeOffset, caretPosition) => {
if (!caretPosition) {
return Optional.none();
const container = caretPosition.container();
const offset = caretPosition.offset();
if (!isElement$2(container)) {
return Optional.none();
return Optional.from(container.childNodes[offset + relativeOffset]);
const beforeAfter = (before, node) => {
var _a;
const doc = (_a = node.ownerDocument) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document;
const range = doc.createRange();
if (before) {
} else {
return range;
const isNodesInSameBlock = (root, node1, node2) => getParentBlock$3(node1, root) === getParentBlock$3(node2, root);
const lean = (left, root, node) => {
const siblingName = left ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
let tempNode = node;
while (tempNode && tempNode !== root) {
let sibling = tempNode[siblingName];
if (sibling && isCaretContainer(sibling)) {
sibling = sibling[siblingName];
if (isContentEditableFalse$7(sibling) || isMedia(sibling)) {
if (isNodesInSameBlock(root, sibling, tempNode)) {
return sibling;
if (isCaretCandidate$1(sibling)) {
tempNode = tempNode.parentNode;
return null;
const before$2 = curry(beforeAfter, true);
const after$2 = curry(beforeAfter, false);
const normalizeRange = (direction, root, range) => {
let node;
const leanLeft = curry(lean, true, root);
const leanRight = curry(lean, false, root);
const container = range.startContainer;
const offset = range.startOffset;
if (isCaretContainerBlock$1(container)) {
const block = isText$4(container) ? container.parentNode : container;
const location = block.getAttribute('data-mce-caret');
if (location === 'before') {
node = block.nextSibling;
if (isFakeCaretTarget(node)) {
return before$2(node);
if (location === 'after') {
node = block.previousSibling;
if (isFakeCaretTarget(node)) {
return after$2(node);
if (!range.collapsed) {
return range;
if (isText$a(container)) {
if (isCaretContainer(container)) {
if (direction === 1) {
node = leanRight(container);
if (node) {
return before$2(node);
node = leanLeft(container);
if (node) {
return after$2(node);
if (direction === -1) {
node = leanLeft(container);
if (node) {
return after$2(node);
node = leanRight(container);
if (node) {
return before$2(node);
return range;
if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(container) && offset >= container.data.length - 1) {
if (direction === 1) {
node = leanRight(container);
if (node) {
return before$2(node);
return range;
if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(container) && offset <= 1) {
if (direction === -1) {
node = leanLeft(container);
if (node) {
return after$2(node);
return range;
if (offset === container.data.length) {
node = leanRight(container);
if (node) {
return before$2(node);
return range;
if (offset === 0) {
node = leanLeft(container);
if (node) {
return after$2(node);
return range;
return range;
const getRelativeCefElm = (forward, caretPosition) => getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset(forward ? 0 : -1, caretPosition).filter(isContentEditableFalse$7);
const getNormalizedRangeEndPoint = (direction, root, range) => {
const normalizedRange = normalizeRange(direction, root, range);
return direction === -1 ? CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(normalizedRange) : CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(normalizedRange);
const getElementFromPosition = pos => Optional.from(pos.getNode()).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const getElementFromPrevPosition = pos => Optional.from(pos.getNode(true)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const getVisualCaretPosition = (walkFn, caretPosition) => {
let pos = caretPosition;
while (pos = walkFn(pos)) {
if (pos.isVisible()) {
return pos;
return pos;
const isMoveInsideSameBlock = (from, to) => {
const inSameBlock = isInSameBlock(from, to);
if (!inSameBlock && isBr$6(from.getNode())) {
return true;
return inSameBlock;
var HDirection;
(function (HDirection) {
HDirection[HDirection['Backwards'] = -1] = 'Backwards';
HDirection[HDirection['Forwards'] = 1] = 'Forwards';
}(HDirection || (HDirection = {})));
const isContentEditableFalse$6 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
const isText$3 = isText$a;
const isElement$1 = isElement$6;
const isBr$2 = isBr$6;
const isCaretCandidate = isCaretCandidate$3;
const isAtomic = isAtomic$1;
const isEditableCaretCandidate = isEditableCaretCandidate$1;
const getParents$3 = (node, root) => {
const parents = [];
let tempNode = node;
while (tempNode && tempNode !== root) {
tempNode = tempNode.parentNode;
return parents;
const nodeAtIndex = (container, offset) => {
if (container.hasChildNodes() && offset < container.childNodes.length) {
return container.childNodes[offset];
return null;
const getCaretCandidatePosition = (direction, node) => {
if (isForwards(direction)) {
if (isCaretCandidate(node.previousSibling) && !isText$3(node.previousSibling)) {
return CaretPosition.before(node);
if (isText$3(node)) {
return CaretPosition(node, 0);
if (isBackwards(direction)) {
if (isCaretCandidate(node.nextSibling) && !isText$3(node.nextSibling)) {
return CaretPosition.after(node);
if (isText$3(node)) {
return CaretPosition(node, node.data.length);
if (isBackwards(direction)) {
if (isBr$2(node)) {
return CaretPosition.before(node);
return CaretPosition.after(node);
return CaretPosition.before(node);
const moveForwardFromBr = (root, nextNode) => {
const nextSibling = nextNode.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling && isCaretCandidate(nextSibling)) {
if (isText$3(nextSibling)) {
return CaretPosition(nextSibling, 0);
} else {
return CaretPosition.before(nextSibling);
} else {
return findCaretPosition$1(HDirection.Forwards, CaretPosition.after(nextNode), root);
const findCaretPosition$1 = (direction, startPos, root) => {
let node;
let nextNode;
let innerNode;
let caretPosition;
if (!isElement$1(root) || !startPos) {
return null;
if (startPos.isEqual(CaretPosition.after(root)) && root.lastChild) {
caretPosition = CaretPosition.after(root.lastChild);
if (isBackwards(direction) && isCaretCandidate(root.lastChild) && isElement$1(root.lastChild)) {
return isBr$2(root.lastChild) ? CaretPosition.before(root.lastChild) : caretPosition;
} else {
caretPosition = startPos;
const container = caretPosition.container();
let offset = caretPosition.offset();
if (isText$3(container)) {
if (isBackwards(direction) && offset > 0) {
return CaretPosition(container, --offset);
if (isForwards(direction) && offset < container.length) {
return CaretPosition(container, ++offset);
node = container;
} else {
if (isBackwards(direction) && offset > 0) {
nextNode = nodeAtIndex(container, offset - 1);
if (isCaretCandidate(nextNode)) {
if (!isAtomic(nextNode)) {
innerNode = findNode(nextNode, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate, nextNode);
if (innerNode) {
if (isText$3(innerNode)) {
return CaretPosition(innerNode, innerNode.data.length);
return CaretPosition.after(innerNode);
if (isText$3(nextNode)) {
return CaretPosition(nextNode, nextNode.data.length);
return CaretPosition.before(nextNode);
if (isForwards(direction) && offset < container.childNodes.length) {
nextNode = nodeAtIndex(container, offset);
if (isCaretCandidate(nextNode)) {
if (isBr$2(nextNode)) {
return moveForwardFromBr(root, nextNode);
if (!isAtomic(nextNode)) {
innerNode = findNode(nextNode, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate, nextNode);
if (innerNode) {
if (isText$3(innerNode)) {
return CaretPosition(innerNode, 0);
return CaretPosition.before(innerNode);
if (isText$3(nextNode)) {
return CaretPosition(nextNode, 0);
return CaretPosition.after(nextNode);
node = nextNode ? nextNode : caretPosition.getNode();
if (node && (isForwards(direction) && caretPosition.isAtEnd() || isBackwards(direction) && caretPosition.isAtStart())) {
node = findNode(node, direction, always, root, true);
if (isEditableCaretCandidate(node, root)) {
return getCaretCandidatePosition(direction, node);
nextNode = node ? findNode(node, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate, root) : node;
const rootContentEditableFalseElm = last$2(filter$5(getParents$3(container, root), isContentEditableFalse$6));
if (rootContentEditableFalseElm && (!nextNode || !rootContentEditableFalseElm.contains(nextNode))) {
if (isForwards(direction)) {
caretPosition = CaretPosition.after(rootContentEditableFalseElm);
} else {
caretPosition = CaretPosition.before(rootContentEditableFalseElm);
return caretPosition;
if (nextNode) {
return getCaretCandidatePosition(direction, nextNode);
return null;
const CaretWalker = root => ({
next: caretPosition => {
return findCaretPosition$1(HDirection.Forwards, caretPosition, root);
prev: caretPosition => {
return findCaretPosition$1(HDirection.Backwards, caretPosition, root);
const walkToPositionIn = (forward, root, start) => {
const position = forward ? CaretPosition.before(start) : CaretPosition.after(start);
return fromPosition(forward, root, position);
const afterElement = node => isBr$6(node) ? CaretPosition.before(node) : CaretPosition.after(node);
const isBeforeOrStart = position => {
if (CaretPosition.isTextPosition(position)) {
return position.offset() === 0;
} else {
return isCaretCandidate$3(position.getNode());
const isAfterOrEnd = position => {
if (CaretPosition.isTextPosition(position)) {
const container = position.container();
return position.offset() === container.data.length;
} else {
return isCaretCandidate$3(position.getNode(true));
const isBeforeAfterSameElement = (from, to) => !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(from) && !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(to) && from.getNode() === to.getNode(true);
const isAtBr = position => !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(position) && isBr$6(position.getNode());
const shouldSkipPosition = (forward, from, to) => {
if (forward) {
return !isBeforeAfterSameElement(from, to) && !isAtBr(from) && isAfterOrEnd(from) && isBeforeOrStart(to);
} else {
return !isBeforeAfterSameElement(to, from) && isBeforeOrStart(from) && isAfterOrEnd(to);
const fromPosition = (forward, root, pos) => {
const walker = CaretWalker(root);
return Optional.from(forward ? walker.next(pos) : walker.prev(pos));
const navigate = (forward, root, from) => fromPosition(forward, root, from).bind(to => {
if (isInSameBlock(from, to, root) && shouldSkipPosition(forward, from, to)) {
return fromPosition(forward, root, to);
} else {
return Optional.some(to);
const navigateIgnore = (forward, root, from, ignoreFilter) => navigate(forward, root, from).bind(pos => ignoreFilter(pos) ? navigateIgnore(forward, root, pos, ignoreFilter) : Optional.some(pos));
const positionIn = (forward, element) => {
const startNode = forward ? element.firstChild : element.lastChild;
if (isText$a(startNode)) {
return Optional.some(CaretPosition(startNode, forward ? 0 : startNode.data.length));
} else if (startNode) {
if (isCaretCandidate$3(startNode)) {
return Optional.some(forward ? CaretPosition.before(startNode) : afterElement(startNode));
} else {
return walkToPositionIn(forward, element, startNode);
} else {
return Optional.none();
const nextPosition = curry(fromPosition, true);
const prevPosition = curry(fromPosition, false);
const firstPositionIn = curry(positionIn, true);
const lastPositionIn = curry(positionIn, false);
const CARET_ID = '_mce_caret';
const isCaretNode = node => isElement$6(node) && node.id === CARET_ID;
const getParentCaretContainer = (body, node) => {
let currentNode = node;
while (currentNode && currentNode !== body) {
if (isCaretNode(currentNode)) {
return currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
return null;
const isStringPathBookmark = bookmark => isString(bookmark.start);
const isRangeBookmark = bookmark => has$2(bookmark, 'rng');
const isIdBookmark = bookmark => has$2(bookmark, 'id');
const isIndexBookmark = bookmark => has$2(bookmark, 'name');
const isPathBookmark = bookmark => Tools.isArray(bookmark.start);
const isForwardBookmark = bookmark => !isIndexBookmark(bookmark) && isBoolean(bookmark.forward) ? bookmark.forward : true;
const addBogus = (dom, node) => {
if (isElement$6(node) && dom.isBlock(node) && !node.innerHTML) {
node.innerHTML = '
return node;
const resolveCaretPositionBookmark = (dom, bookmark) => {
const startPos = Optional.from(resolve$1(dom.getRoot(), bookmark.start));
const endPos = Optional.from(resolve$1(dom.getRoot(), bookmark.end));
return lift2(startPos, endPos, (start, end) => {
const range = dom.createRng();
range.setStart(start.container(), start.offset());
range.setEnd(end.container(), end.offset());
return {
forward: isForwardBookmark(bookmark)
const insertZwsp = (node, rng) => {
var _a;
const doc = (_a = node.ownerDocument) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document;
const textNode = doc.createTextNode(ZWSP$1);
rng.setStart(textNode, 0);
rng.setEnd(textNode, 0);
const isEmpty$1 = node => !node.hasChildNodes();
const tryFindRangePosition = (node, rng) => lastPositionIn(node).fold(never, pos => {
rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
return true;
const padEmptyCaretContainer = (root, node, rng) => {
if (isEmpty$1(node) && getParentCaretContainer(root, node)) {
insertZwsp(node, rng);
return true;
} else {
return false;
const setEndPoint = (dom, start, bookmark, rng) => {
const point = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'];
const root = dom.getRoot();
if (point) {
let node = root;
let offset = point[0];
for (let i = point.length - 1; node && i >= 1; i--) {
const children = node.childNodes;
if (padEmptyCaretContainer(root, node, rng)) {
return true;
if (point[i] > children.length - 1) {
if (padEmptyCaretContainer(root, node, rng)) {
return true;
return tryFindRangePosition(node, rng);
node = children[point[i]];
if (isText$a(node)) {
offset = Math.min(point[0], node.data.length);
if (isElement$6(node)) {
offset = Math.min(point[0], node.childNodes.length);
if (start) {
rng.setStart(node, offset);
} else {
rng.setEnd(node, offset);
return true;
const isValidTextNode = node => isText$a(node) && node.data.length > 0;
const restoreEndPoint = (dom, suffix, bookmark) => {
const marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix);
const markerParent = marker === null || marker === void 0 ? void 0 : marker.parentNode;
const keep = bookmark.keep;
if (marker && markerParent) {
let container;
let offset;
if (suffix === 'start') {
if (!keep) {
container = markerParent;
offset = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
} else {
if (marker.hasChildNodes()) {
container = marker.firstChild;
offset = 1;
} else if (isValidTextNode(marker.nextSibling)) {
container = marker.nextSibling;
offset = 0;
} else if (isValidTextNode(marker.previousSibling)) {
container = marker.previousSibling;
offset = marker.previousSibling.data.length;
} else {
container = markerParent;
offset = dom.nodeIndex(marker) + 1;
} else {
if (!keep) {
container = markerParent;
offset = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
} else {
if (marker.hasChildNodes()) {
container = marker.firstChild;
offset = 1;
} else if (isValidTextNode(marker.previousSibling)) {
container = marker.previousSibling;
offset = marker.previousSibling.data.length;
} else {
container = markerParent;
offset = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
if (!keep) {
const prev = marker.previousSibling;
const next = marker.nextSibling;
Tools.each(Tools.grep(marker.childNodes), node => {
if (isText$a(node)) {
node.data = node.data.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
let otherMarker;
while (otherMarker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix)) {
dom.remove(otherMarker, true);
if (isText$a(next) && isText$a(prev) && !Env.browser.isOpera()) {
const idx = prev.data.length;
container = prev;
offset = idx;
return Optional.some(CaretPosition(container, offset));
} else {
return Optional.none();
const resolvePaths = (dom, bookmark) => {
const range = dom.createRng();
if (setEndPoint(dom, true, bookmark, range) && setEndPoint(dom, false, bookmark, range)) {
return Optional.some({
forward: isForwardBookmark(bookmark)
} else {
return Optional.none();
const resolveId = (dom, bookmark) => {
const startPos = restoreEndPoint(dom, 'start', bookmark);
const endPos = restoreEndPoint(dom, 'end', bookmark);
return lift2(startPos, endPos.or(startPos), (spos, epos) => {
const range = dom.createRng();
range.setStart(addBogus(dom, spos.container()), spos.offset());
range.setEnd(addBogus(dom, epos.container()), epos.offset());
return {
forward: isForwardBookmark(bookmark)
const resolveIndex = (dom, bookmark) => Optional.from(dom.select(bookmark.name)[bookmark.index]).map(elm => {
const range = dom.createRng();
return {
forward: true
const resolve = (selection, bookmark) => {
const dom = selection.dom;
if (bookmark) {
if (isPathBookmark(bookmark)) {
return resolvePaths(dom, bookmark);
} else if (isStringPathBookmark(bookmark)) {
return resolveCaretPositionBookmark(dom, bookmark);
} else if (isIdBookmark(bookmark)) {
return resolveId(dom, bookmark);
} else if (isIndexBookmark(bookmark)) {
return resolveIndex(dom, bookmark);
} else if (isRangeBookmark(bookmark)) {
return Optional.some({
range: bookmark.rng,
forward: isForwardBookmark(bookmark)
return Optional.none();
const getBookmark$1 = (selection, type, normalized) => {
return getBookmark$2(selection, type, normalized);
const moveToBookmark = (selection, bookmark) => {
resolve(selection, bookmark).each(({range, forward}) => {
selection.setRng(range, forward);
const isBookmarkNode$1 = node => {
return isElement$6(node) && node.tagName === 'SPAN' && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark';
const is = expected => actual => expected === actual;
const isNbsp = is(nbsp);
const isWhiteSpace = chr => chr !== '' && ' \f\n\r\t\x0B'.indexOf(chr) !== -1;
const isContent = chr => !isWhiteSpace(chr) && !isNbsp(chr) && !isZwsp$2(chr);
const getRanges$1 = selection => {
const ranges = [];
if (selection) {
for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
return ranges;
const getSelectedNodes = ranges => {
return bind$3(ranges, range => {
const node = getSelectedNode(range);
return node ? [SugarElement.fromDom(node)] : [];
const hasMultipleRanges = selection => {
return getRanges$1(selection).length > 1;
const getCellsFromRanges = ranges => filter$5(getSelectedNodes(ranges), isTableCell$2);
const getCellsFromElement = elm => descendants(elm, 'td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]');
const getCellsFromElementOrRanges = (ranges, element) => {
const selectedCells = getCellsFromElement(element);
return selectedCells.length > 0 ? selectedCells : getCellsFromRanges(ranges);
const getCellsFromEditor = editor => getCellsFromElementOrRanges(getRanges$1(editor.selection.getSel()), SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
const getClosestTable = (cell, isRoot) => ancestor$3(cell, 'table', isRoot);
const getStartNode = rng => {
const sc = rng.startContainer, so = rng.startOffset;
if (isText$a(sc)) {
return so === 0 ? Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(sc)) : Optional.none();
} else {
return Optional.from(sc.childNodes[so]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const getEndNode = rng => {
const ec = rng.endContainer, eo = rng.endOffset;
if (isText$a(ec)) {
return eo === ec.data.length ? Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(ec)) : Optional.none();
} else {
return Optional.from(ec.childNodes[eo - 1]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const getFirstChildren = node => {
return firstChild(node).fold(constant([node]), child => {
return [node].concat(getFirstChildren(child));
const getLastChildren = node => {
return lastChild(node).fold(constant([node]), child => {
if (name(child) === 'br') {
return prevSibling(child).map(sibling => {
return [node].concat(getLastChildren(sibling));
} else {
return [node].concat(getLastChildren(child));
const hasAllContentsSelected = (elm, rng) => {
return lift2(getStartNode(rng), getEndNode(rng), (startNode, endNode) => {
const start = find$2(getFirstChildren(elm), curry(eq, startNode));
const end = find$2(getLastChildren(elm), curry(eq, endNode));
return start.isSome() && end.isSome();
const moveEndPoint = (dom, rng, node, start) => {
const root = node;
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, root);
const moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap = filter$4(dom.schema.getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements(), (_, name) => !contains$2([
], name.toLowerCase()));
let currentNode = node;
do {
if (isText$a(currentNode) && Tools.trim(currentNode.data).length !== 0) {
if (start) {
rng.setStart(currentNode, 0);
} else {
rng.setEnd(currentNode, currentNode.data.length);
if (moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap[currentNode.nodeName]) {
if (start) {
} else {
if (currentNode.nodeName === 'BR') {
} else {
} while (currentNode = start ? walker.next() : walker.prev());
if (root.nodeName === 'BODY') {
if (start) {
rng.setStart(root, 0);
} else {
rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
const hasAnyRanges = editor => {
const sel = editor.selection.getSel();
return isNonNullable(sel) && sel.rangeCount > 0;
const runOnRanges = (editor, executor) => {
const fakeSelectionNodes = getCellsFromEditor(editor);
if (fakeSelectionNodes.length > 0) {
each$e(fakeSelectionNodes, elem => {
const node = elem.dom;
const fakeNodeRng = editor.dom.createRng();
executor(fakeNodeRng, true);
} else {
executor(editor.selection.getRng(), false);
const preserve = (selection, fillBookmark, executor) => {
const bookmark = getPersistentBookmark(selection, fillBookmark);
const isNode = node => isNumber(node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.nodeType);
const isElementNode$1 = node => isElement$6(node) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node) && !isCaretNode(node) && !isBogus$2(node);
const isElementDirectlySelected = (dom, node) => {
if (isElementNode$1(node) && !/^(TD|TH)$/.test(node.nodeName)) {
const selectedAttr = dom.getAttrib(node, 'data-mce-selected');
const value = parseInt(selectedAttr, 10);
return !isNaN(value) && value > 0;
} else {
return false;
const preserveSelection = (editor, action, shouldMoveStart) => {
const {selection, dom} = editor;
const selectedNodeBeforeAction = selection.getNode();
const isSelectedBeforeNodeNoneditable = isContentEditableFalse$b(selectedNodeBeforeAction);
preserve(selection, true, () => {
const isBeforeNodeStillNoneditable = isSelectedBeforeNodeNoneditable && isContentEditableFalse$b(selectedNodeBeforeAction);
if (isBeforeNodeStillNoneditable && dom.isChildOf(selectedNodeBeforeAction, editor.getBody())) {
} else if (shouldMoveStart(selection.getStart())) {
moveStartToNearestText(dom, selection);
const moveStartToNearestText = (dom, selection) => {
var _a, _b;
const rng = selection.getRng();
const {startContainer, startOffset} = rng;
const selectedNode = selection.getNode();
if (isElementDirectlySelected(dom, selectedNode)) {
if (isElement$6(startContainer)) {
const nodes = startContainer.childNodes;
const root = dom.getRoot();
let walker;
if (startOffset < nodes.length) {
const startNode = nodes[startOffset];
walker = new DomTreeWalker(startNode, (_a = dom.getParent(startNode, dom.isBlock)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : root);
} else {
const startNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
walker = new DomTreeWalker(startNode, (_b = dom.getParent(startNode, dom.isBlock)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : root);
for (let node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
if (dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'false') {
} else if (isText$a(node) && !isWhiteSpaceNode$1(node)) {
rng.setStart(node, 0);
const getNonWhiteSpaceSibling = (node, next, inc) => {
if (node) {
const nextName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
for (node = inc ? node : node[nextName]; node; node = node[nextName]) {
if (isElement$6(node) || !isWhiteSpaceNode$1(node)) {
return node;
return undefined;
const isTextBlock$1 = (schema, node) => !!schema.getTextBlockElements()[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || isTransparentBlock(schema, node);
const isValid = (ed, parent, child) => {
return ed.schema.isValidChild(parent, child);
const isWhiteSpaceNode$1 = (node, allowSpaces = false) => {
if (isNonNullable(node) && isText$a(node)) {
const data = allowSpaces ? node.data.replace(/ /g, '\xA0') : node.data;
return isWhitespaceText(data);
} else {
return false;
const isEmptyTextNode$1 = node => {
return isNonNullable(node) && isText$a(node) && node.length === 0;
const isWrapNoneditableTarget = (editor, node) => {
const baseDataSelector = '[data-mce-cef-wrappable]';
const formatNoneditableSelector = getFormatNoneditableSelector(editor);
const selector = isEmpty$3(formatNoneditableSelector) ? baseDataSelector : `${ baseDataSelector },${ formatNoneditableSelector }`;
return is$1(SugarElement.fromDom(node), selector);
const isWrappableNoneditable = (editor, node) => {
const dom = editor.dom;
return isElementNode$1(node) && dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'false' && isWrapNoneditableTarget(editor, node) && dom.select('[contenteditable="true"]', node).length === 0;
const replaceVars = (value, vars) => {
if (isFunction(value)) {
return value(vars);
} else if (isNonNullable(vars)) {
value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, (str, name) => {
return vars[name] || str;
return value;
const isEq$5 = (str1, str2) => {
str1 = str1 || '';
str2 = str2 || '';
str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);
return str1.toLowerCase() === str2.toLowerCase();
const normalizeStyleValue = (value, name) => {
if (isNullable(value)) {
return null;
} else {
let strValue = String(value);
if (name === 'color' || name === 'backgroundColor') {
strValue = rgbaToHexString(strValue);
if (name === 'fontWeight' && value === 700) {
strValue = 'bold';
if (name === 'fontFamily') {
strValue = strValue.replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ',');
return strValue;
const getStyle = (dom, node, name) => {
const style = dom.getStyle(node, name);
return normalizeStyleValue(style, name);
const getTextDecoration = (dom, node) => {
let decoration;
dom.getParent(node, n => {
if (isElement$6(n)) {
decoration = dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration');
return !!decoration && decoration !== 'none';
} else {
return false;
return decoration;
const getParents$2 = (dom, node, selector) => {
return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());
const isFormatPredicate = (editor, formatName, predicate) => {
const formats = editor.formatter.get(formatName);
return isNonNullable(formats) && exists(formats, predicate);
const isVariableFormatName = (editor, formatName) => {
const hasVariableValues = format => {
const isVariableValue = val => isFunction(val) || val.length > 1 && val.charAt(0) === '%';
return exists([
], key => get$a(format, key).exists(field => {
const fieldValues = isArray$1(field) ? field : values(field);
return exists(fieldValues, isVariableValue);
return isFormatPredicate(editor, formatName, hasVariableValues);
const areSimilarFormats = (editor, formatName, otherFormatName) => {
const validKeys = [
const filterObj = format => filter$4(format, (_, key) => exists(validKeys, validKey => validKey === key));
return isFormatPredicate(editor, formatName, fmt1 => {
const filteredFmt1 = filterObj(fmt1);
return isFormatPredicate(editor, otherFormatName, fmt2 => {
const filteredFmt2 = filterObj(fmt2);
return equal$1(filteredFmt1, filteredFmt2);
const isBlockFormat = format => hasNonNullableKey(format, 'block');
const isWrappingBlockFormat = format => isBlockFormat(format) && format.wrapper === true;
const isNonWrappingBlockFormat = format => isBlockFormat(format) && format.wrapper !== true;
const isSelectorFormat = format => hasNonNullableKey(format, 'selector');
const isInlineFormat = format => hasNonNullableKey(format, 'inline');
const isMixedFormat = format => isSelectorFormat(format) && isInlineFormat(format) && is$2(get$a(format, 'mixed'), true);
const shouldExpandToSelector = format => isSelectorFormat(format) && format.expand !== false && !isInlineFormat(format);
const getEmptyCaretContainers = node => {
const nodes = [];
let tempNode = node;
while (tempNode) {
if (isText$a(tempNode) && tempNode.data !== ZWSP$1 || tempNode.childNodes.length > 1) {
return [];
if (isElement$6(tempNode)) {
tempNode = tempNode.firstChild;
return nodes;
const isCaretContainerEmpty = node => {
return getEmptyCaretContainers(node).length > 0;
const isEmptyCaretFormatElement = element => {
return isCaretNode(element.dom) && isCaretContainerEmpty(element.dom);
const isBookmarkNode = isBookmarkNode$1;
const getParents$1 = getParents$2;
const isWhiteSpaceNode = isWhiteSpaceNode$1;
const isTextBlock = isTextBlock$1;
const isBogusBr = node => {
return isBr$6(node) && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') && !node.nextSibling;
const findParentContentEditable = (dom, node) => {
let parent = node;
while (parent) {
if (isElement$6(parent) && dom.getContentEditable(parent)) {
return dom.getContentEditable(parent) === 'false' ? parent : node;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return node;
const walkText = (start, node, offset, predicate) => {
const str = node.data;
if (start) {
for (let i = offset; i > 0; i--) {
if (predicate(str.charAt(i - 1))) {
return i;
} else {
for (let i = offset; i < str.length; i++) {
if (predicate(str.charAt(i))) {
return i;
return -1;
const findSpace = (start, node, offset) => walkText(start, node, offset, c => isNbsp(c) || isWhiteSpace(c));
const findContent = (start, node, offset) => walkText(start, node, offset, isContent);
const findWordEndPoint = (dom, body, container, offset, start, includeTrailingSpaces) => {
let lastTextNode;
const rootNode = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock) || body;
const walk = (container, offset, pred) => {
const textSeeker = TextSeeker(dom);
const walker = start ? textSeeker.backwards : textSeeker.forwards;
return Optional.from(walker(container, offset, (text, textOffset) => {
if (isBookmarkNode(text.parentNode)) {
return -1;
} else {
lastTextNode = text;
return pred(start, text, textOffset);
}, rootNode));
const spaceResult = walk(container, offset, findSpace);
return spaceResult.bind(result => includeTrailingSpaces ? walk(result.container, result.offset + (start ? -1 : 0), findContent) : Optional.some(result)).orThunk(() => lastTextNode ? Optional.some({
container: lastTextNode,
offset: start ? 0 : lastTextNode.length
}) : Optional.none());
const findSelectorEndPoint = (dom, formatList, rng, container, siblingName) => {
const sibling = container[siblingName];
if (isText$a(container) && isEmpty$3(container.data) && sibling) {
container = sibling;
const parents = getParents$1(dom, container);
for (let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
for (let y = 0; y < formatList.length; y++) {
const curFormat = formatList[y];
if (isNonNullable(curFormat.collapsed) && curFormat.collapsed !== rng.collapsed) {
if (isSelectorFormat(curFormat) && dom.is(parents[i], curFormat.selector)) {
return parents[i];
return container;
const findBlockEndPoint = (dom, formatList, container, siblingName) => {
var _a;
let node = container;
const root = dom.getRoot();
const format = formatList[0];
if (isBlockFormat(format)) {
node = format.wrapper ? null : dom.getParent(container, format.block, root);
if (!node) {
const scopeRoot = (_a = dom.getParent(container, 'LI,TD,TH,SUMMARY')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : root;
node = dom.getParent(isText$a(container) ? container.parentNode : container, node => node !== root && isTextBlock(dom.schema, node), scopeRoot);
if (node && isBlockFormat(format) && format.wrapper) {
node = getParents$1(dom, node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;
if (!node) {
node = container;
while (node && node[siblingName] && !dom.isBlock(node[siblingName])) {
node = node[siblingName];
if (isEq$5(node, 'br')) {
return node || container;
const isAtBlockBoundary$1 = (dom, root, container, siblingName) => {
const parent = container.parentNode;
if (isNonNullable(container[siblingName])) {
return false;
} else if (parent === root || isNullable(parent) || dom.isBlock(parent)) {
return true;
} else {
return isAtBlockBoundary$1(dom, root, parent, siblingName);
const findParentContainer = (dom, formatList, container, offset, start) => {
let parent = container;
const siblingName = start ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
const root = dom.getRoot();
if (isText$a(container) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(container)) {
if (start ? offset > 0 : offset < container.data.length) {
return container;
while (parent) {
if (!formatList[0].block_expand && dom.isBlock(parent)) {
return parent;
for (let sibling = parent[siblingName]; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
const allowSpaces = isText$a(sibling) && !isAtBlockBoundary$1(dom, root, sibling, siblingName);
if (!isBookmarkNode(sibling) && !isBogusBr(sibling) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling, allowSpaces)) {
return parent;
if (parent === root || parent.parentNode === root) {
container = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return container;
const isSelfOrParentBookmark = container => isBookmarkNode(container.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(container);
const expandRng = (dom, rng, formatList, includeTrailingSpace = false) => {
let {startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset} = rng;
const format = formatList[0];
if (isElement$6(startContainer) && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
startContainer = getNode$1(startContainer, startOffset);
if (isText$a(startContainer)) {
startOffset = 0;
if (isElement$6(endContainer) && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
endContainer = getNode$1(endContainer, rng.collapsed ? endOffset : endOffset - 1);
if (isText$a(endContainer)) {
endOffset = endContainer.data.length;
startContainer = findParentContentEditable(dom, startContainer);
endContainer = findParentContentEditable(dom, endContainer);
if (isSelfOrParentBookmark(startContainer)) {
startContainer = isBookmarkNode(startContainer) ? startContainer : startContainer.parentNode;
if (rng.collapsed) {
startContainer = startContainer.previousSibling || startContainer;
} else {
startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;
if (isText$a(startContainer)) {
startOffset = rng.collapsed ? startContainer.length : 0;
if (isSelfOrParentBookmark(endContainer)) {
endContainer = isBookmarkNode(endContainer) ? endContainer : endContainer.parentNode;
if (rng.collapsed) {
endContainer = endContainer.nextSibling || endContainer;
} else {
endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;
if (isText$a(endContainer)) {
endOffset = rng.collapsed ? 0 : endContainer.length;
if (rng.collapsed) {
const startPoint = findWordEndPoint(dom, dom.getRoot(), startContainer, startOffset, true, includeTrailingSpace);
startPoint.each(({container, offset}) => {
startContainer = container;
startOffset = offset;
const endPoint = findWordEndPoint(dom, dom.getRoot(), endContainer, endOffset, false, includeTrailingSpace);
endPoint.each(({container, offset}) => {
endContainer = container;
endOffset = offset;
if (isInlineFormat(format) || format.block_expand) {
if (!isInlineFormat(format) || (!isText$a(startContainer) || startOffset === 0)) {
startContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, startContainer, startOffset, true);
if (!isInlineFormat(format) || (!isText$a(endContainer) || endOffset === endContainer.data.length)) {
endContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, endContainer, endOffset, false);
if (shouldExpandToSelector(format)) {
startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(dom, formatList, rng, startContainer, 'previousSibling');
endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(dom, formatList, rng, endContainer, 'nextSibling');
if (isBlockFormat(format) || isSelectorFormat(format)) {
startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(dom, formatList, startContainer, 'previousSibling');
endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(dom, formatList, endContainer, 'nextSibling');
if (isBlockFormat(format)) {
if (!dom.isBlock(startContainer)) {
startContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, startContainer, startOffset, true);
if (!dom.isBlock(endContainer)) {
endContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, endContainer, endOffset, false);
if (isElement$6(startContainer) && startContainer.parentNode) {
startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
if (isElement$6(endContainer) && endContainer.parentNode) {
endOffset = dom.nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
return {
const walk$3 = (dom, rng, callback) => {
var _a;
const startOffset = rng.startOffset;
const startContainer = getNode$1(rng.startContainer, startOffset);
const endOffset = rng.endOffset;
const endContainer = getNode$1(rng.endContainer, endOffset - 1);
const exclude = nodes => {
const firstNode = nodes[0];
if (isText$a(firstNode) && firstNode === startContainer && startOffset >= firstNode.data.length) {
nodes.splice(0, 1);
const lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
if (endOffset === 0 && nodes.length > 0 && lastNode === endContainer && isText$a(lastNode)) {
nodes.splice(nodes.length - 1, 1);
return nodes;
const collectSiblings = (node, name, endNode) => {
const siblings = [];
for (; node && node !== endNode; node = node[name]) {
return siblings;
const findEndPoint = (node, root) => dom.getParent(node, node => node.parentNode === root, root);
const walkBoundary = (startNode, endNode, next) => {
const siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
for (let node = startNode, parent = node.parentNode; node && node !== endNode; node = parent) {
parent = node.parentNode;
const siblings = collectSiblings(node === startNode ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);
if (siblings.length) {
if (!next) {
if (startContainer === endContainer) {
return callback(exclude([startContainer]));
const ancestor = (_a = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : dom.getRoot();
if (dom.isChildOf(startContainer, endContainer)) {
return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);
if (dom.isChildOf(endContainer, startContainer)) {
return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);
const startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
const endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;
walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);
const siblings = collectSiblings(startPoint === startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling, 'nextSibling', endPoint === endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint);
if (siblings.length) {
walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);
const validBlocks = [
const isZeroWidth = elem => isText$b(elem) && get$3(elem) === ZWSP$1;
const context = (editor, elem, wrapName, nodeName) => parent(elem).fold(() => 'skipping', parent => {
if (nodeName === 'br' || isZeroWidth(elem)) {
return 'valid';
} else if (isAnnotation(elem)) {
return 'existing';
} else if (isCaretNode(elem.dom)) {
return 'caret';
} else if (exists(validBlocks, selector => is$1(elem, selector))) {
return 'valid-block';
} else if (!isValid(editor, wrapName, nodeName) || !isValid(editor, name(parent), wrapName)) {
return 'invalid-child';
} else {
return 'valid';
const applyWordGrab = (editor, rng) => {
const r = expandRng(editor.dom, rng, [{ inline: 'span' }]);
rng.setStart(r.startContainer, r.startOffset);
rng.setEnd(r.endContainer, r.endOffset);
const applyAnnotation = (elem, masterUId, data, annotationName, decorate, directAnnotation) => {
const {uid = masterUId, ...otherData} = data;
add$2(elem, annotation());
set$3(elem, `${ dataAnnotationId() }`, uid);
set$3(elem, `${ dataAnnotation() }`, annotationName);
const {attributes = {}, classes = []} = decorate(uid, otherData);
setAll$1(elem, attributes);
add(elem, classes);
if (directAnnotation) {
if (classes.length > 0) {
set$3(elem, `${ dataAnnotationClasses() }`, classes.join(','));
const attributeNames = keys(attributes);
if (attributeNames.length > 0) {
set$3(elem, `${ dataAnnotationAttributes() }`, attributeNames.join(','));
const removeDirectAnnotation = elem => {
remove$7(elem, annotation());
remove$a(elem, `${ dataAnnotationId() }`);
remove$a(elem, `${ dataAnnotation() }`);
remove$a(elem, `${ dataAnnotationActive() }`);
const customAttrNames = getOpt(elem, `${ dataAnnotationAttributes() }`).map(names => names.split(',')).getOr([]);
const customClasses = getOpt(elem, `${ dataAnnotationClasses() }`).map(names => names.split(',')).getOr([]);
each$e(customAttrNames, name => remove$a(elem, name));
remove$4(elem, customClasses);
remove$a(elem, `${ dataAnnotationClasses() }`);
remove$a(elem, `${ dataAnnotationAttributes() }`);
const makeAnnotation = (eDoc, uid, data, annotationName, decorate) => {
const master = SugarElement.fromTag('span', eDoc);
applyAnnotation(master, uid, data, annotationName, decorate, false);
return master;
const annotate = (editor, rng, uid, annotationName, decorate, data) => {
const newWrappers = [];
const master = makeAnnotation(editor.getDoc(), uid, data, annotationName, decorate);
const wrapper = value$2();
const finishWrapper = () => {
const getOrOpenWrapper = () => wrapper.get().getOrThunk(() => {
const nu = shallow$1(master);
return nu;
const processElements = elems => {
each$e(elems, processElement);
const processElement = elem => {
const ctx = context(editor, elem, 'span', name(elem));
switch (ctx) {
case 'invalid-child': {
const children = children$1(elem);
case 'valid-block': {
applyAnnotation(elem, uid, data, annotationName, decorate, true);
case 'valid': {
const w = getOrOpenWrapper();
wrap$2(elem, w);
const processNodes = nodes => {
const elems = map$3(nodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
walk$3(editor.dom, rng, nodes => {
return newWrappers;
const annotateWithBookmark = (editor, name, settings, data) => {
editor.undoManager.transact(() => {
const selection = editor.selection;
const initialRng = selection.getRng();
const hasFakeSelection = getCellsFromEditor(editor).length > 0;
const masterUid = generate$1('mce-annotation');
if (initialRng.collapsed && !hasFakeSelection) {
applyWordGrab(editor, initialRng);
if (selection.getRng().collapsed && !hasFakeSelection) {
const wrapper = makeAnnotation(editor.getDoc(), masterUid, data, name, settings.decorate);
set$1(wrapper, nbsp);
} else {
preserve(selection, false, () => {
runOnRanges(editor, selectionRng => {
annotate(editor, selectionRng, masterUid, name, settings.decorate, data);
const Annotator = editor => {
const registry = create$c();
setup$x(editor, registry);
const changes = setup$y(editor, registry);
const isSpan = isTag('span');
const removeAnnotations = elements => {
each$e(elements, element => {
if (isSpan(element)) {
} else {
return {
register: (name, settings) => {
registry.register(name, settings);
annotate: (name, data) => {
registry.lookup(name).each(settings => {
annotateWithBookmark(editor, name, settings, data);
annotationChanged: (name, callback) => {
changes.addListener(name, callback);
remove: name => {
identify(editor, Optional.some(name)).each(({elements}) => {
const bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark();
removeAll: name => {
const bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark();
each$d(findAll(editor, name), (elements, _) => {
getAll: name => {
const directory = findAll(editor, name);
return map$2(directory, elems => map$3(elems, elem => elem.dom));
const BookmarkManager = selection => {
return {
getBookmark: curry(getBookmark$1, selection),
moveToBookmark: curry(moveToBookmark, selection)
BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode = isBookmarkNode$1;
const isXYWithinRange = (clientX, clientY, range) => {
if (range.collapsed) {
return false;
} else {
return exists(range.getClientRects(), rect => containsXY(rect, clientX, clientY));
const firePreProcess = (editor, args) => editor.dispatch('PreProcess', args);
const firePostProcess = (editor, args) => editor.dispatch('PostProcess', args);
const fireRemove = editor => {
const fireDetach = editor => {
const fireSwitchMode = (editor, mode) => {
editor.dispatch('SwitchMode', { mode });
const fireObjectResizeStart = (editor, target, width, height, origin) => {
editor.dispatch('ObjectResizeStart', {
const fireObjectResized = (editor, target, width, height, origin) => {
editor.dispatch('ObjectResized', {
const firePreInit = editor => {
const firePostRender = editor => {
const fireInit = editor => {
const firePlaceholderToggle = (editor, state) => {
editor.dispatch('PlaceholderToggle', { state });
const fireError = (editor, errorType, error) => {
editor.dispatch(errorType, error);
const fireFormatApply = (editor, format, node, vars) => {
editor.dispatch('FormatApply', {
const fireFormatRemove = (editor, format, node, vars) => {
editor.dispatch('FormatRemove', {
const fireBeforeSetContent = (editor, args) => editor.dispatch('BeforeSetContent', args);
const fireSetContent = (editor, args) => editor.dispatch('SetContent', args);
const fireBeforeGetContent = (editor, args) => editor.dispatch('BeforeGetContent', args);
const fireGetContent = (editor, args) => editor.dispatch('GetContent', args);
const fireAutocompleterStart = (editor, args) => {
editor.dispatch('AutocompleterStart', args);
const fireAutocompleterUpdate = (editor, args) => {
editor.dispatch('AutocompleterUpdate', args);
const fireAutocompleterEnd = editor => {
const firePastePreProcess = (editor, html, internal) => editor.dispatch('PastePreProcess', {
content: html,
const firePastePostProcess = (editor, node, internal) => editor.dispatch('PastePostProcess', {
const firePastePlainTextToggle = (editor, state) => editor.dispatch('PastePlainTextToggle', { state });
const fireEditableRootStateChange = (editor, state) => editor.dispatch('EditableRootStateChange', { state });
const VK = {
DOWN: 40,
ENTER: 13,
ESC: 27,
LEFT: 37,
RIGHT: 39,
TAB: 9,
UP: 38,
PAGE_UP: 33,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
modifierPressed: e => {
return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || VK.metaKeyPressed(e);
metaKeyPressed: e => {
return Env.os.isMacOS() || Env.os.isiOS() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey;
const elementSelectionAttr = 'data-mce-selected';
const controlElmSelector = 'table,img,figure.image,hr,video,span.mce-preview-object,details';
const abs = Math.abs;
const round$1 = Math.round;
const resizeHandles = {
nw: [
ne: [
se: [
sw: [
const isTouchEvent = evt => evt.type === 'longpress' || evt.type.indexOf('touch') === 0;
const ControlSelection = (selection, editor) => {
const dom = editor.dom;
const editableDoc = editor.getDoc();
const rootDocument = document;
const rootElement = editor.getBody();
let selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, resizeHelper, selectedHandle, resizeBackdrop;
let startX, startY, selectedElmX, selectedElmY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeStarted;
let width;
let height;
let startScrollWidth;
let startScrollHeight;
const isImage = elm => isNonNullable(elm) && (isImg(elm) || dom.is(elm, 'figure.image'));
const isMedia = elm => isMedia$2(elm) || dom.hasClass(elm, 'mce-preview-object');
const isEventOnImageOutsideRange = (evt, range) => {
if (isTouchEvent(evt)) {
const touch = evt.touches[0];
return isImage(evt.target) && !isXYWithinRange(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, range);
} else {
return isImage(evt.target) && !isXYWithinRange(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, range);
const contextMenuSelectImage = evt => {
const target = evt.target;
if (isEventOnImageOutsideRange(evt, editor.selection.getRng()) && !evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
const getResizeTargets = elm => {
if (dom.hasClass(elm, 'mce-preview-object') && isNonNullable(elm.firstElementChild)) {
return [
} else if (dom.is(elm, 'figure.image')) {
return [elm.querySelector('img')];
} else {
return [elm];
const isResizable = elm => {
const selector = getObjectResizing(editor);
if (!selector) {
return false;
if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-resize') === 'false') {
return false;
if (elm === editor.getBody()) {
return false;
if (dom.hasClass(elm, 'mce-preview-object') && isNonNullable(elm.firstElementChild)) {
return is$1(SugarElement.fromDom(elm.firstElementChild), selector);
} else {
return is$1(SugarElement.fromDom(elm), selector);
const createGhostElement = elm => {
if (isMedia(elm)) {
return dom.create('img', { src: Env.transparentSrc });
} else {
return elm.cloneNode(true);
const setSizeProp = (element, name, value) => {
if (isNonNullable(value)) {
const targets = getResizeTargets(element);
each$e(targets, target => {
if (target.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(target.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) {
dom.setStyle(target, name, value);
} else {
dom.setAttrib(target, name, '' + value);
const setGhostElmSize = (ghostElm, width, height) => {
setSizeProp(ghostElm, 'width', width);
setSizeProp(ghostElm, 'height', height);
const resizeGhostElement = e => {
let deltaX, deltaY, proportional;
let resizeHelperX, resizeHelperY;
deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW;
height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH;
width = width < 5 ? 5 : width;
height = height < 5 ? 5 : height;
if ((isImage(selectedElm) || isMedia(selectedElm)) && getResizeImgProportional(editor) !== false) {
proportional = !VK.modifierPressed(e);
} else {
proportional = VK.modifierPressed(e);
if (proportional) {
if (abs(deltaX) > abs(deltaY)) {
height = round$1(width * ratio);
width = round$1(height / ratio);
} else {
width = round$1(height / ratio);
height = round$1(width * ratio);
setGhostElmSize(selectedElmGhost, width, height);
resizeHelperX = selectedHandle.startPos.x + deltaX;
resizeHelperY = selectedHandle.startPos.y + deltaY;
resizeHelperX = resizeHelperX > 0 ? resizeHelperX : 0;
resizeHelperY = resizeHelperY > 0 ? resizeHelperY : 0;
dom.setStyles(resizeHelper, {
left: resizeHelperX,
top: resizeHelperY,
display: 'block'
resizeHelper.innerHTML = width + ' × ' + height;
if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) {
dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width));
if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) {
dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height));
deltaX = rootElement.scrollWidth - startScrollWidth;
deltaY = rootElement.scrollHeight - startScrollHeight;
if (deltaX + deltaY !== 0) {
dom.setStyles(resizeHelper, {
left: resizeHelperX - deltaX,
top: resizeHelperY - deltaY
if (!resizeStarted) {
fireObjectResizeStart(editor, selectedElm, startW, startH, 'corner-' + selectedHandle.name);
resizeStarted = true;
const endGhostResize = () => {
const wasResizeStarted = resizeStarted;
resizeStarted = false;
if (wasResizeStarted) {
setSizeProp(selectedElm, 'width', width);
setSizeProp(selectedElm, 'height', height);
dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
if (rootDocument !== editableDoc) {
dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
if (wasResizeStarted) {
fireObjectResized(editor, selectedElm, width, height, 'corner-' + selectedHandle.name);
dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, 'style', dom.getAttrib(selectedElm, 'style'));
const showResizeRect = targetElm => {
const position = dom.getPos(targetElm, rootElement);
const selectedElmX = position.x;
const selectedElmY = position.y;
const rect = targetElm.getBoundingClientRect();
const targetWidth = rect.width || rect.right - rect.left;
const targetHeight = rect.height || rect.bottom - rect.top;
if (selectedElm !== targetElm) {
selectedElm = targetElm;
width = height = 0;
const e = editor.dispatch('ObjectSelected', { target: targetElm });
if (isResizable(targetElm) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
each$d(resizeHandles, (handle, name) => {
const startDrag = e => {
const target = getResizeTargets(selectedElm)[0];
startX = e.screenX;
startY = e.screenY;
startW = target.clientWidth;
startH = target.clientHeight;
ratio = startH / startW;
selectedHandle = handle;
selectedHandle.name = name;
selectedHandle.startPos = {
x: targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX,
y: targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY
startScrollWidth = rootElement.scrollWidth;
startScrollHeight = rootElement.scrollHeight;
resizeBackdrop = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', {
'class': 'mce-resize-backdrop',
'data-mce-bogus': 'all'
dom.setStyles(resizeBackdrop, {
position: 'fixed',
left: '0',
top: '0',
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
selectedElmGhost = createGhostElement(selectedElm);
dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mce-clonedresizable');
dom.setAttrib(selectedElmGhost, 'data-mce-bogus', 'all');
selectedElmGhost.contentEditable = 'false';
dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
left: selectedElmX,
top: selectedElmY,
margin: 0
setGhostElmSize(selectedElmGhost, targetWidth, targetHeight);
dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
if (rootDocument !== editableDoc) {
dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
resizeHelper = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', {
'class': 'mce-resize-helper',
'data-mce-bogus': 'all'
}, startW + ' × ' + startH);
let handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
if (handleElm) {
handleElm = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', {
'id': 'mceResizeHandle' + name,
'data-mce-bogus': 'all',
'class': 'mce-resizehandle',
'unselectable': true,
'style': 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0'
dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', e => {
handle.elm = handleElm;
dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
left: targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX - handleElm.offsetWidth / 2,
top: targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY - handleElm.offsetHeight / 2
} else {
const throttledShowResizeRect = first$1(showResizeRect, 0);
const hideResizeRect = (removeSelected = true) => {
if (selectedElm && removeSelected) {
each$d(resizeHandles, (value, name) => {
const handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
if (handleElm) {
const isChildOrEqual = (node, parent) => dom.isChildOf(node, parent);
const updateResizeRect = e => {
if (resizeStarted || editor.removed || editor.composing) {
const targetElm = e.type === 'mousedown' ? e.target : selection.getNode();
const controlElm = closest$3(SugarElement.fromDom(targetElm), controlElmSelector).map(e => e.dom).filter(e => dom.isEditable(e.parentElement) || e.nodeName === 'IMG' && dom.isEditable(e)).getOrUndefined();
const selectedValue = isNonNullable(controlElm) ? dom.getAttrib(controlElm, elementSelectionAttr, '1') : '1';
each$e(dom.select(`img[${ elementSelectionAttr }],hr[${ elementSelectionAttr }]`), img => {
if (isNonNullable(controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(controlElm, rootElement) && editor.hasFocus()) {
const startElm = selection.getStart(true);
if (isChildOrEqual(startElm, controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(selection.getEnd(true), controlElm)) {
dom.setAttrib(controlElm, elementSelectionAttr, selectedValue);
const unbindResizeHandleEvents = () => {
each$d(resizeHandles, handle => {
if (handle.elm) {
delete handle.elm;
const disableGeckoResize = () => {
try {
editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, 'false');
} catch (ex) {
editor.on('init', () => {
editor.on('NodeChange ResizeEditor ResizeWindow ResizeContent drop', updateResizeRect);
editor.on('keyup compositionend', e => {
if (selectedElm && selectedElm.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
editor.on('hide blur', hideResizeRect);
editor.on('contextmenu longpress', contextMenuSelectImage, true);
editor.on('remove', unbindResizeHandleEvents);
const destroy = () => {
selectedElm = selectedElmGhost = resizeBackdrop = null;
return {
const setStart = (rng, situ) => {
situ.fold(e => {
}, (e, o) => {
rng.setStart(e.dom, o);
}, e => {
const setFinish = (rng, situ) => {
situ.fold(e => {
}, (e, o) => {
rng.setEnd(e.dom, o);
}, e => {
const relativeToNative = (win, startSitu, finishSitu) => {
const range = win.document.createRange();
setStart(range, startSitu);
setFinish(range, finishSitu);
return range;
const exactToNative = (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) => {
const rng = win.document.createRange();
rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset);
rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset);
return rng;
const adt$3 = Adt.generate([
ltr: [
rtl: [
const fromRange = (win, type, range) => type(SugarElement.fromDom(range.startContainer), range.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(range.endContainer), range.endOffset);
const getRanges = (win, selection) => selection.match({
domRange: rng => {
return {
ltr: constant(rng),
rtl: Optional.none
relative: (startSitu, finishSitu) => {
return {
ltr: cached(() => relativeToNative(win, startSitu, finishSitu)),
rtl: cached(() => Optional.some(relativeToNative(win, finishSitu, startSitu)))
exact: (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => {
return {
ltr: cached(() => exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset)),
rtl: cached(() => Optional.some(exactToNative(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset)))
const doDiagnose = (win, ranges) => {
const rng = ranges.ltr();
if (rng.collapsed) {
const reversed = ranges.rtl().filter(rev => rev.collapsed === false);
return reversed.map(rev => adt$3.rtl(SugarElement.fromDom(rev.endContainer), rev.endOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rev.startContainer), rev.startOffset)).getOrThunk(() => fromRange(win, adt$3.ltr, rng));
} else {
return fromRange(win, adt$3.ltr, rng);
const diagnose = (win, selection) => {
const ranges = getRanges(win, selection);
return doDiagnose(win, ranges);
const create$a = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => ({
const SimRange = { create: create$a };
const caretPositionFromPoint = (doc, x, y) => {
var _a, _b;
return Optional.from((_b = (_a = doc.dom).caretPositionFromPoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, x, y)).bind(pos => {
if (pos.offsetNode === null) {
return Optional.none();
const r = doc.dom.createRange();
r.setStart(pos.offsetNode, pos.offset);
return Optional.some(r);
const caretRangeFromPoint = (doc, x, y) => {
var _a, _b;
return Optional.from((_b = (_a = doc.dom).caretRangeFromPoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, x, y));
const availableSearch = (() => {
if (document.caretPositionFromPoint) {
return caretPositionFromPoint;
} else if (document.caretRangeFromPoint) {
return caretRangeFromPoint;
} else {
return Optional.none;
const fromPoint$1 = (win, x, y) => {
const doc = SugarElement.fromDom(win.document);
return availableSearch(doc, x, y).map(rng => SimRange.create(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer), rng.endOffset));
const adt$2 = Adt.generate([
{ before: ['element'] },
on: [
{ after: ['element'] }
const cata = (subject, onBefore, onOn, onAfter) => subject.fold(onBefore, onOn, onAfter);
const getStart$2 = situ => situ.fold(identity, identity, identity);
const before$1 = adt$2.before;
const on = adt$2.on;
const after$1 = adt$2.after;
const Situ = {
before: before$1,
after: after$1,
getStart: getStart$2
const adt$1 = Adt.generate([
{ domRange: ['rng'] },
relative: [
exact: [
const exactFromRange = simRange => adt$1.exact(simRange.start, simRange.soffset, simRange.finish, simRange.foffset);
const getStart$1 = selection => selection.match({
domRange: rng => SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer),
relative: (startSitu, _finishSitu) => Situ.getStart(startSitu),
exact: (start, _soffset, _finish, _foffset) => start
const domRange = adt$1.domRange;
const relative = adt$1.relative;
const exact = adt$1.exact;
const getWin = selection => {
const start = getStart$1(selection);
return defaultView(start);
const range = SimRange.create;
const SimSelection = {
const beforeSpecial = (element, offset) => {
const name$1 = name(element);
if ('input' === name$1) {
return Situ.after(element);
} else if (!contains$2([
], name$1)) {
return Situ.on(element, offset);
} else {
return offset === 0 ? Situ.before(element) : Situ.after(element);
const preprocessRelative = (startSitu, finishSitu) => {
const start = startSitu.fold(Situ.before, beforeSpecial, Situ.after);
const finish = finishSitu.fold(Situ.before, beforeSpecial, Situ.after);
return SimSelection.relative(start, finish);
const preprocessExact = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => {
const startSitu = beforeSpecial(start, soffset);
const finishSitu = beforeSpecial(finish, foffset);
return SimSelection.relative(startSitu, finishSitu);
const preprocess = selection => selection.match({
domRange: rng => {
const start = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer);
const finish = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer);
return preprocessExact(start, rng.startOffset, finish, rng.endOffset);
relative: preprocessRelative,
exact: preprocessExact
const fromElements = (elements, scope) => {
const doc = scope || document;
const fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
each$e(elements, element => {
return SugarElement.fromDom(fragment);
const toNative = selection => {
const win = SimSelection.getWin(selection).dom;
const getDomRange = (start, soffset, finish, foffset) => exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset);
const filtered = preprocess(selection);
return diagnose(win, filtered).match({
ltr: getDomRange,
rtl: getDomRange
const getAtPoint = (win, x, y) => fromPoint$1(win, x, y);
const fromPoint = (clientX, clientY, doc) => {
const win = defaultView(SugarElement.fromDom(doc));
return getAtPoint(win.dom, clientX, clientY).map(simRange => {
const rng = doc.createRange();
rng.setStart(simRange.start.dom, simRange.soffset);
rng.setEnd(simRange.finish.dom, simRange.foffset);
return rng;
const isEq$4 = (rng1, rng2) => {
return isNonNullable(rng1) && isNonNullable(rng2) && (rng1.startContainer === rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset === rng2.startOffset) && (rng1.endContainer === rng2.endContainer && rng1.endOffset === rng2.endOffset);
const findParent = (node, rootNode, predicate) => {
let currentNode = node;
while (currentNode && currentNode !== rootNode) {
if (predicate(currentNode)) {
return currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
return null;
const hasParent$1 = (node, rootNode, predicate) => findParent(node, rootNode, predicate) !== null;
const hasParentWithName = (node, rootNode, name) => hasParent$1(node, rootNode, node => node.nodeName === name);
const isCeFalseCaretContainer = (node, rootNode) => isCaretContainer$2(node) && !hasParent$1(node, rootNode, isCaretNode);
const hasBrBeforeAfter = (dom, node, left) => {
const parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(parentNode, dom.isBlock) || dom.getRoot());
let currentNode;
while (currentNode = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']()) {
if (isBr$6(currentNode)) {
return true;
return false;
const isPrevNode = (node, name) => {
var _a;
return ((_a = node.previousSibling) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeName) === name;
const hasContentEditableFalseParent = (root, node) => {
let currentNode = node;
while (currentNode && currentNode !== root) {
if (isContentEditableFalse$b(currentNode)) {
return true;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
return false;
const findTextNodeRelative = (dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, left, startNode) => {
const body = dom.getRoot();
const nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
const parentNode = startNode.parentNode;
let lastInlineElement;
let node;
if (!parentNode) {
return Optional.none();
const parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body;
if (left && isBr$6(startNode) && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) {
return Optional.some(CaretPosition(parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(startNode)));
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer);
while (node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']()) {
if (dom.getContentEditableParent(node) === 'false' || isCeFalseCaretContainer(node, body)) {
return Optional.none();
if (isText$a(node) && node.data.length > 0) {
if (!hasParentWithName(node, body, 'A')) {
return Optional.some(CaretPosition(node, left ? node.data.length : 0));
return Optional.none();
if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
return Optional.none();
lastInlineElement = node;
if (isComment(lastInlineElement)) {
return Optional.none();
if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) {
return Optional.some(CaretPosition(lastInlineElement, 0));
return Optional.none();
const normalizeEndPoint = (dom, collapsed, start, rng) => {
const body = dom.getRoot();
let node;
let normalized = false;
let container = start ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
let offset = start ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;
const isAfterNode = isElement$6(container) && offset === container.childNodes.length;
const nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
let directionLeft = start;
if (isCaretContainer$2(container)) {
return Optional.none();
if (isElement$6(container) && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) {
directionLeft = false;
if (isDocument$1(container)) {
container = body;
offset = 0;
if (container === body) {
if (directionLeft) {
node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0];
if (node) {
if (isCaretContainer$2(node)) {
return Optional.none();
if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || isTable$2(node)) {
return Optional.none();
if (container.hasChildNodes()) {
offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1);
container = container.childNodes[offset];
offset = isText$a(container) && isAfterNode ? container.data.length : 0;
if (!collapsed && container === body.lastChild && isTable$2(container)) {
return Optional.none();
if (hasContentEditableFalseParent(body, container) || isCaretContainer$2(container)) {
return Optional.none();
if (isDetails(container)) {
return Optional.none();
if (container.hasChildNodes() && !isTable$2(container)) {
node = container;
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(container, body);
do {
if (isContentEditableFalse$b(node) || isCaretContainer$2(node)) {
normalized = false;
if (isText$a(node) && node.data.length > 0) {
offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.data.length;
container = node;
normalized = true;
if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && !isTableCellOrCaption(node)) {
offset = dom.nodeIndex(node);
container = node.parentNode;
if (!directionLeft) {
normalized = true;
} while (node = directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev());
if (collapsed) {
if (isText$a(container) && offset === 0) {
findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, container).each(pos => {
container = pos.container();
offset = pos.offset();
normalized = true;
if (isElement$6(container)) {
node = container.childNodes[offset];
if (!node) {
node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
if (node && isBr$6(node) && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, false) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, true)) {
findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, node).each(pos => {
container = pos.container();
offset = pos.offset();
normalized = true;
if (directionLeft && !collapsed && isText$a(container) && offset === container.data.length) {
findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, false, container).each(pos => {
container = pos.container();
offset = pos.offset();
normalized = true;
return normalized && container ? Optional.some(CaretPosition(container, offset)) : Optional.none();
const normalize$2 = (dom, rng) => {
const collapsed = rng.collapsed, normRng = rng.cloneRange();
const startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, true, normRng).each(pos => {
if (!collapsed || !CaretPosition.isAbove(startPos, pos)) {
normRng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
if (!collapsed) {
normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, false, normRng).each(pos => {
normRng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
if (collapsed) {
return isEq$4(rng, normRng) ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(normRng);
const splitText = (node, offset) => {
return node.splitText(offset);
const split = rng => {
let startContainer = rng.startContainer, startOffset = rng.startOffset, endContainer = rng.endContainer, endOffset = rng.endOffset;
if (startContainer === endContainer && isText$a(startContainer)) {
if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.data.length) {
endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;
if (endOffset > startOffset) {
endOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
const newContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
startContainer = endContainer = newContainer;
endOffset = newContainer.data.length;
startOffset = 0;
} else {
endOffset = 0;
} else {
if (isText$a(startContainer) && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.data.length) {
startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
startOffset = 0;
if (isText$a(endContainer) && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.data.length) {
const newContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
endContainer = newContainer;
endOffset = newContainer.data.length;
return {
const RangeUtils = dom => {
const walk = (rng, callback) => {
return walk$3(dom, rng, callback);
const split$1 = split;
const normalize = rng => {
return normalize$2(dom, rng).fold(never, normalizedRng => {
rng.setStart(normalizedRng.startContainer, normalizedRng.startOffset);
rng.setEnd(normalizedRng.endContainer, normalizedRng.endOffset);
return true;
const expand = (rng, options = { type: 'word' }) => {
if (options.type === 'word') {
const rangeLike = expandRng(dom, rng, [{ inline: 'span' }]);
const newRange = dom.createRng();
newRange.setStart(rangeLike.startContainer, rangeLike.startOffset);
newRange.setEnd(rangeLike.endContainer, rangeLike.endOffset);
return newRange;
return rng;
return {
split: split$1,
RangeUtils.compareRanges = isEq$4;
RangeUtils.getCaretRangeFromPoint = fromPoint;
RangeUtils.getSelectedNode = getSelectedNode;
RangeUtils.getNode = getNode$1;
const Dimension = (name, getOffset) => {
const set = (element, h) => {
if (!isNumber(h) && !h.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
throw new Error(name + '.set accepts only positive integer values. Value was ' + h);
const dom = element.dom;
if (isSupported(dom)) {
dom.style[name] = h + 'px';
const get = element => {
const r = getOffset(element);
if (r <= 0 || r === null) {
const css = get$7(element, name);
return parseFloat(css) || 0;
return r;
const getOuter = get;
const aggregate = (element, properties) => foldl(properties, (acc, property) => {
const val = get$7(element, property);
const value = val === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(val, 10);
return isNaN(value) ? acc : acc + value;
}, 0);
const max = (element, value, properties) => {
const cumulativeInclusions = aggregate(element, properties);
const absoluteMax = value > cumulativeInclusions ? value - cumulativeInclusions : 0;
return absoluteMax;
return {
const api = Dimension('height', element => {
const dom = element.dom;
return inBody(element) ? dom.getBoundingClientRect().height : dom.offsetHeight;
const get$2 = element => api.get(element);
const getDocument = () => SugarElement.fromDom(document);
const walkUp = (navigation, doc) => {
const frame = navigation.view(doc);
return frame.fold(constant([]), f => {
const parent = navigation.owner(f);
const rest = walkUp(navigation, parent);
return [f].concat(rest);
const pathTo = (element, navigation) => {
const d = navigation.owner(element);
return walkUp(navigation, d);
const view = doc => {
var _a;
const element = doc.dom === document ? Optional.none() : Optional.from((_a = doc.dom.defaultView) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.frameElement);
return element.map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const owner = element => documentOrOwner(element);
var Navigation = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
view: view,
owner: owner
const find = element => {
const doc = getDocument();
const scroll = get$5(doc);
const frames = pathTo(element, Navigation);
const offset = viewport(element);
const r = foldr(frames, (b, a) => {
const loc = viewport(a);
return {
left: b.left + loc.left,
top: b.top + loc.top
}, {
left: 0,
top: 0
return SugarPosition(r.left + offset.left + scroll.left, r.top + offset.top + scroll.top);
const excludeFromDescend = element => name(element) === 'textarea';
const fireScrollIntoViewEvent = (editor, data) => {
const scrollEvent = editor.dispatch('ScrollIntoView', data);
return scrollEvent.isDefaultPrevented();
const fireAfterScrollIntoViewEvent = (editor, data) => {
editor.dispatch('AfterScrollIntoView', data);
const descend = (element, offset) => {
const children = children$1(element);
if (children.length === 0 || excludeFromDescend(element)) {
return {
} else if (offset < children.length && !excludeFromDescend(children[offset])) {
return {
element: children[offset],
offset: 0
} else {
const last = children[children.length - 1];
if (excludeFromDescend(last)) {
return {
} else {
if (name(last) === 'img') {
return {
element: last,
offset: 1
} else if (isText$b(last)) {
return {
element: last,
offset: get$3(last).length
} else {
return {
element: last,
offset: children$1(last).length
const markerInfo = (element, cleanupFun) => {
const pos = absolute(element);
const height = get$2(element);
return {
bottom: pos.top + height,
cleanup: cleanupFun
const createMarker$1 = (element, offset) => {
const startPoint = descend(element, offset);
const span = SugarElement.fromHtml('' + ZWSP$1 + '');
before$3(startPoint.element, span);
return markerInfo(span, () => remove$5(span));
const elementMarker = element => markerInfo(SugarElement.fromDom(element), noop);
const withMarker = (editor, f, rng, alignToTop) => {
preserveWith(editor, (_s, _e) => applyWithMarker(editor, f, rng, alignToTop), rng);
const withScrollEvents = (editor, doc, f, marker, alignToTop) => {
const data = {
elm: marker.element.dom,
if (fireScrollIntoViewEvent(editor, data)) {
const scrollTop = get$5(doc).top;
f(editor, doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop);
fireAfterScrollIntoViewEvent(editor, data);
const applyWithMarker = (editor, f, rng, alignToTop) => {
const body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
const doc = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc());
const marker = createMarker$1(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset);
withScrollEvents(editor, doc, f, marker, alignToTop);
const withElement = (editor, element, f, alignToTop) => {
const doc = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc());
withScrollEvents(editor, doc, f, elementMarker(element), alignToTop);
const preserveWith = (editor, f, rng) => {
const startElement = rng.startContainer;
const startOffset = rng.startOffset;
const endElement = rng.endContainer;
const endOffset = rng.endOffset;
f(SugarElement.fromDom(startElement), SugarElement.fromDom(endElement));
const newRng = editor.dom.createRng();
newRng.setStart(startElement, startOffset);
newRng.setEnd(endElement, endOffset);
const scrollToMarker = (editor, marker, viewHeight, alignToTop, doc) => {
const pos = marker.pos;
if (alignToTop) {
to(pos.left, pos.top, doc);
} else {
const y = pos.top - viewHeight + marker.height;
to(-editor.getBody().getBoundingClientRect().left, y, doc);
const intoWindowIfNeeded = (editor, doc, scrollTop, viewHeight, marker, alignToTop) => {
const viewportBottom = viewHeight + scrollTop;
const markerTop = marker.pos.top;
const markerBottom = marker.bottom;
const largerThanViewport = markerBottom - markerTop >= viewHeight;
if (markerTop < scrollTop) {
scrollToMarker(editor, marker, viewHeight, alignToTop !== false, doc);
} else if (markerTop > viewportBottom) {
const align = largerThanViewport ? alignToTop !== false : alignToTop === true;
scrollToMarker(editor, marker, viewHeight, align, doc);
} else if (markerBottom > viewportBottom && !largerThanViewport) {
scrollToMarker(editor, marker, viewHeight, alignToTop === true, doc);
const intoWindow = (editor, doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop) => {
const viewHeight = defaultView(doc).dom.innerHeight;
intoWindowIfNeeded(editor, doc, scrollTop, viewHeight, marker, alignToTop);
const intoFrame = (editor, doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop) => {
const frameViewHeight = defaultView(doc).dom.innerHeight;
intoWindowIfNeeded(editor, doc, scrollTop, frameViewHeight, marker, alignToTop);
const op = find(marker.element);
const viewportBounds = getBounds(window);
if (op.top < viewportBounds.y) {
intoView(marker.element, alignToTop !== false);
} else if (op.top > viewportBounds.bottom) {
intoView(marker.element, alignToTop === true);
const rangeIntoWindow = (editor, rng, alignToTop) => withMarker(editor, intoWindow, rng, alignToTop);
const elementIntoWindow = (editor, element, alignToTop) => withElement(editor, element, intoWindow, alignToTop);
const rangeIntoFrame = (editor, rng, alignToTop) => withMarker(editor, intoFrame, rng, alignToTop);
const elementIntoFrame = (editor, element, alignToTop) => withElement(editor, element, intoFrame, alignToTop);
const scrollElementIntoView = (editor, element, alignToTop) => {
const scroller = editor.inline ? elementIntoWindow : elementIntoFrame;
scroller(editor, element, alignToTop);
const scrollRangeIntoView = (editor, rng, alignToTop) => {
const scroller = editor.inline ? rangeIntoWindow : rangeIntoFrame;
scroller(editor, rng, alignToTop);
const focus$1 = (element, preventScroll = false) => element.dom.focus({ preventScroll });
const hasFocus$1 = element => {
const root = getRootNode(element).dom;
return element.dom === root.activeElement;
const active$1 = (root = getDocument()) => Optional.from(root.dom.activeElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const search = element => active$1(getRootNode(element)).filter(e => element.dom.contains(e.dom));
const clamp$1 = (offset, element) => {
const max = isText$b(element) ? get$3(element).length : children$1(element).length + 1;
if (offset > max) {
return max;
} else if (offset < 0) {
return 0;
return offset;
const normalizeRng = rng => SimSelection.range(rng.start, clamp$1(rng.soffset, rng.start), rng.finish, clamp$1(rng.foffset, rng.finish));
const isOrContains = (root, elm) => !isRestrictedNode(elm.dom) && (contains(root, elm) || eq(root, elm));
const isRngInRoot = root => rng => isOrContains(root, rng.start) && isOrContains(root, rng.finish);
const shouldStore = editor => editor.inline || Env.browser.isFirefox();
const nativeRangeToSelectionRange = r => SimSelection.range(SugarElement.fromDom(r.startContainer), r.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(r.endContainer), r.endOffset);
const readRange = win => {
const selection = win.getSelection();
const rng = !selection || selection.rangeCount === 0 ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(selection.getRangeAt(0));
return rng.map(nativeRangeToSelectionRange);
const getBookmark = root => {
const win = defaultView(root);
return readRange(win.dom).filter(isRngInRoot(root));
const validate = (root, bookmark) => Optional.from(bookmark).filter(isRngInRoot(root)).map(normalizeRng);
const bookmarkToNativeRng = bookmark => {
const rng = document.createRange();
try {
rng.setStart(bookmark.start.dom, bookmark.soffset);
rng.setEnd(bookmark.finish.dom, bookmark.foffset);
return Optional.some(rng);
} catch (_) {
return Optional.none();
const store = editor => {
const newBookmark = shouldStore(editor) ? getBookmark(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody())) : Optional.none();
editor.bookmark = newBookmark.isSome() ? newBookmark : editor.bookmark;
const getRng = editor => {
const bookmark = editor.bookmark ? editor.bookmark : Optional.none();
return bookmark.bind(x => validate(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), x)).bind(bookmarkToNativeRng);
const restore = editor => {
getRng(editor).each(rng => editor.selection.setRng(rng));
const isEditorUIElement$1 = elm => {
const className = elm.className.toString();
return className.indexOf('tox-') !== -1 || className.indexOf('mce-') !== -1;
const FocusManager = { isEditorUIElement: isEditorUIElement$1 };
const wrappedSetTimeout = (callback, time) => {
if (!isNumber(time)) {
time = 0;
return setTimeout(callback, time);
const wrappedSetInterval = (callback, time) => {
if (!isNumber(time)) {
time = 0;
return setInterval(callback, time);
const Delay = {
setEditorTimeout: (editor, callback, time) => {
return wrappedSetTimeout(() => {
if (!editor.removed) {
}, time);
setEditorInterval: (editor, callback, time) => {
const timer = wrappedSetInterval(() => {
if (!editor.removed) {
} else {
}, time);
return timer;
const isManualNodeChange = e => {
return e.type === 'nodechange' && e.selectionChange;
const registerPageMouseUp = (editor, throttledStore) => {
const mouseUpPage = () => {
DOMUtils.DOM.bind(document, 'mouseup', mouseUpPage);
editor.on('remove', () => {
DOMUtils.DOM.unbind(document, 'mouseup', mouseUpPage);
const registerMouseUp = (editor, throttledStore) => {
editor.on('mouseup touchend', _e => {
const registerEditorEvents = (editor, throttledStore) => {
registerMouseUp(editor, throttledStore);
editor.on('keyup NodeChange AfterSetSelectionRange', e => {
if (!isManualNodeChange(e)) {
const register$6 = editor => {
const throttledStore = first$1(() => {
}, 0);
editor.on('init', () => {
if (editor.inline) {
registerPageMouseUp(editor, throttledStore);
registerEditorEvents(editor, throttledStore);
editor.on('remove', () => {
let documentFocusInHandler;
const DOM$9 = DOMUtils.DOM;
const isEditorUIElement = elm => {
return isElement$6(elm) && FocusManager.isEditorUIElement(elm);
const isEditorContentAreaElement = elm => {
const classList = elm.classList;
if (classList !== undefined) {
return classList.contains('tox-edit-area') || classList.contains('tox-edit-area__iframe') || classList.contains('mce-content-body');
} else {
return false;
const isUIElement = (editor, elm) => {
const customSelector = getCustomUiSelector(editor);
const parent = DOM$9.getParent(elm, elm => {
return isEditorUIElement(elm) || (customSelector ? editor.dom.is(elm, customSelector) : false);
return parent !== null;
const getActiveElement = editor => {
try {
const root = getRootNode(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement()));
return active$1(root).fold(() => document.body, x => x.dom);
} catch (ex) {
return document.body;
const registerEvents$1 = (editorManager, e) => {
const editor = e.editor;
const toggleContentAreaOnFocus = (editor, fn) => {
if (shouldHighlightOnFocus(editor) && editor.inline !== true) {
const contentArea = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContainer());
fn(contentArea, 'tox-edit-focus');
editor.on('focusin', () => {
const focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
if (isEditorContentAreaElement(getActiveElement(editor))) {
toggleContentAreaOnFocus(editor, add$2);
if (focusedEditor !== editor) {
if (focusedEditor) {
focusedEditor.dispatch('blur', { focusedEditor: editor });
editorManager.focusedEditor = editor;
editor.dispatch('focus', { blurredEditor: focusedEditor });
editor.on('focusout', () => {
Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, () => {
const focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
if (!isEditorContentAreaElement(getActiveElement(editor)) || focusedEditor !== editor) {
toggleContentAreaOnFocus(editor, remove$7);
if (!isUIElement(editor, getActiveElement(editor)) && focusedEditor === editor) {
editor.dispatch('blur', { focusedEditor: null });
editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
if (!documentFocusInHandler) {
documentFocusInHandler = e => {
const activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
if (activeEditor) {
getOriginalEventTarget(e).each(target => {
const elem = target;
if (elem.ownerDocument === document) {
if (elem !== document.body && !isUIElement(activeEditor, elem) && editorManager.focusedEditor === activeEditor) {
activeEditor.dispatch('blur', { focusedEditor: null });
editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
DOM$9.bind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
const unregisterDocumentEvents = (editorManager, e) => {
if (editorManager.focusedEditor === e.editor) {
editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
if (!editorManager.activeEditor && documentFocusInHandler) {
DOM$9.unbind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
documentFocusInHandler = null;
const setup$w = editorManager => {
editorManager.on('AddEditor', curry(registerEvents$1, editorManager));
editorManager.on('RemoveEditor', curry(unregisterDocumentEvents, editorManager));
const getContentEditableHost = (editor, node) => editor.dom.getParent(node, node => editor.dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'true');
const getCollapsedNode = rng => rng.collapsed ? Optional.from(getNode$1(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset)).map(SugarElement.fromDom) : Optional.none();
const getFocusInElement = (root, rng) => getCollapsedNode(rng).bind(node => {
if (isTableSection(node)) {
return Optional.some(node);
} else if (!contains(root, node)) {
return Optional.some(root);
} else {
return Optional.none();
const normalizeSelection = (editor, rng) => {
getFocusInElement(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), rng).bind(elm => {
return firstPositionIn(elm.dom);
}).fold(() => {
}, caretPos => editor.selection.setRng(caretPos.toRange()));
const focusBody = body => {
if (body.setActive) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
} else {
const hasElementFocus = elm => hasFocus$1(elm) || search(elm).isSome();
const hasIframeFocus = editor => isNonNullable(editor.iframeElement) && hasFocus$1(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.iframeElement));
const hasInlineFocus = editor => {
const rawBody = editor.getBody();
return rawBody && hasElementFocus(SugarElement.fromDom(rawBody));
const hasUiFocus = editor => {
const dos = getRootNode(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement()));
return active$1(dos).filter(elem => !isEditorContentAreaElement(elem.dom) && isUIElement(editor, elem.dom)).isSome();
const hasFocus = editor => editor.inline ? hasInlineFocus(editor) : hasIframeFocus(editor);
const hasEditorOrUiFocus = editor => hasFocus(editor) || hasUiFocus(editor);
const focusEditor = editor => {
const selection = editor.selection;
const body = editor.getBody();
let rng = selection.getRng();
if (isNonNullable(editor.bookmark) && !hasFocus(editor)) {
getRng(editor).each(bookmarkRng => {
rng = bookmarkRng;
const contentEditableHost = getContentEditableHost(editor, selection.getNode());
if (contentEditableHost && editor.dom.isChildOf(contentEditableHost, body)) {
normalizeSelection(editor, rng);
if (!editor.inline) {
if (!Env.browser.isOpera()) {
if (Env.browser.isFirefox() || editor.inline) {
normalizeSelection(editor, rng);
const activateEditor = editor => editor.editorManager.setActive(editor);
const focus = (editor, skipFocus) => {
if (editor.removed) {
if (skipFocus) {
} else {
const isEditableRange = (dom, rng) => {
if (rng.collapsed) {
return dom.isEditable(rng.startContainer);
} else {
return dom.isEditable(rng.startContainer) && dom.isEditable(rng.endContainer);
const getEndpointElement = (root, rng, start, real, resolve) => {
const container = start ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
const offset = start ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;
return Optional.from(container).map(SugarElement.fromDom).map(elm => !real || !rng.collapsed ? child$1(elm, resolve(elm, offset)).getOr(elm) : elm).bind(elm => isElement$7(elm) ? Optional.some(elm) : parent(elm).filter(isElement$7)).map(elm => elm.dom).getOr(root);
const getStart = (root, rng, real = false) => getEndpointElement(root, rng, true, real, (elm, offset) => Math.min(childNodesCount(elm), offset));
const getEnd$1 = (root, rng, real = false) => getEndpointElement(root, rng, false, real, (elm, offset) => offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset);
const skipEmptyTextNodes = (node, forwards) => {
const orig = node;
while (node && isText$a(node) && node.length === 0) {
node = forwards ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling;
return node || orig;
const getNode = (root, rng) => {
if (!rng) {
return root;
let startContainer = rng.startContainer;
let endContainer = rng.endContainer;
const startOffset = rng.startOffset;
const endOffset = rng.endOffset;
let node = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
if (!rng.collapsed) {
if (startContainer === endContainer) {
if (endOffset - startOffset < 2) {
if (startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
node = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
if (isText$a(startContainer) && isText$a(endContainer)) {
if (startContainer.length === startOffset) {
startContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(startContainer.nextSibling, true);
} else {
startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
if (endOffset === 0) {
endContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(endContainer.previousSibling, false);
} else {
endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
if (startContainer && startContainer === endContainer) {
node = startContainer;
const elm = isText$a(node) ? node.parentNode : node;
return isHTMLElement(elm) ? elm : root;
const getSelectedBlocks = (dom, rng, startElm, endElm) => {
const selectedBlocks = [];
const root = dom.getRoot();
const start = dom.getParent(startElm || getStart(root, rng, rng.collapsed), dom.isBlock);
const end = dom.getParent(endElm || getEnd$1(root, rng, rng.collapsed), dom.isBlock);
if (start && start !== root) {
if (start && end && start !== end) {
let node;
const walker = new DomTreeWalker(start, root);
while ((node = walker.next()) && node !== end) {
if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
if (end && start !== end && end !== root) {
return selectedBlocks;
const select = (dom, node, content) => Optional.from(node).bind(node => Optional.from(node.parentNode).map(parent => {
const idx = dom.nodeIndex(node);
const rng = dom.createRng();
rng.setStart(parent, idx);
rng.setEnd(parent, idx + 1);
if (content) {
moveEndPoint(dom, rng, node, true);
moveEndPoint(dom, rng, node, false);
return rng;
const processRanges = (editor, ranges) => map$3(ranges, range => {
const evt = editor.dispatch('GetSelectionRange', { range });
return evt.range !== range ? evt.range : range;
const getEnd = element => name(element) === 'img' ? 1 : getOption(element).fold(() => children$1(element).length, v => v.length);
const isTextNodeWithCursorPosition = el => getOption(el).filter(text => text.trim().length !== 0 || text.indexOf(nbsp) > -1).isSome();
const isContentEditableFalse$5 = elem => isHTMLElement$1(elem) && get$9(elem, 'contenteditable') === 'false';
const elementsWithCursorPosition = [
const isCursorPosition = elem => {
const hasCursorPosition = isTextNodeWithCursorPosition(elem);
return hasCursorPosition || contains$2(elementsWithCursorPosition, name(elem)) || isContentEditableFalse$5(elem);
const first = element => descendant$2(element, isCursorPosition);
const last = element => descendantRtl(element, isCursorPosition);
const descendantRtl = (scope, predicate) => {
const descend = element => {
const children = children$1(element);
for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const child = children[i];
if (predicate(child)) {
return Optional.some(child);
const res = descend(child);
if (res.isSome()) {
return res;
return Optional.none();
return descend(scope);
const autocompleteSelector = '[data-mce-autocompleter]';
const create$9 = (editor, range) => {
if (findIn(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody())).isNone()) {
const wrapper = SugarElement.fromHtml('', editor.getDoc());
append$1(wrapper, SugarElement.fromDom(range.extractContents()));
parent(wrapper).each(elm => elm.dom.normalize());
last(wrapper).map(last => {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation(last.dom, getEnd(last));
const detect$1 = elm => closest$3(elm, autocompleteSelector);
const findIn = elm => descendant$1(elm, autocompleteSelector);
const remove$2 = (editor, elm) => findIn(elm).each(wrapper => {
const bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark();
const typeLookup = {
'#text': 3,
'#comment': 8,
'#cdata': 4,
'#pi': 7,
'#doctype': 10,
'#document-fragment': 11
const walk$2 = (node, root, prev) => {
const startName = prev ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild';
const siblingName = prev ? 'prev' : 'next';
if (node[startName]) {
return node[startName];
if (node !== root) {
let sibling = node[siblingName];
if (sibling) {
return sibling;
for (let parent = node.parent; parent && parent !== root; parent = parent.parent) {
sibling = parent[siblingName];
if (sibling) {
return sibling;
return undefined;
const isEmptyTextNode = node => {
var _a;
const text = (_a = node.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
if (!isWhitespaceText(text)) {
return false;
const parentNode = node.parent;
if (parentNode && (parentNode.name !== 'span' || parentNode.attr('style')) && /^[ ]+$/.test(text)) {
return false;
return true;
const isNonEmptyElement = node => {
const isNamedAnchor = node.name === 'a' && !node.attr('href') && node.attr('id');
return node.attr('name') || node.attr('id') && !node.firstChild || node.attr('data-mce-bookmark') || isNamedAnchor;
class AstNode {
static create(name, attrs) {
const node = new AstNode(name, typeLookup[name] || 1);
if (attrs) {
each$d(attrs, (value, attrName) => {
node.attr(attrName, value);
return node;
constructor(name, type) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
if (type === 1) {
this.attributes = [];
this.attributes.map = {};
replace(node) {
const self = this;
if (node.parent) {
self.insert(node, self);
return self;
attr(name, value) {
const self = this;
if (!isString(name)) {
if (isNonNullable(name)) {
each$d(name, (value, key) => {
self.attr(key, value);
return self;
const attrs = self.attributes;
if (attrs) {
if (value !== undefined) {
if (value === null) {
if (name in attrs.map) {
delete attrs.map[name];
let i = attrs.length;
while (i--) {
if (attrs[i].name === name) {
attrs.splice(i, 1);
return self;
return self;
if (name in attrs.map) {
let i = attrs.length;
while (i--) {
if (attrs[i].name === name) {
attrs[i].value = value;
} else {
attrs.map[name] = value;
return self;
return attrs.map[name];
return undefined;
clone() {
const self = this;
const clone = new AstNode(self.name, self.type);
const selfAttrs = self.attributes;
if (selfAttrs) {
const cloneAttrs = [];
cloneAttrs.map = {};
for (let i = 0, l = selfAttrs.length; i < l; i++) {
const selfAttr = selfAttrs[i];
if (selfAttr.name !== 'id') {
cloneAttrs[cloneAttrs.length] = {
name: selfAttr.name,
value: selfAttr.value
cloneAttrs.map[selfAttr.name] = selfAttr.value;
clone.attributes = cloneAttrs;
clone.value = self.value;
return clone;
wrap(wrapper) {
const self = this;
if (self.parent) {
self.parent.insert(wrapper, self);
return self;
unwrap() {
const self = this;
for (let node = self.firstChild; node;) {
const next = node.next;
self.insert(node, self, true);
node = next;
remove() {
const self = this, parent = self.parent, next = self.next, prev = self.prev;
if (parent) {
if (parent.firstChild === self) {
parent.firstChild = next;
if (next) {
next.prev = null;
} else if (prev) {
prev.next = next;
if (parent.lastChild === self) {
parent.lastChild = prev;
if (prev) {
prev.next = null;
} else if (next) {
next.prev = prev;
self.parent = self.next = self.prev = null;
return self;
append(node) {
const self = this;
if (node.parent) {
const last = self.lastChild;
if (last) {
last.next = node;
node.prev = last;
self.lastChild = node;
} else {
self.lastChild = self.firstChild = node;
node.parent = self;
return node;
insert(node, refNode, before) {
if (node.parent) {
const parent = refNode.parent || this;
if (before) {
if (refNode === parent.firstChild) {
parent.firstChild = node;
} else if (refNode.prev) {
refNode.prev.next = node;
node.prev = refNode.prev;
node.next = refNode;
refNode.prev = node;
} else {
if (refNode === parent.lastChild) {
parent.lastChild = node;
} else if (refNode.next) {
refNode.next.prev = node;
node.next = refNode.next;
node.prev = refNode;
refNode.next = node;
node.parent = parent;
return node;
getAll(name) {
const self = this;
const collection = [];
for (let node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk$2(node, self)) {
if (node.name === name) {
return collection;
children() {
const self = this;
const collection = [];
for (let node = self.firstChild; node; node = node.next) {
return collection;
empty() {
const self = this;
if (self.firstChild) {
const nodes = [];
for (let node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk$2(node, self)) {
let i = nodes.length;
while (i--) {
const node = nodes[i];
node.parent = node.firstChild = node.lastChild = node.next = node.prev = null;
self.firstChild = self.lastChild = null;
return self;
isEmpty(elements, whitespace = {}, predicate) {
var _a;
const self = this;
let node = self.firstChild;
if (isNonEmptyElement(self)) {
return false;
if (node) {
do {
if (node.type === 1) {
if (node.attr('data-mce-bogus')) {
if (elements[node.name]) {
return false;
if (isNonEmptyElement(node)) {
return false;
if (node.type === 8) {
return false;
if (node.type === 3 && !isEmptyTextNode(node)) {
return false;
if (node.type === 3 && node.parent && whitespace[node.parent.name] && isWhitespaceText((_a = node.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '')) {
return false;
if (predicate && predicate(node)) {
return false;
} while (node = walk$2(node, self));
return true;
walk(prev) {
return walk$2(this, null, prev);
const containsZwsp = node => isString(node.nodeValue) && node.nodeValue.includes(ZWSP$1);
const getTemporaryNodeSelector = tempAttrs => `${ tempAttrs.length === 0 ? '' : `${ map$3(tempAttrs, attr => `[${ attr }]`).join(',') },` }[data-mce-bogus="all"]`;
const getTemporaryNodes = (tempAttrs, body) => body.querySelectorAll(getTemporaryNodeSelector(tempAttrs));
const createZwspCommentWalker = body => document.createTreeWalker(body, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, node => containsZwsp(node) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP);
const createUnescapedZwspTextWalker = body => document.createTreeWalker(body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, node => {
if (containsZwsp(node)) {
const parent = node.parentNode;
return parent && has$2(unescapedTextParents, parent.nodeName) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
} else {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
const hasZwspComment = body => createZwspCommentWalker(body).nextNode() !== null;
const hasUnescapedZwspText = body => createUnescapedZwspTextWalker(body).nextNode() !== null;
const hasTemporaryNode = (tempAttrs, body) => body.querySelector(getTemporaryNodeSelector(tempAttrs)) !== null;
const trimTemporaryNodes = (tempAttrs, body) => {
each$e(getTemporaryNodes(tempAttrs, body), elm => {
const element = SugarElement.fromDom(elm);
if (get$9(element, 'data-mce-bogus') === 'all') {
} else {
each$e(tempAttrs, attr => {
if (has$1(element, attr)) {
remove$a(element, attr);
const emptyAllNodeValuesInWalker = walker => {
let curr = walker.nextNode();
while (curr !== null) {
curr.nodeValue = null;
curr = walker.nextNode();
const emptyZwspComments = compose(emptyAllNodeValuesInWalker, createZwspCommentWalker);
const emptyUnescapedZwspTexts = compose(emptyAllNodeValuesInWalker, createUnescapedZwspTextWalker);
const trim$1 = (body, tempAttrs) => {
const conditionalTrims = [
condition: curry(hasTemporaryNode, tempAttrs),
action: curry(trimTemporaryNodes, tempAttrs)
condition: hasZwspComment,
action: emptyZwspComments
condition: hasUnescapedZwspText,
action: emptyUnescapedZwspTexts
let trimmed = body;
let cloned = false;
each$e(conditionalTrims, ({condition, action}) => {
if (condition(trimmed)) {
if (!cloned) {
trimmed = body.cloneNode(true);
cloned = true;
return trimmed;
const cleanupBogusElements = parent => {
const bogusElements = descendants(parent, '[data-mce-bogus]');
each$e(bogusElements, elem => {
const bogusValue = get$9(elem, 'data-mce-bogus');
if (bogusValue === 'all') {
} else if (isBr$5(elem)) {
before$3(elem, SugarElement.fromText(zeroWidth));
} else {
const cleanupInputNames = parent => {
const inputs = descendants(parent, 'input');
each$e(inputs, input => {
remove$a(input, 'name');
const trimEmptyContents = (editor, html) => {
const blockName = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
const emptyRegExp = new RegExp(`^(<${ blockName }[^>]*>( | |\\s|\u00a0|
|)<\\/${ blockName }>[\r\n]*|
return html.replace(emptyRegExp, '');
const getPlainTextContent = (editor, body) => {
const doc = editor.getDoc();
const dos = getRootNode(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
const offscreenDiv = SugarElement.fromTag('div', doc);
set$3(offscreenDiv, 'data-mce-bogus', 'all');
setAll(offscreenDiv, {
position: 'fixed',
left: '-9999999px',
top: '0'
set$1(offscreenDiv, body.innerHTML);
const root = getContentContainer(dos);
append$1(root, offscreenDiv);
const content = trim$2(offscreenDiv.dom.innerText);
return content;
const getContentFromBody = (editor, args, body) => {
let content;
if (args.format === 'raw') {
content = Tools.trim(trim$2(trim$1(body, editor.serializer.getTempAttrs()).innerHTML));
} else if (args.format === 'text') {
content = getPlainTextContent(editor, body);
} else if (args.format === 'tree') {
content = editor.serializer.serialize(body, args);
} else {
content = trimEmptyContents(editor, editor.serializer.serialize(body, args));
const shouldTrim = args.format !== 'text' && !isWsPreserveElement(SugarElement.fromDom(body));
return shouldTrim && isString(content) ? Tools.trim(content) : content;
const getContentInternal = (editor, args) => Optional.from(editor.getBody()).fold(constant(args.format === 'tree' ? new AstNode('body', 11) : ''), body => getContentFromBody(editor, args, body));
const makeMap$1 = Tools.makeMap;
const Writer = settings => {
const html = [];
settings = settings || {};
const indent = settings.indent;
const indentBefore = makeMap$1(settings.indent_before || '');
const indentAfter = makeMap$1(settings.indent_after || '');
const encode = Entities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities);
const htmlOutput = settings.element_format !== 'xhtml';
return {
start: (name, attrs, empty) => {
if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
const value = html[html.length - 1];
if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
html.push('<', name);
if (attrs) {
for (let i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
const attr = attrs[i];
html.push(' ', attr.name, '="', encode(attr.value, true), '"');
if (!empty || htmlOutput) {
html[html.length] = '>';
} else {
html[html.length] = ' />';
if (empty && indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
const value = html[html.length - 1];
if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
end: name => {
let value;
html.push('', name, '>');
if (indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
value = html[html.length - 1];
if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
text: (text, raw) => {
if (text.length > 0) {
html[html.length] = raw ? text : encode(text);
cdata: text => {
comment: text => {
pi: (name, text) => {
if (text) {
html.push('', name, ' ', encode(text), '?>');
} else {
html.push('', name, '?>');
if (indent) {
doctype: text => {
html.push('', indent ? '\n' : '');
reset: () => {
html.length = 0;
getContent: () => {
return html.join('').replace(/\n$/, '');
const HtmlSerializer = (settings = {}, schema = Schema()) => {
const writer = Writer(settings);
settings.validate = 'validate' in settings ? settings.validate : true;
const serialize = node => {
const validate = settings.validate;
const handlers = {
3: node => {
var _a;
writer.text((_a = node.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '', node.raw);
8: node => {
var _a;
writer.comment((_a = node.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '');
7: node => {
writer.pi(node.name, node.value);
10: node => {
var _a;
writer.doctype((_a = node.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '');
4: node => {
var _a;
writer.cdata((_a = node.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '');
11: node => {
let tempNode = node;
if (tempNode = tempNode.firstChild) {
do {
} while (tempNode = tempNode.next);
const walk = node => {
var _a;
const handler = handlers[node.type];
if (!handler) {
const name = node.name;
const isEmpty = name in schema.getVoidElements();
let attrs = node.attributes;
if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) {
const sortedAttrs = [];
sortedAttrs.map = {};
const elementRule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
if (elementRule) {
for (let i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) {
const attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i];
if (attrName in attrs.map) {
const attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
name: attrName,
value: attrValue
for (let i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
const attrName = attrs[i].name;
if (!(attrName in sortedAttrs.map)) {
const attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
name: attrName,
value: attrValue
attrs = sortedAttrs;
writer.start(name, attrs, isEmpty);
if (isNonHtmlElementRootName(name)) {
if (isString(node.value)) {
writer.text(node.value, true);
} else {
if (!isEmpty) {
let child = node.firstChild;
if (child) {
if ((name === 'pre' || name === 'textarea') && child.type === 3 && ((_a = child.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) === '\n') {
writer.text('\n', true);
do {
} while (child = child.next);
} else {
if (node.type === 1 && !settings.inner) {
} else if (node.type === 3) {
} else {
return writer.getContent();
return { serialize };
const nonInheritableStyles = new Set();
(() => {
const nonInheritableStylesArr = [
each$e(nonInheritableStylesArr, style => {
const shorthandStyleProps = [
const getStyleProps = (dom, node) => keys(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node, 'style')));
const isNonInheritableStyle = style => nonInheritableStyles.has(style);
const hasInheritableStyles = (dom, node) => forall(getStyleProps(dom, node), style => !isNonInheritableStyle(style));
const getLonghandStyleProps = styles => filter$5(styles, style => exists(shorthandStyleProps, prop => startsWith(style, prop)));
const hasStyleConflict = (dom, node, parentNode) => {
const nodeStyleProps = getStyleProps(dom, node);
const parentNodeStyleProps = getStyleProps(dom, parentNode);
const valueMismatch = prop => {
var _a, _b;
const nodeValue = (_a = dom.getStyle(node, prop)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
const parentValue = (_b = dom.getStyle(parentNode, prop)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '';
return isNotEmpty(nodeValue) && isNotEmpty(parentValue) && nodeValue !== parentValue;
return exists(nodeStyleProps, nodeStyleProp => {
const propExists = props => exists(props, prop => prop === nodeStyleProp);
if (!propExists(parentNodeStyleProps) && propExists(shorthandStyleProps)) {
const longhandProps = getLonghandStyleProps(parentNodeStyleProps);
return exists(longhandProps, valueMismatch);
} else {
return valueMismatch(nodeStyleProp);
const isChar = (forward, predicate, pos) => Optional.from(pos.container()).filter(isText$a).exists(text => {
const delta = forward ? 0 : -1;
return predicate(text.data.charAt(pos.offset() + delta));
const isBeforeSpace = curry(isChar, true, isWhiteSpace);
const isAfterSpace = curry(isChar, false, isWhiteSpace);
const isEmptyText = pos => {
const container = pos.container();
return isText$a(container) && (container.data.length === 0 || isZwsp$1(container.data) && BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode(container.parentNode));
const matchesElementPosition = (before, predicate) => pos => getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset(before ? 0 : -1, pos).filter(predicate).isSome();
const isImageBlock = node => isImg(node) && get$7(SugarElement.fromDom(node), 'display') === 'block';
const isCefNode = node => isContentEditableFalse$b(node) && !isBogusAll$1(node);
const isBeforeImageBlock = matchesElementPosition(true, isImageBlock);
const isAfterImageBlock = matchesElementPosition(false, isImageBlock);
const isBeforeMedia = matchesElementPosition(true, isMedia$2);
const isAfterMedia = matchesElementPosition(false, isMedia$2);
const isBeforeTable = matchesElementPosition(true, isTable$2);
const isAfterTable = matchesElementPosition(false, isTable$2);
const isBeforeContentEditableFalse = matchesElementPosition(true, isCefNode);
const isAfterContentEditableFalse = matchesElementPosition(false, isCefNode);
const dropLast = xs => xs.slice(0, -1);
const parentsUntil = (start, root, predicate) => {
if (contains(root, start)) {
return dropLast(parents$1(start, elm => {
return predicate(elm) || eq(elm, root);
} else {
return [];
const parents = (start, root) => parentsUntil(start, root, never);
const parentsAndSelf = (start, root) => [start].concat(parents(start, root));
const navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes = (forward, root, from) => navigateIgnore(forward, root, from, isEmptyText);
const isBlock$1 = schema => el => schema.isBlock(name(el));
const getClosestBlock$1 = (root, pos, schema) => find$2(parentsAndSelf(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock$1(schema));
const isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary = (forward, root, pos, schema) => navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, root.dom, pos).forall(newPos => getClosestBlock$1(root, pos, schema).fold(() => !isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom), fromBlock => !isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom) && contains(fromBlock, SugarElement.fromDom(newPos.container()))));
const isAtBlockBoundary = (forward, root, pos, schema) => getClosestBlock$1(root, pos, schema).fold(() => navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, root.dom, pos).forall(newPos => !isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom)), parent => navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, parent.dom, pos).isNone());
const isAtStartOfBlock = curry(isAtBlockBoundary, false);
const isAtEndOfBlock = curry(isAtBlockBoundary, true);
const isBeforeBlock = curry(isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary, false);
const isAfterBlock = curry(isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary, true);
const isBr$1 = pos => getElementFromPosition(pos).exists(isBr$5);
const findBr = (forward, root, pos, schema) => {
const parentBlocks = filter$5(parentsAndSelf(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), root), el => schema.isBlock(name(el)));
const scope = head(parentBlocks).getOr(root);
return fromPosition(forward, scope.dom, pos).filter(isBr$1);
const isBeforeBr$1 = (root, pos, schema) => getElementFromPosition(pos).exists(isBr$5) || findBr(true, root, pos, schema).isSome();
const isAfterBr = (root, pos, schema) => getElementFromPrevPosition(pos).exists(isBr$5) || findBr(false, root, pos, schema).isSome();
const findPreviousBr = curry(findBr, false);
const findNextBr = curry(findBr, true);
const isInMiddleOfText = pos => CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) && !pos.isAtStart() && !pos.isAtEnd();
const getClosestBlock = (root, pos, schema) => {
const parentBlocks = filter$5(parentsAndSelf(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), root), el => schema.isBlock(name(el)));
return head(parentBlocks).getOr(root);
const hasSpaceBefore = (root, pos, schema) => {
if (isInMiddleOfText(pos)) {
return isAfterSpace(pos);
} else {
return isAfterSpace(pos) || prevPosition(getClosestBlock(root, pos, schema).dom, pos).exists(isAfterSpace);
const hasSpaceAfter = (root, pos, schema) => {
if (isInMiddleOfText(pos)) {
return isBeforeSpace(pos);
} else {
return isBeforeSpace(pos) || nextPosition(getClosestBlock(root, pos, schema).dom, pos).exists(isBeforeSpace);
const isPreValue = value => contains$2([
], value);
const isInPre = pos => getElementFromPosition(pos).bind(elm => closest$4(elm, isElement$7)).exists(elm => isPreValue(get$7(elm, 'white-space')));
const isAtBeginningOfBody = (root, pos) => prevPosition(root.dom, pos).isNone();
const isAtEndOfBody = (root, pos) => nextPosition(root.dom, pos).isNone();
const isAtLineBoundary = (root, pos, schema) => isAtBeginningOfBody(root, pos) || isAtEndOfBody(root, pos) || isAtStartOfBlock(root, pos, schema) || isAtEndOfBlock(root, pos, schema) || isAfterBr(root, pos, schema) || isBeforeBr$1(root, pos, schema);
const isCefBlock = node => isNonNullable(node) && isContentEditableFalse$b(node) && isBlockLike(node);
const isSiblingCefBlock = (root, direction) => container => {
return isCefBlock(new DomTreeWalker(container, root)[direction]());
const isBeforeCefBlock = (root, pos) => {
const nextPos = nextPosition(root.dom, pos).getOr(pos);
const isNextCefBlock = isSiblingCefBlock(root.dom, 'next');
return pos.isAtEnd() && (isNextCefBlock(pos.container()) || isNextCefBlock(nextPos.container()));
const isAfterCefBlock = (root, pos) => {
const prevPos = prevPosition(root.dom, pos).getOr(pos);
const isPrevCefBlock = isSiblingCefBlock(root.dom, 'prev');
return pos.isAtStart() && (isPrevCefBlock(pos.container()) || isPrevCefBlock(prevPos.container()));
const needsToHaveNbsp = (root, pos, schema) => {
if (isInPre(pos)) {
return false;
} else {
return isAtLineBoundary(root, pos, schema) || hasSpaceBefore(root, pos, schema) || hasSpaceAfter(root, pos, schema);
const needsToBeNbspLeft = (root, pos, schema) => {
if (isInPre(pos)) {
return false;
} else {
return isAtStartOfBlock(root, pos, schema) || isBeforeBlock(root, pos, schema) || isAfterBr(root, pos, schema) || hasSpaceBefore(root, pos, schema) || isAfterCefBlock(root, pos);
const leanRight = pos => {
const container = pos.container();
const offset = pos.offset();
if (isText$a(container) && offset < container.data.length) {
return CaretPosition(container, offset + 1);
} else {
return pos;
const needsToBeNbspRight = (root, pos, schema) => {
if (isInPre(pos)) {
return false;
} else {
return isAtEndOfBlock(root, pos, schema) || isAfterBlock(root, pos, schema) || isBeforeBr$1(root, pos, schema) || hasSpaceAfter(root, pos, schema) || isBeforeCefBlock(root, pos);
const needsToBeNbsp = (root, pos, schema) => needsToBeNbspLeft(root, pos, schema) || needsToBeNbspRight(root, leanRight(pos), schema);
const isNbspAt = (text, offset) => isNbsp(text.charAt(offset));
const isWhiteSpaceAt = (text, offset) => isWhiteSpace(text.charAt(offset));
const hasNbsp = pos => {
const container = pos.container();
return isText$a(container) && contains$1(container.data, nbsp);
const normalizeNbspMiddle = text => {
const chars = text.split('');
return map$3(chars, (chr, i) => {
if (isNbsp(chr) && i > 0 && i < chars.length - 1 && isContent(chars[i - 1]) && isContent(chars[i + 1])) {
return ' ';
} else {
return chr;
const normalizeNbspAtStart = (root, node, makeNbsp, schema) => {
const text = node.data;
const firstPos = CaretPosition(node, 0);
if (!makeNbsp && isNbspAt(text, 0) && !needsToBeNbsp(root, firstPos, schema)) {
node.data = ' ' + text.slice(1);
return true;
} else if (makeNbsp && isWhiteSpaceAt(text, 0) && needsToBeNbspLeft(root, firstPos, schema)) {
node.data = nbsp + text.slice(1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
const normalizeNbspInMiddleOfTextNode = node => {
const text = node.data;
const newText = normalizeNbspMiddle(text);
if (newText !== text) {
node.data = newText;
return true;
} else {
return false;
const normalizeNbspAtEnd = (root, node, makeNbsp, schema) => {
const text = node.data;
const lastPos = CaretPosition(node, text.length - 1);
if (!makeNbsp && isNbspAt(text, text.length - 1) && !needsToBeNbsp(root, lastPos, schema)) {
node.data = text.slice(0, -1) + ' ';
return true;
} else if (makeNbsp && isWhiteSpaceAt(text, text.length - 1) && needsToBeNbspRight(root, lastPos, schema)) {
node.data = text.slice(0, -1) + nbsp;
return true;
} else {
return false;
const normalizeNbsps = (root, pos, schema) => {
const container = pos.container();
if (!isText$a(container)) {
return Optional.none();
if (hasNbsp(pos)) {
const normalized = normalizeNbspAtStart(root, container, false, schema) || normalizeNbspInMiddleOfTextNode(container) || normalizeNbspAtEnd(root, container, false, schema);
return someIf(normalized, pos);
} else if (needsToBeNbsp(root, pos, schema)) {
const normalized = normalizeNbspAtStart(root, container, true, schema) || normalizeNbspAtEnd(root, container, true, schema);
return someIf(normalized, pos);
} else {
return Optional.none();
const normalizeNbspsInEditor = editor => {
const root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
normalizeNbsps(root, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()), editor.schema).each(pos => {
const normalize$1 = (node, offset, count, schema) => {
if (count === 0) {
const elm = SugarElement.fromDom(node);
const root = ancestor$4(elm, el => schema.isBlock(name(el))).getOr(elm);
const whitespace = node.data.slice(offset, offset + count);
const isEndOfContent = offset + count >= node.data.length && needsToBeNbspRight(root, CaretPosition(node, node.data.length), schema);
const isStartOfContent = offset === 0 && needsToBeNbspLeft(root, CaretPosition(node, 0), schema);
node.replaceData(offset, count, normalize$4(whitespace, 4, isStartOfContent, isEndOfContent));
const normalizeWhitespaceAfter = (node, offset, schema) => {
const content = node.data.slice(offset);
const whitespaceCount = content.length - lTrim(content).length;
normalize$1(node, offset, whitespaceCount, schema);
const normalizeWhitespaceBefore = (node, offset, schema) => {
const content = node.data.slice(0, offset);
const whitespaceCount = content.length - rTrim(content).length;
normalize$1(node, offset - whitespaceCount, whitespaceCount, schema);
const mergeTextNodes = (prevNode, nextNode, schema, normalizeWhitespace, mergeToPrev = true) => {
const whitespaceOffset = rTrim(prevNode.data).length;
const newNode = mergeToPrev ? prevNode : nextNode;
const removeNode = mergeToPrev ? nextNode : prevNode;
if (mergeToPrev) {
} else {
newNode.insertData(0, removeNode.data);
if (normalizeWhitespace) {
normalizeWhitespaceAfter(newNode, whitespaceOffset, schema);
return newNode;
const needsReposition = (pos, elm) => {
const container = pos.container();
const offset = pos.offset();
return !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) && container === elm.parentNode && offset > CaretPosition.before(elm).offset();
const reposition = (elm, pos) => needsReposition(pos, elm) ? CaretPosition(pos.container(), pos.offset() - 1) : pos;
const beforeOrStartOf = node => isText$a(node) ? CaretPosition(node, 0) : CaretPosition.before(node);
const afterOrEndOf = node => isText$a(node) ? CaretPosition(node, node.data.length) : CaretPosition.after(node);
const getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition = elm => {
if (isCaretCandidate$3(elm.previousSibling)) {
return Optional.some(afterOrEndOf(elm.previousSibling));
} else {
return elm.previousSibling ? lastPositionIn(elm.previousSibling) : Optional.none();
const getNextSiblingCaretPosition = elm => {
if (isCaretCandidate$3(elm.nextSibling)) {
return Optional.some(beforeOrStartOf(elm.nextSibling));
} else {
return elm.nextSibling ? firstPositionIn(elm.nextSibling) : Optional.none();
const findCaretPositionBackwardsFromElm = (rootElement, elm) => {
return Optional.from(elm.previousSibling ? elm.previousSibling : elm.parentNode).bind(node => prevPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.before(node))).orThunk(() => nextPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.after(elm)));
const findCaretPositionForwardsFromElm = (rootElement, elm) => nextPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.after(elm)).orThunk(() => prevPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.before(elm)));
const findCaretPositionBackwards = (rootElement, elm) => getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition(elm).orThunk(() => getNextSiblingCaretPosition(elm)).orThunk(() => findCaretPositionBackwardsFromElm(rootElement, elm));
const findCaretPositionForward = (rootElement, elm) => getNextSiblingCaretPosition(elm).orThunk(() => getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition(elm)).orThunk(() => findCaretPositionForwardsFromElm(rootElement, elm));
const findCaretPosition = (forward, rootElement, elm) => forward ? findCaretPositionForward(rootElement, elm) : findCaretPositionBackwards(rootElement, elm);
const findCaretPosOutsideElmAfterDelete = (forward, rootElement, elm) => findCaretPosition(forward, rootElement, elm).map(curry(reposition, elm));
const setSelection$1 = (editor, forward, pos) => {
pos.fold(() => {
}, pos => {
editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange(), forward);
const eqRawNode = rawNode => elm => elm.dom === rawNode;
const isBlock = (editor, elm) => elm && has$2(editor.schema.getBlockElements(), name(elm));
const paddEmptyBlock = (elm, preserveEmptyCaret) => {
if (isEmpty$2(elm)) {
const br = SugarElement.fromHtml('
if (preserveEmptyCaret) {
each$e(children$1(elm), node => {
if (!isEmptyCaretFormatElement(node)) {
} else {
append$1(elm, br);
return Optional.some(CaretPosition.before(br.dom));
} else {
return Optional.none();
const deleteNormalized = (elm, afterDeletePosOpt, schema, normalizeWhitespace) => {
const prevTextOpt = prevSibling(elm).filter(isText$b);
const nextTextOpt = nextSibling(elm).filter(isText$b);
return lift3(prevTextOpt, nextTextOpt, afterDeletePosOpt, (prev, next, pos) => {
const prevNode = prev.dom, nextNode = next.dom;
const offset = prevNode.data.length;
mergeTextNodes(prevNode, nextNode, schema, normalizeWhitespace);
return pos.container() === nextNode ? CaretPosition(prevNode, offset) : pos;
}).orThunk(() => {
if (normalizeWhitespace) {
prevTextOpt.each(elm => normalizeWhitespaceBefore(elm.dom, elm.dom.length, schema));
nextTextOpt.each(elm => normalizeWhitespaceAfter(elm.dom, 0, schema));
return afterDeletePosOpt;
const isInlineElement = (editor, element) => has$2(editor.schema.getTextInlineElements(), name(element));
const deleteElement$2 = (editor, forward, elm, moveCaret = true, preserveEmptyCaret = false) => {
const afterDeletePos = findCaretPosOutsideElmAfterDelete(forward, editor.getBody(), elm.dom);
const parentBlock = ancestor$4(elm, curry(isBlock, editor), eqRawNode(editor.getBody()));
const normalizedAfterDeletePos = deleteNormalized(elm, afterDeletePos, editor.schema, isInlineElement(editor, elm));
if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) {
} else {
parentBlock.bind(elm => paddEmptyBlock(elm, preserveEmptyCaret)).fold(() => {
if (moveCaret) {
setSelection$1(editor, forward, normalizedAfterDeletePos);
}, paddPos => {
if (moveCaret) {
setSelection$1(editor, forward, Optional.some(paddPos));
const strongRtl = /[\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFF\uFE70-\uFEFC]/;
const hasStrongRtl = text => strongRtl.test(text);
const isInlineTarget = (editor, elm) => is$1(SugarElement.fromDom(elm), getInlineBoundarySelector(editor)) && !isTransparentBlock(editor.schema, elm) && editor.dom.isEditable(elm);
const isRtl = element => {
var _a;
return DOMUtils.DOM.getStyle(element, 'direction', true) === 'rtl' || hasStrongRtl((_a = element.textContent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '');
const findInlineParents = (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) => filter$5(DOMUtils.DOM.getParents(pos.container(), '*', rootNode), isInlineTarget);
const findRootInline = (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) => {
const parents = findInlineParents(isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos);
return Optional.from(parents[parents.length - 1]);
const hasSameParentBlock = (rootNode, node1, node2) => {
const block1 = getParentBlock$3(node1, rootNode);
const block2 = getParentBlock$3(node2, rootNode);
return isNonNullable(block1) && block1 === block2;
const isAtZwsp = pos => isBeforeInline(pos) || isAfterInline(pos);
const normalizePosition = (forward, pos) => {
const container = pos.container(), offset = pos.offset();
if (forward) {
if (isCaretContainerInline(container)) {
if (isText$a(container.nextSibling)) {
return CaretPosition(container.nextSibling, 0);
} else {
return CaretPosition.after(container);
} else {
return isBeforeInline(pos) ? CaretPosition(container, offset + 1) : pos;
} else {
if (isCaretContainerInline(container)) {
if (isText$a(container.previousSibling)) {
return CaretPosition(container.previousSibling, container.previousSibling.data.length);
} else {
return CaretPosition.before(container);
} else {
return isAfterInline(pos) ? CaretPosition(container, offset - 1) : pos;
const normalizeForwards = curry(normalizePosition, true);
const normalizeBackwards = curry(normalizePosition, false);
const execCommandIgnoreInputEvents = (editor, command) => {
const inputBlocker = e => e.stopImmediatePropagation();
editor.on('beforeinput input', inputBlocker, true);
editor.off('beforeinput input', inputBlocker);
const execEditorDeleteCommand = editor => {
const execNativeDeleteCommand = editor => execCommandIgnoreInputEvents(editor, 'Delete');
const execNativeForwardDeleteCommand = editor => execCommandIgnoreInputEvents(editor, 'ForwardDelete');
const isBeforeRoot = rootNode => elm => is$2(parent(elm), rootNode, eq);
const isTextBlockOrListItem = element => isTextBlock$2(element) || isListItem$1(element);
const getParentBlock$2 = (rootNode, elm) => {
if (contains(rootNode, elm)) {
return closest$4(elm, isTextBlockOrListItem, isBeforeRoot(rootNode));
} else {
return Optional.none();
const paddEmptyBody = (editor, moveSelection = true) => {
if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) {
editor.setContent('', { no_selection: !moveSelection });
const willDeleteLastPositionInElement = (forward, fromPos, elm) => lift2(firstPositionIn(elm), lastPositionIn(elm), (firstPos, lastPos) => {
const normalizedFirstPos = normalizePosition(true, firstPos);
const normalizedLastPos = normalizePosition(false, lastPos);
const normalizedFromPos = normalizePosition(false, fromPos);
if (forward) {
return nextPosition(elm, normalizedFromPos).exists(nextPos => nextPos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos) && fromPos.isEqual(normalizedFirstPos));
} else {
return prevPosition(elm, normalizedFromPos).exists(prevPos => prevPos.isEqual(normalizedFirstPos) && fromPos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos));
const freefallRtl = root => {
const child = isComment$1(root) ? prevSibling(root) : lastChild(root);
return child.bind(freefallRtl).orThunk(() => Optional.some(root));
const deleteRangeContents = (editor, rng, root, moveSelection = true) => {
var _a;
const lastNode = freefallRtl(root).getOr(root);
const lastBlock = SugarElement.fromDom((_a = editor.dom.getParent(lastNode.dom, editor.dom.isBlock)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : root.dom);
if (lastBlock.dom === editor.getBody()) {
paddEmptyBody(editor, moveSelection);
} else if (isEmpty$2(lastBlock)) {
if (moveSelection) {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation(lastBlock.dom, 0);
if (!eq(root, lastBlock)) {
const additionalCleanupNodes = is$2(parent(lastBlock), root) ? [] : siblings(lastBlock);
each$e(additionalCleanupNodes.concat(children$1(root)), node => {
if (!eq(node, lastBlock) && !contains(node, lastBlock) && isEmpty$2(node)) {
const ancestor$1 = (scope, predicate, isRoot) => ancestor$4(scope, predicate, isRoot).isSome();
const sibling = (scope, predicate) => sibling$1(scope, predicate).isSome();
const descendant = (scope, predicate) => descendant$2(scope, predicate).isSome();
const isRootFromElement = root => cur => eq(root, cur);
const getTableCells = table => descendants(table, 'td,th');
const getTable$1 = (node, isRoot) => getClosestTable(SugarElement.fromDom(node), isRoot);
const selectionInTableWithNestedTable = details => {
return lift2(details.startTable, details.endTable, (startTable, endTable) => {
const isStartTableParentOfEndTable = descendant(startTable, t => eq(t, endTable));
const isEndTableParentOfStartTable = descendant(endTable, t => eq(t, startTable));
return !isStartTableParentOfEndTable && !isEndTableParentOfStartTable ? details : {
startTable: isStartTableParentOfEndTable ? Optional.none() : details.startTable,
endTable: isEndTableParentOfStartTable ? Optional.none() : details.endTable,
isSameTable: false,
isMultiTable: false
const adjustQuirksInDetails = details => {
return selectionInTableWithNestedTable(details);
const getTableDetailsFromRange = (rng, isRoot) => {
const startTable = getTable$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot);
const endTable = getTable$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot);
const isStartInTable = startTable.isSome();
const isEndInTable = endTable.isSome();
const isSameTable = lift2(startTable, endTable, eq).getOr(false);
const isMultiTable = !isSameTable && isStartInTable && isEndInTable;
return adjustQuirksInDetails({
const tableCellRng = (start, end) => ({
const tableSelection = (rng, table, cells) => ({
const deleteAction = Adt.generate([
singleCellTable: [
{ fullTable: ['table'] },
partialTable: [
multiTable: [
const getClosestCell$1 = (container, isRoot) => closest$3(SugarElement.fromDom(container), 'td,th', isRoot);
const isExpandedCellRng = cellRng => !eq(cellRng.start, cellRng.end);
const getTableFromCellRng = (cellRng, isRoot) => getClosestTable(cellRng.start, isRoot).bind(startParentTable => getClosestTable(cellRng.end, isRoot).bind(endParentTable => someIf(eq(startParentTable, endParentTable), startParentTable)));
const isSingleCellTable = (cellRng, isRoot) => !isExpandedCellRng(cellRng) && getTableFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot).exists(table => {
const rows = table.dom.rows;
return rows.length === 1 && rows[0].cells.length === 1;
const getCellRng = (rng, isRoot) => {
const startCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot);
const endCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot);
return lift2(startCell, endCell, tableCellRng);
const getCellRangeFromStartTable = isRoot => startCell => getClosestTable(startCell, isRoot).bind(table => last$3(getTableCells(table)).map(endCell => tableCellRng(startCell, endCell)));
const getCellRangeFromEndTable = isRoot => endCell => getClosestTable(endCell, isRoot).bind(table => head(getTableCells(table)).map(startCell => tableCellRng(startCell, endCell)));
const getTableSelectionFromCellRng = isRoot => cellRng => getTableFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot).map(table => tableSelection(cellRng, table, getTableCells(table)));
const getTableSelections = (cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot) => {
if (rng.collapsed || !cellRng.forall(isExpandedCellRng)) {
return Optional.none();
} else if (selectionDetails.isSameTable) {
const sameTableSelection = cellRng.bind(getTableSelectionFromCellRng(isRoot));
return Optional.some({
start: sameTableSelection,
end: sameTableSelection
} else {
const startCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot);
const endCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot);
const startTableSelection = startCell.bind(getCellRangeFromStartTable(isRoot)).bind(getTableSelectionFromCellRng(isRoot));
const endTableSelection = endCell.bind(getCellRangeFromEndTable(isRoot)).bind(getTableSelectionFromCellRng(isRoot));
return Optional.some({
start: startTableSelection,
end: endTableSelection
const getCellIndex = (cells, cell) => findIndex$2(cells, x => eq(x, cell));
const getSelectedCells = tableSelection => lift2(getCellIndex(tableSelection.cells, tableSelection.rng.start), getCellIndex(tableSelection.cells, tableSelection.rng.end), (startIndex, endIndex) => tableSelection.cells.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1));
const isSingleCellTableContentSelected = (optCellRng, rng, isRoot) => optCellRng.exists(cellRng => isSingleCellTable(cellRng, isRoot) && hasAllContentsSelected(cellRng.start, rng));
const unselectCells = (rng, selectionDetails) => {
const {startTable, endTable} = selectionDetails;
const otherContentRng = rng.cloneRange();
startTable.each(table => otherContentRng.setStartAfter(table.dom));
endTable.each(table => otherContentRng.setEndBefore(table.dom));
return otherContentRng;
const handleSingleTable = (cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot) => getTableSelections(cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot).bind(({start, end}) => start.or(end)).bind(tableSelection => {
const {isSameTable} = selectionDetails;
const selectedCells = getSelectedCells(tableSelection).getOr([]);
if (isSameTable && tableSelection.cells.length === selectedCells.length) {
return Optional.some(deleteAction.fullTable(tableSelection.table));
} else if (selectedCells.length > 0) {
if (isSameTable) {
return Optional.some(deleteAction.partialTable(selectedCells, Optional.none()));
} else {
const otherContentRng = unselectCells(rng, selectionDetails);
return Optional.some(deleteAction.partialTable(selectedCells, Optional.some({
rng: otherContentRng
} else {
return Optional.none();
const handleMultiTable = (cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot) => getTableSelections(cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot).bind(({start, end}) => {
const startTableSelectedCells = start.bind(getSelectedCells).getOr([]);
const endTableSelectedCells = end.bind(getSelectedCells).getOr([]);
if (startTableSelectedCells.length > 0 && endTableSelectedCells.length > 0) {
const otherContentRng = unselectCells(rng, selectionDetails);
return Optional.some(deleteAction.multiTable(startTableSelectedCells, endTableSelectedCells, otherContentRng));
} else {
return Optional.none();
const getActionFromRange = (root, rng) => {
const isRoot = isRootFromElement(root);
const optCellRng = getCellRng(rng, isRoot);
const selectionDetails = getTableDetailsFromRange(rng, isRoot);
if (isSingleCellTableContentSelected(optCellRng, rng, isRoot)) {
return optCellRng.map(cellRng => deleteAction.singleCellTable(rng, cellRng.start));
} else if (selectionDetails.isMultiTable) {
return handleMultiTable(optCellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot);
} else {
return handleSingleTable(optCellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot);
const cleanCells = cells => each$e(cells, cell => {
remove$a(cell, 'contenteditable');
const getOutsideBlock = (editor, container) => Optional.from(editor.dom.getParent(container, editor.dom.isBlock)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
const handleEmptyBlock = (editor, startInTable, emptyBlock) => {
emptyBlock.each(block => {
if (startInTable) {
} else {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation(block.dom, 0);
const deleteContentInsideCell = (editor, cell, rng, isFirstCellInSelection) => {
const insideTableRng = rng.cloneRange();
if (isFirstCellInSelection) {
insideTableRng.setStart(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
} else {
insideTableRng.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
deleteCellContents(editor, insideTableRng, cell, false).each(action => action());
const collapseAndRestoreCellSelection = editor => {
const selectedCells = getCellsFromEditor(editor);
const selectedNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode());
if (isTableCell$3(selectedNode.dom) && isEmpty$2(selectedNode)) {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation(selectedNode.dom, 0);
} else {
if (selectedCells.length > 1 && exists(selectedCells, cell => eq(cell, selectedNode))) {
set$3(selectedNode, 'data-mce-selected', '1');
const emptySingleTableCells = (editor, cells, outsideDetails) => Optional.some(() => {
const editorRng = editor.selection.getRng();
const cellsToClean = outsideDetails.bind(({rng, isStartInTable}) => {
const outsideBlock = getOutsideBlock(editor, isStartInTable ? rng.endContainer : rng.startContainer);
handleEmptyBlock(editor, isStartInTable, outsideBlock.filter(isEmpty$2));
const endPointCell = isStartInTable ? cells[0] : cells[cells.length - 1];
deleteContentInsideCell(editor, endPointCell, editorRng, isStartInTable);
if (!isEmpty$2(endPointCell)) {
return Optional.some(isStartInTable ? cells.slice(1) : cells.slice(0, -1));
} else {
return Optional.none();
const emptyMultiTableCells = (editor, startTableCells, endTableCells, betweenRng) => Optional.some(() => {
const rng = editor.selection.getRng();
const startCell = startTableCells[0];
const endCell = endTableCells[endTableCells.length - 1];
deleteContentInsideCell(editor, startCell, rng, true);
deleteContentInsideCell(editor, endCell, rng, false);
const startTableCellsToClean = isEmpty$2(startCell) ? startTableCells : startTableCells.slice(1);
const endTableCellsToClean = isEmpty$2(endCell) ? endTableCells : endTableCells.slice(0, -1);
const deleteCellContents = (editor, rng, cell, moveSelection = true) => Optional.some(() => {
deleteRangeContents(editor, rng, cell, moveSelection);
const deleteTableElement = (editor, table) => Optional.some(() => deleteElement$2(editor, false, table));
const deleteCellRange = (editor, rootElm, rng) => getActionFromRange(rootElm, rng).bind(action => action.fold(curry(deleteCellContents, editor), curry(deleteTableElement, editor), curry(emptySingleTableCells, editor), curry(emptyMultiTableCells, editor)));
const deleteCaptionRange = (editor, caption) => emptyElement(editor, caption);
const deleteTableRange = (editor, rootElm, rng, startElm) => getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold(() => deleteCellRange(editor, rootElm, rng), caption => deleteCaptionRange(editor, caption));
const deleteRange$3 = (editor, startElm, selectedCells) => {
const rootNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
const rng = editor.selection.getRng();
return selectedCells.length !== 0 ? emptySingleTableCells(editor, selectedCells, Optional.none()) : deleteTableRange(editor, rootNode, rng, startElm);
const getParentCell = (rootElm, elm) => find$2(parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), isTableCell$2);
const getParentCaption = (rootElm, elm) => find$2(parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), isTag('caption'));
const deleteBetweenCells = (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from) => navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(to => getParentCell(rootElm, SugarElement.fromDom(to.getNode())).bind(toCell => eq(toCell, fromCell) ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(noop)));
const emptyElement = (editor, elm) => Optional.some(() => {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation(elm.dom, 0);
const isDeleteOfLastCharPos = (fromCaption, forward, from, to) => firstPositionIn(fromCaption.dom).bind(first => lastPositionIn(fromCaption.dom).map(last => forward ? from.isEqual(first) && to.isEqual(last) : from.isEqual(last) && to.isEqual(first))).getOr(true);
const emptyCaretCaption = (editor, elm) => emptyElement(editor, elm);
const validateCaretCaption = (rootElm, fromCaption, to) => getParentCaption(rootElm, SugarElement.fromDom(to.getNode())).fold(() => Optional.some(noop), toCaption => someIf(!eq(toCaption, fromCaption), noop));
const deleteCaretInsideCaption = (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from) => navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).fold(() => Optional.some(noop), to => isDeleteOfLastCharPos(fromCaption, forward, from, to) ? emptyCaretCaption(editor, fromCaption) : validateCaretCaption(rootElm, fromCaption, to));
const deleteCaretCells = (editor, forward, rootElm, startElm) => {
const from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
return getParentCell(rootElm, startElm).bind(fromCell => isEmpty$2(fromCell) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCell) : deleteBetweenCells(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from));
const deleteCaretCaption = (editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption) => {
const from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
return isEmpty$2(fromCaption) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCaption) : deleteCaretInsideCaption(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from);
const isNearTable = (forward, pos) => forward ? isBeforeTable(pos) : isAfterTable(pos);
const isBeforeOrAfterTable = (editor, forward) => {
const fromPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
return isNearTable(forward, fromPos) || fromPosition(forward, editor.getBody(), fromPos).exists(pos => isNearTable(forward, pos));
const deleteCaret$3 = (editor, forward, startElm) => {
const rootElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold(() => deleteCaretCells(editor, forward, rootElm, startElm).orThunk(() => someIf(isBeforeOrAfterTable(editor, forward), noop)), fromCaption => deleteCaretCaption(editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption));
const backspaceDelete$a = (editor, forward) => {
const startElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart(true));
const cells = getCellsFromEditor(editor);
return editor.selection.isCollapsed() && cells.length === 0 ? deleteCaret$3(editor, forward, startElm) : deleteRange$3(editor, startElm, cells);
const getContentEditableRoot$1 = (root, node) => {
let tempNode = node;
while (tempNode && tempNode !== root) {
if (isContentEditableTrue$3(tempNode) || isContentEditableFalse$b(tempNode)) {
return tempNode;
tempNode = tempNode.parentNode;
return null;
const internalAttributesPrefixes = [
const each$9 = Tools.each;
const ElementUtils = editor => {
const dom = editor.dom;
const internalAttributes = new Set(editor.serializer.getTempAttrs());
const compare = (node1, node2) => {
if (node1.nodeName !== node2.nodeName || node1.nodeType !== node2.nodeType) {
return false;
const getAttribs = node => {
const attribs = {};
each$9(dom.getAttribs(node), attr => {
const name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (name !== 'style' && !isAttributeInternal(name)) {
attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
return attribs;
const compareObjects = (obj1, obj2) => {
for (const name in obj1) {
if (has$2(obj1, name)) {
const value = obj2[name];
if (isUndefined(value)) {
return false;
if (obj1[name] !== value) {
return false;
delete obj2[name];
for (const name in obj2) {
if (has$2(obj2, name)) {
return false;
return true;
if (isElement$6(node1) && isElement$6(node2)) {
if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2))) {
return false;
if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style')))) {
return false;
return !isBookmarkNode$1(node1) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node2);
const isAttributeInternal = attributeName => exists(internalAttributesPrefixes, value => startsWith(attributeName, value)) || internalAttributes.has(attributeName);
return {
const isHeading = node => [
const isSummary = node => node.name === 'summary';
const traverse = (root, fn) => {
let node = root;
while (node = node.walk()) {
const matchNode$1 = (nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node, matches) => {
const name = node.name;
for (let ni = 0, nl = nodeFilters.length; ni < nl; ni++) {
const filter = nodeFilters[ni];
if (filter.name === name) {
const match = matches.nodes[name];
if (match) {
} else {
matches.nodes[name] = {
nodes: [node]
if (node.attributes) {
for (let ai = 0, al = attributeFilters.length; ai < al; ai++) {
const filter = attributeFilters[ai];
const attrName = filter.name;
if (attrName in node.attributes.map) {
const match = matches.attributes[attrName];
if (match) {
} else {
matches.attributes[attrName] = {
nodes: [node]
const findMatchingNodes = (nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node) => {
const matches = {
nodes: {},
attributes: {}
if (node.firstChild) {
traverse(node, childNode => {
matchNode$1(nodeFilters, attributeFilters, childNode, matches);
return matches;
const runFilters = (matches, args) => {
const run = (matchRecord, filteringAttributes) => {
each$d(matchRecord, match => {
const nodes = from(match.nodes);
each$e(match.filter.callbacks, callback => {
for (let i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const node = nodes[i];
const valueMatches = filteringAttributes ? node.attr(match.filter.name) !== undefined : node.name === match.filter.name;
if (!valueMatches || isNullable(node.parent)) {
nodes.splice(i, 1);
if (nodes.length > 0) {
callback(nodes, match.filter.name, args);
run(matches.nodes, false);
run(matches.attributes, true);
const filter$2 = (nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node, args = {}) => {
const matches = findMatchingNodes(nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node);
runFilters(matches, args);
const paddEmptyNode = (settings, args, isBlock, node) => {
const brPreferred = settings.pad_empty_with_br || args.insert;
if (brPreferred && isBlock(node)) {
const astNode = new AstNode('br', 1);
if (args.insert) {
astNode.attr('data-mce-bogus', '1');
} else {
node.empty().append(new AstNode('#text', 3)).value = nbsp;
const isPaddedWithNbsp = node => {
var _a;
return hasOnlyChild(node, '#text') && ((_a = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.firstChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) === nbsp;
const hasOnlyChild = (node, name) => {
const firstChild = node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.firstChild;
return isNonNullable(firstChild) && firstChild === node.lastChild && firstChild.name === name;
const isPadded = (schema, node) => {
const rule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
return (rule === null || rule === void 0 ? void 0 : rule.paddEmpty) === true;
const isEmpty = (schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, node) => node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, node => isPadded(schema, node));
const isLineBreakNode = (node, isBlock) => isNonNullable(node) && (isBlock(node) || node.name === 'br');
const findClosestEditingHost = scope => {
let editableNode;
for (let node = scope; node; node = node.parent) {
const contentEditable = node.attr('contenteditable');
if (contentEditable === 'false') {
} else if (contentEditable === 'true') {
editableNode = node;
return Optional.from(editableNode);
const removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode = (node, schema, originalNodeParent = node.parent) => {
if (schema.getSpecialElements()[node.name]) {
} else {
const children = node.children();
for (const childNode of children) {
if (originalNodeParent && !schema.isValidChild(originalNodeParent.name, childNode.name)) {
removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode(childNode, schema, originalNodeParent);
const cleanInvalidNodes = (nodes, schema, rootNode, onCreate = noop) => {
const textBlockElements = schema.getTextBlockElements();
const nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
const whitespaceElements = schema.getWhitespaceElements();
const nonSplittableElements = Tools.makeMap('tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table,summary');
const fixed = new Set();
const isSplittableElement = node => node !== rootNode && !nonSplittableElements[node.name];
for (let ni = 0; ni < nodes.length; ni++) {
const node = nodes[ni];
let parent;
let newParent;
let tempNode;
if (!node.parent || fixed.has(node)) {
if (textBlockElements[node.name] && node.parent.name === 'li') {
let sibling = node.next;
while (sibling) {
if (textBlockElements[sibling.name]) {
sibling.name = 'li';
node.parent.insert(sibling, node.parent);
} else {
sibling = sibling.next;
const parents = [node];
for (parent = node.parent; parent && !schema.isValidChild(parent.name, node.name) && isSplittableElement(parent); parent = parent.parent) {
if (parent && parents.length > 1) {
if (!isInvalid(schema, node, parent)) {
newParent = parents[0].clone();
let currentNode = newParent;
for (let i = 0; i < parents.length - 1; i++) {
if (schema.isValidChild(currentNode.name, parents[i].name) && i > 0) {
tempNode = parents[i].clone();
} else {
tempNode = currentNode;
for (let childNode = parents[i].firstChild; childNode && childNode !== parents[i + 1];) {
const nextNode = childNode.next;
childNode = nextNode;
currentNode = tempNode;
if (!isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, newParent)) {
parent.insert(newParent, parents[0], true);
parent.insert(node, newParent);
} else {
parent.insert(node, parents[0], true);
parent = parents[0];
if (isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, parent) || hasOnlyChild(parent, 'br')) {
} else {
removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode(node, schema);
} else if (node.parent) {
if (node.name === 'li') {
let sibling = node.prev;
if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ol')) {
sibling = node.next;
if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ol') && sibling.firstChild) {
sibling.insert(node, sibling.firstChild, true);
const wrapper = new AstNode('ul', 1);
if (schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'div') && schema.isValidChild('div', node.name)) {
const wrapper = new AstNode('div', 1);
} else {
removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode(node, schema);
const hasClosest = (node, parentName) => {
let tempNode = node;
while (tempNode) {
if (tempNode.name === parentName) {
return true;
tempNode = tempNode.parent;
return false;
const isInvalid = (schema, node, parent = node.parent) => {
if (!parent) {
return false;
if (schema.children[node.name] && !schema.isValidChild(parent.name, node.name)) {
return true;
if (node.name === 'a' && hasClosest(parent, 'a')) {
return true;
if (isSummary(parent) && isHeading(node)) {
return !((parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.firstChild) === node && (parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.lastChild) === node);
return false;
const createRange = (sc, so, ec, eo) => {
const rng = document.createRange();
rng.setStart(sc, so);
rng.setEnd(ec, eo);
return rng;
const normalizeBlockSelectionRange = rng => {
const startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
const endPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng);
const rootNode = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
return fromPosition(false, rootNode, endPos).map(newEndPos => {
if (!isInSameBlock(startPos, endPos, rootNode) && isInSameBlock(startPos, newEndPos, rootNode)) {
return createRange(startPos.container(), startPos.offset(), newEndPos.container(), newEndPos.offset());
} else {
return rng;
const normalize = rng => rng.collapsed ? rng : normalizeBlockSelectionRange(rng);
const hasOnlyOneChild$1 = node => {
return isNonNullable(node.firstChild) && node.firstChild === node.lastChild;
const isPaddingNode = node => {
return node.name === 'br' || node.value === nbsp;
const isPaddedEmptyBlock = (schema, node) => {
const blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
return blockElements[node.name] && hasOnlyOneChild$1(node) && isPaddingNode(node.firstChild);
const isEmptyFragmentElement = (schema, node) => {
const nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
return isNonNullable(node) && (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) || isPaddedEmptyBlock(schema, node));
const isListFragment = (schema, fragment) => {
let firstChild = fragment.firstChild;
let lastChild = fragment.lastChild;
if (firstChild && firstChild.name === 'meta') {
firstChild = firstChild.next;
if (lastChild && lastChild.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') {
lastChild = lastChild.prev;
if (isEmptyFragmentElement(schema, lastChild)) {
lastChild = lastChild === null || lastChild === void 0 ? void 0 : lastChild.prev;
if (!firstChild || firstChild !== lastChild) {
return false;
return firstChild.name === 'ul' || firstChild.name === 'ol';
const cleanupDomFragment = domFragment => {
var _a, _b;
const firstChild = domFragment.firstChild;
const lastChild = domFragment.lastChild;
if (firstChild && firstChild.nodeName === 'META') {
(_a = firstChild.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(firstChild);
if (lastChild && lastChild.id === 'mce_marker') {
(_b = lastChild.parentNode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.removeChild(lastChild);
return domFragment;
const toDomFragment = (dom, serializer, fragment) => {
const html = serializer.serialize(fragment);
const domFragment = dom.createFragment(html);
return cleanupDomFragment(domFragment);
const listItems = elm => {
var _a;
return filter$5((_a = elm === null || elm === void 0 ? void 0 : elm.childNodes) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], child => {
return child.nodeName === 'LI';
const isPadding = node => {
return node.data === nbsp || isBr$6(node);
const isListItemPadded = node => {
return isNonNullable(node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.firstChild) && node.firstChild === node.lastChild && isPadding(node.firstChild);
const isEmptyOrPadded = elm => {
return !elm.firstChild || isListItemPadded(elm);
const trimListItems = elms => {
return elms.length > 0 && isEmptyOrPadded(elms[elms.length - 1]) ? elms.slice(0, -1) : elms;
const getParentLi = (dom, node) => {
const parentBlock = dom.getParent(node, dom.isBlock);
return parentBlock && parentBlock.nodeName === 'LI' ? parentBlock : null;
const isParentBlockLi = (dom, node) => {
return !!getParentLi(dom, node);
const getSplit = (parentNode, rng) => {
const beforeRng = rng.cloneRange();
const afterRng = rng.cloneRange();
return [
const findFirstIn = (node, rootNode) => {
const caretPos = CaretPosition.before(node);
const caretWalker = CaretWalker(rootNode);
const newCaretPos = caretWalker.next(caretPos);
return newCaretPos ? newCaretPos.toRange() : null;
const findLastOf = (node, rootNode) => {
const caretPos = CaretPosition.after(node);
const caretWalker = CaretWalker(rootNode);
const newCaretPos = caretWalker.prev(caretPos);
return newCaretPos ? newCaretPos.toRange() : null;
const insertMiddle = (target, elms, rootNode, rng) => {
const parts = getSplit(target, rng);
const parentElm = target.parentNode;
if (parentElm) {
parentElm.insertBefore(parts[0], target);
Tools.each(elms, li => {
parentElm.insertBefore(li, target);
parentElm.insertBefore(parts[1], target);
return findLastOf(elms[elms.length - 1], rootNode);
const insertBefore$2 = (target, elms, rootNode) => {
const parentElm = target.parentNode;
if (parentElm) {
Tools.each(elms, elm => {
parentElm.insertBefore(elm, target);
return findFirstIn(target, rootNode);
const insertAfter$2 = (target, elms, rootNode, dom) => {
dom.insertAfter(elms.reverse(), target);
return findLastOf(elms[0], rootNode);
const insertAtCaret$1 = (serializer, dom, rng, fragment) => {
const domFragment = toDomFragment(dom, serializer, fragment);
const liTarget = getParentLi(dom, rng.startContainer);
const liElms = trimListItems(listItems(domFragment.firstChild));
const BEGINNING = 1, END = 2;
const rootNode = dom.getRoot();
const isAt = location => {
const caretPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
const caretWalker = CaretWalker(dom.getRoot());
const newPos = location === BEGINNING ? caretWalker.prev(caretPos) : caretWalker.next(caretPos);
const newPosNode = newPos === null || newPos === void 0 ? void 0 : newPos.getNode();
return newPosNode ? getParentLi(dom, newPosNode) !== liTarget : true;
if (!liTarget) {
return null;
} else if (isAt(BEGINNING)) {
return insertBefore$2(liTarget, liElms, rootNode);
} else if (isAt(END)) {
return insertAfter$2(liTarget, liElms, rootNode, dom);
} else {
return insertMiddle(liTarget, liElms, rootNode, rng);
const mergeableWrappedElements = ['pre'];
const shouldPasteContentOnly = (dom, fragment, parentNode, root) => {
var _a;
const firstNode = fragment.firstChild;
const lastNode = fragment.lastChild;
const last = lastNode.attr('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark' ? lastNode.prev : lastNode;
const isPastingSingleElement = firstNode === last;
const isWrappedElement = contains$2(mergeableWrappedElements, firstNode.name);
if (isPastingSingleElement && isWrappedElement) {
const isContentEditable = firstNode.attr('contenteditable') !== 'false';
const isPastingInTheSameBlockTag = ((_a = dom.getParent(parentNode, dom.isBlock)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === firstNode.name;
const isPastingInContentEditable = Optional.from(getContentEditableRoot$1(root, parentNode)).forall(isContentEditableTrue$3);
return isContentEditable && isPastingInTheSameBlockTag && isPastingInContentEditable;
} else {
return false;
const isTableCell = isTableCell$3;
const isTableCellContentSelected = (dom, rng, cell) => {
if (isNonNullable(cell)) {
const endCell = dom.getParent(rng.endContainer, isTableCell);
return cell === endCell && hasAllContentsSelected(SugarElement.fromDom(cell), rng);
} else {
return false;
const validInsertion = (editor, value, parentNode) => {
var _a;
if (parentNode.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all') {
(_a = parentNode.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insertBefore(editor.dom.createFragment(value), parentNode);
} else {
const node = parentNode.firstChild;
const node2 = parentNode.lastChild;
if (!node || node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR') {
editor.dom.setHTML(parentNode, value);
} else {
editor.selection.setContent(value, { no_events: true });
const trimBrsFromTableCell = (dom, elm, schema) => {
Optional.from(dom.getParent(elm, 'td,th')).map(SugarElement.fromDom).each(el => trimBlockTrailingBr(el, schema));
const reduceInlineTextElements = (editor, merge) => {
const textInlineElements = editor.schema.getTextInlineElements();
const dom = editor.dom;
if (merge) {
const root = editor.getBody();
const elementUtils = ElementUtils(editor);
Tools.each(dom.select('*[data-mce-fragment]'), node => {
const isInline = isNonNullable(textInlineElements[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]);
if (isInline && hasInheritableStyles(dom, node)) {
for (let parentNode = node.parentElement; isNonNullable(parentNode) && parentNode !== root; parentNode = parentNode.parentElement) {
const styleConflict = hasStyleConflict(dom, node, parentNode);
if (styleConflict) {
if (elementUtils.compare(parentNode, node)) {
dom.remove(node, true);
const markFragmentElements = fragment => {
let node = fragment;
while (node = node.walk()) {
if (node.type === 1) {
node.attr('data-mce-fragment', '1');
const unmarkFragmentElements = elm => {
Tools.each(elm.getElementsByTagName('*'), elm => {
const isPartOfFragment = node => {
return !!node.getAttribute('data-mce-fragment');
const canHaveChildren = (editor, node) => {
return isNonNullable(node) && !editor.schema.getVoidElements()[node.nodeName];
const moveSelectionToMarker = (editor, marker) => {
var _a, _b, _c;
let nextRng;
const dom = editor.dom;
const selection = editor.selection;
if (!marker) {
const parentEditableElm = getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), marker);
if (parentEditableElm && dom.getContentEditable(parentEditableElm) === 'false') {
let rng = dom.createRng();
const node = marker.previousSibling;
if (isText$a(node)) {
rng.setStart(node, (_b = (_a = node.nodeValue) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0);
const node2 = marker.nextSibling;
if (isText$a(node2)) {
(_c = node2.parentNode) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.removeChild(node2);
} else {
const findNextCaretRng = rng => {
let caretPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
const caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody());
caretPos = caretWalker.next(caretPos);
return caretPos === null || caretPos === void 0 ? void 0 : caretPos.toRange();
const parentBlock = dom.getParent(marker, dom.isBlock);
if (parentBlock && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
const isCell = isTableCell(parentBlock);
rng.setStart(parentBlock, 0);
rng.setEnd(parentBlock, 0);
if (!isCell && !isPartOfFragment(parentBlock) && (nextRng = findNextCaretRng(rng))) {
rng = nextRng;
} else {
dom.add(parentBlock, dom.create('br', isCell ? {} : { 'data-mce-bogus': '1' }));
const deleteSelectedContent = editor => {
const dom = editor.dom;
const rng = normalize(editor.selection.getRng());
const startCell = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, isTableCell);
if (isTableCellContentSelected(dom, rng, startCell)) {
deleteCellContents(editor, rng, SugarElement.fromDom(startCell));
} else if (rng.startContainer === rng.endContainer && rng.endOffset - rng.startOffset === 1 && isText$a(rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset])) {
} else {
editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false);
const findMarkerNode = scope => {
for (let markerNode = scope; markerNode; markerNode = markerNode.walk()) {
if (markerNode.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') {
return Optional.some(markerNode);
return Optional.none();
const notHeadingsInSummary = (dom, node, fragment) => {
var _a;
return exists(fragment.children(), isHeading) && ((_a = dom.getParent(node, dom.isBlock)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeName) === 'SUMMARY';
const insertHtmlAtCaret = (editor, value, details) => {
var _a, _b;
const selection = editor.selection;
const dom = editor.dom;
const parser = editor.parser;
const merge = details.merge;
const serializer = HtmlSerializer({ validate: true }, editor.schema);
const bookmarkHtml = '';
if (!details.preserve_zwsp) {
value = trim$2(value);
if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') === -1) {
value += '{$caret}';
value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml);
let rng = selection.getRng();
const caretElement = rng.startContainer;
const body = editor.getBody();
if (caretElement === body && selection.isCollapsed()) {
if (dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) && canHaveChildren(editor, body.firstChild) && dom.isEmpty(body.firstChild)) {
rng = dom.createRng();
rng.setStart(body.firstChild, 0);
rng.setEnd(body.firstChild, 0);
if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
const parentNode = selection.getNode();
const parserArgs = {
context: parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
data: details.data,
insert: true
const fragment = parser.parse(value, parserArgs);
if (details.paste === true && isListFragment(editor.schema, fragment) && isParentBlockLi(dom, parentNode)) {
rng = insertAtCaret$1(serializer, dom, selection.getRng(), fragment);
if (rng) {
return value;
if (details.paste === true && shouldPasteContentOnly(dom, fragment, parentNode, editor.getBody())) {
(_a = fragment.firstChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unwrap();
let node = fragment.lastChild;
if (node && node.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') {
const marker = node;
for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) {
if (node.type === 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) {
if (node.parent && editor.schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'span')) {
node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br');
if (!parserArgs.invalid && !notHeadingsInSummary(dom, parentNode, fragment)) {
value = serializer.serialize(fragment);
validInsertion(editor, value, parentNode);
} else {
let parentNode = selection.getNode();
let tempNode;
const rootNode = editor.getBody();
if (isDocument$1(parentNode)) {
parentNode = tempNode = rootNode;
} else {
tempNode = parentNode;
while (tempNode && tempNode !== rootNode) {
parentNode = tempNode;
tempNode = tempNode.parentNode;
value = parentNode === rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode);
const root = parser.parse(value);
const markerNode = findMarkerNode(root);
const editingHost = markerNode.bind(findClosestEditingHost).getOr(root);
markerNode.each(marker => marker.replace(fragment));
const toExtract = fragment.children();
const parent = (_b = fragment.parent) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : root;
const invalidChildren = filter$5(toExtract, node => isInvalid(editor.schema, node, parent));
cleanInvalidNodes(invalidChildren, editor.schema, editingHost);
filter$2(parser.getNodeFilters(), parser.getAttributeFilters(), root);
value = serializer.serialize(root);
if (parentNode === rootNode) {
dom.setHTML(rootNode, value);
} else {
dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value);
reduceInlineTextElements(editor, merge);
moveSelectionToMarker(editor, dom.get('mce_marker'));
trimBrsFromTableCell(dom, selection.getStart(), editor.schema);
updateCaret(editor.schema, editor.getBody(), selection.getStart());
return value;
const isTreeNode = content => content instanceof AstNode;
const moveSelection = editor => {
if (hasFocus(editor)) {
firstPositionIn(editor.getBody()).each(pos => {
const node = pos.getNode();
const caretPos = isTable$2(node) ? firstPositionIn(node).getOr(pos) : pos;
const setEditorHtml = (editor, html, noSelection) => {
editor.dom.setHTML(editor.getBody(), html);
if (noSelection !== true) {
const setContentString = (editor, body, content, args) => {
content = trim$2(content);
if (content.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(content)) {
const padd = '
if (body.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
content = '